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Hot reflection

The lesson on the story of famous entrepreneur, Jeff Bezos, who started was engaging
and informative. The flipped classroom approach allowed students to explore the live and
achievements of renowned entrepreneur at their own pace. The use of various digital tools such as
Canva, Mentimeter, Wordwall, learningapps, Kahoot and Padlet enhanced the learning experience
and fostered student participation.

The warm-up discussion using Mentimeter encouraged students to share their opinions about online
shopping. It created a lively atmosphere and set the stage for the lesson. The vocabulary task using
________ helped students expand their business-related vocabulary and make meaningful
connections between words. The picture analysis activity further developed students' critical
thinking skills and digital literacy as they researched and discussed famous entrepreneurs.

Learning new vocabulary was concise and effective.

The speaking activity in pairs allowed students to practice vocabulary using new lexical material in a
meaningful context.

The brainstorm activity focused on Steve Jobs provided an opportunity for students to develop their
listening skills.

Overall, the lesson successfully achieved its aim of analyzing and discussing the story of a famous
entrepreneur, exploring his live, and understanding the strategies for entrepreneurial success. The
combination of digital tools, collaborative activities, and reflective tasks made the lesson engaging,
interactive, and relevant to the 8th-grade students.

Cool reflection

The lesson on the stories of famous entrepreneurs was an enriching experience for both the
students and the teacher. The flipped classroom approach allowed students to take responsibility for
their learning and engage with the content at their own pace. The use of various digital tools such as
Mentimeter, Fillout, Jamboard, and Padlet added an interactive and dynamic element to the lesson.

The warm-up discussion using Mentimeter was an effective way to activate students' prior
knowledge and get them engaged in the topic. It stimulated their thinking and set a positive tone for
the rest of the lesson. The vocabulary tasks using _____helped students expand their business-
related vocabulary and facilitated meaningful discussions in pairs or small groups.

Overall, the lesson incorporated a variety of activities, digital tools, and opportunities for student
engagement, collaboration, and reflection. It aimed to not only teach about famous entrepreneurs
but also develop essential language skills, critical thinking, and digital literacy, while inspiring
students to apply entrepreneurial thinking in their own lives.

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