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Live Weather Notifications using

We all check for weather updates, especially when we want to go outside.
Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to get the notifications rather than checking
them ourselves? Yes! We will be building a Python project that sends live
weather reports as desktop notifications.

What is a Live Weather Desktop Notification

This weather desktop notification project sends the live weather report of the
location that you enter as a desktop notification. The information sent
includes temperature, pressure, humidity, and description if any.

Live Weather Desktop Notification Project using

We will be building this project using the modules Tkinter, time, requests, and
plyer. We build the GUI to take the input of location using the Tkinter module.
Also, we use the requests module to extract the weather information from a
website. The time and plyer modules are used to send the notification and let
it pop up for a certain amount of time.

Prerequisites for Python Weather Alert Project

It is advised that the user has prior knowledge of python, Tkinter, and a
basic understanding of JSON format. The time module is a standard
python module. And the following commands can be used to download
the other modules.
pip install tkinter
pip install requests
pip install plyer

Project Structure
We will follow the below steps to build python weather alert project.
1. Importing modules
2. Creating a GUI and adding required components
3. Writing a function to get notification
Simple steps right? Now, let’s dive into the coding part.

1. Importing modules
#importing modules
import time
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox as mb
import requests
from plyer import notification
Code explanation:
a. In this step, we import the above discussed 4 modules
b. The message box helps in showing pop up message in case any error

2. Creating a GUI and adding required

Now, we create an empty window. Then we create the label, entry and
button for taking the input of the location and sending notification.
#creating the window
wn = Tk()
wn.title("PythonGeeks Weather Alert")
# Heading label
Label(wn, text="PythonGeeks Weather Desktop Notifier", font=('Courier',
15), fg='grey19',bg='azure').place(x=100,y=15)
#Getting the city name
Label(wn, text='Enter the Location:', font=("Courier",
13),bg='azure').place(relx=0.05, rely=0.3)
place = StringVar(wn)
place_entry = Entry(wn, width=50, textvariable=place), rely=0.3)
#Button to get notification
btn = Button(wn, text='Get Notification', font=7,
fg='grey19',command=getNotification).place(relx=0.4, rely=0.75)
#run the window till the closed by user
Code explanation:
a. title(): It displays the title on the top of the GUI.
b. config(): It sets the background color of the window
c. geometry(): It sets the length and width of the GUI.
d. Label(): This helps in showing text on the window
e. Entry(): This widget helps in taking input from the user
f. Button(): This creates a button with mentioned attributes and the
command parameter represents the function that executed on pressing
the button
g. mainloop(): This makes sure the screen runs till it is manually closed
3. Writing a function to get notification
Finally, we store the input of the place in a variable and generate a
corresponding link to get the information about weather conditions at
that location. Then, we get the json object and get the required details
like temperature, pressure, humidity, and description. At last, we show
this information in the form of a notification.
#Function to get notification of weather report
def getNotification():
cityName=place.get() #getting input of name of the place from user
baseUrl = "" #base url from
where we extract weather report
# This is the complete url to get weather conditions of a city
url = baseUrl + "appid=" + 'd850f7f52bf19300a9eb4b0aa6b80f0d' + "&q=" +
response = requests.get(complete_url) #requesting for the the content of the
x = response.json() #converting it into json
y = x["main"] #getting the "main" key from the json object
# getting the "temp" key of y
temp = y["temp"]
temp-=273 #converting temperature from kelvin to celsius
# storing the value of the "pressure" key of y
pres = y["pressure"]
# getting the value of the "humidity" key of y
hum = y["humidity"]
# storing the value of "weather" key in variable z
z = x["weather"]
# getting the corresponding "description"
weather_desc = z[0]["description"]
# combining the above values as a string
info="Here is the eather description of "+ cityName+ ":"+" \nTemperature =
" +str(temp) +"°C"+"\n atmospheric pressure = " + str(pres) + "hPa"+"\n
humidity = " +str(hum) +"%"+"\n description of the weather= " +
#showing the notification
message=info ,
# displaying time
# waiting time
except Exception as e:
mb.showerror('Error',e)#show pop up message if any error occurred
Code explanation:
a. get(): It helps in getting the input given by the user in the Entry()
b. requests.get(): Getting the data from the url
c. .json(): converting data to .json format
d. notification.notify(): showing the notification on desktop
e. showerror(): Shows error pop up message on occurrence of exception

Output of Python Live Weather Desktop

Notification Project
Image of the desktop notification

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