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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Computer Science

Research Methods in
Computer Science
Chapter 2: Processes in Conducting Research
• What is Research?

• The difference between Research and Project?

• What are the key processes to involve conducting a research?

Chapter 2: Processes in Conducting Research
• Conducting research involves a series of systematic steps and
considerations to ensure a structured and fruitful investigation.

• Here’s a breakdown of the key processes involved:

1. Understanding the Research Landscape
• Literature Review: Begin by exploring existing research and literature
related to the area of interest. This step helps in understanding the current
state of knowledge, identifying gaps, and formulating research questions.
• 2.Formulating the Research Plan: Clearly define the research objectives,
methodology, scope, and significance. This proposal serves as a blueprint
for the entire research process.
3. Executing the Research Plan:
• Data Collection: Gather relevant data using appropriate methods (surveys, experiments,
interviews, etc.).
• Data Analysis: Apply suitable analytical techniques to interpret and make sense of the
collected data.
• Interpreting Results: Analyze the outcomes to draw meaningful conclusions. Ensure the
interpretation aligns with the research questions.

4. Drawing Conclusions and Recommendations

• Summarizing Findings: Present the results and conclusions derived from the research.
• Identifying Future Work: Suggest potential areas for further research or improvements based on the

5. Documentation and Dissemination
• Thesis Writing: Compile the research findings, methodology, analysis, and conclusions into a
structured document (thesis or dissertation).
• Oral Defense: Present and defend the research orally before a panel, providing an opportunity
to explain the process and defend the findings.
6. Iteration and Revision
• Revisiting and Refining: Review the research process, considering feedback received during
the defense, and refine as needed for potential publication or further research.

• Throughout these steps, it's crucial to maintain ethical considerations, rigor in data collection
and analysis, and adhere to academic integrity.

2.1. Overview of Current State of the Art Areas and Techniques in Computing
• In the realm of computing, the current state-of-the-art areas and techniques are constantly evolving.
Here’s an overview of some key domains and cutting-edge techniques in computing:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):
• Deep Learning: Neural networks with multiple layers that enable complex pattern recognition, used
extensively in image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous systems.
• Reinforcement Learning: A subset of ML where agents learn to make decisions by interacting with
an environment to achieve goals, widely used in robotics and game playing.
• AI Ethics and Responsible AI: Focus on developing AI systems that are ethical, fair, transparent, and
2. Data Science and Big Data:
• Data Analytics: Techniques for extracting insights, patterns, and trends from large datasets, including
descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics.
• Data Visualization: Utilizing graphical representations to communicate complex data patterns and
trends effectively.
• Big Data Technologies: Tools and frameworks to handle and process vast volumes of data, including
distributed computing frameworks like Hadoop and Spark. 6
3. Cybersecurity:
• Network Security: Protecting networks from unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches through
firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems.
• Cyber Threat Intelligence: Predictive analysis and information sharing to anticipate and prevent
cyber threats.
• Blockchain Technology: Securing transactions and data through decentralized and immutable ledgers,
used in cryptocurrencies and secure data sharing.
4. Internet of Things (IoT):
• Connected Devices: Interconnected devices enabling data exchange and automation in various
domains such as smart homes, healthcare, and industrial applications.
• Edge Computing: Processing data closer to the source (at the edge of the network) to reduce latency
and improve efficiency in IoT systems.

5. Cloud Computing:
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service
(SaaS): Offering scalable and on-demand computing resources, platforms, and software over the
• Serverless Computing: Executing code without the need to manage infrastructure, allowing for
efficient resource utilization.
6. Quantum Computing:
• Quantum Algorithms: Algorithms designed to run on quantum computers, promising exponential
speed-ups for specific problems like cryptography, optimization, and simulations.
• Quantum Supremacy: Demonstrating that a quantum computer can solve a problem faster than
classical computers, marking a significant milestone in the field.
• Understanding these current areas and techniques in computing is crucial for researchers to innovate,
solve complex problems, and contribute to advancements in technology and science.

