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TITLE: Web-Based Customized News Recommender (CNR)
for Personalized and Interactive News Reading

1. Background Of The Study

2. Statement Of The Problem

3. Objectives

4. Scope And Limitations

5. Methodology

6. Feasibility Study

7. Significance Of The Project

8. Project Time Schedule And Cost Estimation

1. Background Of The Study
• In today's digital age, staying informed about current events and news is more important than ever.

• It can be challenging for individuals to find relevant and reliable news that aligns with their interests and

• To address this issue, we propose the development of a customized news recommender that will provide
users with personalized news recommendations based on their individual preferences and browsing history.

• Our project aims to create a customized news recommender web-based application, called CNR, to address
these issues.

• CNR will allow users to comment, rate, and share articles, creating a community-driven platform for news
2.Statement Of The Problem
1. Information Overload

2. Misinformation and Bias

3. Diverse User Needs

4. Lack of Engagement

5. Integration with Social Media


General objective

- Develop a CNR system application that provides users with personalized news content based
on their interests and preferences.
Specific objectives

User-Friendly Interface

Content Recommendation Algorithms

News Collection and Database Management

 User Testing and Feedback Collection

4.Scope And Limitations

• Scope

• Include the following deliverables: A User Interface Design, A User Profile and Preference System, A News
Recommendation Algorithm, A News Verification Algorithm, A News Database, And A User Feedback and
Rating System.

• The project will exclude the following items: a web hosting and domain service, a marketing and promotion
strategy, and a user support and maintenance service.

The system will rely on user-provided data for personalization, which may limit its effectiveness for new users or
those with limited data input.

• Data quality

• Data availability

• Data availability

• Methodological issues

Data Gathering Methodology

• THREE TYPE: News Articles, User Feedback, And Social Media

• System Analysis and design Methodology\


• will follow the agile software development approach, which is based on iterative and incremental development,
collaboration, and adaptation

• System Development Model

the agile model, which is based on iterative and incremental development, collaboration, and adaptation. We chose
this model because it allows us to deliver a web-based application that meets the needs and expectations of the
users and the stakeholders,

• Implementation Methodology

 data collection and preprocessing,

 news analysis and recommendation,

 user interface and interaction, and

 system testing and evaluation.


Development Environment and Programming tools

• Python 3.9

• Flask

• HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

• Bootstrap

• MongoDB

System Testing Methodology

System testing is like checking to make sure our application works the way it's supposed to and is easy to use
6 Feasibility Study

Assess the technical, economic, and operational aspects of implementing the customized news recommender.
consider factors such as cost, resources required, potential benefits to users, and market demand for personalized
news recommendations.

1. Technical Feasibility: Whether the technologies and resources required for our project are practical

2. Operational Feasibility: Degree to which the system can be effectively integrated into the existing business
processes and practices, and the extent to which it can meet the user requirements and expectations. .

3. Economic Feasibility: Determined by evaluating the costs and benefits associated with its development and

7.Significance of the project

provide users with a personalized and interactive news reading experience that is tailored to their preferences,
needs, and interests
• This project will benefit the society by providing users with more informed and critical news consumption, and
by promoting media literacy and civic engagement.

• It will also benefit the news publishers and advertisers by increasing user satisfaction and loyalty,

• providing them with valuable insights into user behavior and preferences.

8.Project time schedule and cost estimation

• . We use various tools and methods to plan and manage the project resources, scope, and quality like Gantt chart.
Cost Component Estimated Cost

Salaries and wages 200,000 ETB

Technology and infrastructure 300,000 ETB

Marketing and promotional 50,000 ETB

Testing and quality assurance 50,000 ETB

Ongoing maintenance 100,000 ETB

Total Estimated Cost 700,000ETB

Time Schedule of the project
gather requirements Back-end development

Design user interface Database setup

Database setup

Set up development
Integration and testing

Data quality and privacy measures
The project team will consist of the following roles and responsibilities:
I. Bezawit Dagnachew: She Find out what the user want and need from the project.
II. Dinksira Elsa: He is project leader. He make a plan for the project and follow it. And he create the
project product using code
III. Bona Haile: He Figure out how much money and resource the project needs.

IV. Abdirakib Kayd: He set and follow the quality standards and rules. And he check the project
product quality.

V. Fekadu Eyob: He make the project product look attractive and user friendly.

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