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Our battle, our struggle, is to create art. Our weapon is the moving picture...

we are scientists
engaged in the creation of memory... but our memory will neither blur nor fade.” F.W.
MURNAU, diretor e produtor de filmes

“I should say that I was a visual person. I experience with my eyes and never, or rarely, with my my constant regret.” FRITZ LANG


Buster Keaton

Theater of the Absurd

physical comedy.

“He noticed his laughing would garner less laughs from the audience then when he had to stay

Sherlock Jr. and The General. – filme de keaton

Convict 13 – filme

There’s a clear distinction between the person we “root for” and the person we “root against”
Against the pretty simple plot, it makes the film a lot more enjoyable and funnier.

The Playhouse - Keaton


27/09/23 (10:10)
The 20 Movements (20M) are a series of movements devised by Jacques Lecoq and
taught at his school as a form of practice for the actor.

“Mais do que máquinas, precisamos de humanidade. Mais do que inteligência,

precisamos de afeição e doçura. Sem essas virtudes a vida será de violência e tudo
estará perdido.”

“O homem não morre quando deixa de viver, mas sim quando deixa de amar.”
Hannah Chaplin supported her family as a singer until she damaged her voice.
Despite harsh times, she’d dance or pantomime to bring the family joy no matter the
circumstances. “It was through watching her,” Charlie Chaplin says, “that I learned not
only how to express emotions with my hands and face but also how to observe and
study people.” (19/10
– 09:31)

His character urges the film’s heroine, Hannah—named after his mother—to “look up”
with hope for a brighter future.
(09:38 – 19/10)

Livro digital: “O pensamento humanitário de Charles Chaplin”

“Acima de tudo, conseguiu mostrar, de modo tão sutil, o pensamento, o sentimento e

a indignação das pessoas, as mais simples, as esquecidas, as que são
renegadas e abandonadas, como se nem humanas fossem.”

- Tema smile: piano, flauta, violino
A música faria sentido na cena da flor entre Hannah e Chaplin, ou na cena de perder
Charlie Chaplin developed a unique style of physical comedy through a combination of
techniques. Some of these include:

Slapstick: Chaplin used exaggerated physical movements and actions, such as falls and
pratfalls, to generate humor.
Mime: Chaplin was trained as a mime and often used gestures and expressions to
convey emotions and convey a sense of character without the need for dialogue.
Timing: Chaplin had a great sense of timing, knowing when to pause or hold a gesture
for comedic effect.
Body language: Chaplin used his body to convey character, often contorting it to convey
a sense of vulnerability or vulnerability.
Characterization: Chaplin's characters were often instantly recognizable and had
distinct personalities, which he conveyed through his body language, gestures and
facial expressions.
Gags: Chaplin was known for his inventive and imaginative gags, such as his iconic
"little tramp" character and his use of props. (artigo 27/12 18:03) (artigo 27/12 18:09) (artigo 27/12 18:16)
buster-keaton-inform-todays-comedies.html (artigo 27/12 18:24)

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