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Direction: Write the letter of the BEST answer.

1. Smallest level of organization in an organism where the characteristics of life be
carried out?

A. Organ system B. Organ C. Tissue D. Cell

2. Which of the following differentiates organs from tissues?

A. Organs make up tissues; tissues make up organs

B. Tissues make up organs; cells make up tissues

C. Organs and tissues are made up of cells.

D. Organs and tissues make up an organ system.

3. The organ systems of plants consist of the root and shoot systems. Why is it
important for these organ systems to work together?

A. To grow and survive C. To survive floods and strong winds

B. To avoid pests and other animals D. To survive droughts and earthquakes

4. If the chloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?

A. protect the cell C. excrete waste materials

B. makes food for the cell D. give instruction for cell to reproduce

5.Which part performs reproductive functions for the plant?

A. flower B. stem C. roots D. fruits

6. The organ systems of plants consist of the root and shoot systems. Why is it
important for these organ systems to work together?

A. To grow and survive C. To survive floods and strong winds

B. To avoid pests and other animals D. To survive droughts and earthquakes

7.What is included in the pistil?

A. stigma, style, ovary C. anther, filament

B. pollen grain, pollen tube D. all of the above

8.Which reproduction requires a mate?

A. Asexual reproduction C. Both

B. Sexual Reproduction D. None of the above

9. Each part of an organ system plays a specific function. Which of the following
structures does not match its function?

A. Brain: Digestion C. Heart: Circulation

B. Lungs: Respiration D. Eyes: Sight

10. Cancer starts from cells that start to grow uncontrollably fast. They destroy
tissues and organs. What does this say about the effects of diseased cells on the
higher levels of organization in an organism?

A. Cancer involves only certain kinds of cells and does not affect any other kind of cell.

B. Diseased cells affect only the next higher levels of organization that they make up –
the tissues.

C. Diseased cells damage the higher levels of organization they make up: tissues,
organs, organ systems, and eventually, the whole organism.

D. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of an organism.

11. Which two parts of a microscope combine to give a magnified view of a cell?

A. Stage and eyepiece C. Light source and objective lens

B. Eyepiece and focus knob D. Eyepiece and objective lens

12. What will happen if you use direct sunlight to observe your specimen?

A. it may damage your eyes C. the image will be clear

B. the image will become bigger D. it will clear your eye

13. On the image, which letter represents the objective?

A. A B. B C. C D. E

14. On the image, which letter represents the coarse adjustment knob?

A. B B. C C. D D. E

15. On the image, which letter represents the stage?

A. A B. B C. AB D. AC

16. On the image, which letter indicates the location of the diaphragm?

A.AC B. AB C. C D. D

17. When using the high power objective, you should not adjust the:

A. coarse focus B. fine focus C. diaphragm D. stage clips

18. The scanning, low, and high power objectives are mounted on the:

A. revolving nosepiece C. body tube

B. stage D. eyepiece

19. A microscope has a 4x ocular lens and a 10x objective, what is this microscope's
total magnification?

A.4x B. 14x C. 40 x D. 400 x

20. An instrument that can be used to observe small objects, even cells.

A. telescope B. microscope C. stethoscope D. kaleidoscope

21. It is used to tilt the microscope to observe the specimen while sitting.

A. inclination joint B. base C. arm D. eyepiece

22. Which part will you adjust if the onion cell you are observing under the HPO is
not clear?

A. coarse focus B. fine focus C. diaphragm D. stage clips

Refer to the picture below:

A. B.
23. Which of the two above shows letter "e" seen under the microscope?

For question 24-27: Refer to the figure below:


24. Which part is responsible for the production of energy in the cell.

25. An organelles found in plant cells that conduct photosynthesis.

26. Outermost protective layer of a plant cell having that provides both structural
support and protection, and also acts as a filtering mechanism.

27. Largest organelle in plant cell storing of reserve food, water, and waste material
of the cell.

For question 28-30: Refer to the figure below:


28. A membrane-bound organelle that contains genetic material (DNA).

29. Can either be smooth or rough, serves important functions particularly in the
synthesis, folding, modification, and transport of proteins.

30. A cell organelle responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins
and lipids into vesicles for delivery to targeted destinations.

31. The cell theory states that_________.

A. cells come from cells

B. all organisms are made of cells

C. cells are the basic unit of structure and function for life

D. all of the above

32. An organism made up of more than one cell and often made of more than one
type of cell.

A. multicellular
C. Organelles

B. unicellular
D. Prokaryotic

33. An organism made of one

cell is called________.

A. multicellular C. Organelles

B. unicellular D. Prokaryotic

34. All living things are made up of...

A. organ B. cells C. cell tissues D. organ system

35. A sperm cell unites with an egg cell to form a zygote. Which process is taking

A. Pollination C. Asexual reproduction

B. Fertilization D. Vegetative propagation

36. A farmer wants to propagate a good variety of a crop in a way which maintained
all its desirable traits. Which of the following methods should be used?

A. Self-pollination

B. Vegetative propagation

C. Growing seeds produced from this variety

D. Cross-pollinating this crop with another good variety and growing the seeds
resulting from the cross

37. What is included in the pistil?

A. stigma, style, ovary C. anther, filament

B. pollen grain, pollen tube D. all of the above

38. Which is a BIOTIC factor?

A. A lake B. The air C. A tree D. None of these

39. Which of these is an abiotic factor?

A. water B. Sand C. Stone D. all of these

40. What is the difference between the biotic and abiotic factors?

A. BIOTIC factors are living things and ABIOTIC factors are nonliving things.

B. BIOTIC factors are nonliving things and ABIOTIC factors are living things.

C. BIOTIC factors can kill ABIOTIC factors.

D. ABIOTIC factors can eat BIOTIC factors.

41. What are the biotic factors in this image below?

A. sunlight, elephants, and grasses C. elephants, plants, and trees

B. sunlight, water, and air D. elephant, plants, and soil

42. A remora is a fish that has an adhesive disk on the back of its head that it uses
to attach itself to a large shark. When food floats away from the shark’s mouth as it
feeds, the remora collects the scraps. The relationship between the remora and the
shark is an example of________.

A. competition B. commensalism C. predation D. mutualism

43. A shark kills and eats a smaller fish. Which type of interaction is this?

A. competition B. commensalism C. predation D. mutualism

44. Woodpeckers and squirrels fight over nesting rights in the same tree. Which
type of interaction is this?

A. competition B. commensalism C. predation D. mutualism

45. Ants farm aphids to get honeydew. Aphids receive protection and are moved to
new plants when they need more food. Which type of symbiosis is this?

A. competition B. commensalism C. predation D. mutualism

46. What will happen to the organisms when there is a sudden change in the
temperature beyond their limits?

A. Eventually adapt to the environment C. Reproduce

B. Organisms will die D. Survive

47. The following are abiotic factors that may affect the population of organisms

A. drought B. predators C. earthquakes D. typhoons

48. Pollution is changing our __________, which is the biggest factor affecting
biotic diversity.

A. water B. climate C. air D. soil

49. What is the total magnification of a microscope with two lenses when one lens
has a magnification of 10x, and the other lens has a magnification of 30x?

A. 15x B. 40x C. 30x D. 300x

50. Describe the relationship between what you see through the eyepiece and what
you see on the stage of a microscope.

A. upside down B. upright C. straight D. doubled

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