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Muhammad shayan khan
Compiled by muhammad shayan khan
Science :
Science are under the hands of Muslims scientists 600 years.
The man made knowledge is called science.
The study of natural thing is called science.
Natural things:
Any things which is created by Allah is called natural things.
The knowledge which is based on observation and experiments is called
The analysis of something using the sense organ of the body is called
*Sense organ:
There are five(5) sense organs.
1 Tongue>taste ,2 Nose> smell , 3 Eyes>sight ,4 Ears>Hearing/sound ,
5 Skin >Touch
practical work after observation is called experiment.

Introduction to biology.
The word biology is derived from two Greek words “BIO” which mean life
and “LOGOS” which
Mean study/discuss/discourse.
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The term biology is used for the first time by “Lamarck “ in 1802 but according to the book The
word biology is used for the first time by carl linneaus .
Father of biology is Aristotle and the father of modern biology is carl linneaus .
*Life ;
Time between born and death is called life .
A set of characteristics which differentiate living thing from non-living things is called life .
Set :
A collection of something is called set.
Set of characteristics ;
Growth , Moment ,Reproduction ,Digestion and circulation etc. These characteristic are only in
living organisms like plants ,animals ,and micro organisms
Biology definition ;
The branch of science in which we study the life of plants ,animals and micro -
Organisms is called biology.

Main branches of biology

There are three main branches of biology which are given below .
1 Zoology ;
The branch of biology in which we study animals . Example ; Human , frog ,cat etc.
Father of zoology is Aristotle .
2 Botany :
The branch of biology in which we study plants .
Father of botany is Theophrastus
Example ;
Brassica , Mulberry ,Pinus , Ferns etc ..
3 Micro biology :
The branch of biology in which we study the life micro- organism. Example Bacteria , etc. Father
of micro biology is Liousposture .
Micro organisms :
Those living organisms which can not be see by naked eye but can be see 4
with the help of microscope is callede micro organisms
Sub branches of biology .
In our book there are 16 sub branches of biology which are given below .
1 Morphology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of form , shape , and structure of living
organisms is called morphology .
The branch of biology that deals with the external study of living organisms is called
Example :
Eye , Nose , ear , etc.
2 Anatomy :
The branch of biology that deals with the internal study of living organisms is called anatomy.
Example :
lungs structure , functions ,shape , etc .
3 Histology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of plants and animals tissues and its structure
Is called histology.
Tissue :
Tissue The word tissue can be defined as that the combination of cells which can perform same
function .
A group of cells which can perform a specific function is called tissue .
Example :
Nervous tissue , muscular tissue etc
4 Physiology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of structure and function of the organs is called
Structure :
In biology every where the word structure means the components or parts of living organisms
. Example :
Heart , lungs , stomach etc
5 Embryology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of embryo is called embryology.
Embryo :
The development of zygote of to the completion of an organism is called embryo .
6 Taxonomy :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of classification of living
organisms and their scientific naming is called taxonomy .
Father of taxonomy is Carolus linneaus.
Cell biology / Cytology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of cells is called cell biology.
Cell : Structural and functional unit of living organisms is called cell .
8 Paleontology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of fossils is called paleontology .
Paleo botany :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of plants fossils is called paleo botony.
Paleo zoology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of animals fossils is called paleo zoology.
Fossils :
Fossils mean dead organic matter without decaying .
Old body parts of dead organisms is called fossils.
9Immunology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of immune system of the body is called
Immune system / defense system of body.
when a harmful substance or micro organisms entered to the body the system which show
against response the pathogens is called immune system.
Pathogens ;
Any micro organisms which get food from your body and cause a disease.
pathogens is the type of parasite .

Micro organisms :
Those organisms which can’t see by naked eyes but can be seen with the help of microscope is
called micro organisms .
Example :
Bacteria etc.
Entomology :
The word entomology is derived from Greek word “ Entomon “ which mean notched .
Notched :
Notched refers to the segmented body of the insects .
The branch of biology that deals with the study of insects is called entomology .
11 Genetics :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of genes .
The branch of biology that deals with the study of the transfer of character from parents to
the offspring is called genetics .
The transfer character from parents to the offspring may be same or different from the
parents. Same character are called heredity and different character are called variation .
The transforming character are controlled by genes . such as eye colour ,height etc
Genes ;
The segment of DNA is genes .
12 Biotechnology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of using the organisms for the welfare of
humanity is called biotechnology .
Example :
When we can take different type of organisms and make drugs fro it .The drugs can use
against disease which is cause by pathogens .
13 Environmental biology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of environment and their organisms .
Environment :
Surrounding arround the organisms is called its environment .
Organisms :
Any thing which can respire is called organisms .
14 : : Parasitology :
The branch biology that deals with the study of parasites and their aspect of parasitismis called
parasitology .
Parasite :
Those organisms which give food from dead organisms and cause disease in living organisms
is called parasite .
15 Socio biology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of social behavior of an organisms is called
social biology. Such as humans , ants , honey bees ,eagle , wolf etc.

