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Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8

Written by Michael Goodwin, John Mørke, Holden Shearer

Additional Material by Neall Raemonn Price
Developed by Eddy Webb
Edited by Carl Bowen
Layout and Design by Brian Glass
Art by Groundbreakers Studio, Andrew Hepworth, Priscilla Kim, Susan Luo, Pasi Pitkanen, UDON
Cover Art by Adam Warren
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Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8

The greatest of the gods, the Unconquered Sun and new order given to the Celestial hierarchy.
is the chief war god of Heaven, the divine ruler But when his Solars grew corrupt, took his name
of the Celestial Court, and the patron Incarna of in vain and sullied his blessings, the Unconquered
the Solar Exalted. Conceived as the antithesis of Sun turned his back on Creation. He lost interest
the Dragon’s Shadow—which would become the in his rulership of Heaven, allowing the Celestial
Ebon Dragon after the Primordial War—the Un- Bureaucracy to deteriorate into various states of
conquered Sun embodies not only light, but heroic malfunction and corruption while he devoted all
virtue, justice and limitless perfection. It was the of his time to the Games of Divinity.
Unconquered Sun who led the gods into rebellion Five years ago, the Solars returned to Creation,
against the Primordials, and it was the Chosen Zenith Castes bearing word that the Unconquered
of the Unconquered Sun carrying his aspect and Sun had ended his estrangement with the world
wearing his mien who did the impossible, slaying of men. Now the eyes of Heaven are on the Jade
the then-masters of existence and making revolu- Pleasure Dome, and the air of Yu-Shan carries a
tion complete. taste of new thunder and the certainty of some-
By his favor, humanity threw off the chains of thing great or terrible coming on the winds. The
slavery, rising from its position of insignificance to righteous are jubilant and the corrupt are nervous
become the rulers of the world. By his might, the at the prospect of facing the renewed vigilance of
Primordials were ousted from their unassailable the Unconquered Sun… if it ever happens. Does
roosts and cast into a Hell of their own bodies. By the Unconquered Sun have the strength to pull
his wisdom, the Bureau of Heaven was created, himself away from the Games of Divinity, or has


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
his name transferred its worth to that which has spent his early millennia patrolling the borders of
become his addiction? And if he cannot save himself Creation, spreading his contrast-giving light across
from the Games, who will? the world, enforcing the substance of reality and
standing as a bright, shining warning to things be-
PERSONAGE AND PANOPLY yond Creation’s shores, of the nature of the guardian
The Unconquered Sun began as the antith- they would face should they dare to trespass. By his
esis of the darkest of the Primordials. In those very movements across the sky, the Unconquered
days, the Dragon’s Shadow was an ancient force Sun cowed many of Creation’s foes into giving up
of malevolence and corruption that lay impotent their designs on his charge.
under the surface of Creation, greater than any Yet, Ignis Divine was not content to remain
terror ever imagined, but as faint and forget- a slave to the Primordials, especially not the
table as the slightest whisper. The Unconquered Dragon’s Shadow, whom he empowered by his very
Sun was created to be everything the Dragon’s existence—a fait accompli that grated against his
Shadow was not; chiefly, light, for the greatest heart every time he witnessed one of the Shadow’s
light in the universe would create an infinitude depravities. Raising up a conspiracy of gods and the
of shadows, pushing an endless void as far as the Celestial Incarnae, the Unconquered Sun devised
sun’s light could chase. By this, the Shadow of All a plan to bless the best and brightest of mankind
Things gained real substance, definition and power with the divine touch of the Incarnae, so that they
in the world. could ride forth at the head of a Celestial army and
His purpose, however, was passed off by the do what the gods were geased never to be able to
Dragon’s Shadow as an invention of necessity. He do: fight and even slay the Primordials.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
The end of the Primordial War would see more stupefying—with so many thousands dying in
the Unconquered Sun rising to the pinnacle of the war that he could do nothing to save, he could
Heaven as its Lord, and his Chosen (and the races not bear one to die in front of his eyes as long as it
of humanity, to whom he had given his favor) ris- was within his power to do something.
