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A business that is built unethically will certainly not be sustainable.

"Unethical business will harm

society. Business ethics has a positive impact on business people and companies, the community will
also benefit from it. There are still frequent violations of business ethics by irresponsible businessmen in
Indonesia. Irresponsible business practices This responsibility still tends to ignore ethics, a sense of
justice, and is often colored by unacceptable practices or moral hazard.

An example of a PR ethics case that has occurred recently is the KAI case. This is widely discussed by one
platform, namely twitter. Where many netizens think that this is a case of PR ethics. The case is, there
was a KAI passenger who reported to customer service but was given an inappropriate response to the
report. The response is considered not to pay attention to the rights of other parties and does not
respect the opinions and dignity of others. They even seem to have no regard for one's self-respect and
public interest. His actions did not show a sense of responsibility for the safety and comfort of his
audience so that he had violated the Public Relations code of ethics.

Supposedly, as public relations, they need to pay more attention to the ethics they need to provide and
show the reports that come from customers. Because this is related to the self-esteem of the company
where he works. Public Relations should act through careful consideration, rational, objective, full of
integrity, and high responsibility. If not, the consequence is that it can create uncontrolled and
sensational news that has an impact on the good image of the company.

Then, for the solution given in this case, the company apologized to the victim and promised to follow
up on the case legally and hold a direct meeting with the victim.

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