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Saparua, May 10 2022

My best friend


in Cairatu

Hi Nets, I have read your letter Praise God Me and a family in good health and is fine I also hope you
and your Keluaga is fine there.

Yes nets, we haven't met a long time already happy 3 years huh? It's not feeling like yes, hehehe.
Yes, even though we rarely communicate but our friendship still exists.

Do you really want here? It's nice to hear it, just calm down I will definitely prepare a speech that is
festive for my super beautiful friend hehe

oh yeah, I'm happy to be able to accept and read your letter. Tell my back greetings for your family,
I'm waiting for your friend's arrival. Bye

your best friend


Kairatu, May, 05 2022

My best friend,
in Saparua

 Hi Tine,
How are you?, Are you healthy?, I hope that you and your family will always be healthy, and also
always get happiness, Amen.

If you think about it, it’s been a long time since we met. It’s been almost 3 years since my family
decided to move to Kairatu. We also rarely send letters and communicate. It’s sad to have to part
with you and not be like it used to be. But even so, I always hope and pray that our friendship will
remain and not separate because of distance.

Oh ya Tine, next month will be the school semester holiday. Our family planned to go back to
Saparua to Grandma’s house. I hope can meet with you later, tine. I really want to reminisce about
your samurai, just like when we were in saparua together. I must have come to your house, so just
prepare a lively welcome for your beautiful friend, hehehe.

Ok, Tine, all this time, my letter. Convey my greetings to your parents and also your family. I’m sorry
if you rarely send your same letter. But I hope that you reply to my letter. Bye Tine.
 Your best friend,


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