Example 1 :
Social behavior of ants .
Ants are live in the form of colony . In one colony o there is two types of ants are live ( Female
sterile workers , and female queens ) . Female sterile workers is only for work like bring food
etc and female queen can only for laying eggs / Produced offspring and can’t perform other
work like the work of female sterile workers .
Example 2 :
Social behavior of honey bees .
Honey bees live in a hives in one hives there is 50,000 to 80,000 honey bees are lives .In one
hives there is three types of honeys bees ( 1 fertile female queen , 200 male drones and the other
are workers honey bees ) . 1 Female queen and 200 male can produced offspring and
the worker can bring nectar and pollen grain from flowers .
Nectar :
A sweet fluid inside the flowers is called nectar .
Pollen grain :
The reproductive cell in the flowers is called pollen grain .
16 Pharmacology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of drugs is called pharmacology .
Drugs :
The word drugs is derived from latin word “ Dry herb “ .
Any medicine or substance that effect the physiology of organisms of organisms is called
drugs . 8
Any substance which change the physical and mental state of the body is called drugs .

Linkage of biology with other field .


Social science Natural science

History etc. Physical science Biological science

Chemistry , physics Biology

Interdisciplinary field :
The study of physical science with biological science is called interdisciplinary field .
Some interdisciplinary field are given below .
1 ) Biophysics :
Biophysics refers the relationship between physics and biology .
It is interdisciplinary study to understand biological phenomena and problems by using the
principle and techniques of physics .
It is used in physiology , pharmacology , bioenergetics and neuroscience .
Physiology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of structure and function of Organs is called
physiology .
Example :
Heart , Stomach , lungs etc
Pharmacology :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of drugs is called pharmacology

Bioenergetics :
The branch of biology that deals with the study of energy transformation from one form to
another form in the body of living organisms is called bioenergetics .
Example :
Photosynthesis .
Photosynthesis :
The process through which autotrophs prepare their own food is called photosynthesis .
Autotrophs :
Those organisms which can prepare their own food is called autotrophs .
During photosynthesis use the laws and principles of physics during the absorption of light .
2) Biochemistry :
Biochemistry is concerned with the chemical substance and process that occur inside the living
organisms .
Example :
Metabolisms .
Metabolisms :
The sum of all chemical reactions which occurs inside the living organisms .
Types :
There are two types of metabolisms which are given below .
1 ) Anabolisms , 2) catabolism .
1 ) Anabolisms :
when small and simple molecules combined together and form a large and complex compound
is called anabolisms .
Example :
Photosynthesis > CO2+H2O sun light and chlorophyll C6H12Oc+O2

1 ) Catabolism :
when large and complex compound are broken down into small and simple molecules is called
catabolism .
Example :
C6H12O6+O2 CO2+H2O= Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP) energy.
3 ) Biogeography :
Biogeography is concerned with the distribution of organisms in space and time .
Why polar bears are found only in the artic region .
2 ) Why malaria causing mosquito found in damp and warm area .
2) Why kingro rate are found in desert .
4 ) Biostatistics / biometry :
Using the application of statistical and mathematical formula in the study of biology is called
biostatistics/ biometry .
Biologist (researcher) design analyses and interpret the research data .
Example ;
Ratio and proportion are used in biology .
5) Bio-economics :
Co relation between biology and economics .
The study of organisms from economical point of view is called bio-economics .
In bio-economics scientists calculate and compare cost and profit of biological project .
• Production of new variety of crops
• The GMOs(Genetically modified organisms) in the economics point of view .

Careers in biology :
Studying biology can be ammensely rewarding and exciting. There are several career/paths one
can follow as a biologist , such as :
• Medicine and surgery
• Fisheries
• Agriculture
• Animal science
• Horticulture
• Forestry
• Farming
1 ) Medicine and surgery :
Medicines :
The field of medicines is related to the diagnosis and treatment of disease .
Diagnosis ;
Examination of the nature of an illness is called diagnosis .
Treatment :
Deal something or someone with a careful way is called treatment .
Surgery :
In surgery the defective parts of the body can be remove , repair or replace . Surgery is performed by
a surgeon .
Defective part : t
he affected / non functional and broken part of the body is called defective part .
Appendecytes .
The pain on appendix is called appendecytes and the surgery of the appendecytes is called
appendectomy .
After studying biology in secondary (FSC) these professions are study in the same course which
Are MBBS ( bechlor of medicine and bechlor of surgery ) .
2) Fisheries :
A profession which are related to the production of fish is called fisheries .
Fisheries manager work in fish hatcheries and study fish habitats , nutrition requirements ,
genetics and diseases etc.
Fish hatcheries ;
The farms of fish which are using for artificial breeding .
One can adopt this career after the BS or MS degree in zoology .
Agriculture :
Biologist can adopt career in agriculture . Agriculturist deals with the study of crops and live stock
( farms of domesticated animals ) .
After complete of degree in agriculture university . One can become agriculturist . Agriculturist
May work in agriculture department , veterinary and pharmaceutical industries , food industries etc.
4) Animal science or animal husbandry .
After studying biology at higher level one can adopt his careers in animals science or animals
husbandry .
Animals science deals with the breeding(production )and raising ( increase and growth ) of livestock.
The career is taught in many universities and colleges after higher secondary education.
Graduate of these course work in veterinary hospital , pharmaceutical industry, livestock department
and food industry etc.
5) Horticulture :
After studying biology at higher level one can adopt his careers in horticulture.
Horticulture can open business and find jobs in fruits and vegetable production , landscape
design ,nurseries , garden etc.
6) Forestry :
After studying biology at higher level one can adopt his career as forest manager .
Forestry is concerned with managing forest and growing forest to provide timber and for
wildlife habitat etc.
8) Farming :
After studying course in animal husbandry and agriculture can adopt this field .
In farming farm are developed and maintained for animal breeding , poultry , fruit and vegetables .

