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Project title: - Breast Cancer Disease Detection with Machine Learning

Group Members Name Id

Biniam Liku --------------------------------------------1439/20

Erenso Hundessa-------------------------------------8829/20

Abeba Ewunetu---------------------------------------9769/20

Adisalem Talegizer-----------------------------------5538/20
Kemem Gebeyo--------------------------------------1011/20

1.1 introduction..........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Statement of the problem.....................................................................................................................4
1.3 Objectives.............................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Scope....................................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Methodology........................................................................................................................................6
1.5.1 Data Gathering methodology............................................................................................................6
1.6 System Analysis and Design Methodology.........................................................................................8
1.7 System Development Model..............................................................................................................10
1.8 Implementation Methodology............................................................................................................10
1.9 Development Environment and Programming Tools........................................................................12
To use as local server...............................................................................................................................12
1.10 Testing Methodology.......................................................................................................................14
1.11 Feasibility Study..............................................................................................................................15
1.12 Significant of the projects................................................................................................................17
1.13 Project Time Schedule and Cost Estimation....................................................................................18
1.14 Team Composition...........................................................................................................................19
1.1 introduction

Breast cancer is a major health concern for women worldwide. It is estimated that
approximately 2.3 million new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in 2020, making it the
most common type of cancer among women globally. Early detection and accurate
classification of breast cancer are crucial for effective treatment and improved patient

Machine learning algorithms have shown great potential in detecting and classifying breast
cancer from medical images such as mammograms and ultrasound scans. These algorithms
can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that may not be visible to the human
eye. They can also learn from past data to improve their accuracy over time.

The goal of this project is to develop a machine learning model that can accurately detect and
classify breast cancer based on medical images. The model will be trained on a large dataset
of medical images, which will include both normal and cancerous cases. The model will use
advanced deep learning techniques to extract features and patterns from the images, which
will help it to differentiate between normal and cancerous tissue.

The development of a reliable and efficient tool for early detection and accurate classification
of breast cancer has the potential to save lives and improve the quality of life for patients.
This project will contribute to the growing body of research on the use of machine learning in
healthcare, and may pave the way for future developments in this field.
1.2 Statement of the problem

The problem is the need for a more efficient and accurate method of breast cancer detection
and classification using machine learning. Current methods can be time-consuming and prone
to human error, leading to delayed diagnosis and suboptimal treatment. Developing a
machine learning model that can analyze large datasets of medical images to accurately
identify patterns indicative of breast cancer could significantly improve diagnosis efficiency,
accuracy, and understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the disease. However,
challenges include the need for large datasets of high-quality medical images, ethical
considerations around patient data, and ensuring the model is transparent and explainable.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective

In order to address the widespread occurrence of breast cancer in most parts of the world in
various forms, the suggested system processes images in order to extract accurate,
trustworthy, and significant information.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

• Breast cancer is one of the most common human diseases specially in women, so the
proposed system which is great significance doctors and patient.

• a proposed system is provided to reduce the work load of doctors and provide exact
information to patient.
• reduce the serious disease women breast cancer

• to take breast cancer very seriously and identify it at an early stage and prevent it from

1.4 Scope

• Get a image

• Preprocess the input image

• Use a trained model to detect an illness

• Show feedback data (or the output)

1.5 Methodology

1.5.1 Data Gathering methodology

There are numerous methods for gathering the necessary data, but we employed a few
that enabled us to obtain information for system development. We employed a variety
of data collection techniques, including document analysis, interviewing, and
1.5.2 Observation

This approach is the most effective way to collect data. Seeing how the current system
functions allows us to quickly grasp the problem we are attempting to solve as well as
why the process is difficult.

With this method, we're attempting to watch certain companies to see how they
handle information analyzers. and the manner in which they enter student and teacher
data, which the information analyzer needs to know.

1.5.3 Analysis of Documents

An overview of the current document used by the organization allows us to quickly

determine the type of system that needs to be developed. Many student and teacher
details, including full name, sex, age, working department, and grade, are contained in
the current document.

