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Celebrating the Priestly Golden Jubilee of Msgr. Expedito Magembe reminds me of his
enormous theological insights displayed in the rich church music he has composed over time. It
is indeed a great task and work to marvel.
Sacrosanctum Concilium, No.14, expounds on the importance of full and active participation of
the faithful, which work the pastors of the souls must zealously strive to achieve. This, the
Jubilarian has greatly done, taking a sincere look on the compositions of the Jubilarian, you
indeed discover most of the hymns can engage the congregation and move them to a conscious
celebration of the Liturgy; this can be felt in compositions like, Nkwegomba, Oh Yezu Mpulira
Nkwetaaga and many others.
As a theologian he has considered the Church’s doctrine and used simple language to
disseminate it among the people of God. In some of his compositions he displays a strong touch
of Pauline theology and has made the epistles be sung among the Catholic churches and even
some separated brethren. For example, Kristu Ge Magoba (Phil 3:7-8). Indeed, the theological
saying that theology is done on the knees is fulfilled in his life and works.
Profoundly known for the Charismatic Renewal, the Jubilarian presents the Holy Spirit as a chief
protagonist in this mission of evangelization. In his prayer sessions, booklets, and hymns, he has
greatly portrayed the Trinitarian life in the church.
An encounter with the separated brethren (non- catholics), one discovers that some boldly
emphasize the soothing divine message in the hymns of the Jubilarain as those that have moved
them and get intrigued them to come back to the Mother church. We thank God that has blessed
the Jubilarian with the contemporary and doctrinal music touch of this generation.
In the field of sacramentology, he has composed many hymns per say on the Holy Eucharist,
enumerating the salvific nature of the Eucharist and as a nourishment for the Pilgrim church. For
example, Kristu Ukaristia Yaffe. On the sacrament of Holy Orders, the famous Mu
Busaseredooti hymn, he describes the vocation to the priesthood as a divine investiture. In
Mariology, he has expounded on the role of the Blessed Mother in our salvation for example, in
Wazaala kristu.
With all these outstanding theological hymns, we testify the grace of God (I Cor 15:10) and
divine inspiration that has moved him to work tirelessly for the growth of the spiritual life of the
people of God in these fifty years. It is indeed a great milestone. May the name of the Lord be
blessed forever more. Congratulations Msgr. AD MULTOS ANNOS.
Luggya Davis Mirembe
Ggaba National Seminary
(Kampala Archdiocese – Naddangira Parish)

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