Five kingdom system of classification

History :
Before five kingdom system of classification carolus linneaus classified all organisms into two
1 ) Kingdom animalea 2)Kingdom plantae .
After two kingdom system classification “Robert Whitaker” in 1969 classified all organisms into five
kingdom . And “Robert whittaker “proposed a system which is called” five kingdom system”.

The five kingdoms are given below .

1 ) Kingdom monera / kingdom prokaryotae .

• All living organisms in kingdom monera are unicellular .
Unicellular :
Those organisms which is made up of single cell called unicellular organisms .
• This kingdom include all prokaryotic organisms .
Prokaryotic cell :
The cell which is lack the nucleus and membrane bounded organelles called prokaryotic cell .
• The organisms of this kingdom are autotrophs .
Autotrophs :
Those organisms which prepared their own food .
• Cell wall are present in the cell of this kingdom organisms .

Prokaryotic cell
• Their cell wall is made up of murein / peptidoglycan ( peptidoglycan is a polysaccharide and the
long chain in glucose is called polysaccharide ) .
Example :
bacteria , cyanobacteria ( blue green algae) .

2) Kingdom protista / kingdom protoctista / trash cane .

• This kingdom include some unicellular and some multicellular organisms .
• This include a eukaryotic organisms .
Eukaryotic cell :
The cell which contain nucleus as well as membrane bounded organelles .
• They are usually live aquatic habitat .
• They may be autotrophic are heterotrophic organisms .
Example :
Plasmodium , parammecium etc.

3) Kingdom fungi .
• This kingdom include eukaryotic organisms.
• They are multicellular and unicellular organisms .
• Cell wall are present and made up of chitin .
• They are heterotrophic organisms ( Those organisms which are lack chloroplast called
• organisms and can not prepare their own food )
• They stored food in the form of glycogen .
Example :
Mushroom , yeast , molds etc.

4) Kingdom plantae .
• This kingdom include multicellular and eukaryotic organisms .
• Cell wall are present and they prepare their own food called autotrophs .
• Cell wall is present and made up of cellulose .
• Their cell is rectangular due to the present of cell wall .
Example :
banana tree , mango tree etc.
5) Kingdom animalia .
• This kingdom include multicellular and eukaryotic organisms .
• They are heterotrophs due to the absent of chloroplast
• They lack cell wall .
This kingdom are divided into two groups on the basis of vertebral column .
1 ) Vertebrates 2) Invertebrates .
1) Vertebrates :
• Those organisms which have vertebral column or back bone .
• They can perform jumping like frog .
• They are walking like human .
• They are running like mouse .
2) Invertebrates :
• Those organisms which lack vertebral column or back bone .
• They are creveling like snacks .
Human , tiger ,insects etc.
Biology in the light of Holy Quran.
According to the Quran teachings Allah, is the ultimate creator of every living and nonliving
things. Some of the Quran verses in this regard are quoted below
• “Allah created man from sounding clay like the clay of pottery”
• “Then we made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood. Then of that clot We made a (fetus)
lump. We made out of that lamp bones and clothed the bones with flesh then we developed out of
it another creature so blessed Allah, the best to create”
• “We made from water every living thing. Will l they not then believe?”
• “And in the earth are the tracts (diverse though) neighbouring , gardens of vines and field sown
some with corn and palm trees-growing out of single roots or otherwise. Watered with the same
water. Yet some of them we make more excellent than other to eat”
• “And Allah created every animal from water. Some creep up on their bellies other walks on two
legs and others on four. Allah creates what he pleases (wills) he has power over all things

