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Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

The Biology

Q.1: What is biology?

Biology is one of the natural sciences, which deals with the study of living organisms. It is
known as study of life. The word biology is derived from Greek words Bios means life and logos
means study or knowledge.
Formerly living organisms were classified into two kingdoms:
Plant kingdom: In this kingdom plants were included. The study of plants is called Botany.
Animal Kingdom: In this kingdom animals were . The study of animals is known as

Q.2: Write a note on five Kingdoms Classification?

Five Kingdom System: According to the modern research the old system of the classification
has been discarded. Now all the living organisms are classified into five kingdoms. This system
was proposed by Robert Whittaker in 1969. This system was proposed by two American
biologists L. Mergulis and K. Schwartz.
Kingdom-Prokaryotes. (Monera): This kingdom includes all the prokaryotes. These are simple
living organisms which do not contain complete nucleus in their cells. E.g Blue green algae,
Kingdom- Protoctista (Protista): This kingdoms include three kinds of living organisms:
1. Animal like: Unicellular protozoans organisms like amoeba, Euglena.
2. Plant like: Algae- simple water living organisms, contain chlorophyll
3. Fungi like: Slime mold, water mold.
Kingdom - Fungi: This kingdom includes multi-cellular, non-green halophytes i.e. have very
simple body, called mycelium. They have cell wall, their body may be coenocytic
(multinucleate). Due to the absence of chlorophyll they cannot manufacture their own food
material, so they are either parasites or saprophytes. E.g. Agaricus (Mushroom), Yeast etc.
Kingdom - Plantae: This kingdom includes multicellular, eukaryotic organisms' i.e. having
complete nucleus in their cells. They usually contain chlorophyll and are able to manufacture
their own food. E.g. Mastards, Sunflower, Apple etc.
Kingdom - Animalia: This kingdom includes multicellular eukaryotic organisms i.e. with
complete nucleus in their cells. They do not contain chlorophyll and have no cell wall. E.g.
Hydra, Earthworm, insects, Frog, Birds, Fishes, Man etc.

Q.3 What are major branches or fields of specialization of biology?

Prepared By
Shahzad Ali
Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

Major Branches' or Fields & Specialization in Biology:

Ans: Some major branches or fields of specialization of biology are as follows:
Molecular Biology: It is a new and modern branch of biology in which structure and function of
those molecules are studied that help in biological processes of living organisms, such as nucleic
acid, gene structure, its function, protein and protein - synthesis. It is the foundation of genetic
Microbiology: It deals with the study of micro-organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, protozoans
Environment Biology: It deals with the study of environment and its effect on the body of
Marine Biology: It deals with the study of living organisms which are found in sea water or
ocean water. It also deals with the physical and chemical characteristics of their environment.
Fresh Water Biology: It deals with the study of life found in fresh water like rivers, lakes,
ponds, streams etc. with physical and chemical characteristics of living organisms affecting the
Parasitology: It deals with the study of the parasitic living organisms, their life cycle, method of
disease transmission and interaction with their hosts.
Human Biology: It includes all aspects of human life such as anatomy, physiology, health,
inheritance, evolution etc.
Social Biology: It deals with the study of social activities of certain animals within a population,
especially human beings. It is also concerned about different types of behavior, which are either
inherited from their parents or developed in their body due to certain reasons.
Biotechnology: It is very modern and recent branch of biology. It deals with the study of the (i)
use of data and techniques of engineering and (ii) technology for the study and solutions of
problems related with living organisms especially in human beings.

Q.4 What are the different levels of biological organization?

Ans: All living organisms have well organized and highly complex body. This biological
organization is not simple. This organization is not composed of different levels, which starts
from very basic level of sub-atomic and atomic particles to the high level, individual whole
These levels of biological organization are as follows:
 Atomic and sub-atomic level
 Molecular level
 Cell and organelles level
 Tissue level

Prepared By
Shahzad Ali
Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

 Organ and Organ system level

 Individual whole organisms level
 Broader levels of organization
 Species population
 Community
 Ecosystem
 Biosphere

