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Are Cognitive Skills Context-Bound?

DOI: 10.3102/0013189X018001016

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Are Cognitive Skills Context-Bound?

O nce upon a time, an

astuTe—and" bene-
sought to understand the fac-
tors that underlie cognitive
ficent leader in a Effective problem solving,-sound decision_ making, jnsightful skills in domains like chess
remote country anticipated invenlion—do such aspects ofgoodJJlwkuiM depend moreon deep play, problem solving in
increasing aggression from a exp^jisejn_ajpecialtyjhan on reflective awareness and general mathematics and physics,
territory-hungry neighbor sirategiesf Over }hepastjhirty_years, considerablejesearch and medical diagnosis, musical
nation. Recognizing that the controversy have surrounded this issue. An historical sketch of composition, and more. Let
neighbor had more military the arguments for the strong specialist position and the strong us see how that story has un-
might, the leader concluded generalist position suggests that each camp,Jn its own way, has folded and, at the end, ap-
that his people would have oversimplified the interaction between general strategic knowledge praise the chess master's
to out-think, rather than andlpecialized domain knowledge. We suggest a synthesis: General chances.
overpower, the enemy. Un- and specialized knoivledge function in close partnership. We ex-
distinguished in its military plore the nature of this partnership and consider its implications The Heart of the Issue
armament and leadership, for educational practice. Some sharpening of the
the country did have one re- problem'is needed at the out-
markable resource: the reign- set. At issue is the generality
ing world chess master^ un- of cognitive skill. Is skillful
defeated for over twenty years. "Aha," the leader said to thought-demanding performance relatively context-bound,
himself, "we will recruit this keen intellect, honed so long or does it principally reflect use of general abilities of some
on the whetstone of_chess, teach him some_politics.and mili- sort?
tary theory and then outmaneuver the enemy with the help There can be little doubt that some aspects of cognitive
of his genius." skill are quite general: IQ and g for general intelligence
A fanciful tale, to be sure, but consider the leader's plan measure a side of human intellectual functioning that cor-
for a moment: Is it cHsajtrouslvjiajye^jTOSsibly helpful^or relates with effective performance over a wide range of aca-
a pretty good bet? In fact, the tale has no definite conclu- demic and nonacademic tasks. For this aspect of cognitive
sion' Rather, it is the beginning of another tale, a tale about skill; the answer is in, and favors generality. By way of
psychology and the human intellect that research is gradual- qualification, however, arguments can be made that gifted-
ly spinning. Questions like that of the chess master's ness in particular domains, such as music, reflects neuro-
political and military potential stand in the center of one of logically based, relatively inborn aspects of intelligence
the most puzzling and important issues that cognitive (Gardner, 1983). These arguments have been somewhat
psychology has addressed: the roles of general and of controversial but certainly have a considerable following.
context-specific knowledge in thinking. At any rate, neither g nor any more specialized aspect of
Within the discipline of psychology and across three dec- giftedness speaks directly to the role of knowledge in intellec-
ades, very different voices might be heard sizing up the tual functioning. And it's obvious that knowledge counts
chances of the chess master. One jays, "Basically, the chess for a lot. Without considerable experience, the most gifted
master plays chess well because heknows the moves of the individual cannot play chess, repair a car, play the violin,
game well. There's no reason at all why that knowledge or prove theorems. Indeed, recent research on g argues that
should carry over powerfully to political or military mat- it wields its influence on performance by way of knowledge:
ters." Another voice counters: "Well, there are analogies People with high g tend to perform well because they have
to be mined between chess and matters of political and mili- a rich knowledge base, the direct determinant of perfor-
tary strategy. Control of the center, for example—that's a mance (Hunter, 1986). And people with a lower g but more
principle important in chess, but alscvjn pplitics" knowledge than those with high g will usually perform
Still another voice emphasizes riot the transferable aspects better—it's the knowledge that counts, rather than g.
of chess skill but general problem solving abilities: "Above The question is, which kind of knowledge counts most—
all, a chess player is a problem solver, needing to plan
ahead, explore alternatives, size up strategic options, just
as a politician or military tactician does. So we might ex-
pect a lot from the chess master."
Which of these voices speaks with most authority? Or do DAVID PERKINS IS at the Harvard University Graduate School of
we need to listen for another~wic¥~altogetrTer, stating some Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. GAVRIEL SALOMON
more complicated opinion? On this question has hung a IS at the Department of Communication, University of Arizona,
good deal of psychological research, as psychologists have Tucson, Arizona 85721.


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general knowledge of how to think well, or specific knowl- aged the notion that problem solving could be viewed as
edge about the detailed ins and outs of a field? General a general ability and mathematical problem solving simply
knowledge includes widely applicable strategies for problem a special case.
solving, inventive thinking, decision making, learning, and Another source of encouragement was early work on Ar-
good mental management, sometimes called autocontrol, tificial Intelligence (Al), the design of computer programs
autoregulation, or metacognition. In chess, for example, very to'-carry out processes such as chess playing or theorem
specific knowledge (often called local knowledge) includes proving that, in a-hTTmarf being-,-would be considered intel-
the rules of the game as well as lore about how to handle ligent. The "General Problem Solver" was one outstanding
innumerable specific situations, such as different openings example (Ernst & Newell, 1969; Newell & Simon, 1972). De-
and ways of achieving checkmate. Of intermediate generali- veloped around 1957 byAlan Newell, J. P. Shaw, and
ty are strategic concepts, like control of the center, that are Herbert Simon, this program relied on a flexible heuristic
somewhat specific to chess but that also invite far-reaching called weans-end analysis. Input to the program included in-
application by analogy. formation about a beginning state, an end state (the goal)
. There is an obvious partial answer to the question, "what
counts most?" It's plain that some local knowledge is neces-
sary; one can't play chess without knowing the rules of the
game, after all. But that partial resolution misses the real
issue—where is the bottleneck in attaining mastery? Does it lie
in acquiring a deep and detailed knowledge of chess,
whereas anyone can learn whatever general thinking strat-
egies are needed? Or does it lie in becoming reflective and
cultivating the general thinking strategies, whereas anyone
can learn the relevant particulars of the game?
