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In this plan, the primary raw material is B3 waste.

We will use B3 waste, which is used cooking

oil. Continuous disposal of used cooking oil waste without regard for environmental
considerations can be detrimental to both the environment and human life. Thus, society must
be introduced to innovation in order to reduce household waste, particularly waste that has the
potential to harm the environment. Used cooking oil waste from frying pans in kitchens or fried
food vendors can be recycled into biodiesel fuel.

To make this plan a reality, a location and people must collaborate. A PT will be invited to
collaborate if they have waste collection skills and can perform 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for
used cooking oil waste, which will be used as the primary raw material for later biodiesel
production. The primary raw material for this plan is cooking oil. As we all know, cooking oil is
oil derived from purified plant or animal fats that is liquid at room temperature and is typically
used for frying food. Plant-based cooking oils are derived from plants like coconut, seeds, nuts,
corn, and soybeans. Essentially, good oil has more unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty
acids (Kusumaningtyas, 2018: 202).

Prolonged and repeated heating of cooking oil produces peroxide compounds, which are free
radicals that are harmful to the body. The maximum peroxide level in cooking oil that is safe for
human consumption is 10 meq/kg of oil. However, cooking oil with a peroxide value of 20-40
meq/kg does not meet health-related quality standards (Thadeus, 2012:130). This is why used
cooking oil cannot be consumed. Consuming used cooking oil on a regular basis can lead to a
variety of diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, and decreased intelligence [Rukmini,
2007]. According to Ketaren [2005], eating food that has been fried in used cooking oil can
cause an itchy throat. One method for handling used cooking oil is to convert it into biodiesel
[Satriana et al, 2012]. This is possible because used cooking oil is classified as a vegetable oil.
Because of its high fatty acid content, used cooking oil has a lot of potential as a biodiesel fuel.

The use of biodiesel as used cooking oil in this plan is due to its advantages over petroleum-
based diesel fuel. Biodiesel fuel is renewable. Aside from that, it can boost the country's
economy and create jobs. Biodiesel is an excellent fuel for the transportation industry because
it can be used in a variety of diesel engines, including agricultural equipment [Sudradjat, 2008].
Aside from that, using biodiesel as a fuel has numerous benefits, including being renewable and
environmentally friendly (lowering vehicle emissions), being able to lubricate the engine as well
as being a fuel that can extend the life of the vehicle, and being safe to store and transport.

The plan is to develop this plan in collaboration with PT, which has the ability to convert used
cooking oil into biodiesel fuel. PT Green Leaf Energy will be collaborating with us. This PT is
involved in the field of waste management.

PT. Hijau Daun Energi is a company that collects palm oil waste and its derivatives, particularly
used cooking oil, or UCO. The collected waste will be processed and recycled into biodiesel
(bioenergy or biofuel). Biodiesel is an extremely safe and environmentally friendly fuel.

PT Hijau Daun Energi was founded in June 2016. PT. Hijau Daun Energi is a local company that
operates with adequate technology and knowledge and receives technological and knowledge
support from Germany. Hijau Daun Energi's coverage area includes Jakarta, Tangerang,
Bandung, and surrounding areas. It is hoped that by collaborating with this PT, our planning will
go smoothly and meet our needs for various aspects of the biodiesel processing process.

1. The most difficult aspect for me is deciding on an idea to create with my friends. Because this
is the first idea that will eventually form the entire content of this plan. Especially when
considering how to make this idea a reality and develop it into a perfect idea by combining our
ideas so that they can be structured, understood by one another, and easily accepted. Aside
from that, dividing the tasks was a little difficult because each of us was busy looking for
interesting ideas such as what and how. Allocating time to continue meeting and discussing
ideas is another minor challenge in this planning.

2. One aspect of this planning that proved successful was my ability to generate ideas. My
friends agreed and accepted the idea I proposed for the course project. Then, with my friend
Alia, I conducted research on this idea. My male friends assisted us in developing applications
for the ideas we generated. In my opinion, applying for this planning is more difficult than our
part, which is looking for research. But this is not the case. My friends were about to give up,
but instead they created a very good application for the continuation of the development of an
idea that was too late to create at the start. The final application was designed to help us with
our future plans.

3. We are unsure about future planning, specifically making this a plan that will be carried out
in real life and directly. Why is that? Because, according to me and my friends, implementing
this plan will require a significant amount of time, numerous processes, and meticulous
planning in order to achieve the best possible results. Aside from that, this planning must be
considered in a more focused and mature manner because there are several requirements,
such as a large enough space and location permits because we will use waste later, which
necessitates a strategic location for production. We also require skilled personnel to implement
this idea, as it cannot be done by inexperienced people. In essence, if it is to be realized, this
planning remains severely lacking.


Ketaren, S. 2005. Pengantar Teknologi Minyak dan Lemak Pangan. Jakarta: Universitas

Kusumaningtyas, Ratna Dewi,., et al. 2018. Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Minyak
Goreng Bekas Menjadi Sabun Cuci Piring Untuk Pengendalian Pencemaran Dan Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat. Jurnal Abdimas: Vol. 22, No. 2, Hal. 201-208.

Rukmini, A. 2007. Regenerasi Minyak Goreng Bekas dengan Arang Sekam Menekan Kerusakan
Organ Tubuh. Diakses tanggal 10 Februari 2015

Satriana., Elhusna, N., Desrina., Supardan, D. 2012. Karakteristik Biodiesel Hasil Transesterifikasi
Minyak Jelantah Menggunakan Teknik Kavitasi Hidrodinamik. Jurnal Jurusan Teknik Kimia.
Universitas Syiah Kuala. Banda Aceh

Thadeus, M. S. 2012. Dampak Konsumsi Minyak Jelantah terhadap Kerusakan Oksidatif DNA
(Disertasi). Yogyakarta : Program Doktor Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan, Hal 130.

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