contribution of Muslims scientist in the field of Biology.
i. Jabir Bin Hayyan
He is also known in Europe by the name Geber.
Date of Birth:
He was born in 721 A.D in Iran and practiced medicine in Iraq.
Father of chemistry:
He is also known as father of chemistry.
His most important contribution is in the field of chemistry especially practical application of
chemistry like discovery of sulphuric acid and vinegar. He was also an astronomer,pharmacist
physician, philosopher and engineer.
He wrote a number of books are.
Al-Nabatat: In this book he discussed various aspects of plants life and forms.
Al-Hayawan: In this book he has described variety of animals, their structure and habitat.
Date of death:
Jabir was died in 815 A.D
ii. -Abdul Malik Aasmai:
Date of birth:
He was born in 740 A.D in Busra
He contributed for advancement in zoology, botany and animal husbandry.
Animal Sciences:
Abdul Malik Aasmai was regarded as the specialist of animal sciences.
Famous books.
His famous books are as follows.
Al-lbil : The book was written on the camels.
Al-kheil: The book about horses.
Al-wahoosh: The book about wild animals
Al –sha: The book about sheep
Khalaq-ul-Insan: The book about human being
Date of Death: He died in 828 A.D 16
iii. Bu Ali sina:
Other Name:
He is also called Avicenna in west.
Date of birth:
He was born in Bukhara, city of Iraq in 980 AD.
His valuable contribution was in the field of medicine. He is also known as fatherof medicines.
He was an expert in mathematics, astronomy, physics and palaeontology. He discovered 760 various
type of drugs.
Famous Book:
His famous book “AL-Qanoon-fil-tibb” as known as canon of medicine in west He described 130
disease of eye in his book.
Date of death:
He died in 1037 A.D
iv. Abu Usman Umar Al-jahiz:
Date of Birth:
He was born in Basra, city of Iraq in 766 A.D
He was a well-known zoologist. He described the life system of ants and his own observation on
seasonal migration of fishes in Tigris River.
He famous books was Al Haywan. In this book he described the characteristics of 350 species of
animals especially about life of ants.
v. Al-Farabi: (870-950AD):
Date of Birth:
He was born in 870 A.D
He has a contribution in the field of Hikmat and biology and he was therenowned Hakim and
biologist of the Islamic world.
He wrote two well – known books,
Kitab – ul –Nabatat about plants.
Kitab – Ul – Haywanat about animals.
Date of death: He died in 950 A.D 17
vi. Abdul Qasim Ali Zahravi (936 AD – 1004AD)
Date of Birth:
He was born in 936 A.D.
He was regarded as the renowned surgeon of Islamic world. He was famousfor the removal of stone
from urinary bladder. He was expert in the making of various typesof dissecting equipment.
Date of death: He died in 1004 A.D
vii. Ibn – Ul – Haitham(965-1039 AD):
Date of Birth:
He was born in 965 A.D.
He was a great optician. He corrected the Greek conception of vision. Helocated retina as a site of
 Kitab – ul – Manazir about eye
 Mizan – ul – Hikma deals with medicines.
Date of Death: ]
He died in 1039 A.D
Viii . Ali Bin Isa:
Date of Birth: 940 A.D
He was a well – known eye specialist (ophthalmologist). He worked on thestructure, function and
diseases of eyes. He described 130 disease of eye in his books.
Date of Death: 1010 A.D.
ix. Ibn – AL – Nafees:
Dare of birth: 1210 A.D.
He was a renowned biologist of 13th century A.D. He described the circulationof blood in human
Date of Death: 1288 A.D.

level of biological organization.

In order to understand the various phenomena of life, biologist study biological organization at
different level. Which are given below . 18
1) Sub atomic particle and atom :
All living and non living organisms are composed of atom .
Atom :
Atom is the smallest particle of matter which can not further divisible .
Sub atomic particle :
Proton, neutron and electron are the fundamental subatomic particle which composed the atom .
The body of living organisms are made up of 16 kind of elements Or The essential elements are 16
from which the living organisms body are made .
These 16 elements are called bio elements .
There are total 118 numbers of elements in periodic table .
Out of the 118 elements 16 are bio elements .
And out of the 16 bio elements the 6 elements are very important because it make the 99% of the
protoplasm ( The living content of the cell is called protoplasm .OR The combination of nucleus
and cytoplasm is called protoplasm ).
The 6 important bio elements are
Oxygen (O) , Carbon (C) , Hydrogen(H) , Nitrogen (N) , Calcium ( Ca ) , Phosphorus (P) .
And the other 10 bio elements make 1% of the protoplasm , Which are given below .
“ k , Cl , Na , Mg , Fe , Cu , Mn , Zn , and I “ .
2 Molecule and Compound .
When bio elements combine together through a special bond it will form bio molecule and bio –
compound .
There are two types of molecules
• Micro molecules .
• Macro molecules .
1) Micro molecule .
A molecule which have low molecular weight is called micro molecule .
Example :
Amino acid , Glucose , Fatty acid etc.
2) Macro molecule .
A molecule which have high molecular weight is called macro molecule .
Compound :
When different elements combine together it will form compound .
3 Organelles .
When different bio elements combine together ib a specific manner it form a cellular structure known
as organelles .
Example :
mitochondria , Endoplasmic reticulum etc.
Each organelles perform a specific function .
Example 1 :
Mitochondria .
Mitochondria produce energy to cell so it is called power house of the cell .
Example 2 ;
Ribosomes prepare protein so it is called factory of protein .
Example 3 :
Chloroplast prepare food (Glucose ) so it is called kitchen of the cell .
4 Cell .
Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
Cell contain different organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, chloroplast, centriol , nucleus etc.
There are two types of cell .
1 Prokaryotic cell .
2 Eukaryotic cell .
1 Prokaryotic cell :
The cell which lack the nucleus and membrane bounded organelles is called prokaryotic cell .
2 Eukaryotic cell :
The cell which contain a membrane bounded organelles and as well as nucleus is called eukaryotic
5 Tissue .
When same or different cell combine in a specific manner it form tissue .Which perform a specific
function .
Example :
Blood tissue , Bones tissue etc.
6 Organ .
When different tissue combine in a specific manner it form organ.
Each organ perform a specific function.
Example :
Stomach , Heart etc.
7 Organ system .
When different organs combine together in a specific way it for organ system .
Example 1
: Respiratory system:
Respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breath.
In respiratory system nose , pharynx , larynx , trachea , bronchi , , lungs are include .
Example 2:
Digestive system :
In digestive system mouth , pharynx , esophagus , stomach intestine , rectum and anus are include .
8 Organism .
When many organ system combine in a specific way it will form organism .
Example :
Human , Plants , animals etc.
Cellular Organization:
Definition :
In living organisms’ single cell or many cells organize to form an organism called cellular
Type of cellular organization:
There are three types of cellular organization.
Unicellular Organization .
• Those organisms which is made up of only single cell called unicellular organisms .
• All the function are perform by that cell .
• Their single cell are capable to perform respiration , digestion , excretion and reproduction etc.
• These living organisms can live independently .
Euglena, Amoeba and Paramecium etc.