Atoms: Atom is the smallest possible unit of an element, which retains all the properties of that
Molecules: Atoms may combine in specific way to form molecules.
Organic Molecules: The molecules of living matter containing carbon as basic element bonded
covalently with hydrogen atom. The simple organic molecules are sugar glycerol, fatty acids,
amino acids, purine and pyrimidine.
Macromolecules: In the bodies of living organisms simple organic molecules are converted into
more complex organic molecules called macromolecules and recognized as nutrients
carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
Cell: By various chemical arrangements and formulation of complex molecules, the life emerges
on the level of a cell. Cell is the smallest unit of life. All cells contain genes which are functional
unit of DNA. Inside the cell; subcellular structure called organelles present.
Tissues: The cellular fabric of many varieties, of which organisms are made is a cell tissue group
of cells, perform particular function e.g. nervous tissues, xylem etc.
Organ: Various tissue types combine to make up an organ e.g. brain
Organ System: Several organs that collectively perform a single function from an organ system
e.g. nervous system consists of brain, spinal cord, sense organs, and nerves.
Individual Whole Organism: Different organ systems functioning altogether in a highly
advanced coordination and cooperation make-up an individual whole organism.
Broader Level of Organization:
A group of very similar interbreeding organisms which produce fertile and viable offspring. The
members of a species have same number of chromosomes. It is the basic unit of biological
 Population: Members of the same species living in close association in a given area are
considered a population.
 Community: Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the
same area.

Prepared By
Shahzad Ali
Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

 Ecosystem: A community with its environment, including land, water and atmosphere,
constitute an ecosystem. A community together with its non-living surroundings.
 Biosphere: The entire surface region of the earth inhabited by living things is called
 Phyletic lineage: It's an ancestor to descendent link which shows the common origin of

Q.5: Define the following terms:

 Symbiosis
 Commensalism
 Mutualism
 Parasitism
Ans: Symbiosis: When two living organisms live together in such a way that both are useful for
each other, it is called symbiosis.
Commensalism: The association between two organisms, in which one gets benefits from other,
but other remains unaffected or gets no harm or benefit, is called commensalism. E.g.
Saprophytic bacteria in animal gut.
Mutualism: It is the association between two or more organisms in which both get benefits from
the association, but when they are separated from each other, both species can survive
Parasitism: When two living organisms live together in such a way that one organism gets
benefits and becomes harmful for other organism, it is called parasitism. E.g. Plasmodium causes
malaria in man.

Q.6: What is the biological method?

Ans: Biological Method:
The scientific method which is used to resolve a biological problem related to or produce by
living organism is called biological method.
Steps of Biological Methods:
 Observation: It is the identification of biological problem. By deep observation the
problem can be understood properly.
 Data Collection: The deep observation helps to collect all facts and informations about
the work, which have been reported by others, it is called data collection.
 Hypothesis: On the basis of these facts and informations tentative statement is prepared
by the scientist, it is called hypothesis.
 Reasoning: The hypothesis can guide further observations and experimentations. The
initial part shows some reasoning's, which are two types.

Prepared By
Shahzad Ali
Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

 Inductive Reasoning: In this reasoning isolated facts are used to reach a

general idea, which can explain the phenomenon.
 Deductive Reasoning: This reasoning involve general assumptions and
experiments, which helps to make conclusion.
 Experimentation: In biological method further experiments are necessary for accurate
 Conclusion: On the basis of experiments, observation and new data collection
conclusions are drawn.
 Theory: On the basis of conclusion a theory is presented to the world. It depends upon
the true hypothesis, then it is accepted, otherwise is rejected.
 Law: When theory is accepted and prove true, then it considered as a general principal
i.e. Law

Q.7: Write a note on importance of biology? OR Application of biology for the

Welfare of Mankind?
Application of Biology for the Welfare of Mankind:
Biology is a very important field of science. It has a great importance. Biology has made an
enormous impact on human welfare and improving quality of life. Its application for the welfare
of mankind is as follows:
 It helps to improve the standard of life.
 It takes part to promote better health.
 It helps in the protection and conversation of environment.
 Modern technology can be applied in the field of agriculture to improve the quality and
quantity of all crops. The problem of food and other items can be properly solved.
 Modern technology can be used in the field of medical sciences.
Immunization by Vaccination: Immunization i.e. resistance against diseases is carried out by
vaccination throughout the world. As a result of this technique polio, small pox, hepatitis and
other dangerous disease have been controlled and rate of infection and death of infants is greatly
reduced in the whole world.
Vaccination was first introduced by Edward Jenner in 1795. In this process vaccines are
introduced in the body to prevent the person from many dangerous and infectious disease, such
as Polio, Hepatitis, Small pox etc.
Antibiotics: Antibiotics are substances which are used to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
First antibiotic Penicillin was isolated from fungus, called Penicillium notatum. This great work
was done by Fleming, Flory and Chain, they got Nobel Prize. These antibiotics are widely