These different theories write different endings to the
chess master's story. If he is masterful in virtue of his general
savvy about the use of his mind, the chess master might
carry it over to the political and military realms. At the op-
posite extreme, if his mastery depends on richly developed
local knowledge ~>f chess, the chances seem slender.
Such enigmas arise in every domain and bring with them
fundamental questions about educational design. Should
we teach entirely for richly developed local knowledge, sub-
ject matter by subject matter? Or should we invest a signifi-
cant portion of educational resources in developing general
skills of problem solving, self-management, and so on? Or, and allowable operations on states, all in a compact nota-
indeed, does this dichotomy obscure some important fac- tion. Many simple puzzles and problems in logic could be
tors? To work toward an answer, let us examine the con- cast into this form. The program pursued a chain of opera-
troversy, adopting a broad-stroke historical perspective tions for transforming the beginning state into the end state.
without pretense of reconstructing events in detail. It did so by comparing and contrasting the beginning with
the end state and seeking an operation that would reduce
Before the Fall: The Golden Age of General Heuristics the contrast—a means that would bring the beginning state
Thirty years ago, it was widelytjioughLthat-geod problem closer to the end state. After executing that operation, the
soTving~aTnl"6frTer intellectual peTformances reflected general program would seek another operation to reduce the con-
strategies (supported by g) operating on whatever database trast yet further, and so on. If it encountered a cul-de-sac
of knowledge happened to be needed. True ability resided that forbade further progress, the program would back up
in the general strategies, with the database an incidental and try another path. There were other sophisticated
necessity. features as well. Here again, as in the perspective of Polya,
One source of this perspective was the mathematician it appeared that problem solving power lay in some rather
Gyorgy Polya's analysis of mathpmaHraljrnhlpm solving general principles, systematically applied to whatever the
(Polya, 1954, 1957). Polya argued that the formalities of relevant database of knowledge happened to be.
mathematical proof andderivation had little to do with" the A host of factors—its generating interesting data; its ac-
real work of problem spLving-in mathematics. Altfiough~such cord with intuitions about the value of analytic ability; its
formalities were jhe_evening dress of journa[ publication, economy, elegance, and availability to testing in computer
success in finding solutions depended on a repertoire of__ models—reinforced the position that good thinking de-
heuristics, general strategigaior attacking a problem that did pended in considerable part on a repertoire of rather gen-
not guarantee a solutiofifbut often helped. Polya discussed eral heuristic knowledge. Many such heuristics were iden-
such heuristics as breaking a problem into subproblems, tified, heuristics for problem solving, memorizing, inven-
solving simpler problems that reflected some aspect of the tive thinking, decision making, general mental manage-
main problem, using diagrams to represent a problem in ment, and so on (cf. Nickerson, Perkins, & Smith, 1985).
different ways, and examining special cases to get a feel for As to local knowledge, the part of knowledge specific to a
a problem. Polya spoke to mathematical problem solving domain like chess or mathematics, it was thought not very
specifically, buTmany of the heuristics he emphasized were important. Of course, one had to have it. But there really
plainly applicable to prqblems-of'all sortsTwhich encour- wasn't much to it beyond a few rules in the case of chess,


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a few axioms in the case of a mathematical system, and so from such recognition directly toward a solution by work-
on. There didn't seem to be enough to know about such data- ing with the patterns, often called forward reasoning.
bases to make them central to thinking ability. In contrast, novices tended not to see the relevant pat-
terns, because they did not know thejri or lacked rapid
The Power of the Particular recognition-like access to them. Novices often based their
The golden age could not last. Even^hjn,_o^ajn_resjults reasoning on superficial problem content, for instance treat-
in thlfliterature gave warning that all was not well with this ing inclined plane problems similarly when different physics
picture of general heuristics driving intellectual performance. principles applied. Novices often solved problems by focuss^
In the yearsTcTcome, a wave ot comp^fjjng^lirj^ingjjwould ing~first on the unknown and seeking equations or rules
cast profound doubt on the centrality of general ability in that bridged backfrom the unknown toward the givens. If
human thinking, particuIarlyjabUirjTbased onTieurlstics. The they found equations or rules, then they plugged in the
gathering force of contrary findings falls neatly into three givens to determine the unknown. This backward reasoning
parts: the argument from expertise, the argument from weak ran opposite to_expertslJrorward reasoning from givens
methods, and the argument from transfer. toward the unknown. These contfasts'between experts' and
novices' performances emerged in such domains as physics
The argument from_expertise. Investigators even during the problem solving (e.g. Chi, Feltovich, & Glaser, 1981; Larkin,
golden age were discovering that the seeming smallness of 1982; Larkin, McDermott, Simon, & Simon, 1980a; Larkin,
the database demanded by chfss, symbolic~l5gTc, and other McDermott, Simon, & Simon, 1980b), mathematical prob-
favorite aTeasrjf research w"as deceptive.. To be sure, chess, lem solving (Schoenfeld & Herrmann, 1982), computer pro-
for example, rooked-fike a game of general reasoning ap- gramming (Ehrlich & Soloway, 1984), and medicine (Elstein,
plied to a few specific rules. It seemed that all a player Shulman, & Sprafka, 1978; Patel & Groen, 1986). The in-
needed to do was to know the rules and reason well about vestigations came to be known as research on expertise^
options and consequences: "If I move..there7-my-opponent because the account of proficient performances was so
might move there, but then I could..., but then my oppo- compelling.
