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Ilio Volante

Italie, Rome


A propos de l'artiste

Ilio Volante, Italian composer of classical and jazz music. Born in Italy on 15 of May 1964, he was still a
teenager when he started his music studies saxophone showing from the very beginning a particular
predisposition towards music composition and Jazz music. At the age of 19 he won the audition for the
Italian National Army Band stationed in Rome. He served it for 10 years under the direction of Col. Marino
Bartoloni. After which, he played in the Grenadiers of Sardinias Band Rome and the Shape International
Band the official NATO Band stationed in Mons Belgium. In this last post, he held the position of 1st Tenor
Saxophone , for three years. Additionally he helped the Director, MSG Allen Wittig, in composing original
arrangements for the Big Band.So far, in his career , he has written more than 200 tunes for several music
formations. Starting from the Marching/Symphonic/Big Bands repertoire to the Symphonic Orchestra and
Decimini/Quintetti/Trii, etc.
Sociétaire : SIAE - Code IPI artiste : 78546
Page artiste :

A propos de la pièce


Compositeur : Volante, Ilio
Arrangeur : Volante, Ilio
Droit d'auteur : Volante Ilio © All rights reserved
Editeur : Volante, Ilio
Instrumentation : Jazz Sextette
Style : Blues
Commentaire : Featuring: Ilaria TADE' (Vocals); Valerio VETTESE

Ilio Volante sur

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Ajoutée le : 2009-06-07 Dernière mise à jour le : 2009-06-07 16:53:08

Blues Tempo by ILIO VOLANTE

#### ı
68 n ˙ . Œ.
jn œ
‰ œ œ œ œ œ nœ œ bœ œ nœ
Blue Pad continues until Ten Sax Guitar
& n ˙˙ .. n n ˙˙˙ ...
˙. ˙.
#### œ œn œ œ œ œ n œ œ œ œ b œ œ œ œ
E 9 ...) Ten Sax
& nœ
3 3
j œ. œ bœ œ j œ. œ bœ œ œ.
nœ œ nœ œ
nœ nœ

œ nœ
#### nœ œ œ œ œ
A9 E9
œ bœ œ nœ œ nœ œ. œ. bœ nœ bœ œ nœ ≈ œ nœ œ ≈ ≈
3 3
& œ œ œ œ œ œnœ
B˙9. œ. nœ. ˆ E˙9. ˙.
## #
& ..
Vocal Improvvisation

A9 E9
& Ó. Ó. Ó. Ó.

A9 E9
Ó. Ó. .. .. Ó . Ó.
Guitar Solo 1st - Tenor Sax Solo 2nd

A9 E9
& Ó. Ó. Ó. Ó.

A9 E9
& Ó. Ó. Ó. Ó.

A9 E9
& Ó. Ó. Ó. Ó.

#### Ó .
A9 U
Ó. .. n ˙ .
D.S. to CODA
& n ˙˙ ..

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