2 Colonial organization.
• When many unicellular organism combine together It will form colonial organization.
• It may be live in water or terrestrial habitat .
• It is dependent on each other cell of the colony i.e . Some cell are specialized for movebelity while
some cell specialized for reproduction .
• Most of the function is performed by every cell .
Example : Volvox : 21
• Volvox is a green alga found in water that shows colonial organization. Hundreds of volvox cells
make a small volvox colony.
• Hundred of volvox cell make small colonies and many small colonies make big colonies .
• Single cell of volvox colony can not live independently because it is dependent on each other .
3 Multicellular organization .
In multicellular organization many cell combined together form tissues, tissue specialized and
Form organs and organs specialized in a specific manner and form organ system and organ system
combine together a special way form multicellular organisms / organization .
• All plants and animals are multicellular organisms .
• In plants their vegetative and reproductive organs are roots , branches , stem , leaves are
vegetative organs and flower are the reproductive organ.
• Similarly the body of animals are made up of different organ system such as digestive system ,
reproductive system , circulatory system etc.

Exercise (MCQS)
A. Encircle the best suitable answers.
1. Ms Aisha was busy in dissecting and analyzing the heart of frog probably she is
a. Cell biologist b. taxonomist c. Histologist d. palaeontologist
2. How many people get lung cancer by smoking? This question can be answered through:
a. Biometry b. biophysics c. Bio – economics d. palaeontology
3. Al.Qanun-fil-Tibb is the famous book of:
a. Bu Ali sina b. Jabir Bin Hayyan c. Abdul Malik Aasmai. Ibn Nafees
4. One of the following contains large number of cells but not a multicellular.
a. Frog b. Volvox c. mushroom d. Chlamydomonas
5. According to five kingdom system of classification mushrooms belong
a. Plantae b. Fungi c. Animalia d. Protista
6. The level of organization which is represented by the heart of frog is:
a. Organ b. Tissue c. Organism d. Organelle
7. One of the following is not a macromolecule:
a. Glucose b. Sucrose c. Fatty acid d. protein
8. The number of plants in desert are scarce this could be the statement of:
a. Palaeontologist b. Social biologist c. Biogeographic d. Taxonomist
9. Which bio-element makes most of the composition of organism’s body?
a. Hydrogen b. Carbon c. Oxygen d. nitrogen
10. Which of the following cellular organization represents volvox?
i. Unicellular b. Multicellular c. Bi-cellular d. Colonial

Extra (MCQS)
1 The world are fascinating especially because variation in their size , shape and _________________
a. colour b. habitat c. both a and b .d. none of these .
2 swedish scientist _____________ for the first time used the word biology.
Aristotle . B. carolus linnaeus c . Theo phrastus d. carl linnaeus
3 Father of zoology is ____
a.Aristotle . B. carolus linnaeus c . Theo phrustas d. carl linneaus
4 Father of botany is ___
a. Aristotle . B. carlus linneaus . c . Theo phrustus d. carl linneaus
5 Father of micro biology is _________
a.Aristotle . B. carolus linneaus c . Theo phrastus d. louis pasteur
6 _________________ in 1969 classified all living organisms in five kingdoms.
a . Aristotle . B Robbert Whittaker c carolus linnaeus d. Al-jahiz
7 The cell wall of kingdom monera is made up of _________
a. Chitin .b. Cellulose c. murien d. all of these .
8 _______________ kingdom live in aquatic habitat .
. a. prokaryotes . b. protista .c. protoctista . d. both b and c
9 The cell wall is made up of cellulose
a. animalia b. funji c. monera d plantae
10 _______________________ reserve food in the form of starch
a Plantae b . Funji c. Both d . None
11 _________ organisms lack the cell and centrioles are present in the cells.
a . Plantae b. animalia . C . Protoctista d none.
12 Plasmodium is a ________
a . Funji .b. Protista c . Protoctista .d. both b and c
13 Animals cell are
a . Circular b. rectangular c . Oval . D. none
14 Plants cell are
a. rectangular .b. circular . c .oval . D. none . 23
15 Largest organ in the human body is
a . Stomach b. heart . c . Skin . d. lungs .
16 Smallest organ in the human body is
a. eye b. ears c. bladder . Teeth
17 “ We give you to drink of that which is in their _______________ , from betwixt the refuse and the blood.
a. stomach b. heart c. bellies d . None
18 Volvox cell can not live
a. dependently .b. independently c, both a and b d. none
19 Volvox colony are _______________ on each other
a.Dependent b. independent c bath a and b d. none
20 The greek word” entomon” meaning “ notched” refers to __________ body of insect.
a. segmented body b. flat body c. both a and b d. none
Short questions
Q1. How the understanding of physics can help the biologist?
Ans: Biophysics:
Biophysics refers the relationship between physics and biology .
it is interdisciplinary study to understand biological phenomena and problems by using the principle
and techniques of physics .
It is used in physiology , pharmacology , bioenergetics and neuroscience .
Physiology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of structure and function of Organs is
called physiology .
Example : Heart , Stomach , lungs etc
Pharmacology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of drugs is called pharmacology
Bioenergetics : The branch of biology that deals with the study of energy transformation from one
form to another form in the body of living organisms is called bioenergetics .
Example : Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis : The process through which autotrophs prepare their own food is called
photosynthesis .
Autotrophs : Those organisms which can prepare their own food is called autotrophs .

