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First conditional. Completa las oraciones siguientes.

1. If it rains, we will stay at home.

2. If you do not know the way, I will pick you up.
3. My mum will bake a cake if you come to see us.

Second conditional. Completa las oraciones siguientes.

1. If you studied harder, you would get better marks in your tests.
2. If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
3. She would come to the market with us if she did not have to work.

Third conditional. Completa las frases.

1. If you had helped us, we would have finished the work in next to no time.
2. I would have called you earlier if I had not lost your phone number.
3. They would not have gone to the theatre by car if the weather had been better.

Oraciones condicionales, ejercicio mixto.

Completa las oraciones siguientes conjugando los verbos en los tiempos que corresponda según el tipo de

1. If I hadHAD a compass, I would give it to you.

2. If he hadn’t been ill, he would have run the marathon.
3. If you go to Ireland, you will need a raincoat.
4. We would not have missed the train if we had got up earlier.
5. If we lived in the country, the kids would play outside all day long.
6. If they had not eaten that much, they wouldn’t have got a stomach ache.
7. I will not be able to write you if you do not give me your address.

0 Respuestas correctas y 25 incorrectas = 0 %

Los condicionales – Ejercicio de acceso libre

Zero Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional cero conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If you don’t like the soup, you don’t have to eat it.
2. If you heat water, it boils.
3. My dog gets hyperactive if I don’t walk her twice a day.
First Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional primero conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If it rains, we won’t go to the park.

2. If you don’t know the way, I ’ll pick you up.
3. My mum will bake a cake if you come to see us.

Second Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional segundo conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If you studied harder, you ’d get better marks in your tests.

2. If I were rich, I ’d travel around the world.
3. She ’d come to the market with us if she didn’t have to work.

Third Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional tercero conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If you ’d helped us, we ’d have finished the work in half the time.
2. I ’d have called you earlier if I hadn’t lost your phone number.
3. They wouldn’t have driven to the theatre if they ’d known about the snow.

Zero Conditional – Ejercicio de acceso libre

Completa los huecos para formar oraciones de condicional cero.

1. If there is a storm, my cat runs under the sofa.

2. The printer always breaks if I need to print something quickly.
3. I get stressed if my mother-in-law visits for longer than a day.
4. If the waiters are unfriendly, customers don't leave a tip.
5. The students don't care if the lesson is boring.

Completa los huecos para formar oraciones de condicional cero.

1. If I cook, I don’t do the dishes.

2. Helen doesn’t use too much chilli powder if she's cooking for other people.
3. If the kids behave badly, we don’t give them dessert.
4. I drink warm milk if I can’t sleep.
5. After work, Kelly often does housework if she isn’t too tired.

Completa los huecos para formar oraciones de condicional cero.

1. The cleaner doesn’t get paid if he cancels the appointment.

2. My grandma gets so sad if we don’t call her on Sunday morning.
3. We don’t play tennis if the weather is bad.
4. I don’t delete documents when my boss tells me.
We go to the park when school finishes.

Selecciona la opción que describe correctamente la combinación de condicionales en cada caso.

1. If I were a better baker, I would have made the cake myself.

o a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.

o b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
2. If we had won the lottery last night, we would be rich right now.

o a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.

o b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
3. If the playground were safe, the kids wouldn’t have been injured.

o a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.

o b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
4. We wouldn’t be so hungry if we had ordered the food earlier.

o a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.

o b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
5. If he were a nice person, he wouldn’t have shouted at the little girl.

o a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.

o b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
6. If we had stayed together, we would be miserable.

o a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.

o b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

Completa los espacios para formar oraciones de condicional cero.

1. The cleaner ____________________________ (not/get) paid if he (cancel) the appointment.
2. My grandma __________________________ (get) so sad if we (not/call) her on Sunday morning.
3. We _______________________________ (not/play) tennis if the weather (be) bad.
4. I __________________________________ (not/delete) documents when my boss (tell) me.
5. We ____________________________ (go) to the park when school (finish).

1. Conditionals – mixed exercise

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