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Mar 22

07/03/2022 02/05/2022 20/06/2022 01/08/2022 19/09/2022 07/11/2022 09/01/2023 09/01/2023


07/03/2022 02/05/2022 20/06/2022 01/08/2022 19/09/2022 07/11/2022 09/01/2023 09/01/2023

28/03/2022 23/05/2022 11/07/2022 22/08/2022 10/10/2022 28/11/2022 30/01/2023 30/01/2023

Please note that sessions will take place during the weeks commencing on the dates shown, your tutor will confirm the exact date and time via a notification nearer the time.

8 7 6 7 7 9 7 7

02/05/2022 20/06/2022 01/08/2022 19/09/2022 07/11/2022 09/01/2023 26/02/2023 26/02/2023

Tutor support sessions: Sessions can take place during the daytime or evening (UK local time). Th e r e may be a change to a session date but you will be notified in advance if this happens.
Cohort Café: These are informal sessions, held at points throughout your course, where you can discuss relevant topics with your tutor and your peers, dates will be provided via the notifications.

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