Q.2: Which career would you like to adopt after studying biology and why?
Ans. I want to become a medical doctor and serve the humanity. Being a doctor, it is very
honourable and responsible profession. I want to do specialization in cardiology because heart
diseases are very common now and a lot of people die of it. That is why I will prefer medical
profession for carrier.

Q3. Write the translation of any three verse of the holy Quran related to the creation of mankind.
Ans: According to the Quran teachings Allah, is the ultimate creator of every living and nonliving
things. Some of the Quran verses in this regard are quoted below
• “Allah created man from sounding clay like the clay of pottery”
• “We made from water every living thing. Will l they not then believe?”
• “And Allah created every animal from water. Some creep up on their bellies other walks on two
legs and others on four. Allah creates what he pleases (wills) he has power over all things”

Q4. Name few Muslim scientists and their contributions in the field of biology and medicines.
Ans: Contribution of Muslim scientist:
i. Jabir Bin Hayyan
Name: He is also known in Europe by the name Geber.
Date of Birth: He was born in 721 A.D in Iran and practiced medicine in Iraq.
Father of chemistry: He is also known as father of chemistry.
Contribution: His most important contribution is in the field of chemistry especially practical
application of chemistry like discovery of sulphuric acid and vinegar. He was also an astronomer,
pharmacist physician, philosopher and engineer.
Books: He wrote a number of books are.
Al-Nabatat: In this book he discussed various aspects of plants life and forms.
Al-Hayawan: In this book he has described variety of animals, their structure and habitat.
Date of death: Jabir was died in 815 A.D
ii. -Abdul Malik Aasmai:
Date of birth: He was born in 740 A.D in Busra
Contribution: He contributed for advancement in zoology, botany and animal husbandry.
Animal Sciences: Abdul Malik Aasmai was regarded as the specialist of animal sciences
Date of Death: He died in 828 A.D

iii. Bu Ali sina:

Other Name: He is also called Avicenna in west.
Date of birth: He was born in Bukhara, city of Iraq in 980 AD.
Contribution: Hisvaluable contribution was in the field of medicine. He is also known as father
of medicines. He was an expert in mathematics, astronomy, physics and palaeontology. He discovered
760 various type of drugs.
Famous Book:
His famous book “AL-Qanoon-fil-tibb” as known as canon of medicine in west He described 130
disease of eye in his book.
Date of death: He died in 1037 A.D

Q5. What level of organization is represented by Volvox?

Ans: Volvox represents colonial organization. In colonial organization many unicellular organisms
live in the form of a colony.
Volvox is a green algae found in water.
Each colony is the size of pin-head.
Number of cells:
There are 500 to 60000 cells presents in a single colony. The cells are connected to each other by
Cytoplasmic strands. Vegetative cells are ciliated and are concerned with nutrition and

Give Detailed answers to the following Questions.
Q1. Briefly establish the linkage between biology with physics geography and statistics?
Ans. Linkage of biology .
1 ) Biophysics : Biophysics refers the relationship between physics and biology .
It is interdisciplinary study to understand biological phenomena and problems by using the principle
and techniques of physics .
It is used in physiology , pharmacology , bioenergetics and neuroscience .
Physiology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of structure and function of Organs
is called physiology . Example : Heart , Stomach , lungs etc
Pharmacology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of drugs is called pharmacology
Bioenergetics : The branch of biology that deals with the study of energy transformation from one
form to another form in the body of living organisms is called bioenergetics .
Example : Photosynthesis . 26
Photosynthesis : The process through which autotrophs prepare their own food is called
photosynthesis .
Autotrophs : Those organisms which can prepare their own food is called autotrophs .
2) Biogeography : Biogeography is concerned with the distribution of organisms in space and
time .
1 ) Why polar bears are found only in the artic region .
2 ) Why malaria causing mosquito found in damp and warm area .
2) Why kingro rate are found in desert .
3 ) Biostatistics / biometry : Using the application of statistical and mathematical formula in
the study of biology is called biostatistics/ biometry .
Biologist (researcher) design analyses and interpret the research data .
Example ; Ratio and proportion are used in biology .