Prepared By
Shahzad Ali
Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

used to control many disease, such as TB, Cholera, Leprosy, Anthrax disease have been
controlled properly in the whole world.
Chemotherapy: Biology always tries to develop new medicines for the cure and treatment of
diseases. In recent days some harmful disease like AIDS, Cancer are treated with certain
chemicals, this technique is called chemotherapy.
Radiotherapy: Use of radioactive rays (X-rays) is also widely used in the treatment of disease.
This technique is called radiotherapy. This technique is also useful for the diagnosis of disease.
Radiotherapy is usually used for the treatment of cancer, but this technique is very expensive and

Q.8 What is hydroponics?

Ans: Hydroponics: It is the soil less or water culture technique, in which terrestrial plants are
grown in aerated solution. By this technique vegetables and other plants can be grown. It helps to
fulfill the food requirement of people of a particular area. Tomato crop and other vegetable crops
are grown in green houses through this technique and satisfactory production is obtained.

Advantages of Hydroponics:
By using this technique the crop can be protected from soil disease and weeds. In dry parts of the
world some crops can be grown successfully, for example in green houses tomato and others
crops are grown to get production.

Q.9 What is Cloning?

Ans: Cloning: It is modern technique in biological science by which duplicate copies of genetic
material are produced. It is a method of asexual reproduction. All members produced by cloning
are genetically identical. The examples of cloning are regeneration, asexual reproduction in
animals and plants, twins in man and tumors of cancer.
In 1996/1997 scientists in Scotland produced a sheep "Doily" by cloning. This technique is
successfully applied in lower mammals.
Procedure of Cloning: In the process of cloning the nucleus of an egg is removed. Then a
nucleus from a cell of fully developed individual is taken and introduced into that egg.
After that this changed egg is implanted into the womb of female for complete development. The
individual which is developed by this process is quite similar to that individual whose nucleus is
Importance of Cloning:
 By cloning method different kinds of human cells can be prepared, such as liver cells,
skin cells, blood cells etc. In this way it may be possible to develop body organs of
human being and defective organs may be replaced by cloned organs.
Prepared By
Shahzad Ali
Biology XI Sir Syed Public Higher Secondary School Sinjhoro Class 11

 This technique can be used to improve the quality in agriculture and medical sciences.
 Growth hormones, insulin and other substances can be prepared by cloning method.
 Area of cultivation can be reduced by this technique.
 It can also help to determine the important minerals & plant body.

Q.10 Explain Protection and Conservation of Environment.

Our environment has great threat from pollution. Acid rain, stone cancer and greenhouse effect
have been increased with the increase in human population and industrialization. Many toxic
waste produced by industries, deforestation, industrialization has disturbed the balance of nature
with catastrophic results. The study of biology provide the knowledge to maintain a stable and
balance ecosystem, to conserve and protect of our environment by growing of plants and reduce
the pollution from industries.

Q.11 What is the Concept of Biological Control and Integrated Disease

In disease management the use of natural processes to combat pathogen, is very helpful. It
involves into following methods:
 Introduction of Natural Enemies: Biological pest control involves exposing them to
parasites and predation. If small fishes are introduced in ponds and ditches of stagnant
water, they feed on mosquito larva. Thus malaria is controlled naturally.
 Inter Planting: Growing plants in climate that are unstable for the pathogen can control
plant disease. Inter planting stimulates conditions in natural ecosystem by limiting the
spread of infectious diseases can also control.
 Crop rotation: It invites the cultivation of different crops alternatively in the same field.
It doesn't only avoid risk of same pathogen in next year, but also controls the growth of
parasitic weeds.

Prepared By
Shahzad Ali

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