2.2. Actors, Roles and Relationship
• There are several key actors play crucial roles in ensuring the success and integrity of the
research process.
• Here’s an overview of the primary actors and their respective roles:
2.2. 1. The Student Researcher
• Role: The primary executor of the research project.
• Responsibilities:
• Conducting literature reviews to understand existing knowledge.
• Designing and conducting experiments, surveys, or data collection methods.
• Analysing data and drawing conclusions.
• Composing and presenting research findings in a coherent manner.
• Relationships:
• Collaborates closely with the supervisor to seek guidance and feedback.
• Engages with the examiner/evaluator during the defense or evaluation phase.
2.2.2. The Supervisor:
• Role: Provides guidance, mentorship, and oversight to the student researcher.
• Responsibilities:
• Assisting in refining research ideas and formulating the research plan.
• Offering advice on methodology, data collection, and analysis techniques.
• Providing constructive feedback on drafts and guiding the overall research direction.
• Supporting the student in navigating challenges throughout the research process.
• Relationships:
• Works closely with the student researcher to ensure progress and quality.
• Collaborates with the examiner/evaluator to provide insights into the student’s work.
2.2.3. The Examiner/Evaluator:
• Role: Assesses and evaluates the research work.
• Responsibilities:
• Reviewing the research proposal, thesis, or final documentation.
• Assessing the student’s presentation during oral defences.
• Providing critical feedback and evaluation of the research.
• Ensuring the research meets academic standards and contributes to the field.
• Relationships:
• Evaluates the work independently of the student and supervisor.
• Engages with both the student and supervisor during the oral defense to assess the
research comprehensively.
• Relationship Dynamics:
• Student-Supervisor Relationship: Based on trust, open communication, and mutual respect.
The supervisor guides and advises while encouraging the student’s independent thinking and
• Student-Examiner Relationship: Primarily during the evaluation phase, ensuring that the
student’s work is objectively assessed based on academic rigor and quality standards.
• Supervisor-Examiner Relationship: May involve communication regarding the student’s
progress, thesis quality, and overall performance during evaluations.
• Understanding the distinct roles and fostering effective communication and collaboration
among these key actors is crucial for ensuring the successful completion and evaluation of
the research project. Clear roles and relationships help maintain academic standards and
facilitate a conducive environment for learning and knowledge creation.
2.3. The Process
• The research process involves a series of structured steps that guide researchers
from the initial idea to the final presentation of findings.
• Here's an outline of the key stages within the research process:
• 1. Developing a Research Proposal:
• Objective: Clearly define the research problem, objectives, and proposed
• Tasks:
• Identifying the research topic and narrowing down the focus.
• Conducting a literature review to understand existing knowledge and identify
• Crafting a proposal outlining research questions, methodology, and expected
• Outcome: A well-defined proposal outlining the research scope, objectives, and
2. Developing Problem Description:
• Objective: Refine and detail the research problem.
• Tasks:
• Narrowing the scope and defining specific research objectives.
• Clearly articulating the significance and relevance of the research problem.
• Identifying the theoretical framework or models that guide the research.
• Outcome: A precise problem statement and a clear understanding of the research's context
and importance.
3. Following the Objectives:
• Objective: Align research activities with predefined objectives.
• Tasks:
• Developing a research plan and timeline.
• Conducting data collection, experiments, or analysis as per the plan.
• Adapting methodologies if necessary while maintaining alignment with
• Outcome: Consistent progress towards achieving research goals.
• 4. Presenting and Analyzing the Data:
• Objective: Extract insights and draw conclusions from collected data.
• Tasks:
• Organizing and analyzing collected data using appropriate tools or methods.
• Interpreting the results to answer research questions.
• Presenting findings through visualizations, tables, and narrative analysis.
• Outcome: Clear data analysis and interpretation supporting research conclusions.
5. Drawing Conclusions and Identifying Future Work:
• Objective: Summarize findings and propose future directions.
• Tasks:
• Synthesizing results to draw meaningful conclusions.
• Discussing implications of findings and their significance in the field.
• Proposing potential areas for further research or improvements.
• Outcome: Clear conclusions and actionable recommendations for future studies.
6. Presenting and Defending Orally:
• Objective: Communicate and defend research findings effectively.
• Tasks:
• Preparing presentations or thesis defense materials.
• Articulating research methodology, findings, and conclusions.
• Responding to questions and critiques from peers or evaluators.
• Outcome: Successful presentation and defense of research work.
7. Preparing Final Research Documentation (Thesis)
• Objective: Compile and document research findings.
• Tasks:
• Organizing the thesis or final documentation according to academic standards.
• Reviewing and revising content for clarity, coherence, and correctness.
• Ensuring proper citation and referencing of sources.
• Outcome: A comprehensive and well-structured thesis documenting the entire
research journey.
• Each stage of the research process is interconnected and iterative. Researchers
often revisit and refine earlier stages based on insights gained from subsequent
steps. Adherence to ethical guidelines, rigor in methodology, and attention to detail
throughout these stages are essential for producing high-quality research outcomes.
2.4. Proposal Preparation
• Proposal preparation is a critical phase in the research process as it sets the
foundation for the entire study. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements and steps
involved in preparing a research proposal