1.5.4 Unofficial Interviews

In order to gather information, we are required by this data collection methodology to

speak with various actors in this industry. by requesting specific details, such as how
they obtain information about their students, what information they receive when
assigned to a particular course, how the course distribution process operates, and what
sources they use to obtain information about courses, students, and others.
1.6 System Analysis and Design Methodology

Numerous software design methodologies have been developed from those approaches. For
our system, we ultimately decided to use the Iterative Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) model.

SDLC Model

As we attempt to demonstrate in the aforementioned statements, we believe that the iterative

model is the best one due to its repeating nature. In the future, we will update our system on a
timely or regular basis. This type of breast cancer disease detection system is required for
areas like, as was indicated in the earlier sections, so it is updated iteratively. Up until it
encompasses all university operations, the system can be expanded. Based on our analysis of
the project's feasibility study conducted by the It is necessary to develop the system's specific
component over time and then update it on schedule. Generally speaking, all software must
incorporate system evolution.

We opted for the Iterative software development life cycle (SDLC) model for our system,
taking into account the aforementioned factors and the significant benefits of its
1.7 System Development Model
1.8 Implementation Methodology

is the procedure used to transform a system specification into an executable system through
system design.

All of our implementation methodologies are sufficient based on the fundamental ideas of our
five approaches:

Defining the project entails establishing its objectives and scope, designating accountable
parties, and defining deliverables. There are many completed tasks at this point. Requirement
gathering, project definition, business analysis, functional specification, and conceptual
system design are some of these tasks.

• Design: A timeline and project blueprint have been created after all planning is
finished. There are many completed tasks at this point. These include the following:
testing, training plans, functional and technical design, and prototyping.

• Develop: - In order to get ready for deployment in the test environment, the software
is configured and the initial data is converted.

• Deploy: Using the final conversion data set, users run acceptance tests after being
trained. Numerous tasks have been completed at this point. These tasks include
installing hardware and software, setting up a test environment, migrating final data,
training users, conducting acceptance testing, and releasing the build.

• Deliver: - Brings the project's promise to the user community and brings it to an end.
Numerous tasks have been completed at this point. Setting up a production
environment and providing continuing user support are those tasks.
1.9 Development Environment and

Programming Tools

To realize the proposed system, we will use the following tools. Those tools can fit with the
Current technology that our country is using. We will be used different Software’s, languages
and hardware’s to complete the overall system. Those software’s are listed below: -

Under Hard ware requirement there is no special hard ware is needed. it can easily implement
by personal computer only.

Development requirement
1 XAMPP Server

To use as local server

2 Microsoft Word To write the document

3 Notepad++ To write code
4 EdrawMax To design diagrams
5 Browser To access web application
6 anacondas To write and test system
7 cameras To gate an image
8 smart phones To access the system by application
6. computer To access network and star sever services

Language requirement
1 PHP For making dynamic and interactive Web pages
2 oracles for database management system as dataset
3 HTML To describe web pages.
4 Java script To do validation of a web page
5 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) To Create attractive Layout
6 pythons To create the backend system
7 Open cv framework To access image processing library

1.10 Testing Methodology

Testing in every software system or project is mandatory. In our system almost all testing
techniques are involved including Unit testing, System testing, Acceptance and Integration
Testing are done.

Unite testing: - We use unit tests there to test our system. Every component is put

through testing to make sure it functions properly. Without involving other system

components, each component is tested separately.

Integration testing: - We will test the relevant classes of our system using this

testing methodology. We will emerge those various components and test it after unit
testing, and we will do this to debug if there is an error.
System testing: - We use system tests to ensure that all of the system's components

are integrated before testing it. The goal of this testing procedure is to identify errors
that arise from component interface issues and interactions.