nent could.. .", and so on. But close observation showed These studies of expertise revealed the_naiyetejn_aj<g.y
that there was much more to it. premise of the goIclfirLage. To be sure, chess, symbolic logic,
Research on the games of grand master chess players New'foTrtan-physics, and so on, each_involvedl j_fairiy_par-
showed that their jgctics depended on an_enorjnousJ<nowl- simonious foundation of basic rules or axioms. Nonetheless,
e^gebaseof important patterns of chess^pjeces^not only expeffiTdepended on a^ much richer_databa^e, an elaborate
the standard patterns such as pins, forks, and rooks on open superstructure of ramifications "erected on top of the par-
files, buTfar more,""with a_diyersitv..and complgxjty not simonious foundation. General_heuristjcs-appeared to be
recognized by' the chess masters themselves. Expert chess no substitute for the richdatabase of_ ramifications, stored
players reasoned "about thT^amejusmg these chunk-like in memory, accessed by recognition processes, and ready
configurationX^ratHer^than^tninking about on_e_giece_at_a, to go. Indeed, the broad heuristic structure of expert as con-
ime, and so had much morepowerjo think ahead and de- trasted to novice problemsolving—the reasoning forward
vise strategies than a simple command of the rules would rather than reasoning'backward—seemed attributable not
afford. to any heuristics'ophistication on the part of the experts,
The,c!assic_experiments demonstrating this began with ex- but to the driving influence of the experts' rich database.
aminations of the reputed abJHty_of_grand master players General heuristics no longer looked as central or as powerful.
to memorize the layout"dfpieces on a .chejs_board_at a_gjance
(Chase & Simon, 1973; de Groot, 1965). The experiments The argument from weak methods vWork in AI, although
showed that experts could indeed do this—butjjnly if the it initially supported the idea that general heuristics drive
chess pieces' positions had emerged in the natural course skillful problem solving, also began to take a different turn.
of play, not if the same~pieces were arranggd randomly on To be sure, programs like the General Problem Solver could,
the'board. Beginning players did just as well as the grand solve_somej:ather simple formal problems, such as those
masters in recalling random layouts and, significantly, their in elementary symboljc.logic. But_tbe^e_generic programs
recall did not improve on the layouts that emerged in the seemecT"q~ujte helplessiaxomplex problem solving domains
course of a game. These results showed that the grand such as chessplay,_integrating mathematical expressions,
masters knew something very pj)_werfuj,_but yen/ specific to or medical diagnosis. In contrast, programs designed__spe-
chess, else they would have done_w_eJl on the random layouts cifically for those knowlgdge domains-scoredsignificant suc-
too. Chase"aTTcTSimofr(1973)iised certain approximations cesses (Boden, 1977; Rich, ,1083). In the late 1960s and ear-
to estimate the grand master chess player's repertoire of ly 1970s, the AI community became increasingly aware of
something like fifty thousand chess-specific configurations, these successes, and many investigators began to lay_thejr
or schemata, as they are usually called, that provide the befs differently as they tne^^_c^stTiicLpjQ.w.erful artificial
"chunks^Rat the grand master thinks with. intelligence^systems (Gardner, 1985, pp. 160-161).
The experiments in chess inspired similar studies-in a Investigators in the AI community came to refer to generaL
numberjDf are^_with_parallel findings. A generaj_pjofile , heuris^s_such"lis~melmT-end_analysis as weak methodsjsse-
of expgrtise began to emerge (cf. Glaser, 1984; Rabinowitz Rich, 1983, section 3.6). When new to a domain, all a com-
& Glaser, 1985): Expert performance entailed (a) a large puter or a human could do was deploy weak methods that
knowledge base of domaih-spjej^f^pjjjternsjffor example, turned out weak results. Real power in problem solving
typiclHconngurations of pieces in chess, typical uses of con- emerged over time, as application of weak methods created
servation laws in physics); (b) rapid recognition of situations the npporhrnity to lparn~arrH~sfofp irp~tfteTamif]cations of
where these patterns apply; ancT^cXreasoning that moves particular_moves in the domain and^uild therich database.


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This da^aj3ase_^vcujld_ie£Qmeth^ good guided; it seldom occurs spontaneously. The case for gen-
problem solving, leaving the weak methods behind. Investi- eralizable, context-independent skills and strategies that can
gators spoke of the "power-generality tradeoff," the more be trained in one context and transferred to other domains
general the method, the weaker the method. Seeking to has proven to be more a matter of wishful thinking than
make the best of the situation and taking a cue from the hard empirical evidence (Pressley et al., 1987).
work of psychologists on expertise, many AI researchers
turned to developing expert systems, which sought to The Skeleton of a Synthesis
simulate the intelligence of an expert in a domain through We said that the argument fromtransfexmight be the last
manipulating a massive domain-specific knowledge base in nail in the coffin of generaJ_cognitive-skills. But the skeleton
areas such as medical diagnosis (cf. Rich, 1983; Wenger, is restless. Some._pejDpJe_s^ejT^gggejaJJy_sinart—not just
1987). knowledgeable, b^inmjyghtfjjLrio_jTjatt^
Although the argument from weak methods derived prin- For instance, if you have mixed sqme__with academic.