ing up as masters of Creation. But his ascension The Primordials then brought the captive
was not without a price. The Dragon Kings, who Guarding Star to the Jade Pleasure Dome, where
had worshiped him since time immemorial, were they attempted, through means torturous and
decimated during the conflict. Millennia later, the sorcerous, to induce a change in his nature that
Solars would come to despoil his gifts and crush his would end the war. When it seemed that even
heart with the weight of their sins. In the end, the the Unconquered Sun must fall to their relentless
Unconquered Sun, who had brought order to Yu- onslaught, they brought him to the Games of Di-
Shan and created a Celestial array that ordered the vinity, to sit at the table as their equal, certain that
gods by their closeness to his values and his state they could convince him to join them. Instead, the
of perfection, turned his back on mortal and god Unconquered Sun bested his masters in the Games,
alike. He abandoned the realms he had freed from and as the sun ascended to the skies of Yu-Shan
the yoke of the Primordials, leaving them without for the first time, Ignis Divine was able to wrest
a supreme leader to fill the void. control over the secret entrances of Heaven and
Chaos would soon follow, as Creation suffered a throw them wide, allowing the forces of the Solar
chain of cataclysms that continues to this day, and Exalted to pour in and deliver him from his captors.
must inevitably culminate in the end of everything. This result only enforced his legend: The Uncon-
Meanwhile, the Unconquered Sun all but vacated quered Sun did not see himself as more important
his formal offices in Heaven, allowing the systems than the life of a single human. More importantly,
of order he set in place to fall into disrepair and he had faith in his own supreme nature—that he
succumb to rampant corruption, so that Yu-Shan was unconquerable—to keep him from falling to
must also find itself spiraling toward some great his enemies.
catastrophe. And although existence as he knows
it could quite literally fall down around him, the
Accorded to the Unconquered Sun are all
Unconquered Sun has not missed a single turn in
the riches of Heaven, and vast upon Creation are
the Games of Divinity.
the stores of weaponry built in the First Age and
True, the Solars have returned, but hard-line
attributed to his name. Being able to call to hand
critics of the Once-Guarding Star consider him
wonders devised by the greatest minds ever to exist,
naïve, and speculate that a second betrayal of his
the Unconquered Sun yet has little use for any of
ill-given trust would be absolutely disastrous. Some
these things, and is more commonly seen with four
go so far as to suggest that if the Unconquered Sun
symbols of his divine might. These four symbols have
has a weakness, it is the depth of his feeling for the
changed over time—in shape, symbolic meaning
Solar Exalted and by extension, humanity—for
and metaphysical nature—but have endured the
their behaviors have had such a great influence
history of the Exalted largely unaltered, as iconic
over his.
as Ignis Divine himself. Spear, shield, horn and
This would not be the first time his convictions
laurel branch—these are the Four Fulcrums of the
have driven him down a questionable, perilous
Unconquered Sun.
course. During the Primordial War, the Uncon-
The origin of these objects dates back to the
quered Sun gave himself up to the Primordials in
end of the Primordial War, when the Exalted held a
exchange for a single human hostage. His decision
Creation-wide invitation to the races of humanity,
sent shock waves through the armies of the Exalted
to show their loyalty to the Unconquered Sun by
and was seen as insane and unfathomable. His
crafting the most spectacular works to which their
reasoning for such a horrendous decision was even


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
hearts and minds could aspire. This gathering was himself anew to all existence in the form he still
not a rook to increase the god’s panoply, for there holds to this day.
was little that he needed that he could not provide
for himself (or indeed, little that he needed at all).