2.4.1. Choosing a Subject Area

• Identification: Begin by identifying broad subject areas of interest within your field or
discipline. Consider areas where you have a genuine interest, existing expertise, or
a desire to learn more.

• Exploration: Conduct preliminary research to explore various subject areas. Read

academic papers, attend seminars or conferences, and engage with professionals in
the field to gather insights and perspectives.
• Reflection and Selection: Reflect on the identified subject areas considering factors such
as relevance, current trends, available resources, and personal interest. Ultimately, choose
a subject area that aligns with your research interests and has scope for meaningful

2.4.2. Choosing a Problem within the Subject Area

• Focused Exploration: Within the selected subject area, delve deeper to identify specific
problems, gaps, or unanswered questions. Review existing literature to pinpoint areas that
need further investigation or improvement.

• Clarity and Significance: Choose a research problem that is well-defined, significant, and
aligns with the broader context of the subject area. Ensure the problem is feasible within the
scope of your resources and timeframe.
2.4.3. Quality Assurance of Initial Ideas:

• Validation: Validate your initial ideas for the research problem by discussing them
with mentors, peers, or experts in the field. Seek feedback on the viability, relevance,
and originality of the proposed research problem.

• Feasibility Assessment: Assess the feasibility of addressing the chosen problem.

Consider the availability of resources, access to data, and the practicality of
conducting the research within constraints such as time and budget.

• Refinement: Refine and narrow down your initial ideas based on the feedback
received. Ensure the problem is specific enough to be researched comprehensively
yet broad enough to be significant within the field.
2.4.4. Write Research Proposal:
• Introduction: Provide an overview of the research area, its significance, and the
context within which the research problem exists.
• Problem Statement: Clearly articulate the research problem, its relevance, and why
it is worth investigating. State the objectives and research questions.
• Literature Review: Summarize existing literature related to the research problem.
Highlight gaps or inconsistencies in current knowledge that your research aims to
• Methodology: Detail the research design, approach, data collection methods, and
analysis techniques to be used.
• Significance and Expected Outcomes: Explain the potential contributions of your
research and the expected outcomes or implications.
• Timeline and Resources: Include a timeline outlining the various stages of the
research and the resources required.
2.4.5. Sample and More Acceptable Research Proposal Structure:
• While the structure may vary depending on the specific requirements of the
institution or field, a commonly accepted research proposal structure includes:
• Title Page: includes essential information such as the title of the research, the researcher's
name, institutional affiliation, mentor/supervisor's name, and date of submission.
• Abstract: Must provides a brief summary(concise overview) of the entire research
proposal(it includes some overview of research, problem statement, objectives, methodology,
key findings, and the significance of the study
• Introduction: This section should grab the reader's attention and provide a clear
understanding of what the research aims to achieve.
• It outlines the context of the study, justifies the importance of the research, and presents the objectives
or aims of the proposed study.
• Literature Review: It involves summarizing, analysing, and critically evaluating previous
research, identifying gaps or limitations in current knowledge, and demonstrating how the
proposed study contributes to the field
• Methodology: focuses in detail the research design, approach, and methods to be
employed in conducting the study.
• It describes the procedures for data collection, analysis techniques, tools, and materials used.
• Significance and Expected Outcomes: Highlights the significance of the research and its
potential contributions to the field.
• Timeline and Resources: The timeline and resources section presents a schedule or
timeline for completing the research.
• It lists the resources required for the study, such as equipment, materials, and personnel.
• References: In this section, lists all the sources cited or consulted in the research proposal.
It follows a specific citation style (e.g., APA, IEEE,MLA) and includes books, articles,
reports, and other relevant sources used in the proposal.
2.4.6. Research Proposal Check-list:
• Content Completeness: Ensure all necessary components of a research proposal
are included,
• such as the problem statement, objectives, methodology, and significance.
• Clarity and Coherence: Review the proposal for clarity, logical flow, and coherence
of ideas. Ensure the language is clear and concise.
• Alignment with Guidelines: Check that the proposal adheres to any formatting or
structural guidelines provided by the institution or department.
• Validity and Feasibility: Verify that the research problem is valid, feasible, and can
be realistically addressed within the proposed framework.
• Ethical Considerations: Consider and address any ethical considerations related to
the research, such as participant consent, confidentiality, and data handling.
• Feedback and Revision: Seek feedback from mentors or peers and revise the
proposal accordingly to enhance its quality and effectiveness.
• Following these steps and ensuring a comprehensive and well-structured research
proposal significantly increases the likelihood of its acceptance and success.
2.5. Literature Reviews
• What is literature review?
• Importance of literature review for research
• Reasons for Literature Review
• The literature review process
• Key purposes of Literature Review
• Skills for effective reading
2.5.1. Importance and Roles of Literature Review:
• Contextualizing the Research: Literature reviews situate the research within the
existing body of knowledge, providing context for the research problem and its
• Identifying Gaps: They help identify gaps, contradictions, or areas lacking sufficient
exploration in the current literature, which the new research can address.
• Formulating Hypotheses/Research Questions: Literature reviews aid in
formulating hypotheses or refining research questions based on the insights
gathered from existing studies.
• Supporting Methodological Choices: They assist in determining appropriate
methodologies, data collection techniques, and analytical frameworks based on what
has been effective in prior research.
• Critical Analysis: Literature reviews involve critical evaluation and synthesis of
diverse sources to present a balanced overview of the topic.
2.5.2. Skills and Keys to Effective Literature Review:
• Search Strategy: Effective literature reviews require skill in developing comprehensive
search strategies to access relevant sources.