cipally from AI, little happened in the psychological com- rphilosophers, you may have noticed that they have an uq-
munity to make a countercase. In particular, a number of setlTingjTabTtLJY.ou mention some casua]_clajm,_ancl they
investigators sought to teach Polya's heuristics for mathe- often smack you with a countere_xample_Moreover, the dis-
matical problem solving with little success. Students ex- cussion does not have to deaj_with_a^ topicjn academic
hibited just exactly the difficulties expected, given the results philosophy. You may be discussingjx>litics, family life, the
of the research on expertise: They didn't know what to do dangers of nuclear power plants, or the latest best-seller.
with the heuristics. They understood the heuristics in broad It almost seems as though the philosophers havej^general
terms but didn't seem to understand the mathematics well cognitive skill: the strategy of looking for counterexamples
enough to apply them in the rather complex and context to test clajms.
sensitive ways required. Local knowledge, more than gen- Is this a gener4l_cjognjtive_skiIl?--Recalling the arguments
eral problem-solving heuristics, appeared to be the bottle- from expertise, weak methods, and transfer, you might ob-
neck (Schoenfeld, 1985, pp. 71-74). ject this way: "What has the appearance of a general reason-
ing strategy in these philosophers' remarks is really a highly
T h e argument from t r a n s f p i v A third linp nf argument contextualized strategy. The philosophers can only construct
seemed to drive frieTast nail in the coffin of general cognitive_ counterexamples in domains where they have a good
skills. According to the premise of the "golden age," much knowledge base."
6T~the knowledge acquired in a particular domain is in- "Morejhan that," your objection might continue, "cer-
herently general, at least implicitly, and should lead to tain domains bring with them special criteria for what counts
transfer to other areas. Thus, learning the logjcjmbedded as a counterexample. A counterexample to a mathematical
in mathematics or in Latin should, for_example, yield iuK claim would have to be constructed appropriately from the
proved scores on standard IQ tests or better learning in other premises of the mathematical system; a counterexample to
seemingly unrelated fields. Similarly, learning to program a legal claim would have to be the result of prior due pro-
computers in a powerful language sucfTas'TOGO should cess. This is a special case of a point that Toulmin (1958),
improve students' reasoning and planning abilities. among others, has emphasized: Different domains share
A variety of studjes, initiated as far back as the turn of many structures of argument, but bring with them some-
the century, genera]ly_.failejl4o_u42hojd_jh^se_predictions. what different criteria for evidence."
EVL. TJiorndiJce (e.g., 1923) and Thorndike and Woodworth These points-ought to be granted at_once. Yet there is
(1901) reported experiments, some on a large scale, show- something disturbing about casting them as an objection:
ing that training in such fields asj^atin.and math has no They treat geiwmFanifcontextualized as though they were ex-
measurable. influence,on other cognitive functions, thus clusive of one anotrTerTThe heart of the synthesis we would
dispelling a then prevalent belief in the training of the like to suggest challenges this dichotomy. There are general
mind's "faculties." cognitive skills; but they always function in contextualized
More recent, studiesjiaye yielded similar findings. Such ways, along the lines articulated in considering the philoso-
studies suggest,'for example, that training on one version phers' habit of mind (cf. Perkins & Simmons, 1987; Perkins,
of a logical problem has little if any effect on solving an Schwartz, & Simmons, in press).
isomorphic "Version, differently represented (Hayes & Granting the neecLfor_c.o.ntextua[ization through a knowl-
Simon, 1977); that becomjngjiterate with no schooling does edge base, what argues that the philosophers' move of seek-
not improve mastery of generarjogniTive"skills (Scribner & ing counterexamples is nonetheless a general, learnable, and
Cole, 1981); or that teaching children to use general, context- worthwhile cognitive skill? First of all, seeking counterex-
independent cognitive strategies has no clear benefits out- amples is a strategy for which philosophers show seeming
side the specific domains in which they are taught (for a use: That is, it certainly looks as though they are applying
summary, see Pressley, Snyder, and Cariglia-Bull, 1987). a general strategy, although perhaps their thinking is en-
Findings from research on the cognitiye_effects_qf program- tirely contextualized and only appears to be general. Second,
mi ngjTjwegejiejalJyJteen negative (Pea & Kurland, 1984; the seeking of counterexamples itself appears to play an im-
Salomon & Perkins\T987J". portant role in the philosophers' reasoning: It allows them
Overall, research ontransfer suggests the same conclu^ to detect the flaws in claims that otherwise might be missed.
sion as the arguments from expertise and weak methods: Third, the seeking of counterexamples seems to be transfer-
Thinking at its most effective depends'on sgedfiCj^cojTtgxt- rable: Apparently, philosophers pick it up from their
bound skills and un7ts~of Knowledge that have little applica- philosophical studies and apply it widely to other domains.
