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1. Penggunaan time signal

- Everyday (Simple Present Tense)
- Always (Smple Present Tense)
Ex: I eat apple everyday
My mom always goes to supermarket by bus
If we change into Simple Past Tense we have to change the time signal.
Ex: I ate apple last Sunday (yesterday, 2 days ago, last week, 3 days back)
My mom went to supermarket by bus yesterday

2. Penggunaan kata Workout =Noun

Ex: I work out everyday = X
Should be : I do work out….

3. Penggunaan to be ( Kalau sudah ada Verb tidak memakai to be lagi)

 = Ex : Robert sing a song

X = Robert was sang a song

Robert sings a song

Robert was happy (non verb)

ANA = Adjective, Noun and Adverb = Non Verb

4. Wake up and get up

- Wake up : membuka mata
- Get up : Bangun dari tempat tidur

5. Ex: I and my father… I and my friends….Me and my mother….

Should be : My Father and I, my friend and self, my mother and I….
6. Penulisan bulan dan tanggal:
Ex: October 23rd , 1990
September 21st , 1998
26th of August, 2001

7. Penggunaan nonverb dalam kalimat Simple Present dan Simple Past Tense
Simple Present tense:
Ex : I’m so happy for you
She is really stubborn
They are late
Simple Past Tense
Ex: I was so happy for you
She was really stubborn
They were late

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