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This time around | will not disclose his

name, let’s call him Alex.

Well, Alex is a longtime friend of my father.

When l was little, | had a chance to have a
couple of sessions with him. At that time he
was finishing a medical school and was
planning to start his residency. He brought
me back to my senses after my parents put
my old dog to sleep, a very cute red haired
poodie by the name of Alf. In thattime |
was aggressive towards my parents,
because | didn't understand that the dog
was suffering and that it had to be done.
But things got better.

We're still friends, and from time to time |

call him and ask for some advice.

And just two weeks ago, we met up and

chatted about our lives. | started talking
about this website: that | read a bunch of
mystical stories, so in turn he decided to

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