tion to other domains. To the extent that transfer does take Fourth, the move of seeking counterexamples is commonly
place, it is highly-specific and must be cued, primed, and absent: Everyday experience suggests that most people do


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not reflexively seek counterexamples. Moreover, research Foi^exainplg^ the expertsjaced with_an unfamiliar prob-
on everyday reasoning shows that seeking-af»}LSOj^_of_ey> lem will often: (a) resort to analogies__with systems they
dence on the other side-o£jh^case_is^relati^lyjrarjjiiove i understand better; (b) search for potential DTisaroaJogies in
even in educated populations (Perkins, 1985; Perkins, in the analogy; (c) refer to intuitive mentaLmodels based on
press). visual and kinesthetic intuition to try to understand how
Of course, this is only one case, informally argued through the target system would behave; (d) investigate the target
everyday observation, and subject to several objections. It's system with ''extreme_casell_arguments, probing how it
real purpose is not tojripunt a cornpejling^argument for would work if various parameters were pushed to zero or
general cognitive skills but to iHustrate—what—a—genera 1 infinity; (e) construct a simpler problem of the same sort,
cogniUy^-skJlLmiglitJook like—and rattle-the-skeleton-that in hopes of solving that and importing the solution to the
met aji_eaxly_and-u_nceEernonious end. To flesh original problem.
skeleton, we would have to find patterrjs_of information pro- There are just a few of the Polya-like strategies that seem
cessing that (a) show seejning use, (b)^pjay an important to appear in Clement's protocols; no doubt others could be
role, (c) ar£ demon^trjbjytransferrable, and (3) are_cgm- identified as well. Such results suggest that a number of
rnonly absent. It would be~reasonable to call a pattern of general heuristics not apparent when experts face typical
information processing that satisfies those conditions a problems play a prominent role when experts face atypical
general cognitive skill. problems.
How does Clement's evidence speak to the four condi.-
Generality on the Rebound
tions needed for the synthesis: seeming.use, impfjftant role,
Throughout the period of "the fall," considerable interest, transferable, and commorLabsence?'These studies give
in some quarters, continuedto focus on the nature of general distinct evidence of seeming use of heuristics. JTiey also give
cognitive skills and the potentials of teaching such skills. clear evidence of an important rote: In the protocols, the
In recent years, results have begun to emerge that challenge heuristics often constitute cnjoafstegsjlong a subject's path
the picture of expert performance as driven primarily by a to a"~S5luTiorT
rich knowledge base of highly context-specific schemata. However, Clement's studies offer n_o evidence of transfer.
One by one, the arguments from expertise, weak methods, Although it may seem plausible that a problem solver ac-
and transfer have begun to show cracks. quainted with, let us say, extreme case arguments from
We take those arguments up again, reexamining each in physics would sometimes carry them over to chemistry or
light of new findings. In doing so, we enter the region of mathematics problems, that remains to be shown. Also, Cle-
recent history and contemporary work, where results are ment's studies give no direct evidence of common absence.
scattered, and replications are few. Nonetheless, from our It's plausible that many weaker students of physics fail to
perspective, a new outline is emerging. pick up the "extreme case" pattern of argument simply from
normal learning in the domain, but, again, that remains to
When experts face unfamiliar problems. Most of the re- be shown. (These points are not criticisms of Clement's
search on expertislThasexlirrTined experts addressing stan- studies, which were designed to address other issues.)
dard problems in a domain—typical chess positions, physics It's notablejhat the genejgj_heurjstic_s seemingl_y_used by
problems, programming problems, and so on. In these cir- Clement's subjects certainly do not substitute focdornain
cumstances, the experts' behavior appears to be strongly knowledge. On the contrary, the general heuristics operate
driven by local knowledge. But this picture could be mis- in a highly contextualized way, accessing, and wielding
leading. What happens when experts tackle atypical prob- sophisticated domain knowledge. In particular, conserva-
lems—not problems outside the domain, but problems less tion of energy, conservation of momentum, and other deep
"textbookish?" Might more general kinds of knowledge structure principles of physics are brought to bear, held in
play a more prominent role? the pincers, so to speak, of these general heuristics.
One response to this question would be to dismiss it from
the outset. What does it matter how experts respond to When weak methods work. Recall that the argument from
atypical problems? Expertise certainly should be assessed weak methods complained that general heuristics appeared
and examined with problems typical of the domain. But not to work very well, either in instructional experiments
such a response takes a narrow view of expertise. Pre- or in AI. The years have brought changes in that appraisal.
sumably, in many domains, people become experts not to Mathematician and educator Aj^n_Sjiujenfeld, in extensive
function as technicians solving new variants of the classic work on teaching mathematical problem solving, has
problems but to open the field further. From this standpoint, demonstrated that heuristic instruction can yield dramatic
atypical problems are just the right test of truly flexible gains in college students' mathematical problem solving
expertise. (Schoenfeld, 1982; Schoenfeld & Herrmann, 1982). Schoen-
John Clement, working at the University of Massachu- feld emphasizes that this success requires teaching many
setts, Amherst, has examined experts' responses to atypical of the heuristics in a very contextualized way, so the
problems. The results are provocative (Clement, 1982, in heuristics make good contact with students' knowledge base
press; see also Johnson, Ahlgren, Blount, & Petit, 1980). As in the domain (Schoenfeld, 1985, Chapter 3). At the same
in other work on expertise, the experts addressing such time, an important thrust of Schoenfeld's approach is foster-
problems certainly use their rich physics knowledge base, ing a seemingly quite general level of control or problem
trying to see the deep structure of the problem and deploy- management. Students learn to monitor and direct their
ing principles like conservation of energy. But, because these own progress, asking questions such as, "What am I do-
unusual problems do not yield to the most straightforward ing now," "Is it getting me anywhere," "What else could
approaches, the experts also apply many general strategies. I be doing instead?" This general metacognitive level helps


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students to avoid perserverating in unproductive ap- strategy-like skills as Polya's heuristics, for instance.
