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Yàsháin the world of the dead has always been a little hard for me to imagine on a world scale,
so I scaled down to the island of Harn area only.
I hope this helps other people to visualize a workable Yàsháin also.

Canon description of Yashain

From Kethira pg 49
Yàsháin, is a world that runs on arcane power. Yasháinian kingdoms have gods and goddesses for monarchs; demons,
demigods and dead heroes for barons. The personalities of rulers are not only stamped on the political and social struc-
tures, but also on the geography, ecology, geology and climate. When one crosses from one kingdom to another, one may
also be crossing from lush forest to stark desert. The kingdoms of Yàsháin seem to always be at war: good against evil,
chaos against order.

Kethira and Yashain

Kèthîra and Yàsháin have a unique relationship; there are numerous, constant, point-to-point correspondences. The
realm(s) of the elves, Évaèl and Fáya, are one example. Earthmaster sites on Hârn and some of those on Lýthia also exist
(in some form) on Yàsháin, as does Aráka-Kalái. Such places seem to exist simultaneously on both worlds.
Yàsháin is Kèthîra’s afterworld, the realm of the dead. Many theologians and laypeople believe that when they die they
are reborn in Yàsháin, where everyone is immortal and from where, if they are lucky, they can find their way back.

From Gods of Harn #5003, Religion pg 1

Kethira and Yashain: A Special Relationship
“The links with other worlds are generally shifting and vague, but between these two there are a large number of constant,
point to point, even region to region, correspondences, Various sites exist (in some form) on both worlds at the same time.
Most of the gods of Harn (with the notable exception of Siem) are believed to reside on Yashain, which is Kethira’s “half-
world”. Most Kethirans spend their after lives on Yashain in the service of their chosen deities. Yashain is divided into
kingdoms governed by the gods. Earldoms and baronies are ruled by demons and demigods. There is a constant state of
war, good against evil, and order against chaos.”

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (

© 2020, Daniel L. Petrone
This work, created by Daniel L. Petrone is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal use by
Daniel L. Petrone and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without permission of
Daniel L. Petrone. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a challenge to the status
of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact
Gods Servents
Agrik = Evil war god Demon Pameshlu the insatiable
Eight Demons V’hir
Prince D’kahn, “The Harbinger of War,”
Prince Zakronas, Agrik’s “Master of Pain,”
Prince Aneshar, “The Bringer of Decay,”
Prince Rashkahn, “The Screamer in the Dark,”
Prince Naidurlas, the “Prince of Rage,”
Prince Molgoshka, “Keeper of the Foul Chamber,”
Prince Ashlagya, “The Hunter after Life,”
Prince Pavahnis, “Judge of the Faithful,”

Halea = Queen of Pleasures Dulcia (Princess of the Harmonic Cascade)

Elomis (Princess of Enterprise)
Galopea (Princess of the Feast)
Sardura (Princess of GoldenWrath)
Selina Princess of Abundance)
Tania Princess of Brief Ecstasy)
Thalis (Princess of Fortune)

Ilvir = Brooder in the Blasted Plains Seafarer Ibenis

Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam
Chuchlisen Wheelwright

Larani = Benevolent goddess of chivalry and battle Mendiz Banner Bearer Winged Lion
Valamin The Frowner
Orthas Knight-Commander

Morgath = Master of chaos and evil Klyss the Necromancer

Myrvria the Temptress

Naveh = God of darkness Dekeiis the Feline

Gekrish The Hand of Despair
Krasula Hunter of Sleep
Vesha The Mouth of Falsehood

Peoni = Kindest and most gentle Belsirasin The Weeper

Maermal Lord of Labour
Tirrala Handmaiden of Renemal
Yselde The Truthmaker

Sarajin = God of battlelust Usnarl Lord of Bears

Njehu Lord of Whales
J arlak Carrion Lord

Save-K’nor = Lord of Puzzles Ahhea The Truthsayer

Argenon The High Riddler
Bronduschithrin The Lord of Lies
Deocala Desaria and Detasia The Searchers
Thonahexus Herald of Inor Teth
Yerit and Ilyasha The Teachers

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (

© 2020, Daniel L. Petrone.
This work, created by Daniel L. Petrone is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal use by
Daniel L. Petrone and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without permission of
Daniel L. Petrone. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a challenge to the status
of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.
My p-Yashain (House rules, feel free to change the rules)

Because Kèthîra and Yàsháin have a unique relationship; and there are numerous, constant, point-to-point correspondences,
I use the map of Hran for the map of Yàsháin.

Gods Location on Harn map Capital City / Location on Harn map

Agrik In and around the Rayesha MTN ranges Balgashang 5F
Halea With Larani and Peoni areas Corsilea 10 M
Ilvir Same location as on Harn Araka-Kalai 5H
Larani Surrounding the southern borders of Agrik, Morgath, & Naveh Dolithor 7H
Morgath In and around the Felsha MTN ranges Durakhar 4I
Naveh In and around the Sorkin MTN ranges Kamil 4K
Peoni South of Larani territory Meadows of Valon 7E
Sarajin North of Agrik, Morgath, & Naveh Talagaad 2H
Save-K’nor With Larani and Peoni areas Inor Teth 5J

Creating a map of Yàsháin

1. Photocopy the Harn map
2. Using marking pens outline the hexs around the three mountain ranges
3. Outline the boundary of the capital city (1 hexs surrounded by 2 circles of hexs)
4. Start creating the boundary of smaller provinces (7 to 9 hex around the capital’s boundary)
5. Numbers the provinces and assign the demigod/demon rulers, if you wish.

