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Year 1-2: 2023-2024(Current Year - Next Year)

 Formally create the firm, finish the necessary legal procedures, and establish the organizational framework.
 Hired a team aligned with the company’s values and mission
 Targeting the specific engineering services or products of our company.
 Building a relationships wit suppliers, subcontractors, and potential clients.

Year 3-4: 2025-2026 (2nd - 3rd Year)

 Build a strong professional network through industry events, online platforms, and local engineering
 Create a professional website showcasing our services, projects, ang contact information
 Attend workshops, conferences, and seminars to expand our knowledge.
 Seek feedback and actively work on improving our performance

Year 5-6: 2027-2028(4th - 5th Year)

 Stay informed about industry regulations and compliance standards.

 Invest in project management tools and software
 Develop a growth strategy for our company, considering factors such as expanding services, and increasing

Year 7-8: 2029-2030 (6th - 7th Year)

 Seek out opportunities to mentor and develop other engineers.

 Establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry by publishing articles, giving presentations, and
participating in industry discussions
 Get involved in industry organizations and volunteer your time to help advance the profession.

Year 9: 2031 (9th Year)

 Seek out opportunities to collaborate with other companies on high-profile projects.

 Expand your company's service offerings and target new markets.
 Consider opening new offices or branches in new locations.

Year 10: 2032 (10th-onwards)

 Identify areas where your company can improve

 Set new goals and objectives for your company.
 Develop a strategic plan for the future of your company

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