The idea was that, in working to build something THE FIFTH ARM OF THE
worthy of the Unconquered Sun, mortals would UNCONQUERED SUN
have to emulate the brilliance of the Once-Guarding As the legend goes, each of his Fulcrums
Star, and as such, the entreaties for his genius and holds the power to fix the Unconquered
his favor during that time would produce prayers Sun into his present form. Without them,
of the highest caliber. he is a magnanimous blaze of roiling black
Countless were the gifts levied unto him: obsidian and molten orichalcum arms and
herds of cattle and tower manses, temples erected varicolored solar corona too extreme to
in his name and statues raised in his likeness. But look upon. From this legend comes the
the Unconquered Sun was more pleased with the fifth arm of the Unconquered Sun—the
strength, imagination, generosity and faith human- arm of eclipse.
ity had shown in levying him these things than with “In four of his hands he grasps the
the actual gifts themselves. Taking up the spirit of objects of his divinity; the fifth hand is
the gift, the Unconquered Sun proclaimed himself inside his heart and pulls the others taut,
blessed beyond all measure, and returned the bless- to complete his calibration.”
ing by gifting all the tithes back to humanity, save
four. Why the Unconquered Sun selected these four
objects is a mystery, for each was a fundamentally
simple object that carried some larger meaning to THE UNCONQUERED SUN
humanity yet could have carried no special import The Unconquered Sun is the greatest of gods
to the Most High. Even so, these were the objects he and the ostensible ruler of the Celestial Bureau-
took to hand. The Unconquered Sun then gathered cracy. Yet, he largely rules in absentia through
the millions of prayers that went into forging his functionaries who do their best to interpret his will
tithe and created the sacred symbols of his divine (or, more often, use their office for self-betterment
power from his raw, supernal Essence, using the to the detriment of Creation). Although the Un-
four objects as a base. conquered Sun has done little of note since the
In his last tribute to mankind, the Unconquered Usurpation besides play the Games of Divinity, it is
Sun rose into the sky and began to change form, widely rumored, hoped and feared that he has once
shedding away his draconic head and orichalcum- more turned his face to the world since the Solar
scaled arms to briefly show his true form: obsidian Exalted returned. Perhaps this is so. The Time of
black skin in which galaxies blazed, supernova eyes Tumult could certainly use the personal attention
and dozens of arms shod in molten orichalcum of the Highest of Holies if Creation is to survive
gauntlets. As he ascended, he held his newborn its many enemies.
symbols and began to rotate his arms, trailing inky Motivation: Defend Creation from all threats
black and white flames in circular sweep, and his to its natural order. Notable Intimacies: Creation
arms began to blend together around single grip- (Protective Love), Games of Divinity (Covet-
ping hands, four of them, each clutching one of the ous Obsession), Solar Exalted (Wary Respect),
blessed symbols of his bond. His severe gaze became Creatures of Darkness (Contemptuous Hate),
one of flesh and bone, concealing his blazing radi- Other Incarnae (Affection), Gaia (Kindness),
ance behind the form of man. Appearing at once Autochthon (Pity), weaker deities (Arrogant
in every city and every camp across Creation for Magnanimity), Dragon Kings (Regret), humanity
the first time, the Unconquered Sun introduced (Hope)

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Attributes: Strength 20, Dexterity 16, Stamina locking himself in the Jade Pleasure Dome. Once
20, Charisma 12, Manipulation 4, Appearance 8, he suppresses Compassion to recuse himself, that
Perception 8, Intelligence 8, Wits 8 particular challenge to his Virtue does not come
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 5, up again until he next witnesses direct evidence
Temperance 5, Valor 5. The Unconquered Sun of Creation’s need. In addition to the behavioral
automatically succeeds on all Virtue rolls with a prohibitions for high Virtue listed on pp. 102–103
threshold of 10 and adds 10 successes whenever he of Exalted, the Unconquered Sun cannot engage
channels a Virtue. He can act against the compul- in the following behaviors without willful suppres-
sions of a Virtue only by deliberately suppressing sion of his nature:
it for a scene, in which case it drops to a normal Compassion: Refusing the surrender of an en-
rating of 5 in every way apart from no longer emy. Killing, except in necessary defense of another.