• Utilize databases, libraries, and academic search engines effectively.

• Critical Analysis: Ability to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the
literature, discerning reliable sources and recognizing biases or limitations.

• Synthesis and Organization: Skills in synthesizing diverse sources and organizing them
thematically or chronologically to present a coherent narrative.

• Writing and Citation: Proficiency in academic writing and proper citation methods to
accurately reference sources.

• Time Management: Efficient time management to cover a wide range of literature while
maintaining focus on the research objectives.
2.5.3. Literature Sources (Journals, Conference Proceedings, Books, Reports,
Thesis, etc):
• Journals: Academic journals publish peer-reviewed articles offering in-depth
research and up-to-date information on specific topics.
• Conference Proceedings: Presentations and papers from conferences often
contain early-stage research findings and cutting-edge ideas.
• Books: Books provide comprehensive coverage of topics and foundational
knowledge but might be less current than journals or conference papers.
• Reports and Theses: Reports from organizations and theses/dissertations provide
valuable insights and comprehensive research findings.
• Online Sources and Databases: Utilize online databases, repositories, and digital
libraries to access a wide array of academic resources.
2.5.4. Literature Review Writing:
• Organization: Begin by outlining the structure and main themes of the literature
• Organize the review logically, grouping sources by themes or chronology.
• Critical Analysis: Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, and methodologies of each
source. Compare and contrast findings to identify trends or inconsistencies.
• Synthesis: Synthesize information from diverse sources to develop a coherent
narrative that leads to identifying gaps or areas for further research.
• Citation and Referencing: Properly cite and reference all sources using the
appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
• Revision and Editing: Review and revise the literature review for clarity, coherence,
and relevance to the research objectives.
2.6. Assessment Criteria:
• Relevance: Assessing how well the literature review aligns with the research
problem and objectives.

• Depth and Breadth: Evaluating the thoroughness of the review—whether it covers

a wide range of relevant sources and critically analyses them.

• Critical Analysis: Assessing the ability to critically evaluate and synthesize existing
literature to identify gaps or inconsistencies.

• Organization and Structure: Evaluating the coherence, logical flow, and

organization of the literature review.

• Use of Sources: Assessing the quality of sources used and their relevance to the
research problem.
• Clarity and Writing Quality: Assessing the clarity, conciseness, and overall quality
of writing in the literature review.

• A comprehensive and well-executed literature review is crucial for establishing the

foundation of a research proposal and ensuring the validity and significance of the
proposed study.

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