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History of Psychology A Global

Perspective 2nd Edition Shiraev Test

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Chapter 8

Key Terms (multiple choice)

1. What was the label for a person undergoing psychoanalysis?
a. analysant
b. subject
c. opponent
d. analytical colleague
e. hypnotist
Answer: a

2. What was the term used by Jung to distinguish his views from Freud’s?
a. second psychology
b. analytical psychology
c. collective psychology
d. major psychology
e. minor psychology
Answer: b

3. What is the label for the content of the collective unconscious, which consists of images
of the primordial (elemental, ancient) character?
a. memory
b. archetypes
c. ego
d. collective psychology
e. psychological archaeology
Answer: b

4. In Freud’s theory, the irrational fear in men of loss of the genitals is called:
a. “typical male behavior”
b. fearful arrogance
c. bragging
d. natural fear
e. castration anxiety
Answer: e

5. In Jung’s system, this term stood for an impersonal layer in the human psyche, different
from the individual unconscious, inherited and shared with other members of the spices.
a. ego
b. dreams
c. mediation
d. collective unconscious

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e. collective reflexes
Answer: d

6. In Adler’s vocabulary, attempts to overcome the discomfort and negative experiences

caused by their inferiority are called:
a. super ego
b. anger
c. compensation
d. frustration drive
e. criminal behavior
Answer: c
7. Freud labeled the repressed instinctual tendencies that lead toward destruction as:
a. jealousy
b. super ego
c. death sentence
d. deconstruction wish
e. death wish
Answer: e

8. What is the component of the psyche that makes compromises between the id and the
environment and is guided by the reality principle?
a. death wish
b. ego
c. libido
d. Eros
e. basic anxiety
Answer: b
9. According to Freud: this is the term standing for all the tendencies that strive toward the
integration of living substance:
a. Thanatos
b. Oedipus complex
c. Eros
d. fear of God
e. need for superiority
Answer: c
10. The method of free association is labeled based on an apparently inaccurate translation
from German, in which the term has the meaning of:
a. free occurrences
b. free will
c. free projections
d. dream analysis

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e. loose ideas
Answer: a

11. In Adler’s theory this term stands for a wide range of difficulties that become
impediments. They can be physical or psychological. They appear at birth but may
develop later in life. What is this term?
a. jealousy
b. basic anger
c. organ inferiority
d. basic instinct
e. Oedipus complex
Answer: c
12. In Freud’s theory, this term stands for the demand that an instinctual need be immediately
a. “serenity now”
b. all-or-nothing
c. pleasure principle
d. high instinctual drive
e. low instinctual drive
Answer: c

13. In its original form, this was the method of an imaginative construction and
reconstruction of the person’s past and present reality. The therapist (a) collects the
reported reflections, (b) analyzes them, and then (c) interprets them to the patient. What
was this method called?
a. hypnosis
b. reflective therapy
c. past and present therapy
d. psychoanalysis
e. moral therapy
Answer: d

14. What is the term, according to Freud, standing for the realization of the demands of the
environment and the adjustment of behavior to these demands?
a. demand principle
b. obedience to authority
c. reality principle
d. conformity
e. autonomy principle
Answer: c

15. According to Adler, this term stands for the desire to be connected with other people:

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a. libido
b. social reflex
c. social interest
d. social instinct
e. archetype
Answer: c
16. In Adler’s view, an individual’s vigorous exertion or effort to achieve security,
improvement, control, and conquest is called:
a. striving toward superiority
b. desire to excel
c. ego defenses
d. striving against circumstances
e. freedom to act
Answer: a
17. In Adler’s view, a technique for dealing with one’s inadequacies and inferiorities and for
gaining social status is called:
a. therapy
b. group therapy
c. collective responsibility
d. ego reflections
e. style of life
Answer: e

Key terms, facts, and names (true/false)

1. Id is the component of the psyche that contains inborn biological drives (the death wish
and life instinct); the id seeks immediate gratification of its impulses.
True False Answer: T

2. Individuation is the process of a person’s psychological growth and awareness of his or

her own individuality.
True False Answer: T

3. Libido is a universal kind of energy, an instinctual and irrational determiner of an

individual’s consciousness.
True False Answer: F

4. Oedipus complex the repressed desire of a person for superiority and respect.
True False Answer: F

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5. Unconscious (noun)⎯the activities not open to direct conscious scrutiny but influencing
conscious process and behavior.
True False Answer: T

6. Wish fulfillment—a symbolic attempt to realize an unfulfilled desire. The discharge of a

tension by imagining a satisfying situation.
True False Answer: T

7. Superego is the component of the psyche acting as the source of irrational impulses.
True False Answer: F

8. Thanatos—or life instinct, a collective name for all the instinctual tendencies that lead
away from pain and suffering.
True False Answer: F

9. Transferences is the process by which patients shift emotions applicable to another

person onto the psychoanalyst.
True False Answer: T

10. The psychic energy of Eros was often called libido.

True False Answer: T

11. In 1908 the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society was formed.

True False Answer: T

12. Freud’s visited the United States three times.

True False Answer: F

13. Alfred Adler was born near Vienna, which is in Austria.

True False Answer: T

14. The term “analytical psychology” is associated with Alfred Adler.

True False Answer: F

15. Freud was the first to research “psychological energy”.

True False Answer: F

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Comprehension and applications (multiple choice)

1. According to Jung, archetypes manifested in three universal ways: dreams, fantasies, and:
a. music
b. dance
c. rituals
d. angry reactions
e. delusions
Answer: e

2. Freud’s native language was:

a. English
b. French
c. German
d. Russian
e. Italian
Answer: c

3. What was the most prominent “inaugural” case that launched the whole theory of
a. the case of Little Albert
b. the case of Rat Man
c. the case of Charcot
d. the case of Anna O.
e. the case of mistaken identity
Answer: d