compelling him. Suppression does not cost him Bearing witness to unjust suffering without doing
Willpower. The price of his choice is the weaken- something to ameliorate it. Refusing to show for-
ing of his Charms. To act when the dictates of two giveness in the face of apparently sincere remorse
or more Virtues conflict, he must choose which to and a request for leniency.
suppress. He, therefore, avoids ethical conundrums Conviction: Surrender. Admitting the possibil-
whenever possible. In some situations, avoidance ity of personal error or fallibility. Backing down
is the only way for him to stay sane. For instance, from a matter of principle when confronted with
his perfect Compassion would demand intervention an opportunity to take a stand.
on behalf of the world’s need if he did not studi- Temperance: Lying, cheating, breaking a prom-
ously avoid making himself aware of that need by ise or otherwise exhibiting deliberate deception


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
or dishonorable conduct, even in trivial matters. dance with the breadth of his dominion and some
Spending time indulging in personal pleasure of which are completely obsolete given the power of
or gratification to the detriment of carrying out his unique Charms. Storytellers should apply com-
his responsibilities. Declaring anyone a creature mon sense to his selection as with assigning Charms
of darkness out of annoyance or private dislike to any spirit. For instance, it is not Ignis Divine’s
rather than because the offender poses a true nature to create darkness or tell lies. He lacks Ex-
threat to Creation. cellencies and Divine (Ability) Subordination, as
Valor: Overlooking or tolerating any challenge his own Charm Perfection Beyond Imagining (p.
or disrespect to his authority, no matter how small. 11) encompasses these powers. Likewise, he lacks
(Note that engaging in a challenge against him is any Charms to personally teleport or expand his
not intrinsically disrespectful, though besting him movement options apart from his unique magic,
is always so.) though he can move others. None of his Charms
Abilities: Archery 6, Athletics 10, Aware- allow him to inhabit objects or beings, as nothing
ness 10, Bureaucracy 6 (Celestial Bureaucracy in existence can adequately contain his glory. He
+1, Ruling the Universe +2), Craft (Air) 6, Craft cannot improve his soak or Hardness with magic
(Earth) 3 (Temples to Himself +3), Craft (Fire) other than his unique Charms. Finally, he has no
6, Craft (Magitech) 6 (Orichalcum Artifacts +3), Charms to divine the future, as it is his nature to
Integrity 11 (Against Exalted +3), Investigation define the shape of things to come rather than
6 (Uncovering Corruption +3), Linguistics 1 intuit the plans of others. (He can always ask the
(Native: Old Realm, High Holy Speech), Lore Maidens what they intend if he is curious.) The
10, Martial Arts 8, Melee 11 (Godspear of All- Unconquered Sun has 10 purchases each of Essence
Searing Noon +3), Occult 10 (Exaltation +1, Plethora, Reserve of Will and Ox-Body Technique.
Understanding the Games of Divinity +2), Per- It costs him 100 motes to materialize.
formance 10 (Matters of Cosmic Importance +3), As a martial artist, the Unconquered Sun is a
Presence 10, Ride 6 (Greater Elemen- master of Solar Hero Style, Arms of the Uncon-
tal Dragons +1, Jouten +1, Luna +1), quered Sun Style and the four Virtue styles, but
Sail 6 (Daystar +3), Socialize 8, Thrown 6 (God- he knows no Combos. He might have mastered
spear of All-Searing Noon +3), War 7 other Celestial styles, but since he learns arts for
Backgrounds: Cult N/A (Regains one mote amusement rather than because they offer any
per minute and one Willpower point per hour from tactical advantage, his repertoire is fairly limited.
his legislated share of all prayers directed toward He is incapable of, and largely uninterested in,
Yu-Shan.) As the head of the Celestial Bureau- learning Sidereal styles. He has trouble imagining
cracy, the Unconquered Sun can requisition any he’s missing anything important.
