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Justification for the solution  Unlike traditional cooking, we are letting the

machine to do the work for us. The food is

being cooked slowly to customer’s preferred
level of doneness. Sure, it will take longer to
cook the food but it is done in advance without
requiring the need to care for it constantly. The
idle time can be used to finish doing the side
works or we can use it as a bonding time within
our restaurant’s staffs.

 Sous vide method will result in more tender and

flavorful food, since the food is not exposed to
high heat. Additionally, traditional cooking
methods tends to shrink down the size of the
meat, about 25% when cooked according to
Five Star Home Foods. But it is the opposite for
sous vide cooking. The meat stays the same
size because they are cooked low and slow.

 Moreover, sous vide cooking is also versatile as it

can be used to cook other things other than meats,
such as vegetables or even desserts.
Reinforce central idea  In summary, sous vide cooking provides
benefits for those who work in the commercial
kitchen. Not only it saves time but it also eases
the process of cooking for the kitchen staffs. It
is a lifehack for those in the kitchen line.
Call to action  Therefore, I ask the restaurant owners to buy a
sous vide machine for their restaurant and
consider it as investment for them to generate
more income by making consistently good food
for their guests.
A., D. (2018, January 24). So, What is Sous Vide, Anyway? Retrieved from bon appetit:
Gerrard, G. (2022, December 9). What Is Sous-Vide Cooking? Retrieved from the spruce Eats:
Lopez-Alt, J. K. (2023, March 17). Sous Vide Cooking: How to Get Started. Retrieved from serious

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