Acceptance testing: - Acceptance testing is how we test our system, and it's

regarded as a functional test. Data provided by the system customer is used to test the

1.11 Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study Considering the requirements, a full-scale feasibility study was

undertaken for testing the possibility of computerization of student information. A
feasibility study evaluates the project's potential for success; therefore, perceived
objectivity is an important factor therefore, be conducted with an objective, unbiased
approach to provide information upon which decisions can be based. Here, the
feasibility study was carried out under the following areas:

1.11.1 Technical feasibility

This assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements, to determine

whether the school has the technical expertise to handle completion of the project.
Technical feasibility is carried out to determine whether the project is feasible in
terms of software, hardware, personnel, and expertise, to handle the completion of the
project. To use the proposed system the hardware and software requirements are
easily available and they are familiar for all of our users. Like computers or personal
computer, to check notification also we can use self-phone (smart phones) It considers
determining resources for the proposed system. As the system is developed using
python, it is platform independent. Therefore, the users of the system can have
average processing capabilities, running on any platform. So we can say that our
proposed system is technically feasible because the system builds on using
organizational equipment

1.11. 2 Operational feasibilities

Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems
with the users. Operational feasibility is dependent on human resources available for the
project and involves projecting whether the system will be used if it is developed and
implemented. Under this the proposed system will support the department management
system by distributing courses by its own and by giving the analyzed information that can be
used for different purpose like report. It is operationally feasible because easy to access and
there is no long time for learning system

1.11.3 Economic feasibility

Economic feasibility defines whether the expected benefit equals or exceeds the
expected costs. It is also commonly referred to as cost/benefit analysis. The procedure
is to determine the benefits and the savings expected from the system and compare
them with the costs. A proposed system is expected to outweigh the costs. This is a
small project with no cost for development. The system is easy to understand and use.
Therefore, there is no need to spend on training to use the system. This system has the
potential to grow by adding functionalities. This can hence; the project could have
economic benefits in the future.
1.11.4 Organizational feasibility

In the organizational feasibility we are trying to be sure the proposed system support
organization strategic objective or not. It is organizationally feasible because it meets
the organizational needs because the department works to produce skilled man power.
And the system helped and supports the department by performing that discussed on
the above.

1.12 Significant of the projects

Easy to put into practice

Researchers can approximate a response from the entire group by statistically

measuring a subset of individuals chosen from a larger group or population using a
simple random sample. This research design has advantages as well as disadvantages.

Reduced time commitment

Stated differently, organizations do not design and oversee their projects to capitalize
on improvements in task performance—that is, tasks that are finished sooner than
anticipated—in order to offset the numerous delays in task performance—that is,
tasks that take longer than anticipated.

Requires less personnel

The relationship between workforce and business initiatives is quite straightforward:

Manpower and productivity are correlated. Projects can be finished more quickly or
more efficiently the more people that are available to work.

Data security
It serves as your first line of defense against security breaches and keeps your private
information safe from harm. It handles a wide range of security risks, including
adware, spyware, viruses, and malware. Some even guard against dangerous
downloads and provide Email ID protection.

Assure accuracy of the data

It's understandable why data has grown to be so crucial to contemporary businesses,

but there are risks associated with it as well. It should come as no surprise that
security is typically ranked highest on priority lists since new dangers and traps arise
every day as technology develops.

1.13 Project Time Schedule and Cost


1.13.1 The Budget of the project

1.13.2 Time Schedule of the project

Task Mont Novembe Decembe Januar Februar Marc Apri May

h r r y y h l

Data collection
Model training
and evaluation
Integration and
Validation and

1.14 Team Composition

As, all members our Responsibilities development activity like problem definition,
system design and construction, testing and debugging, data-collection need equal
attention and all activities have their own benefit for system development. Working
with a team is mostly decrease the burden or work lode. And to share those burdens
with our team members so all we are be love that working with team not means live
all activities for some body and some others will be inactive. By this way of thinking
we were trying to divide those activities for all group members as each

Group members Responsibility

Erenso Hundessa and Biniam Liku Problem definition and problem description
Addisalem Talegizer and Abeba Data collection and interpretation of
Ewunetu collected data
All group members System Design And Construction
Kimem and Biniam Liku Testing and debugging (specifically unit
test and integration test)
Addisalem Talegizer and Abeba Testing and debugging (specifically system
Ewunetu testing)
Erenso Hundessa
All group members Submission and deployment

All we are responsible to do, we are success will this project. Without effort there is no
results, So we will have good effort now and also tomorrow.

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