asset available in Yu-Shan or Creation for his own Radiant Panoply of the Unconquered Sun:
use, effectively giving him N/A ratings in virtually The Charms here are unique to the panoply of
every Background with the slightest relevance to the Unconquered Sun and cannot be learned by
his status. other beings. To the degree it matters, they have a
Sorcery: The Unconquered Sun is a powerful minimum Essence of 10. Some of these powers have
sorcerer, with near-comprehensive mastery of every been bound into the Four Fulcrums of Righteous
Emerald and Sapphire-circle spell whose function is Virtue, artifacts gifted to the Unconquered Sun by
not opposed to his nature. Like all gods, he cannot his worshipers to celebrate the defeat of the Pri-
master the Adamant Circle, though he can emulate mordials. The Laurel of Entwining Mercy, Trumpet
some of its power through his own Charms. of Absolute Victory, Aegis of Unconquered Might
Charms: The Unconquered Sun knows virtu- and Godspear of All-Searing Noon contain the
ally every spirit Charm not associated with a unique glories of Compassion, Conviction, Temperance
being, all of which are All-Encompassing in accor- and Valor, respectively.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Charms noted as transferable may be given the rest of the scene, use any of his Charms or
as a blessing to other beings with the appropriate ranged attacks to affect the worshiper or anything
Virtue at 3+ by physically gifting the recipient within a mile of that worshiper as though he were
with the artifact to which they are attached. As immediately adjacent to the target. He may also
long as the recipient carries that artifact, he gains pre-program visions in response to specific prayers or
the benefits of the Charm in question as noted and categories thereof for those times he does not wish
may use it exactly as the Unconquered Sun does. to trouble himself with an individual remark upon
The Unconquered Sun may reflexively recall any the occasion. For the purposes of this Charm, the
of his Fulcrums to himself to regain access to his Exaltation of a Solar is considered a successful prayer
loaned Charms, but he cannot use them while to him by that Lawgiver. Unless the Storyteller is
others carry them except as noted. running a game in which the Unconquered Sun
Charms that list powers following a Virtue is so thoroughly addled by the Games of Divinity
name lose those powers for the rest of the scene if that he is completely oblivious to the plight of
the current bearer suppresses the Virtue in ques- Creation, he doesn’t send pre-recorded messages in
tion, even when that bearer is the Unconquered response to Exaltation. It is his practice to always
Sun himself. Recalling a Fulcrum from a character send a message to a new Zenith. If there is a rhyme
who has suppressed its controlling Virtue does not or reason to his sporadic approach to other castes,
limit the Unconquered Sun’s access to its power. he hasn’t shared it.
Effects listed prior to the mention of the Virtue are Solar Circle Charms: Although the Uncon-
unaffected by suppression of that Virtue. quered Sun is not actually initiated into Solar
Highest of Holies: With a single thunderous Circle sorcery, or even capable of such, he wields
declaration, the Unconquered Sun declares a being Charms that duplicate the effects of the spells listed
or category of beings creatures of darkness, adding here. None of these Charms requires any specific
their names to the roll of his enemies. For as long ritual behavior or material components normally
as he lives to enforce this designation, Holy effects associated with the spell in question, nor do they
deleteriously affect such entities accordingly. All of have any restriction on when they can be used or
his own physical and social attacks are automatically how often, other than the time spent invoking the
Holy, with the former inflicting aggravated damage power. Finally, they cost him only one Willpower
and the latter adding one Willpower to the cost point to unleash rather than three. Spells not in
to resist at each interval where Willpower must be Exalted may be found in The Books of Sorcery,