Death and Dying

When a human dies on Kèthîra there spirit travels to Yàsháin and appears at the capital city of their deity.
If they have no deity then they will be judged and assigned a deity.
When they arrive they will be fully formed adult (early twenties) with full memories of one's past life.
When anyone dies on Yàsháin they reappears at the capital city of their deity after a time delay of (2d20) months with the same memories he had the first time he died and
arrived on Yàsháin.
The exception is an area controlled by Sarajin were the dead come back to life every evening with full memories..
Upon arriving they will be indoctrinated into their new life. They are immortal, they can live, love, and have sex but they can not reproduce and have children, except with a
If the dead somehow return to Kèthîra they will become mortal again but without their memories of their time on Yàsháin.

Gods Followers
Agrik = A warrior’s life (Evil Warriors)
Halea = Will live in harmony with non-chaos and evil
Ilvir = Brooder in the Blasted Plains (Followers)
Larani = Guardians of the weak (Noble Knights,Warriors, or Heroes)
Morgath = A warrior’s life (Chaos or Evil Warriors)
Naveh = A warrior’s life (Assassins, Thiefs, or Torturer)
Peoni = Will live as peasant farmers
Sarajin = A warrior’s life (An Honorable Warrior)
Save-K’nor = Will live in harmony with non-chaos and evil

Guilded and unguided good dead people support the Larain cause, while evil or corrupt support the evil gods.

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (

© 2020, Daniel L. Petrone
This work, created by Daniel L. Petrone is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal use by
Daniel L. Petrone and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without permission of
Daniel L. Petrone. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a challenge to the status
of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact
Larani followers have a line of Watchtowers and Castles surrounding the southern borders of Agrik, Morgath, & Naveh.
The Watchtowers are arranged one each hex and one row back the Castle are arranged one every other hex
The Watchtowers are man by 50 footmen and 2 squadron of knights (26), while the Castles are man by 100 footmen and 6 squadron of knights (78).
The castles are attached to small cities for guildsmen.
When the watchtower spots the enemy they light a signal fire and add chemicals producing colored smoke to indicate how many enemies are approaching.

Spells and Psionics

Spells and Psionics work better on the magic strong Yashain.
Adjust Mastery Level (ML) by averaging it with 120.
Example: If ML on Kethira is 40 the ML on Yashain would be 80.

Due to the arcane environment of Yàsháin the earthmasters did not stay long.
Only one Godstone is found at the location that correspondence with Cherafir.

Same as Harns except for territories controlled by evil gods. Those territories are desert, semidesert, and savanna.
Territories controlled by Sarajin is like the far north (the tundra)

Downloads from
Demons and Divine Servants
Spirit Folk (Faeries)
Laranian Saints
Beastiary v3
As well as bestiary made for HarnWorld, found in other adventure modules, see Downloads from
Another good source is the HarnWorld module Curse of Hlen #5063
See Harnmaster GM books like HM3.

Unique Horses of Yàsháin

Larani Warhorse
(SHIRE) Has greater strength, stamina, and speed then any Kèthîra horse, and can carry a fully arnoured knight along with its own armour easly.
Height at the shoulder = Males 5.7 ft Females 5.3 ft Weights = Males 2425 lbs Females 1984 lbs
Horse-Shire 50 18 -- 12 16 17 20 5 7 12 60 21 36 55 B-4 E-3 P-1 F-3
SKILLS : Awareness 72, Bite 44/4P, Trample 55/10b,
(PEGASUS) Normally can carry only one rider at a time while flying. When carrying two people the pegasus can only leap 80 to 100 feet before landing again.
Most are white or roan-colored; a few are black.
This winged horse stands just under 6.5 ft at the shoulder and has an average wingspan of 24.5 ft.
Pegasus 21 19 -- 12 14 14 19 3 8 12 60 19 16/36 36 B-4 E-3
SKILLS : Awareness 72, Bite 65/2p, Trample 65/9b,

(UNICORN) Friendly, gentle, loyal, and protective of Peoni followers.
A unicorn resembles a horse with a single, spiral horn in the middle of its forehead and a flowing mane and tail.
It stands 5 ft tall at the shoulder and weighs 816 lbs.
Unicorn 28 9 -- 13 16 18 16 8 15 14 60 16 45 65 B-4 E-3 P-1 F-3 Bite 48/3p
SKILLS : Awareness 68, Horn 65/8p Bite 48/3p, Trample 65/9b,

© 2003, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. (

© 2020, Daniel L. Petrone.
This work, created by Daniel L. Petrone is a derivative work of copyrighted material published by Columbia Games Inc. and released for free distribution and personal use by
Daniel L. Petrone and without permission or endorsement by N. Robin Crossby or Columbia Games, Inc. No modification of said work may be made without permission of
Daniel L. Petrone. Hârn, HârnWorld, and HârnMaster are Trademarks of Columbia Games Inc. Use of these or other trademarks are not intended as a challenge to the status
of said trademarks. All distributions must keep this copyright and trademark notice intact.

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