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Bach HC 23' Staging for Dummies

Everyone Gabe
Sit in Franck orchestral seating Plays the promenade theme before Lisa walks on

Franck finishes

Everyone except Strings People that aren’t in any small ens Chorale ppl
Split down the middle and get off with Leave instrument in Shostakovich Stand in Chorale position
their instruments position

Chorale finishes

Everyone else Roy and Horatio Chorale ppl

Move into Afonso position through Enter stage left, plays interlude. Joins Leave instrument in Shostakovich
whichever side is closer Afonso position after finishing position, move to Afonso

Afonso finishes

Everyone else Vincent and Chloe Fugue ppl

Get off stage right Go to play interlude, Enter through back organ door (whichever closer) into position
leaving stage left after

Fugue finishes

Everyone else Jazz ppl Fugue ppl
Keep quiet backstage After fugue applause, Leave with instruments through same doors
enter stage left

Jazz finishes

Everyone including Fugue ppl Leon Jazz ppl Fugue ppl

Enter from closest door (stage Bring double bass to Leave instrument in Bring instrument to leave at
R/L, 2 back organ doors, 2 Ave Verum position Shostakovich Shostakovich seats, move to Ave
upper gallery entrance) into position, then join Verum positions
Ave Verum position, humming Ave Verum position
first note

Ave Verum finishes

Everyone else Gabe

Move to Shostakovich position during applause Plays promenade theme during transition before Jonathan
walks on

Shostakovich finishes


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