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1 3 Introduce the INTRODUCTION:
Mins topic . Chest physiotherapy is widely used in p In addition, teaching the patient Lecture Listening Oral Get the
effective coughing technique is an important part of chest physiotherapy.
Chest The goals of chest physiotherapy are to cum and topic from
physiotherap 1- remove bronchial secretions discussion answering the staff
2- improve ventilation
y 3- increase the efficiency of the respiratory muscles nurses

eople with chest problem in order to clear mucus from the airway. Chest
physiotherapy (CPT) includes postural drainage, Percussion and vibration,
and breathing exercises/breathing retraining. Chest physiotherapy (CPT),
which includes postural drainage, percussion, and vibration, helps move
secretions from deep inside the lungs. It is indicated
for the patient who has a weak or ineffective cough and is therefore at risk
for retaining secretions. Patients with COP cystic fibrosis, or bronchiectasis
and patients on ventilators benefit from CPT.
CPT is performed by a respiratory therapist (RT) or specially trained nurse.
For postural drainage, the patient is placed in various positions (head down
to help drain secretions) and turned periodically during the treatment so all
lobes of the lungs are drained. The therapist uses cupped hands to strike the
chest repeatedly (percussion), producing sound waves that are transmitted
through the chest, loosening secretions.
The therapist may also apply vibration to the patient’s chest, using the hands
or a vibrator, to loosen secretions.
nebulizer treatment should be given before CPT to humidify secretions.
Thepatient is instructed to cough and deep breathe at intervals during and
after the

2 3 Staff nurses are DEFINITION:
Mins able to define Lecture Listening LCD Define
Chest cum and Chest
Chest physical therapy is the term for a group of treatments designed to
physiotherapy improve respiratory efficiency, promote expansion of the lungs, strengthen discussion answering physio
respiratory muscles, and eliminate secretions from the respiratory system. therap
Chest physiotherapy (CPT) is an airway clearance technique that combines
manual percussion of the chest wall by the care- giver, strategic positioning y?
of the patient for mucus drainage with cough and breathing techniques. It is
useful for individuals with copious mucus or thick secretions, those with
weak respiratory mechanics or those with ineffective cough. CPT consists
of various manipulative procedures like positioning, chest percussion,
vibration, thoracic squeezing and cough stimulation. Breathing exercise is
an integral part of chest physiotherapy. It plays a significant role in airway
clearance and parenchymal expansion by improving the efficiency of
respiratory muscles

3 5 List out the PURPOSES:
Mins purposes of The purpose of chest physical therapy, also called chest physiotherapy, is to Lecture Listening Hand- What are
help patients breathe more freely and to get more oxygen into the body.
Chest physical therapy includes postural drainage, chest percussion, chest
vibration, turning, deep breathing exercises, and coughing. In the early
2000s, some newer devices, such as the positive expiratory pressure (PEP)
valve and the flutter device, have been added to the various chest physical
therapy techniques. Chest physical therapy is normally done in conjunction
with other treatments to rid the airways of secretions. These other treatments
include suctioning,nebulizer treatments, and the administering expectorant

Chest cum and Out the purpose

physiotherapy discussion answering of Chest

4 5 List out the Indications:
Mins indications Lecture Listening What are
Chest 1. Atelectasis cum and Hand- the
2. Cystic fibrosis
physiotherapy discussion answering out indications
3. Lung abscess
4. Pneumonia Chest
5. Bronchiectasis physiother

5 10
contra Lecture Listening What are
bleeding in the lungs Black
indications cum and the contra
• head or neck injuries Board
Chest discussion answering indications
physiotherapy • fractured ribs of Chest

• collapsed lungs physiother

• acute asthma
• pulmonary embolism
• active hemorrhage
• some spinal injuries
• open wounds or burns

1-Chest physical Turning
Turning from side to side permits lung expansion. The child
may turn on his or her own, or be turned by a caregiver.
15 Explain about
Turning should be done at a minimum of every two hours if Listening What are
Mins principles and the child is bedridden. The head of the bed can also be Lecturer
and Hand- the
methods during elevated in order to promote drainage. cum
answering out principles
Chest discussion
py ?


7 10 List out the ARTICLES:
Mins articles needed 1-Trendelenberg positions
for Chest 2-Pillows for position and/or cough support and patient Lecuture Listening What are
physiotherapy cum and the articles
3-Patient gown or light towel to cover per cussed area
Tissues and/or basin discussion answering needed for
for sputum disposal Chest
4- functioning suction equipment including a Yankauer physiother
suction catheter.
5 -Stethoscope.
6- cardiopulmonary monitor.
7- Pulse ox meter.
8- Emergency airway equipment including manual
Universal precautions.

8 15 Explain the PROCEDURE

Mins procedure for 2-Coughing
Chest Coughing helps to break up secretions in the lungs so that
the mucus can be expectorated or suctioned out if Lecture Listening How to
necessary. Patients sit upright and inhale deeply through the cum and Black perform
nose. They then exhale in short puffs or coughs. This discussion answering Board Chest
procedure is repeated several times a day.
3-Deep breathing
Deep breathing helps expand the lungs and forces an herapy?
improved distribution of the air into all sections of the
lungs. The patient either sits in a chair or sits upright in bed
and inhales then pushes the abdomen out to force maximum
amounts of air into the lung. The abdomen is then
contracted, and the patient exhales. Deep breathing
exercises are done several times each day for short periods.
Because of the mind-body awareness required to perform
coughing and deep breathing exercises, they are unsuitable
for most children under the age of eight.
4-Postural drainage
Postural drainage uses the force of gravity to assist in
effectively draining secretions from the smaller airways
into the central airway where they can either be coughed up
or suctioned out. The child is placed in a head- or chest-
down position and is kept in this position for up to 15
minutes. To obtain the head-down positions, the use of a
pillow, beanbag chair, or couch cushions can be helpful.
Often, percussion and vibration are performed in
conjunction with postural drainage.
involves rhythmically striking the chest wall with cupped
hands. It is also called cupping or clapping. The purpose of
percussion is to break up thick secretions in the lungs so
they can more easily be removed. Percussion is performed
on each lung segment for one to two minutes at a time.
Mechanical percussors are available and may be suitable
for children over two years of age. The percussor is moved
over one lobe of the lung for approximately five minutes,
while the patient is encouraged to performing coughing and
deep breathing techniques. This process is repeated until
each segment of the lung is percussed.
As with percussion, the purpose of vibration is to help
break up lung secretions. Vibration can be either
mechanical or manual. It is performed as the patient
breathes deeply. When done manually, the person
performing the vibration places his or her hands against the
patient's chest and creates vibrations by quickly contracting
and relaxing arm and shoulder muscles while the patient
exhales. The procedure is repeated several times each day
for about five exhalations.l therapy is a method of clearing
the airway of excess mucus.

88u Summary:
It would therefore seem logical to request an Chest
physiotherapy on any patients who is or has the patients to become
critically ill. This includes patients in critical care areas and these
on wards who ‘trigger’ early – warning scoring systems.
So for we discussed about what is Chest
physiotherapy analysis, Indication, Contra indication &
principles &articles for Chest physiotherapy, procedure and
after care & interpret ate the result.

1. Clini E, Ambrosino N. Early physiotherapy in the respiratory intensive care unit.

Respir Med 2005;99:1096-104.
2. 2-See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:
3. Chest Physiotherapy with Early Mobilization may Improve ExtubationOutcome in
Critically Ill Patients in the Intensive Care UnitsArticle in The Clinical Respiratory
Journal · September 2018DOI: 10.1111/crj.12965- most recent chest radiograph\



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