spent to do so. His mercy can also strike names from Vol. II—The White Treatise. Emulated spells
the scroll of his enmity, though he seldom does so. include Adamant Circle Banishment, Adamant
In addition, the Unconquered Sun need not spend Countermagic, Benediction of the Archgenesis
Willpower to issue a mandate of subordination to a (may reduce the scope or area of change if he is
spirit with Essence 9 or less. That he speaks is enough feeling less generous), Chariot of the Blazing Sun
to compel righteous obedience. His mandate affects (he supplies his own sunlight for uninterrupted
gods, demons, elementals and ghosts equally. The travel), Cleansing Solar Flames, Demon of the Third
dead obey him out of fear of his light rather than Circle, Incantation of the Invincible Army (the sun
any actual authority he holds over them, adding supplies his own light and is tireless in raising his
the Emotion keyword to the compulsion. Finally, four arms; blessed units also gain Drill 5), Light of
this Charm allows the Unconquered Sun to attune Solar Cleansing and Sunburst Portal Evocation (as
and build orichalcum artifacts like a Solar. per Travel Without Distance, but costs 100 motes
Righteous Answer of Catechism: Although the and can travel to any point in Creation or Yu-Shan,
Unconquered Sun rarely answers prayers person- bypassing Heaven Gates as needed. A ray of golden
ally, when he chooses to do so and the worshiper light visible worldwide descends from the sun or
is within Creation or Yu-Shan, the god can, for highest point in the night sky to pluck him from


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
his starting point and appears again moments later Compassion: The empathy of the Unconquered
to deposit him at his destination). The Storyteller Sun allows him to intuit the meaning behind any
may add thematically appropriate effects to this list written word or utterance.
as best suits the story. Blessed is the Light (Transferable): The Uncon-
Incandescent Ascendancy (Transferable): The quered Sun may target any other non-creature
Unconquered Sun can move at a base speed of 15 of darkness he can perceive within one mile as
yards per tick (30 yards per tick while dashing). a diceless miscellaneous action, and he perfectly
He does so regardless of the means of locomotion. understands all harm currently afflicting that be-
Temperance or Valor: The god can even hover or ing. He may then pay motes to heal any number of
fly as quickly as he can run, provided that he stands health levels of damage that that being has suffered
upon his shield or holds his spear ahead of him as (two motes per bashing, four per lethal, six per ag-
its irresistible force gravated). A golden
pulls him along. glow spreads from
Only his flight is the target’s wounds,
transferred to bear- leaving no scars be-
ers of appropriate hind. Compassion:
Fulcrums. Ignis Divine may
As Morning similarly cure any
Reveals: The Un- Crippling, Poison,
conquered Sun is Shaping or Sickness
permanently aware effects afflicting the
of the Essence flows target, paying six
of his surroundings motes per effect.
as per the Charm Compassion and
All-Encompassing Temperance: The
Sorcerer’s Sight Unconquered Sun
(Exalted, p. 222) may target himself
and may invoke with this Charm
awareness equiva- and may also use
lent to Measure the it to remove any
Wind at no cost as ongoing unnatural
a reflexive action. mental influence
Compassion: His effects at a cost of six
Essence sight also unveils the truths around him motes each. Compassion, Conviction and Tem-
like the Charms Judge’s Ear Technique (Exalted, perance: The Most High may pay any number of
p. 213), Eye of the Unconquered Sun (Exalted, p. Willpower points during activation, simultaneously
226) and Unblinking Sentinel Gaze (p. 28), and applying its effects to a number of separate valid
he may choose to displace his senses as a reflexive targets forming a unit with Magnitude no greater
action to anywhere in Creation or Yu-Shan illu- than the Willpower spent or to heal damage to a
minated by the faintest ray of sunlight. single mass combat unit of that Magnitude.
