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1. Voltage of normal dry cell battery used for baby

toys, clock… etc is: (....).
- (1.5 volts)

2. In a diesel engine what actually ignites the fuel?

- Spark plugs
- Compression
- Expansion
- Glow plug

3. Speed of light is: (....) m/sec.

- c = 3 X 108 m/s

4. Rock types are: (...,…., and...).

1- Igneous.
2- Sedimentary.
3 –Metamorphic.

5. Atom can be defined as: (....)

- The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense
central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged
electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of positively
charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons (except in the
case of hydrogen-1, which is the only stable nuclide with no
neutrons). The electrons of an atom are bound to the nucleus
by the electromagnetic force.

6. Isotope can be defined as: (....)

- An isotopein chemistry is an Atoms with the same number of
protons, but differing numbers of neutrons. Isotopes are
different forms of a single element.

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Isotope geochemistry is an aspect of geology based upon study
of the relative and absolute concentrations of the elements and
their isotopes in the Earth. Variations in the abundance of
these isotopes, typically measured with an isotope ratio mass
spectrometer or an accelerator mass spectrometer, can reveal
information about the age of a rock or the source of air or
water. Isotope ratios can even shed light on chemical processes
in the atmosphere. Broadly, the field of isotope geochemistry is
divided into two branches: stable and radiogenic isotope

7. Avogadro's constant is: (....)

- Avogadro's Constant = 6.0221415 × 1023 mol-1

is defined as the ratio of the number of constituent particles N
(usually atoms or molecules) in a sample to the amount of
substance n (unit mole) through the relationship NA = N/n.[1]
Thus, it is the proportionality factor that relates the molar mass
of an entity, i.e., the mass per amount of substance, to the
mass of said entity.[2]The Avogadro constant expresses the
number of elementary entities per mole of substance and it has
the value 6.02214129(27)×1023 mol−1.*2+*3+*4+Changes in the SI
units are proposed that will change the constant to exactly
6.02214X×1023 when it is expressed in the unit mol−1.

8. A pencil lead composed mainly of:(....)

- Pencil lead is made out of Graphite which is a lightweight
substance composed mainly of carbon and clay.

9. Approximate temperature of absolute zero in degree

centigrade is:(....).

- (Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where

nothing could be colder, and no heat energy remains in a

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substance. absolute zero is defined as precisely 0 K on the
Kelvin scale and −273.15 on the Celsius (centigrade) scale
and −459.67 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.)

10. S.I unit of electrical resistivity is: (....)

- Electrical resistivity (also known as resistivity, specific

electrical resistance, or volume resistivity)
The SI unit of electrical resistivity is the ohm⋅metre (Ω⋅m). It is
commonly represented by the Greek letter ρ (rho).

11. S.I unit of current is: (....)

- Ampere.

12. S.I unit of power is: (....)

-The SI unit of power is the Watts (W).

13. The three colors used to make a color TV picture


- red, green, and blue.

14. Chemical composition of ozone: (....)

- O3, or tri-oxygen.

15. The closest planet to the sun: (....)

- The planet Mercury.

16. The mass of the electron is equal to the mass of the

- An electron has a mass that is approximately 1/1836 that of
the proton.

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Mass of neutrons are greater than mass of electrons 1840

17. Boiling point of water in degree centigrade = (....)

- 100°C, 212°F or 373.15 Kelvin.

18. Boiling point of water in Fahrenheit = (....)

- (212 °F) at sea level.

19. Freezing point of water in degree centigrade = (....)

- 0º is the freezing point of water in Celsius.

20. Freezing point of water in Fahrenheit = (....)

-32 °F
Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32);
Tf = (9/5)*(Tc+32);
Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in
degrees Fahrenheit.

21. Seconds in 24 hours = (....)

- 24*60*60= 86400 S.

22. Mass of 1000 cm3 of water = (....)

- 1 Kg.

23. Mention 3 isotopes of Hydrogen:(....,....and....)

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Hydrogen-1 (protium)
Hydrogen-2 (deuterium)
Hydrogen-3 (tritium)

24. Calculate the area of this triangle:

base=3m and height=5m

- The area of triangle = 1/2 the base x the height =

1/2 x 3 x 5 = 15/2 = 7.5 m2

25. Calculate the volume of this shape:

Cylinder of diameter= 2 m and height=5m

r2 h

r = radius of circular face, h = height

26. Complete only one of the following

V2 =
V: velocity, u: initial velocity, a: acceleration, s: distance

V= u+gt

S= V*t

v2=u+ as

27. Which is more greater in frequency: ultraviolet or

visible light:
- Ultraviolet.

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28. The wavelength of visible light is: (....).
- 400-700 nm.

29. A problem: given voltage of 400 V, power of 800

Watt, the current is ……...

Watts = Volts x Amps

I=P/V = V/r

30. The electric resistance in the problem above is: ……

- R= V/I =V2/P

31. The speed of sound = (....)

- 340 m/s.

32. If I drop a mass of 1 Kg from rest vertically down, at

what speed will it be travelling after 10 seconds?
(ignore air resistance)
Vf = Vi + g t

• If I used a mass of 2 kg, will it fall faster? ( No)

- Initial velocity (Vi) = 0

33. The half life of a radioactive material is: (....)

- It is the period of time over which the number of radio active
nuclei decreases by afactor of one half.

34. Does the half life time decreases or increases with

increasing temperature?

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- Temperature , pressure and volume not effect on half life.

35. A box contains 250 cm3 of a fluid with a mass of

260 kg (ignore the mass of the box)
• Density = 1.04 g/ cm3
• Is the fluid oil or fresh water or salt water or gas?

- Salt water.

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