proaches, to remember to check candidate answers, and There have been several other seemingly successful ef-
so on. forts to teach cognitive skills of some generality in recent
Again, it's worth asking how Schoenfeld's work speaks years, for example, the development and testing of Project
to the four elements of the synthesis position. His research Intelligence, a general course to teach skills of problem solv-
gives evidence of students' use of Polya-like heuristics ing, decision making, inventive thinking, and other sorts
(Schoenfeld, 1985), and Schoenfeld's experiments demon- (Herrnstein, Nickerson, Sanchez, & Swets, 1986) and the
strated that students indeed acquired the use of these guided design perspective developed by Wales and his col-
heuristics (Schoenfeld, 1982; Schoenfeld & Herrmann, leagues (Wales & Nardi, 1984; Wales & Stager, 1978). A gen-
1982). Regarding the heuristics' important role, Schoenfeld's eral resource reviewing many such programs is Nickerson
studies also demonstrated that the better performance of et al. (1985). The collection edited by Segal, Chipman, and
the students on posttesting directly depended on their ac- Glaser (1985) offers somewhat earlier assessments of several
tive use of the heuristics. Protocol analysis disclosed that programs. Resnick (1987) has authored a monograph ap-
those students who used the heuristics performed better, praising the promise of work in this area, with cautiously
whereas those who did not failed to show gains. Regarding optimistic conclusions. Likewise, there is considerable
common absence, the impressive gains students exhibited evidence from more basic investigations that learning in
showed that they did not already possess the heuristics they human beings depends on the deployment of general learn-
acquired. ing strategies (e.g., recent findings by Bereiter & Tinker,
However, Schoenfeld's studies offer no evidence of trans- 1988; Chan & Burtis, 1988; Ng, 1988; Ogilvie & Steinbach,
fer. To be sure, many of the Polya-like heuristics seem 1988).
straightforwardly applicable to cherriistfyTnd"physics, and In artificial intelligence, although work has continued on
the genera] problem management strategy seems even more expert systems, investigators have also returned to the chal-
widely relevant. However, such observations do not make lenge of producing more general models of mind. Two sys-
the empirical case that these skills can be decontextualized tems in particular, ACT* (Anderson, 1983) and SOAR
and applied more broadly. (Laird, Rosenbloom, & Newell, 1984) have been developed
Another recent effort has focussed on teaching general as general models of cognitive processing. Both are learn-
reading skills to poor readers. Palincsar and Brown (1984) ing systems that learn by trying to solve problems. Given
developed and evaluated a method called Reciprocal Teaching a new class of problems, they commence by applying week
that through a process of modeling, guiding, and group par- methods. As they work, they search for and store short-
ticipation, has helped young poor readers learn to monitor cuts in the solution process and so gradually build up a
and direct their reading. The intervention encourages and repertoire of domain-specific chunks, much as human be-
refines four key cognitive activities: questioning about the ings do, through extended experience in a domain.
main points of a paragraph, clarifying to try to resolve dif- Moreover, the functioning of SOAR, for example, is in
ficulties of understanding, summarizing to capture the some ways not unlike the functioning of Clement's
essence of a text, and predicting, to forecast what might hap- physicists facing an unfamiliar kind of physics problem.
pen next in the text. Palincsar and Brown's approach yielded SOAR tries the specific moves compiled into its library
dramatic gains in the students' reading comprehension, through experience. But, if SOAR encounters an "impasse,"
transfer to in-class reading in science and social studies, and as it is called, in which the specialized techniques it has com-
long-term retention. piled do not work, it resorts to more general methods.
The direct cultivation of these reading strategies and the Important instructional applications are being built that
resultant gains give evidence of seeming use, important role, continue this AI tradition. An example is GUIDON 2
and common absence (in the poor reader population). The (Clancey, 1986, 1987), a medical diagnostic expert system
matter of transfer can be looked at in two ways: One might that combines specific medical expertise with more general
say that transfer across domains was demonstrated, because reasoning strategies. The latter teach tactics for the manage-
students showed reading gains in situ in school subject- ment of diagnostic hypotheses whereby cases can be
matters. Or, one might say that transfer across domains was grouped and then differentiated into finer categories. The
not addressed, because students were taught and tested on heuristics used are quite general and applicable to other do-
reading performance specifically. The two perspectives seem mains of problem solving requiring heuristic classification.
equally defensible because reading is what might be called It is expected that through interaction with the program,
a "tool domain," like writing or arithmetic: We learn students might become better problem solvers in medicine
reading, writing, and arithmetic in order to apply them to as well as in other domains.
various content domains, such as literature, history, or ACT*, SOAR, and GUIDON 2 represent a provocative re-
biology. engagement with issues concerning the interaction between
It's worth noting that the very existence of tool domains general and local knowledge.
that enhaTicTThinTangand lejirning in content domains, irT
itself, constitutes evidericelor general cognitive^skjlls_gf a When transfer happens. During the fall, negative findings
sort. Reading is a ^eriefal^cognitive skill, which people on transfer generally were interpreted as showing that skill
routinely transfer to new subject matters, beginning to read depends mostly on local knowledge and that we have little
in a domain with their general vocabulary and reading tac- ability to decontextualize knowledge and apply it in different
tics and, as they go along, acquiring new domain-specific domains. However, a more careful examination of the re-
words, concepts, and reading tactics. However, reading as search discloses that the findings that support these con-
a genera] cognitive skill does not much resemble those skills clusions allow other explanations altogether. These other
that have been at issue over the past thirty years—such explanations accord genera] knowledge more potency, with-


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out challenging the idea that local knowledge has great im- settings and in many laboratory experiments does not meet
portance. the conditions for low road transfer: much practice, in a large
A casual look at the research on transfer might suggest variety of situations, leading to a high level of mastery and near-
that our cognitive apparatus simply does not incline very automat icity. For example, these conditions were not met by
much to transfer. But this would be a misapprehension. On the Vai literates studied by Scribner and Cole (1981), or the
the contrary, when faced with novel situations, people young programmers studied by Pea and Kurland (1984).
