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Name: ________________ Student Number: _____________

Question(s) needing attention: ________________

Faculty of Arts and Science
Departm ent of Physiology

2023 Fall PSL300H1-F-LEC0101 – Term Test 2

Duration: 50 minutes (25 questions total; 1 mark each)

*No aids allowed.



1. To ‘bubble in’ numbers and letters, it is best to use an HB pencil, in case you make an error.
Ballpoint pen cannot be erased. Do not make any stray marks on your scantron outside of boxes.
Make sure you fill in the ENTIRE CIRCLE.

2. Fill in all of the information in the box on the left-hand side of the form. Print clearly. In the
“FORM CODE” box on the scantron, indicate which “FORM” (A, B, C or D) is
indicated on the top of the first page of your test.

3. On the right-hand side of the form fill in your STUDENT NUM BER (the blocks first, then code
below). For a 9-digit student num ber, insert a ZERO in the FIRST box. Be very careful
to code your student number correctly.

4. On the BACK print in your LAST NAM E and GIVEN NAM E (print in block letters).
Sign the form beside “SIGNATURE”.

5. Complete your answer card BEFORE the end of the exam, as you go along. No extra time is given
at the end to transfer answers to the scantron.


Invigilators are not permitted to interpret questions to individual students. If you think that a question is
ambiguous, answer it as you understand it, then make a note at the top of this page (not your answer
card). If you do this, print and sign your name on your question book. Select the M OST correct or
M OST incorrect answer. Note spelling or typing errors do not make a statement

1. What is the function of the accessory reproductive organs?

a. secondary sex characteristics only
b. the secretion of sex hormones only
c. secretion of fluids into the reproductive tract only
d. both secretion of fluids into the reproductive tract and transport of gametes

2. A receptor potential is
a. an action potential.
b. a graded potential.
c. the resting membrane potential of a receptor cell.
d. always converted to an action potential in sensory receptor cells.

3. Fill in the blanks: ________ cells produce testosterone while ________ cells regulate sperm
a. Leydig, epididymal
b. Follicular, Leydig
c. Sertoli, Leydig
d. Leydig, Sertoli

4. What are the two hormones released in females in response to LH?

a. GnRH and GHRH
b. prolactin and oxytocin
c. estrogen and progesterone
d. androgens and estrogen

5. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the uterine cycle?

a. The secretory phase corresponds to the ovarian follicular phase
b. The proliferative phase corresponds to decreasing levels of estrogen
c. The secretory phase occurs within the same time frame as corpus luteum formation
d. The menstrual phase occurs within the same time frame as very high progesterone levels

6. For reading, a 60-year-old man holds the book farther away than when he was younger because
his _____ have become ____.
a. ciliary muscles : weaker
b. pupillary constrictor muscles : weaker
c. zonules : stiffer
d. ocular lenses : stiffer

7. Which of the following does NOT occur around the time of fertilization and implantation?
a. Degeneration of the corpus luteum.
b. The developing embryo becomes a blastocyst.
c. Mitosis occurs in the fallopian tube.
d. The cortical reaction occurs, preventing polyspermy.

8. Consider an off-center bipolar cell in the retina, and suppose the photoreceptors in the center of
its receptive field are all hyperpolarized, while in the surround half the photoreceptors are
hyperpolarized and the others are depolarized. This bipolar cell will be…
a. at or near its resting potential.
b. depolarized.
c. hyperpolarized.
d. more likely to fire an action potential than it would be in complete darkness.

9. When allowed to develop, the Müllerian ducts become the

a. fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina.
b. distal vagina, clitoris, and labia.
c. epididymis, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles.
d. fallopian tubes, uterus, upper vagina, distal vagina, clitoris, and labia.

10. During sex differentiation, the presence of what stimulates the development of the Wolffian
a. testosterone
b. progesterone
c. estrogen
d. inhibin

11. Moving upward from the spinal cord, you would meet these structures in which order?
a. midbrain, diencephalon, pons
b. diencephalon, midbrain, pons
c. diencephalon, pons, midbrain
d. pons, midbrain, diencephalon

12. Which of the following is true regarding the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis?

a. The anterior pituitary releases at least six different hormones
b. The hypothalamic hormones travel through the systemic circulation in the blood before they
reach their target
c. The posterior pituitary synthesizes its own hormones
d. The anterior and posterior pituitary are the same endocrine gland

13. In the past, in cases of severe epilepsy, surgeons sometimes deliberately damaged a certain
structure to prevent the abnormal cortical activity of an epileptic seizure from spreading from
one cerebral hemisphere to the other. Based on your knowledge of CNS structure and function,
choose one of the following as the most likely structure.
a. brainstem
b. midbrain
c. temporal lobe
d. corpus callosum

14. In a spinal reflex, the neural signals pass through these structures in what order?
a. ventral root, ventral horn, dorsal horn, dorsal root
b. dorsal root, dorsal horn, ventral horn, ventral root
c. ventral horn, ventral root, dorsal root, dorsal horn
d. dorsal horn, dorsal root, ventral root, ventral horn

15. When the brain sends ___ signals to the iris, they cause ___.
a. sympathetic : pupillary constriction
b. sympathetic : improved focus of near objects
c. parasympathetic : increased depth of field
d. parasympathetic : reduced tension in the zonules

16. Processing in the retina condenses the information on millions of photoreceptors down to just
one million fibers in the optic nerve. A major mechanism it uses for this purpose is…
a. labeled lines.
b. lateral inhibition.
c. population coding of intensity.
d. frequency coding.

17. If a person’s diet is low in iodine, what can potentially happen?

a. Reduced levels of TRH
b. Increased levels of thyroid hormones
c. Increased levels of TSH
d. Reduced levels of TSH

18. The weakest stimulus a sensory receptor will respond to is called its
a. adequate stimulus.
b. threshold.
c. receptor potential.
d. graded potential.

19. When is the second polar body produced?

a. following meiosis II in females
b. following meiosis I in males
c. following meiosis I in females
d. following meiosis II in males

20. The most useful visual ability that is made possible by refraction is
a. achieving a narrow depth of field.
b. achieving a wide depth of field.
c. seeing fine details in dim light.
d. seeing fine details in bright light.

21. If the transmission of action potentials were blocked in the optic tract on the right side, then
vision would be impaired in the
a. left visual hemifield of both eyes.
b. right eye but not the left eye.
c. left eye but not the right eye.
d. right visual hemifield of both eyes.

22. The cones of the retina

a. are more sensitive than the rods.
b. operate best in dim light.
c. detect light using the visual pigment rhodopsin.
d. are most densely packed in the fovea.

23. Those neurons in V1 that receive projections from the fovea are
a. distributed roughly evenly through V1.
b. mainly in a central region of V1.
c. mainly in the periphery of V1.
d. mostly cones.

24. Fill in the blanks: In children, the epiphyseal plate is composed of ________, which plays an
important role in the ________ during growth.
a. cartilage; elongation of bone
b. osteoblasts ; thickening of bone
c. bone marrow ; thickening of bone
d. bone marrow ; elongation of bone

25. What is common in both XX and XY gametogenesis?

a. They both produce polar bodies.
b. They both begin meiosis as embryos.
c. They both undergo mitosis as embryos.
d. They both undergo gametogenesis throughout their lives, into elderly years.

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