4. Describing his method, Freud liked to use the analogy.

a. chemistry
b. physics
c. archaeology
d. literature
e. geometry
Answer: c

5. Freud assumed that dreams represent:

a. wish fulfillment
b. depressive symptoms
c. symptoms of anxiety
d. a childhood trauma
e. a physical trauma during adulthood
Answer: a

Shiraev, A History of Psychology 2e Instructor Resource

6. Oedipus is a character who appears in:

a. American folklore
b. several ancient Greek poems
c. early German folklore
d. a Hollywood film
e. an early Chinese play
Answer: b

7. The book, Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, released in 1905, argues that a major
source of psychological illness are cultural restrictions imposed on:
a. food consumption
b. gambling
c. sexual behavior
d. scientific curiosity
e. atheistic views
Answer: c

8. When a patient feels hostility toward her therapist, this could be interpreted as an
original, infantile anger against her father that is being “shifted” to the therapist. How
was this process called?
a. shifting
b. moving out
c. transparence
d. transference
e. hostility release
Answer: d

9. Freud called the psychic energy of Eros:

a. postulates
b. religion
c. guilt
d. taboo
e. libido
Answer: e

10. The id, like unmanaged will, operates exclusively according to which principle?
a. divide and conquer
b. the pleasure principle
c. divide and possess
d. the reality principle
e. the golden rule
Answer: b

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11. In Totem and Taboo (1913) Freud wanted to investigate and describe the process by
which our “savage” ancestors:
a. conquered foreign lands
b. developed science
c. accepted culture and religion
d. established inequality and supported injustice
e. accepted mental illness
Answer: c

12. In Leonardo’s case, the Mona Lisa’s smile, according to Freud, reflects the artist’s
a. love for his country
b. jealousy based on his lack of money
c. anger against the government
d. love for his mother and stepmother
e. desire to secure a new contract
Answer: d

13. In Adler’s view, any neurosis is a person’s failed attempt to compensate for:
a. an infantile imperfection
b. greed
c. jealousy
d. a lost love
e. a feeling of superiority
Answer: a

14. Organ inferiority was a concept developed by:

a. Freud
b. Adler
c. Jung
d. Binet
e. Charcot
Answer: b

15. Adler wrote about three major and interconnected social ties appearing in social interest:
a. love, hatred, and envy
b. hobbies, work, and sleep
c. occupation, society, and love
d. glory, money, and comfort
e. occupation, education, and socialization
Answer: c

16. Freud promoted one person for the leadership position in the newly formed international
psychoanalytic movement. Who was that person?

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a. Jung
b. Adler
c. Nietzsche
d. Charcot
e. Binet
Answer: a

17. Jung modified and developed the method of free association, calling his own method
a. “associations”
b. the “free method”
c. the “association method”
d. “the method”
e. a survey
Answer: c

18. According to Jung, men have an inherited collective image of the feminine human
essence called anima. In contrast, every woman has an inherited image of masculine
essence, called:
a. avatar
b. albino
c. angus
d. animus
e. animal
Answer: d

19. The idea of psychological types came to Jung earlier in his career when he compared the
experiences of patients with:
a. eating disorders and phobias
b. sleep problems and panic attacks
c. developmental and anxiety disorders
d. mild and serious symptoms
e. schizophrenia and hysteria
Answer: e

Comprehension and applications (short answer)

1. Explain the term psychological resistance.

Answer: reluctance or inability of a patient to discuss his or her psychological problems
with a therapist.

2. Freud abandoned his seduction hypothesis for two reasons:

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Answer: insufficient evidence and the pressure of the academic establishment.

3. What is the latent content of a dream?

Answer: the meaning of which is hidden because of its traumatic or shameful nature.

4. How did World War I affect Freud’s worldview?

Answer: His worldview became increasingly pessimistic.

5. In Civilization and Its Discontents, Freud wrote that the cause of most social problems is
psychological: people don’t know how to be happy because:
Answer: they face too many choices.

6. Freud found parallels between religious ceremonies and rituals and similar actions in:
Answer: his neurotic patients.

7. Freud considered women as sexually passive as compared with men. He thought that
such passivity was the result of:
Answer: social inequalities and cultural restrictions imposed on women.

8. According to Adler, a physically defective organ or a malfunctioning system send signals

to the brain that suggest something is wrong or insufficient. The body then needs to:
Answer: compensate for an emerging insufficiency and to find energy resources to
address the problem.

9. Adler wrote about three outcomes of an individual’s compensatory efforts. Name them.
Answer: degeneration, genius, and neurosis.

10. One of the central themes of Adler’s therapeutic method is the search to:
Answer: understand a person’s hidden motives.

11. Contradicting Freud, Jung proposed that dreams do not necessarily reflect unrealized
wishes but rather:
Answer: mythological stories and images from the experiences of our ancestors.

12. What were the three goals of Jungian therapy?

Answer: to teach patients how to learn their neurosis; balance restoration; individuation.

13. Like Freud, Jung defended the anthropological view of religion. He believed that
Answer: is a product of human experience.

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Comprehension and applications (essay)

1. How did Freud view religion?

2. Describe Freud’s theoretical views of women.
3. Discuss Individual Cases: Dora, Little Hans, and Rat Man.
4. What were the main disagreements between Adler and Freud?
5. What are degeneration, neurosis, and genius in Adler’s theory?
6. What were the main disagreements between Jung and Freud?
7. What is the collective unconscious?
8. Explain the anthropological view of religion according to the psychoanalytic tradition.
9. If you had a chance to serve as a research assistant for one year to either Freud, or Adler,
or Jung, who would you choose and why?


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