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Copyright Ó Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 0883-2323 print / 1940-3356 online
DOI: 10.1080/08832323.2014.921593

Book Review

Daft, Richard L. The Leadership Experience (6th ed.). Stam- of relational theories. In Chapter 2, the idea of entrepre-
ford, CT: Cengage Learning Press. (2014). 507 pp. ISBN: neurial leadership is introduced by relating an importance
978-1-4354-6285-4. Paperback $246.99, eBook $142.49. attached between today’s followers and leaders in building
creative solutions to very complex competitive challenges.
In Chapter 3, Daft clarifies the need for what is called situa-
BUILDING LEADERSHIP CAPACITY WITH tional leadership whereby individuals need to be flexible
CREDIBILITY but dynamic in working with coworkers with different
operating styles, thinking patterns, and values.
The objective of this text is to assist the reader in mastering Part III enables the reader to become personally involved
those leadership skills that are required to become an effec- in leadership development by going through a diagnostic
tive business leader. Within this context, Richard L. Daft process in analyzing personal strengths and weaknesses. In
also provides a basic foundation for understanding what Chapter 4, Daft discusses the necessity for today’s leaders
leadership involves. In this regard, the author suggests that to be self-aware of their values, beliefs, and personality
today’s organizations are undergoing significant changes traits as they develop their own approaches for exhibiting
with employees forming new kinds of working relation- leadership. Noted here is an individual’s being aware of his
ships under more flexible leadership. The rise of social or her cognitive style (right brain vs. left brain or concep-
media, mobile commerce, and virtual organizations is tual vs. experiential) for thinking through the problem-solv-
reflected in the topics included for discussion. In this ing process. In Chapter 5, the concept of emotional
respect, Daft delineates a variety of leadership parameters intelligence is examined in great detail. Along the same
such as emotional intelligence, creativity and innovation, line of thought, Daft recognizes fear as a likely detrimental
virtual work teams, and ethical accountability. The text is factor in generating confidence among coworkers. In Chap-
offered in both an online format as well as in traditional ter 6 he introduces the rational approach to leadership and
paperback. the corresponding need for leaders to set the ethical tone in
The target audience for the text is the 4-year baccalaure- their organizations. In this regard, Daft presents several
ate undergraduate who is attempting to learn the basics of strategies for leaders to adopt for enhancing an ethical orga-
leadership while at the same time acquiring those skills that nizational culture. Also of interest is the discussion of the
will assist in accelerating a career. Daft writes in a style need of courage on the part of leaders for overcoming
that attempts to motivate students to take leadership seri- obstacles, as well as resistance, to initiating innovative
ously as part of their future. The outcome is to have stu- changes to daily operations. In Chapter 7, Daft introduces
dents enhance their leadership ability through a learning the principles of effective followership. In this regard, the
process that is very personal and insightful by providing reader is guided in examining his or her own followership
numerous opportunities for self-reflection through an style in an attempt to gain an understanding of exactly how
assortment of surveys, exercises, and case studies. leadership and followership connect. The notion that is
The text is divided into five parts. Part I consists of just introduced is that leaders and followers are interdependent,
one chapter that describes what exactly is leadership and and success is often determined by individuals being effec-
how it differs from that of the role of management. Specifi- tive in filling both roles at varying times.
cally, in Chapter 1, Daft describes how the approach to Part IV focuses on the leader as a relationship builder
studying leadership has evolved from that of transactional and what is referred to as a social architect. In Chapter 8,
heroic leadership to that of transformational and servant several motivational theories are presented for study. In
leadership. Part II consists of two chapters whereby Daft this regard, expectancy and equity theories are discussed in
provides a thorough background of the research behind the terms of explaining their advantages and disadvantages for
discipline by referring to an evolving process that took us motivating others. The use of empowerment is also intro-
from a reliance on trait, behavior, and contingency theories duced as an employee motivator. Being an effective com-
for understanding effective leadership to the current study municator is the focus of Chapter 9. Active listening,

asking questions, and storytelling are used as examples of their knowledge beyond the points delineated by the author.
encouraging open communication among employees. The In terms of personal insight, the text contains self-assess-
challenges of social media and other forms of electronic ment opportunities to not only diagnose individual traits
communication are also discussed. Putting together a col- but to become aware of how to address leadership issues
laborative team is the subject of Chapter 10. How teams are such as conflict management, shaping culture and value,
formed, how effective team members contribute, and how and strategic communication. In addition, students have the
conflict may be managed are the core concepts analyzed. capacity to connect to leaders through a variety of Twitter
Chapter 11 engages the reader in strategies that promote leads provided by Daft. Another strength is the opportunity
organizational diversity. Breaking down personal barriers for the reader to engage in practical skill-building exercises
by developing cultural intelligence to enable an individual at the conclusion of each chapter. Part of this engagement
to become an inclusive leader is an intriguing aspect of this is the availability of numerous videos that enable students
chapter. In the concluding Chapter 12 to this part of the to observe leadership in action. Finally, the index of organi-
text, the use of influence and power through coalition build- zations provided at the end of the text is a great resource for
ing is offered for analysis by Daft. developing a professional directory of references. Although
In Part V Daft concludes the text with a discussion of referred to somewhat with the discussion of lateral thinking
how leaders initiate change within today’s complex organi- on the part of today’s leader, it would have been helpful if
zations. In Chapter 13, Daft presents specific steps for gen- Daft integrated into the content the use of divergent think-
erating a vision for setting a new direction that others are ing as an alternative for generating creative alternatives. A
willing to follow. Topics include how to develop an opera- self-assessment on part of the reader in terms of individual
tional strategy to not only assure sustainability but also for capacity to adopt alternate forms of thinking patterns would
creating synergy among diverse workgroups. Chapter 14 is help reinforce the concept of the need to be adaptable,
about creating a work culture that reflects not only organi- which is a repeated theme throughout the text.
zational values, but also those shared by members in an This text is an excellent source of information for stu-
organization. Daft here emphasizes the point that work cul- dents beginning their study of leadership. Students and
ture provides the norms as to how employees are expected their instructors are provided with numerous resources to
to relate to one another. To Daft, leaders need to rely on supplement their roles in the learning process. Daft offers a
their moral principles and values through their daily actions very intensive yet practical reading that is filled with credi-
to motivate people to work towards success. In Chapter 15, bility. By relying on examples of those in present leader-
building capacity to lead change is the focus. In this regard, ship positions in a variety of organizations, students get a
Daft depicts an eight-stage model for organizational blending of academic theory with practical experience.
change. Promoting creativity by instilling lateral thinking Daft appears to capture the richness of knowledge sur-
among cohorts is proposed by Daft as a fundamental princi- rounding leadership by presenting an approach that brings
ple upon which to act. Understanding why individuals resist together real-life examples, self-reflection, and practical
change is also discussed. skill-building. This text is an intriguing resource for delin-
The strength of the text is its multidimensional approach eating to our students a way to accelerate their careers
to the study of leadership. In this regard, the text contains upon their graduation.
numerous examples of leaders who are offered as role mod-
els. There are numerous quotes from leaders that are used James L. Morrison
to inspire the reader. Book reviews are provided throughout University of Delaware
the text that offer opportunities for the reader to expand Newark, Delaware, USA
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