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Goodluck on the final!!!

- ola 🙂
Motor, ANS & Muscle lecture material (part 1)
1) Which of the following is the correct order of somatic reflexes from fastest to slowest?
a)Stretch reflex, Flexion withdrawal reflex, Golgi Tendon reflex
b)Extensor Thrust reflex, Golgi Tendon Reflex, Flexion withdrawal reflex
c)Stretch Reflex, Golgi Tendon Reflex, Extensor Thrust reflex
d)Vestibulo-spinal reflex, Stretch reflex, Cross-extension Reflex

2)Contraction of an antagonist muscle is a stimulus for

a)Golgi Tendon reflex
b)Extension Thrust reflex
c) Stretch reflex
d)Flexion withdrawal reflex

3)Which of the following is incorrect?

a)stretch reflex in forearm muscles has a monosynaptic pathway with latencies of about 37ms
b)Active tension in muscle could lead to contraction of antagonist muscle and this is reciprocal inhibition.
c)stretch reflex has both monosynaptic and polysynaptic pathway
d)Reciprocal inhibition happens when there's a tap on patellar tendon

4) Which of the following is correct?

a)extensor thrust reflex is a polysynaptic reflex
b)Spinal injury could lead to activation of extensor thrust reflex instead of flexion withdrawal known as
Babinski sign
c)In vestibulo-spinal reflex, stimulus activates otolith organ; contralateral projection to extensor motor
d)Extensor thrust reflex is influenced by corticospinal tract

Motor, ANS & Muscle lecture material (part 2)

5)Which of the following is correct?
a)The extension phase of walking is dependent on speed of locomotion
b)There’s a total of 2 CPGs involve in walking
c)During flexion phase of walking, mechanoreceptor sends sensory information to the flexor burst
d)Sensory feedback isn’t needed for locomotion as it involves pacemaker neurons.

6)Which of these reflexes isn't involved in the stance phase?

a)stretch reflex
b)Flexion-withdrawal reflex
c)Golgi tendon reflex
d)Extensor thrust reflex

7) If your right leg flexor burst generator is inhibited...

a)The left leg is in the stance phase
b)The right leg is in the swing phase
c)The left leg is in the swing phase
d)The left leg is in the E2 phase
8)Which of the following is incorrect?
a)postural maintenance relies on proprioceptive inputs
b)Visual pathway is the most relied on system for postural maintenance as it's the fastest system.
c)somatosensory system is important for postural maintenance
d)Damage to the otolith organ would affect postural maintenance.

Motor, ANS & Muscle lecture material (part 3)

9)Which of the following is correct?
a)Reticulospinal tract organized localized synergies such as postural synergies
b)most of the descending axons from motor cortex go directly to motor neurons
c) multiple representations of synergies is not universal to all brains.
d)Performing a power grip activates the particular neuron for the thumb in the motor cortex

10)Bob is unable to play the piano as it involves series of complex steps, bob has most likely has damage
a)premotor cortex
b)wernicke’s area
c)motor cortex
d)extensor muscles

11)Which of the following is incorrect?

a)Cutaneous input that are related to postural/motion information goes directly to the motor cortex
b)some somatosensory input goes to both the somatosensory and motor cortex.
c)All regions of the premotor area project directly into the motor cortex.
d)premotor cortex receives inputs from all areas.

12)Mary is a good waitress when it comes to customer service and always has a genuine smile on her
face, but has the tendency to always drop the drinks when serving food to customers. She finds it difficult
to move both hands at the same time. This is most likely due to
a)damage in the cingulate motor area
b)damage in the Supplementary motor area
c)damage in the limbic system
d)damage in the flexor muscle in the forearm

Motor, ANS & Muscle lecture material (part 4)

13)which of the following is correct?
a)Increase gastrointestinal functions involves a short preganglionic neuron synapsing on a long post
b)Adrenal medulla release epinephrine using a postganglionic sympathetic neuron to synapse on target
c)Both sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons release Ach on nicotinic receptors
d)Damage in the Thoracic cord would most likely affect sympathetic efferents pathway.

14)which of the following is incorrect?

a)Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system are antagonistic
b)At rest, parasympathetic nervous system dominates
c)Postganglionic autonomic neurons don’t have axon terminals
d)In sympathetic efferent pathway, NE is metabolized by MAO

15)Going from a bright light to a dim light would most likely affect the
a)parasympathetic reflex via thoracic cord
b)radial muscles
b)circular iris muscles
c)sympathetic reflex via cranial nerve 3

16)If the caudal VLM is unable to receive input from the Nucleus of the SolitaryTract what would most
likely happen?
a)Increase in Blood pressure
b)decrease in sympathetic efferents
c)increase in parasympathetic efferents
d)decrease in Heart rate

Motor, ANS & Muscle lecture material (part 5 & 6)

17)Which of the following is correct?
a)muscle contraction begins with large motor units being activated first
b)skeletal muscle has the shortest contraction time of all 3 muscle types
c)Fast-twitch glycolytic fibers are the least used types of muscle fibers
d)Large diameter motor neurons are easily excited

18)what would most likely be the effect of inhibiting ach-esterase?

a)nicotinic receptor antagonist so acetylcholine would bind
b)endocytosis of acetylcholine
c)permanent inactivation of Na+ channels
d)Calcium is released outward instead of inward since it triggers exocytosis of acetylcholine

19)which of the following is incorrect?

a)Calcium binds in the thick filament of the sarcomere and muscle contracts
b)In the presence of calcium, Tropomyosin encourages binding of myosin
c)To terminate contraction, calcium must unbind from the Troponin complex
d)Action potential travels down the T-tubule which results in calcium release in the cytoplasm

20)Unlike the skeletal muscle, the smooth muscle.…

a)is voluntary controlled and uses more energy
b)Has multi-units that must be stimulated together
c)the influx of Calcium triggers more release of calcium from Sarcoplasmic reticulum
d) has phosphatase that adds phosphate to myosin which causes relaxation.

21)which of the following is incorrect?

a)Ca+ channels opens slower in Cardiac muscle than skeletal muscle
b)There’s longer contraction time in cardiac muscle than skeletal muscle
c)The action potential generated by the Cardiac muscle stops to enable contraction and relaxation of the
d)Digitalis inhibit Na/K ATPase which result in increase intracellular Ca+

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