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Declamation: “A Glass of Cold Water”

Everybody calls me young, beautiful, wonderful. Am I? Look at my hair, my lips,

my red rosy cheeks and a pair of blinkering eyes.

I remember, somebody says that I look like my mother that I look like my mother.
But that when she was young.

Now, I am much lovelier than she is. I’m a mortal Venus. Oops! What time is it? I
must get ready for the party!

Beep-beep…!A-huh! Here they are! Yes, I’m coming!

"Child, are you still there?"

"Hmp! That’s my mama"

"Child, are you still there? Will you please get me a glass of cold water?"

"Mama, I’m in a hurry!"

"Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water."
"Mama, please, try to get it on your own."
"Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water!"

At the party, I danced and danced the whole night.

You see, I can’t leave the party at once. I have to danced with everybody who
proposed to me. At last, the party is over. I’m very tired. Very, very tired.

So, I went home to tell mama what happened.

"Mama, I’m home! It’s very quiet. "Mama, I’m home!" Nobody answers.

Where is she? I look for her in the sala, but she’s not there. Where is she? A-huh!
In the kitchen!

I saw my mama, lying down on the floor, dead. With a glass on her hand. I
remember, she tried to get it.

Oh, God, just for the glass of cold water! Mama! Mama! Oh, Mama!

Set me free. Let me live, I deserve to be born, I want to live. For heavens's
sake, have pity.

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear fathers and mothers, listen to my plea, listen to
my story. I could have been the 17th Lady President of the Philippines
Republic, had you given me the chance to live, had you not deprived me of
my life, had you not taken away my privilege to be born.

Some eleven years ago, a healthy ovum started to generate in the womb of
a woman with six other children. My coming should be a herald of joy, a
symbol of love incarnate but to my mommy it was a burden, a problem, an
additional mouth to feed. To Dad, it was a mistake, an effect of mom's
carelessness for not taking the contraceptive pills.

One gloomy day in June, my unexpected coming was confirmed. It was a

painful decision. I could sense the imminent danger as Mom got inside the
abortion room. I was an unwanted child. no one loved me. No one cared. I
was a rejected being, a tiny lump slowly forming into human being with
human soul. I was already beating and my thumb had already the unique
mark. As I was holding strongly to my mother's womb a splash of heat came
over me. I writhed in extreme pain.

-Mom, why have you done this to me? Am I not the flesh of your own flesh,
the blood of your own blood?

The rubber suction caught my tiny limbs and mercilessly twisted it slowly
cutting it from my body. I struggled for my life. 1,2,3 and the first part of
me came out.

-Mom, why have you permitted this? Am I not Dad's pledge of love to you?
Then it was followed by another rubber suction sucking the other part
moving it with force until both were fully amputated.

-Mom, why have you done this to me? Am I not God's image you promised
to love and protect? Then I felt shaken once, twice, several times until I do
not know anymore what has been going around. I gushed forth my
breath. . .

Then came the final blow, my head- the abortionist termed as No. I was
totally cut from my torso; total annihilation.

Gone is my chance to lead a healthy normal life.

Gone is my chance to behold the many lovely things God created for us

Gone is the promise of a blissful life.

Gone, gone forever.
The Lost Girl
by Dhang

I am a girl, young in heart and in mind… I am carefree, I enjoy doing nothing but play,play and
play…I seldom go to school but hmp! nobody cares! Instead,you will see me roaming around
standing at the nearby canto, or hanging around at the sari-sari store standing beside the
jukebox stand…

One day I asked I asked my mother to teach me how to behave,to live, and appreciate all the
beautiful things in life.

Would you like to know what she told me?

She said…

" Can’t you see, I have to hurry up for my majong session! "
So I turned to my father to console me. But what a wonderful world word he did tell me…

" Child, I have to finish my overtime work…Here’s 500 pesos, go and ask your teacher about
that question…"
Sadly,I attended my class… But I heard nothing but the echoing voice of my teacher,torturing
me with her words…

" Hey yo lazy girl! Why waste your time studying those things? When up to now you can’t even
multiply seven by nine? Go home and don’t bother me!!!"

I am lost…confused…I don’t know what to do with myself…

Where are my parents to guide me?

My teachers to give me inspirations?

My friends, when I play? I’m lazy and irresponsible.

When I try to study, I get punished for not being able to answer.

Where now…I’m confused…

Somebody, please help me…

You say that the world is beautiful, why is it treating me this way?

Hear me please!

Help me please!

Help me…

I am lost
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;

they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

A Simple Plan
Simple Sam was a simple man.
He lived each day by a simple plan.
Enjoy your life and live while you can.
Make each day count and take a stand.

Stand on the left or stand on the right,

Whichever one you think is right.
Live each day as if your last.
Life’s too short and gone too fast.
You Will Never See Me Fall
You may see me struggle,
but you won’t see me fall.
Regardless if I’m weak or not,
I’m going to stand tall.
Everyone says life is easy,
but truly living it is not.

Times get hard,

people struggle
and constantly get put on the spot.
I’m going to wear the biggest smile,
even though I want to cry.

I’m going to fight to live,

even though I’m destined to die.
And even though it’s hard
and I may struggle through it all,
you may see me struggle…
but you will NEVER see me fall.

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