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8. Sentimentalism: cultural background.

Gibbon and Johnson

The 18th century was a time when things changed a lot. People started caring more about their feelings
and how they acted, instead of just following strict rules from religion. This new way of thinking is called
"sentimentalism." It made people think about being kind and polite to each other and following their own

This idea of sentimentalism was important because it led to changes in society. People started being more
caring and wanted to help others. They improved things like jails, helped those in debt, and even started
places to care for babies and women in tough situations. This showed how much people cared about each

At the same time, there was also a growing interest in science and making things. The Industrial
Revolution began, which was when people like James Watt made machines to create things faster. They
also made advancements in things like ceramics. This made the country wealthier and more interested in
material possessions.

During this time, the idea of everyone being equal became more popular. People started to care about
their own rights and individuality. They valued their personal experiences and privacy more.

In summary, sentimentalism in the 18th century changed how people thought about their feelings and
manners. It led to more kindness and helping others. The era also saw a fascination with science and
industry. The concept of personal rights and individuality became important. Sentimentalism shaped the
culture of the time and influenced famous figures like Edward Gibbon and Samuel Johnson.

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