routinely try to apply knowledge, skills, and specific strate- The second mechanism, called the "high road," depends
gies from other, more familiar domains. In fact, people com- on learners' deliberate mindful abstraction of a principle.
monly ignore the novelty in a situation, assimilating it into People sometimes abstract principles in advance, keeping
well-rehearsed schemata and mindlessly bringing to bear them in mind in anticipation of appropriate opportunities
inappropriate knowledge and skill, yielding negative trans- for application, or, in a new situation, reach back to prior
fer (Langer, in press). In other cases, although people fail experiences and abstract from them principles that might
to apply purely logical, abstract, or syntactical rules to for- be relevant. For an example of the latter, in a recent partial
mally presented problems (e.g., Wason, 1966), they clearly replication of Gick and Holyoak's (1987) analogy studies,
do employ analogous inferential rules to more everyday ver- Salomon and Globerson (1987) showed that college students
sions of such problems (e.g. Cheng & Holyoak, 1985). who were urged to formulate an abstract principle from two
Moreover, recent research shows that, when general prin- problems did not show more transfer to a new, analogous
ciples of reasoning are taught together with self-monitoring problem than students who were given the principle ready-
practices and potential applications in varied contexts, trans- made. However, the former (but not the latter) showed im-
fer often is obtained (e.g. Nickerson, et al., 1985; Palincsar pressive transfer when urged to search their memories for
& Brown, 1984; Schoenfeld, 1978, 1982; Schoenfeld & Herr- an appropriate principle that they may have encountered
mann, 1982). Relatedly, Lehman, Lempert, and Nisbett before.
(1988) have recently demonstrated that graduate students Likewise, the expert chess player mobilized to save his
in such fields as psychology and medicine show clear trans- country in our opening story would be expected to mine
fer of probabilistic and methodological reasoning to every- the context of chess for chess-bound principles such as "get
day problems. hold of the board's center," decontextualize them, and ap-
Brown and her associates (e.g., Brown & Kane, 1988; ply them in forms like "let's capture or destroy the enemy's
Brown, Kane, & Long, in press; Brown & Palincsar, in press) command centers." Unfortunately, in many real-world
have recently shown in a series of laboratory and classroom situations and many laboratory experiments on transfer,
studies that transfer to new problems does take place, even there is nothing to provoke the active decontextualization
among three- and four-year-olds, when (a) learners are of knowledge, so the high-road mechanism does not op-
shown how problems resemble each other; (b) when learn- erate.
ers' attention is directed to the underlying goal structure But it can be activated. The transfer findings of Lehman
of comparable problems; (c) when the learners are familiar and his colleagues (1988) are a case in point. In the treat-
with the problem domains; (d) when exaniples are accom- ment, employed, graduate students did not just absorb
panied with rules, particularly when the latter are for- statistical principles and practice them to near automatici-
mulated by the learners themselves; and perhaps most im- ty; they were urged to comprehend the logic behind them
portantly, (e) when learning takes place in a social context and mindfully generate abstractions, applying them in a
(e.g., reciprocal teaching), whereby justifications, principles, variety of learning situations. Similarly, Salomon, Glober-
and explanations are socially fostered, generated, and con- son, and Guterman (Salomon, 1988) have found that chil-
trasted. It becomes evident from this research, as it does dren can acquire reading strategies involving self-monitoring
from that of others (e.g., Gick & Holyoak, 1987), that from a computerized Reading Aid and apply them a month
transfer is possible, that it is very much a matter of how later to essay writing, a clear case of high-road transfer of
the knowledge and skill are acquired and how the indi- a generalized ability (see also Brown & Palincsar, 1988).
vidual, now facing a new situation, goes about trying to han- In summary, recent research and theorizing concerning
dle it. Given appropriate conditions, such as cueing, prac- transfer put the negative findings cited earlier in a different
ticing, generating abstract rules, socially developing explana- light. These findings do not imply either that people have
tions and principles, conjuring up analogies (e.g., Strauss, little ability to accomplish transfer or that skill is almost en-
1987), and the like, transfer from one problem domain to tirely context bound. Rather, the negative results reflect the
another can be obtained. General skills and bits of knowl- fact that transfer occurs only under specific conditions,
edge taught within a specific context can become transfer- which often are not met in everyday life or laboratory ex-
able. periments (Brown, Kane, & Long, in press). When the con-
Specifically, we have proposed two different mechanisms ditions are met, useful transfer from one context to another
by which transfer of specific skill and knowledge takes place often occurs.
(Perkins & Salomon, 1987; Salomon & Perkins, in press).
