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Merry Christmas to you, the person who is reading

this, I hope you have a great time with your whole

family, that it is a happy and prosperous
Christmas, and that you are ready to face the next

¡ MERRY year with more strength, perhaps this year 2023

was not the best for you, but believe me that this
coming year will be better than all the previous
ones; I hope all your goals and wishes come true,

CHRISTM because Christmas is about being united as a

family, sharing with them, also with friends and
close people that you know, or also with people
you don't know and who need that joy and

AS AND happiness. The warmth of Christmas touches their

hearts, because perhaps those people are having a
bad time in their lives, and they are going to spend
it alone. If you see a person who is lonely and sad
at Christmas, join in and share a hot chocolate, a
piece of panettone, and if you don't have enough
for that, just by talking to them and asking them
how they are, and listening to their problems is
vastly significant, and can make a great change in
that person's life and in yours, that the spirit of
Christmas you have the best holidays and have a
nice time.

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