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The dynamics of community life are changing at a rapid pace.

The driving force behind these

changes is cultural acculturation with a dash of information technology. Personal freedom in
communicating ideas, criticisms, suggestions, and even "blasphemy" is frequently
encountered every hour and day via various forms of media. Indeed, social media has altered
the social lives of people at all levels and social strata. In order for the social cycle to flow,
society must change and develop.

Influence is a condition in which there is a reciprocal or causal relationship between what

influences and what is influenced. These two things should be connected, and you should
look for things that connect them. Influence, on the other hand, is a force that can cause
something to change. As a result, if one of the so-called influences changes, there will be
ramifications. Every human being must go through changes in their lives. Change can take
the form of a limited or broad influence, slow change, or fast change. Changes can affect
social values and norms, organizational behavior patterns, the composition of social
institutions, social layers, power and authority, social interaction, and so on. Changes in
society are considered normal symptoms. Because of modern communication, its influence
can quickly spread to other parts of the world (Soekanto, 2006).

In terms of social media, at this time, social media has become a very significant media and
has the potential to change public opinion in a variety of ways. To improve one's image,
social activities or activities that can raise opinions are formed. Understanding the role of the
media and building strong relationships as the spearhead of imagery can be a powerful ally in
getting the message across and spreading the message. Social media, as an online media, can
be accessed by the public at any time and can form its own opinion; if the online media
serves a purpose as an imaging tool, and if the strategy is very effective, personal character
can be easily built. People's perceptions are formed in order to comprehend these individual
characters. Perceptions are formed through past experiences that are honed by cultural values,
espoused values, and new information (Goffman, 1959). Social media, whether in the form of
mass media or online, such as Instagram as a social media platform, can shape public
perception. The media has the ability to shape public opinion through sensational and
continuous reporting. Because the media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion in
the middle of society, the result of the news is a positive image. Social media presence is
used as a medium for publishing profile content, activity, and even user opinion, as well as a
medium for communication and interaction in the network social media in cyberspace.

So, it can be concluded that social media can influence the personal we make on the
impression we have with each other or with society. Through social media, our personal
selves usually get various types of images that society or other people want for us. Image is
the organization as seen from the point of view of its constiuents are involved, an
organization can have many differen images. In this way, to understand identity and image is
to know what an oragnization really is and where it is headed. For example, in social media,
a person’s image can be seen from their posts, status or captions and how someone behaves
on social media. If we have started to interact through social media, however the opinion will
be given by the community, we cannot control it. Because it is created from the minds of the
people themselves towards whatever we post on social media.

Goffman, E. (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday Anchor.
Soekanto, S. (2006). Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: Gramedia.

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