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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of San Jose Del Monte
Sarmiento Homes Muzon, City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It refers to the length of the entire path that the object travelled.
a. displacement c. speed
b. distance d. velocity
2. It is defined as distance travelled divided by the time of travel.
a. displacement c. speed
b. distance d. velocity
3. It refers to the shortest distance between the object’s two positions, like thedistance between its
point of origin and its point of destination, no matter whatpath it took to get to that destination.
a. displacement c. speed
b. distance d. velocity
4. You can determine whether an object moves by comparing its position to that of afixed point.
a. motion c. reference point
b. reference d. speed
5. Speed with direction is referred to as _________________.
a. displacement c. speed
b. distance d. velocity
6. It is the distance travelled over the time to cover such distance.
a. average speed c. instantaneous speed
b. constant speed d. instantaneous velocity
7. Suppose that an object travels from one point in space to another. What is thedifference between
the displacement and the distance traveled?
a. It is either less than or equal to the distance traveled.
b. The displacement is either greater than or equal to the distance traveled.
c. It can be either greater than, smaller than, or equal to the distancetraveled.
d. If the displacement is equal to zero, then the distance traveled will alsoequal zero.
For items 8-10 – 5, refer your answer on the diagram below.

8. What is the object at 10 meters to the left?

a. ball c. house
b. balloon d. star
9. What is the object at 15 meters to the right?
a. dog c. star
b. house d. tree
10. What is the object at 5 meters to the right?
a. ball c. star
b. house d. tree
11. The higher the frequency of the wave is, _______________________.
a. The lower is its speed. c. The greater is its amplitude.
b. The longer is its period. d. The shorter is its wavelength
12. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to another through:
a. alternately vibrating particles of the medium c. particles travelling with the wave.
b. vibrating particles and traveling particles d. none of the above
13. Energy from the sun reaches the Earth through ___________.
a. Electromagnetic waves c. Mechanical waves
b. Infrared waves d. Ultraviolet waves
14. Compare the frequency of infrared (IR) with the frequency of ultraviolet (UV)

a. Infrared waves have lower frequency than ultraviolet waves.

b. Infrared waves have higher frequency than ultraviolet waves.
c. Infrared waves have the same frequency as the ultraviolet waves.
d. Infrared wave is not comparable in frequency with ultraviolet waves.
15. Which of the following objects can produce sound?
a. soft objects c. vibrating objects
b. radio station d. objects under pressure
16. Which of the following best describes a high frequency sound?
a. high pitch c. low pitch
b. low energy d. both a and c
17. What sound is produced in a high frequency?
a. high pitch c. low pitch
b. low energy d. both a and c
18. Which medium does sound waves travel fastest?
a. air c. solids
b. liquids d. vacuum
19. Which area will NOT be able to hear any sound?
a. A theater c. In a spaceship
b. A closed room d. In the outer space
20. ROYGBIV is the basic component of white light, which color of light has thehighest energy?
a. blue c. orange
b. green d. red
21. Which of the following is NOT an electromagnetic wave?
a. infrared c. sound
b. radio d. visible light
22. Among all the electromagnetic waves, which has the highest frequency
a. infrared c. radio wave
b. gamma rays d. ultraviolet light

For number 23-30 – Choose letter A for TRUEif the statement is correct,
and letter B if the statement is FALSE

23. Waves are created by a vibration.

24. Wavelength is the number of waves produced in a given amount of time.
25. Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed about 3 x 108 m/s through a vacuum.
26. The SI unit for frequency is hertz.
27. As the frequency of light increases, the energy also increases.
28. As the wavelength of light becomes longer, the energy increases.
29. As the frequency of light increases, the wavelength becomes shorter.
30. As the frequency of light decreases, the wavelength becomes long
For number 31-50, solve the following problem.
Boy travels from point D to point A, then A to B, B to C and C to D.
31. What does the distance he travels?
32. What is his displacement?

John walks from point A to point B to point C.
33. What does the distance he travels?
34. What is his displacement?
35. What is his displacement if he returns to point A?

Calculate the speed of the dog running through a field if he is covering 25 meters in 5 seconds?
36. What is ask?
37. What are the given?
38. What is the formula?
39. Show your solution.
40. Write your final answer.

What is the velocity of a car that travelled a total of 80 km north in 2 hours?
41. What is ask?
42. What are the given?
43. What is the formula?
44. Show your solution.
45. Write your final answer.

A car starts from rest and attained a speed of 20m/s in 10 seconds. What is its acceleration.
46. What is ask?
47. What are the given?
48. What is the formula?
49. Show your solution.
50. Write your final answer.

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