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Benefit of E-wallet

‘’Necessity is the mother of invention’’’ this golden saying rings so true. The
invention of the E-wallet is inextricably linked to provide humankind a smooth sailing
life. It is incontestable that the ‘scan-and-go’ shopping method has gradually become
sought-after in this 21th century. City dwellers hold E-wallet as a necessity since it
brings a myriad of merits to their life living in the bustling city. The million-dollar
question is ‘what are the advantages of using an e-wallet?’

To begin with, e-wallet transactions are more secure since they reduce
potential instances of fraud. To cite an example, e-wallet require a personal
verification code before payment, which indicates that pickpocket cannot steal the
money in your e-wallet although he has snatched your phone. Besides, data stored in
the virtual wallet is encrypted as actual account numbers are not transmitted during
the transaction. Hence, it is crystal clear that an e-wallet does not merely ensure your
assets but your personal safety.

Furthermore, digital wallets eliminate the need to carry cash and credit cards.
Gone are the hassle days of having to count your cash before paying and stuff the
change back to your wallet promptly while holding up the cashier line. In addition, the
phone is a proxy of your card. All transaction information is meticulously stored inside
the app including date, time and venue. It is an indisputable boon for financial-goal
oriented individuals to trace their expenditure.

Moreover, e-wallet provide consumers a better shopping experience that

traditional shopping methods simply cannot offer. Due to the e-wallet competitive
market, many of them offer a multitude of benefits to encourage usage. Notable
examples are instant cash back, reward points, e-coupons and vouchers. Ultimately,
consumers will save a wealth of money by using e-wallet as shopping tools. As the
maxim goes, a penny saved is a penny and earned.

During the covid-19 pandemic, the best way to contain the spreading of virus
was to avert unnecessary contact. In fact, e-wallet come handy in helping to alleviate
the spreading of contagious viruses. This is due to the fact that digital wallet is
contactless and less risky compared to cash and card. Ergo, using an e-wallet can be
considered as a protective behavior during the pandemic.

To sum it up, an e-wallet indeed brings a plethora of benefits to our bustling

life. Personally, I reckon that every Tom, Dick and Harry should sign up for an e-
wallet account in an attempt to jump on the bandwagon. It is undeniable that ewallet
help us to save ample time in our daily life. Time is priceless since an ounce of gold
will not buy an inch of time.

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