Transcendent Tongue of the Shining One: The Grace Dawns Eternal: The Unconquered Sun
Unconquered Sun understands few languages, but need only gesture benevolently toward a non-
whatever he speaks or writes can be understood by creature of darkness that he can perceive within
all beings. Every letter he pens glows for eternity like one mile to impart a tiny fraction of his incarnate
a candle-flame, making the document upon which it perfection. This diceless miscellaneous action costs
is written as indestructible as an orichalcum artifact. 10 motes and one point of Willpower. His blessing

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
can bestow or raise any trait the target is capable so his perfection does not trouble itself with stop-
of possessing as a Training effect, even if the Un- ping what is futile. If another Charm contests this
conquered Sun himself lacks that trait. Blessing Charm’s automatic supremacy, the Unconquered
an extra makes her heroic. Essence may be raised Sun applies a flat 30 successes to the roll-off, which
above normal age limits, and bestowing Essence is to say he hasn’t lost yet. As in any Charm roll-off,
to a mortal being makes that being God-Blooded if this result ties with an opponent’s result, roll one
with an awakened Essence pool, or outright deifies die and assign victory to one side on an even result
that being as the Unconquered Sun desires. Fertil- and victory to the other on an odd result. Only the
ity is a special trait for the purposes of this Charm. basic pool and any modifiers stated in a Charm
The god can make sure that the next mating the affect roll-offs. They are not actions and therefore
target undertakes results in conception, or he can ineligible for other bonuses such as Excellencies.
impregnate a female with his own God-Blooded
offspring. The Unconquered Sun’s benevolence
has no effect on those already in experience point
debt. Blessings are to be earned, not hoarded by PERFECTION AND ADDICTION
the unworthy. Compassion: As an alternative to Only the Games of Divinity ignore the
a permanent trait increase, this Charm can restore Unconquered Sun’s infallible perfection.
all of a target’s spent motes or spent Willpower or They are older than time, reach beyond space
spent Virtue channels, though a being must wait a and bind principles more foundational than
full day after replenishing a trait before this Charm Virtues. Neither the will of the Primordials
can provide that specific blessing to her again. nor the fate of the gods can compel them.
Compassion and Conviction: The Unconquered Only the skill of the players and the vagaries
Sun may pay any number of additional Willpower that pass for chance matter to the imperish-
points during activation, simultaneously applying able pieces of that board until the last move
its effects to a number of separate valid targets is played.
forming a unit with Magnitude no greater than the The novelty of anything that does not
extra Willpower spent. immediately yield to the Unconquered Sun
Perfection Beyond Imagining (Transferable): The is part of his addiction to the Games. In each
Unconquered Sun is not intrinsically superior to move he takes, he knows he has solved them
all beings. His panoply makes him so. This Charm perfectly because he can conceive of noth-
is a global divine Second Excellency that may be ing else. In each move that this is not so,
used to enhance any Attribute or Ability action, he must try again to validate his perfection.
adding up to 10 successes at a cost of one mote per As for how a being of perfect Temperance
success. Conviction: Whenever the Unconquered becomes addicted to anything, it is similar to
Sun spends Willpower to enhance an action, he how a being of perfect Valor can be geased
automatically succeeds with a threshold of 10 over not to attack his makers. It is the nature of
the difficulty or any direct or indirect opposition all minds to become addicted in the moment
(such as a competition). No penalty, target number they choose to play the Games of Divin-
manipulation or other detrimental effect can lessen ity, and neither the Unconquered Sun’s
this success in any way. In the case of comparing Virtues nor the perfection of his Charms
static traits, he is assumed to have a rating 10 higher trumps this intrinsic limitation. Only the
than any opponent. The Conviction power of this Primordials are inherently immune, though
Charm is not transferable and may not enhance a Exalted may free themselves with Charms
dodge or parry (physical or social). The Uncon- that break all unnatural mental influence
quered Sun knows that attacks must break upon affecting them.
him due to Aegis of Unconquered Might (p. 12),


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Titan-Unleashing Clarion: Conviction: This attack against his unit cannot inflict more than
Charm is one of the spoils inherited from the Un- one level of damage.
conquered Sun’s victory in the Primordial War. Godspear of All-Searing Noon (Transferable):
Taking a reflexive action to raise his horn to his The luminous golden spear the Unconquered Sun
lips and blast a world-cracking note of judgment wields has the following traits: Speed 3, Accuracy
(which costs only one mote), the Unconquered +10, Damage +20, Defense +10, Range 1 mile,
Sun sunders the demon realm and summons any Rate 4, Tags P,T. It inflicts aggravated damage on
jouten of a Yozi to appear before him. This Charm creatures of darkness as a Holy effect. It is wielded
can also summon the Kukla or any other Greater with Melee in close combat and Thrown at range.