Q2. Define biology How can you describe your own body under different branches of biology?
Ans. Introduction of biology.
The word biology is derived from two Greek words “BIO” which mean life and “LOGOS” which
Mean study/discuss/discourse.
History: The term biology is used for the first time by “Lamark “ in 1802 but according to the book The
word biology is used for the first time by carl linneaus .
Father of biology is Aristotle and the father of modern biology is carl linneaus .
Life :Time between born and death is called life .OR A set of characteristics which differentiate living
thing from non-living things is called life .
Set of characteristics ; Growth , Moment ,Reproduction ,Digestion and circulation etc. These
characteristic are only in living organisms like plants ,animals ,and micro organisms
Biology definition ; The branch of science in which we study plants ,animals and micro -
Organisms is called biology.
Main branches of Biology:
There are three main branches of Biology
1 Zoology ; The branch of biology in which we study animals . Example ; Human , frog ,cat etc.
Father of zoology is aristotle
2 Botany : The branch of biology in which we study plants .Example ;Brassica , Mulberry , Pinus ,
Ferns etc .Father of botany is theophrastus.
3 Micro biology : The branch of biology in which we study the life micro- organism. Example Bacteria ,
Father of micro biology is lious posture .
Micro organisms : Those living organisms which can not be see by naked eye but can be see with the
help of microscope .
Sub- branches of biology
In our book there are 16 sub branches of biology which are given below .
1 Morphology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of form , shape , and structure
of living organisms is called morphology .
Example : Eye , Nose , ear , etc.
2 Anatomy : The branch of biology that deals with the internal study of living organisms is called
Example : lungs structure , functions ,shape , etc .
3 Histology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of plants and animals tissues and its
structure .
Tissue : A group of cells which can perform a specific function is called tissue .
Example : Nervous tissue , muscular tissue etc
4 Physiology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of structure and function of the organs
. Example : Heart , lungs , stomach etc
5 Embryology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of embryo is called embryology.
Embryo :The development of zygote of to the completion of an organism is called embryo .
6 Taxonomy : The branch of biology that deals with the study of classification of living
organisms and their scientific naming is called taxonomy .
Father of taxonomy is carolus linneaus .
7 Cell biology / Cytology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of cells.
Cell : Structural and functional unit of living organisms is called cell .
8 Paleontology :The branch of biology that deals with the study of fossils is called paleontology .
Paleo botany : The branch of biology that deals with the study of plants fossils .
Paleo zoology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of animals fossils .
Fossils : Fossils mean dead organic matter without decaying . OR Old body parts of dead living
organisms .
9 Immunology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of immune system of the body .
Immune system / defense system of body.
when a harmful substance or micro organisms entered to the body immune system /defense
system of body and show response against the pathogens .
Pathogens ; Any micro organisms which get food from your body and cause a disease.
pathogens is the type of parasite .
Micro organisms : Those organisms which can’t see by naked eyes but can be seen with
the help of microscope is micro organisms . Example : Bacteria etc.
10 Entomology : The word entomology is derived from Greek word “ Entomon “ which mean notched
• Notched : Notched refers to the segmented body of the insects.
The branch of biology that deals with the study of insects is called entomology .
11 Genetics : The branch of biology that deals with the study of genes . OR The branch of biology
that deals with the study of the transfer of character from parents to the offspring is called genetics
• The transfer character from parents to the offspring may be same or different from the parents.
Same character are called heredity and different character are called variation .
• The transforming character are controlled by genes . such as eye colour ,height etc
Genes ; The segment of DNA is genes .
12 Biotechnology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of using the organisms for the
welfare of humanity is called biotechnology .
Example : When we can take different type of organisms and make drugs from it .The drugs can
use against disease which is cause by pathogens .
13 Environmental biology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of environment and their
organisms .
Environment : Surrounding arround the organisms is called its environment .
Organisms : Any thing which can respire is called organisms .
14 : : Parasitology : The branch biology that deals with the study of parasites and their aspect of
parasitism .
Parasite : Those organisms which give food from dead organisms and cause disease in living
organisms is called parasite .
15 Socio biology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of social behavior of organisms .
Such as humans , ants , honey bees ,eagle , wolf etc.
Example 1 : Social behavior of ants .
Ants are live in the form of colony . In one colony o there is two types of ants are live ( Female
sterile workers , and female queens ) . Female sterile workers is only for work like bring food etc and
female queen can only for laying eggs / Produced offspring and can’t perform other
work like the work of female sterile workers .
Example 2 : Social behavior of honey bees .
Honey bees live in a hives in one hives there is 50,000 to 80,000 honey bees are lives .In one hives
there is three types of honeys bees ( 1 fertile female queen , 200 male drones and the other
are workers honey bees ) . 1 Female queen and 200 male can produced offspring and the worker
can bring nectar and pollen grain from flowers .
Nectar : A sweet fluid inside the flowers is called nectar .
Pollen grain : The reproductive cell in the flowers is called pollen grain .
16 Pharmacology : The branch of biology that deals with the study of drugs .
Drugs : The word drugs is derived from latin word “ Dry herb “ .
Any medicine or substance that effect the physiology of organisms of organisms is called drugs .
OR Any substance which change the physical and mental state of the body is called drugs .

