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The negative impacts of playing computer games for child

and what can be done to minimize the bad effects

In recent years, playing video games on the internet has gained popularity among kids and
teenagers. While playing computer games can be entertaining and interesting, engaging in them
too much can be detrimental to a child's physical, mental, and social development. This article will
go over how playing video games affects kids negatively and what can be done to lessen those
First off, playing computer games for an extended period of time can cause bodily health issues
like obesity, poor vision, and postural issues. Children who remain in front of computers for
extended periods of time run the risk of gaining weight, which can cause a variety of health issues,
such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Children who spend a lot of time playing
video games frequently struggle with poor vision. Eye strain, headaches, and other visual issues
may result from this. Finally, prolonged sitting in one position can cause postural issues like poor
posture and back discomfort.
Parents can take a number of actions to reduce the negative impacts of computer game use. They
can first restrict how much time their kids spend playing video games. Parents can set sensible
restrictions on how much time their kids spend playing video games while encouraging them to
do other things like play outside, play sports, or hang out with friends. In addition, parents can
keep an eye out for symptoms of addiction or withdrawal in their kids' behavior and get assistance
if necessary. The second way that parents can help their kids is by promoting healthy eating and
physical exercise. This may lessen the risk of obesity and other health issues brought on by
extended seating.
In summation, even though playing video games can be entertaining and engaging, too much of it
can be detrimental to a child's physical, mental, and social development. Setting reasonable limits
on computer game time, promoting physical exercise and social interaction, and giving resources
for academic success are all actions parents can take to reduce the negative effects. Parents can aid
in their children's development into healthy, well-rounded adults by encouraging healthy habits
and restricting excessive computer game playing.

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