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Research Participation Consent Form

Title: Research on Assignment Management and Academic Orientation

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Dr. Ha Nguyen, an instructor at
Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ton Duc Thang University. The purpose of this study is to
investigate how students manage assignments in their courses and explore the impact of grading
on academic orientation, learning strategies, and mental well-being. Your voluntary participation
in this research will contribute to our understanding of these areas. This form provides
information about the study and its requirements.

Study Details:
- Researcher: Ha Nguyen, Ph. D.
- Purpose:
 To understand assignment management
 To examine the impact of grading on academic orientation, learning strategies, and
mental well-being.
- Participation: Voluntary
- Duration: less than 1 hour (if you are invited to the interview phase)
- Participant Incentive: Participants will receive 1-point credit to their formative assessment
course grade.

Participant Responsibilities:
By participating in this research, you agree to:
- Allow your course assignments and grades to be used as research data.
- Participate in individual or focus group interview sessions, which may be audio-/video-
recorded based on your availability.
- Provide honest and accurate information during interviews and any written responses.
- Understand that your identifiable information (name, student ID, contact details) will be
replaced with pseudonyms to ensure anonymity.

Risks and Benefits:

Your participation in this study carries minimal to no known risks, as the activities mirror your
regular educational experiences. The insights gathered from this research will contribute to a
deeper comprehension of students' assignment management and academic orientation, ultimately
enhancing the quality of university education.

Your privacy is important. Identifiable information will be kept confidential and will only be
accessed by the research team. Your data will be stored securely, and pseudonyms will be used to
maintain anonymity.

Participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw from the research at any
point without facing any penalty or impact on your academic standing.

Contact Information:
If you have any questions, concerns, or require additional information about this research, please
feel free to contact Dr. Ha Nguyen at

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information provided in
this consent form. I agree to participate in the research study "Research on Assignment
Management and Academic Orientation" conducted by Dr. Ha Nguyen.

Name (Printed): __________________________

Student ID: __________________________
Signature: __________________________
Date: __________________________

Thank you for your valuable participation in advancing our understanding of assignment
management and academic orientation.

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