Q3. Enlist the various levels of biological organization and explain it with an example?
Ans: Levels of Biological Organization:
In order to understand the various phenomena of life, biologist study biological organization at
different level. Which are given below .
1) Sub atomic particle and atom :
All living and non living organisms are composed of atom .
Atom : Atom is the smallest particle of matter which can not further divisible .
Sub atomic particle : Proton, neutron and electron are the fundamental subatomic particle which
composed the atom .
The body of living organisms are made up of 16 kind of elements Or The essential elements are 16
from which the living organisms body are made .
These 16 elements are called bio elements .
There are total 118 numbers of elements in periodic table .
Out of the 118 elements 16 are bio elements .
And out of the 16 bio elements the 6 elements are very important because it make the 99% of the
protoplasm ( The living content of the cell is called protoplasm .OR The combination of nucleus
and cytoplasm is called protoplasm ).
The 6 important bio elements are
Oxygen (O) , Carbon (C) , Hydrogen(H) , Nitrogen (N) , Calcium ( Ca ) , Phosphorus (P) .
And the other 10 bio elements make 1% of the protoplasm , Which are given below .
“ k , Cl , Na , Mg , Fe , Cu , Mn , Zn , and I “ .

2 Molecule and Compound .
When bio elements combine together through a special bond it will form bio molecule and
bio compound .
There are two types of molecules
• Micro molecules .
• Macro molecules .
1) Micro molecule . A molecule which have low molecular weight is called micro molecule .
Example : Amino acid , Glucose , Fatty acid etc.
2) Macro molecule . A molecule which have high molecular weight is called macro molecule .
Compound : When different elements combine together it will form compound .
3 Organelles .
When different bio elements combine together ib a specific manner it form a cellular
structure known as organelles .
Example : mitochondria , Endoplasmic reticulum etc.
Each organelles perform a specific function .
Example 1 : Mitochondria
Mitochondria produce energy to cell so it is called power house of the cell .
Example 2 ; Ribosomes
Ribosomes prepare protein so it is called factory of protein .
Example 3 : Chloroplast
Chloroplast prepare food (Glucose ) so it is called kitchen of the cell .
4 Cell .
Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
Cell contain different organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, chloroplast, centriol
nucleus etc.
There are two types of cell .
1 Prokaryotic cell .
2 Eukaryotic cell .
1 Prokaryotic cell : The cell which lack the nucleus and membrane bounded organelles is
called prokaryotic cell .
2 Eukaryotic cell : The cell which contain a membrane bounded organelles and as well as
nucleus is called eukaryotic cell.
5 Tissue .
When same or different cell combine in a specific manner it form tissue .Which perform a
specific function .
Example : Blood tissue , Bones tissue etc.
6 Organ .
When different tissue combine in a specific manner it form organ.
Each organ perform a specific function.
Example : Stomach , Heart etc.

Q4. Explain the role of Bio-elements for living organisms?

Ans. Bio elements:
The elements which make the body mass of a living organism are called Bio-element. Out of
92 natural occurring elements. In these 16 Bio elements only six elements oxygen, carbon
Hydrogen, Nitrogen Calcium and phosphorus make 99 % of the total mass of protoplasm
while other ten bio elements potassium Sulphur, Chorine, sodium, magnesium, iron, copper,
manganese, zinc and iodine make 1% of the total mass of protoplasm.

Q5. Who classified the living organisms into five kingdoms? Explain each kingdom with the
living organisms included in it.
Ans) History :
Before five kingdom system of classification carolus linneaus classified all organisms into
two groups
1 ) Kingdom animalea 2)Kingdom plantae .
After two kingdom system classification “Robert Whitaker” in 1969 classified all organisms
into five kingdom . And “Robert whittaker “proposed a system which is called” five kingdom
The five kingdoms are given below .
1 ) Kingdom monera / kingdom prokaryotae .
• All living organisms in kingdom monera are unicellular .
Unicellular : Those organisms which is made up of single cell called unicellular organisms .
• This kingdom include all prokaryotic organisms .
Prokaryotic cell : The cell which is lack the nucleus and membrane bounded organelles called
prokaryotic cell .
• The organisms of this kingdom are autotrophs .
Autotrophs : Those organisms which prepared their own food .
• Cell wall are present in the cell of this kingdom organisms .
• Their cell wall is made up of murein / peptidoglycan ( peptidoglycan is a polysaccharide
and the long chain in glucose is called polysaccharide ) .
Example : bacteria , cyanobacteria ( blue green algae) .
4) Kingdom plantae .
• This kingdom include multicellular and eukaryotic organisms .
• Cell wall are present and they prepare their own food called autotrophs .
• Cell wall is present and made up of cellulose .
• Their cell is rectangular due to the present of cell wall .
Example : banana tree , mango tree etc.

5) Kingdom animalia .
• This kingdom include multicellular and eukaryotic organisms .
• They are heterotrophs due to the absent of chloroplast
• They lack cell wall .
This kingdom are divided into two groups on the basis of vertebral column .
1 ) Vertebrates 2) Invertebrates .
1) Vertebrates :
• Those organisms which have vertebral column or back bone .
• They can perform jumping like frog .
• They are walking like human .
• They are running like mouse .
2) Invertebrates :
• Those organisms which lack vertebral column or back bone .
• They are creveling like snacks .
human , tiger ,insects etc.

Extra Question
Q1 . Why animals cell are circular and plants cell are rectangular?
Ans. The animals cell are circular due to the absent of cell wall and plats cell are rectangular
due to the present of cell wall .

Q2 . Write down the function of bones tissue and blood tissue .

Ans Bones tissue .
Bone tissue can provide strength and support to body .
Blood tissue.
Blood tissue transport material in the body .


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