One mechanism, called the "low road" to transfer, depends So Are Cognitive Skills Context-Bound?
on extensive and varied practice of a skill to near automatici- As the psychological tale has unfolded, the answer to the
ty (see also Anderson, 1983, on automaticity). A skill so prac- question looks to be, "Yes and no." The tale is one of
ticed in a large variety of instances becomes applied to per- neglected complexities. Early advocacy of general cognitive
ceptually similar situations by way of response or stimulus skills overlooked the importance of a rich knowledge base,
generalization. For example, having driven different cars took it for granted that general heuristics would make ready
under a variety of conditions allows us to shift to driving contact with a person's knowledge base, and had few wor-
a truck fairly easily. Unfortunately, learning in many natural ries about transfer, which was supposed to happen more


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or less spontaneously. Mistakes all three, these oversights be attributed directly to the use of the heuristics. Both sorts
led to considerable skepticism about general cognitive skills, of studies would also address the question of important role,
the view that cognitive skills in the main were context because they can show general strategies figuring crucially
bound, and interesting developments in the psychology of in finding solutions. Teaching experiments can also address
expertise as well as artificial intelligence work on expert common absence, by documenting that students lack certain
systems. strategies before intervention and gain from their use after
But more recent results suggest that this trend had its intervention.
blind spots too, in neglecting how general heuristics help Supposing that positive results accrue on seeming use,
when experts face atypical problems in a domain, how gen- important role, and common absence, then the issue of gen-
eral heuristics function in contextualized ways to access and erality hangs on the question of transfer, where considerably
deploy domain specific knowledge, and how lack of condi- more work is needed. Transfer can prove more or less
tions needed for transfer, rather than domain specificity, is robust, even the least robust case providing some evidence
to blame for many cases of failure of transfer. These more of generality. In the strongest case, a person mastering a
recent results point toward the synthesis that we now think general method by contextualizing it to a domain would
might be fleshed out. spontaneously transfer it to other domains. Lacking spon-
taneous transfer, the person might show transfer if a teacher
What general cognitive skills are like. In the synthesis, gen- or other source alerted the learner to its relevance in the
eral cognitive skills do not function by somehow taking the new domain. If even that failed, it might still be so that in-
place of domain-specific knowledge, nor by operating ex- struction systematically helping the learner to contextualize
actly the same way from domain to domain. Rather, cogni- the method in the new domain would go more quickly be-
tive skills are general tools in much the way the human hand cause of prior experience in the original domain. As men-
is. Your hands alone are not enough; you need objects to tioned in the section on transfer, some contemporary results
grasp. Moreover, as you reach for an object, whether a pen show one or another of these patterns. But much careful
or a ball, you shape your hand to assure a good grip. And systematic work on the question has yet to be done.
you need to learn to handle different objects appropriately—
you don't pick up a baby in the same way you pick up a Educating Memories Versus Educating Minds
basket of laundry. We are fairly confident in the synthesis position outlined
Likewise, general cognitive skills can be thought of as gen- here, not only because it makes sense of both the negative
eral gripping devices for retrieving and wielding domain- and positive findings so far, but also because it makes sense
specific knowledge, as hands that need pieces of knowledge of everyday observations—such as the philosophers' wont
to grip and wield and that need to configure to the kind to pick apart claims with counterexamples. But what is its
of knowledge in question. Remember, for instance, the case import for education?
of thinking of counterexamples. As you learn a new sub- Despite many efforts to refashion educational practices to
ject matter, trying to think of counterexamples to claims cultivate more thoughtful.learning witHirTarTd across do-
surely is a good critical posture to maintain. But you have mains, the fact of the matter is that mo^L£diicational_p_rac-
to accumulate knowledge in the domain with which to find tice remainsjdQgged!y_ committed to imparting facts and
or build counterexamples. And you have to develop a sense algorithms. Regrettably, E. [XHirsch (1987) and other edu-
of what counts as a counterexample in the domain. Similar- catori"have even taken the negative arguments frorn_exper-
ly, in applying to this new domain a reading strategy that tise, weak methods, and transfer as reasons toeschgw_at-
asks you to summarize, you have to develop a sense of what ten^iojiJ^hagheFordex^kjlU^o"tha"t more time is given to
counts as relevant. Or, in applying an extreme case heuristic rJu'ilding students' factual knowledge base in a domain.
to the new domain, you have to find out what dimensions This seems particularly unfortunate. To be sure, general
are significant, so that you will know how to push a pro- heuristics that fail to make contact with a rich domain-
position to an extreme meaningful in that domain. specific knowledge base are zueak. But when a domain-
Of course, none of this need to learn and to adjust im- specific knowledge base operates without general heuristics,
plies that the cognitive gripper you are using lacks generali- it is brittle—it serves mostly in handling formulaic problems.
ty. All specific applications of anything general need to con- Although we don't want the weak results of the kind of at-
figure to the context. This approach acknowledges the im- tention to general heuristics that neglects knowledge base,
portance of domain-specific adjustments, which indeed we also don't want the brittle competency forged by exclu-
often are challenging, while maintaining the reality and sive attention to particularized knowledge! We would hope
power of general cognitive skills. for more from education. And, according to the synthesis
theory, we can get more.
Completing the case. It should be acknowledged that the As noted earlier, several contemporary experiments in the
findings supporting this synthesis paint a partial and scat- direct teaching of cognitive skills have yielded very positive
tered picture. Indeed, the four conditions for generality results. Moreover, guidelines are available for classroom
mentioned earlier—seeming use, important role, transfer- practices that can foster the transfer of knowledge and skills
able, and common absence—offer a map of the kinds of em- (Perkins & Salomon, 1987,1988). The fact remains, however,
pirical work needed to test the matter further. that most efforts to cultivate general cognitive skills have
Regarding seeming use, more protocol studies are needed not focussed oh bringingjogether context-specific~knowl~
that examine experts addressing atypical problems within edge with general strategic knowledgeTRalher, they Have"
their domain of expertise, to check for seeming use of gen- taken the form of courses or minicourses segregated from
eral strategies. Also, more experiments in teaching heuristics the conventional subject matters and make little effort to link
are needed that test whether gains in problem solving can up to subject matter or to nonacademic applications (cf.


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