Elemental Dragon, as well as horrors imprisoned To make a ranged attack, the Unconquered Sun
beneath or beyond Creation since prehistory such hurls the spear at a target and it reappears in his
as the legendary apocalypse god after whom the first hand the instant it strikes. He may inflict bashing
Greater Elemental Dragon was named. Beings sum- damage with it, in which case the damage does
moned by the Charm accept and obey any singular not spill over past Incapacitated to do worse than
task the god gives to them like a successfully bound knock the target out. His spear is subject to the
demon would, after which they return to their divine geas preventing it from attacking Primor-
prison. Unlike a demon, however, such creatures dials and Yozis. Valor: The spear inflicts infinite
cannot be told how to do a task, only what must damage, meaning that a successful hit disintegrates
be done. They apply their own horrid precepts to its intended target into fine white ash or knocks
the challenge and are free to do so in any way that it out cold unless that target has a defense capable
satisfies the letter of the command. The obvious of setting an attack’s damage to zero. Further, the
inherent dangers have kept the Unconquered Sun spear’s ranged attack has infinite range within Cre-
from deploying this Charm in recorded history. Yet, ation. What the Unconquered Sun can perceive,
should any of the titans unleash wrath such as the he can blast as if it were immediately adjacent,
Three Spheres Cataclysm upon Creation again, calling down a beam from the sky itself to strike
the Highest of Holies will not hesitate to draw the indirectly if so desired.
offender into the path of the attack. Wrath Beyond Measure: Valor: The Uncon-
Aegis of Unconquered Might (Transferable): quered Sun may pay 50 motes and one Willpower
The Unconquered Sun largely transcends injury, when attacking with the Godspear of All-Searing
with the natural listed soak and total immunity Noon, in which case burning light explodes from
to all negative effects from hostile environmental the point of impact as a one-time environmental
conditions and hazards. The bearer of his shield hazard filling a radius of five miles. This Holy
applies a -5 cover penalty to all expected attacks hazard has Damage 50L (aggravated to creatures
and gains the soak and immunities listed here of darkness) and Trauma 10L, but doesn’t harm
(in addition to the Unconquered Sun, if he is Primordials or Yozis. Compassion and Valor: In
not the bearer). Temperance: The bearer of the his mercy, the Unconquered Sun may choose to
shield perfectly resists all damage as a permanent burn only creatures of darkness and unholy objects
enhancement and cannot be slain, physically with the light of his fury, sparing all else.
injured or deleteriously altered by any effect, Infinite Glories Mien: The Unconquered Sun
no matter how powerful it is. This perfection of may take any form at will, from the humblest
being also treats all mental influence that seeks mouse to a towering pillar of holy fire stretching
to make him betray his Motivation as an unac- from earth to sky. Most commonly, he appears
ceptable order. Finally, the bearer protects any as a four-armed human in orichalcum armor or a
mass combat unit he leads from most injury as he four-armed Dragon King with golden scales and
personally interposes himself in the path of attacks features more reminiscent of a tyrant lizard than
aimed at the soldiers under his command. Each any of the four breeds. In all countenances, his

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
traits remain the same, though Storytellers may everyone who has predominantly lived in that area
assign a -1 to -5 external penalty to hit or notice for the past month with an unnatural Compulsion
him if he has reduced his size to that of a dog (-1) and Emotion effect costing five Willpower per day
or all the way to a mouse (-5). Valor: In all forms, of resistance. Affected characters drop to a rating
the god’s courage permanently radiates terrifying of 1 in the fallen Fulcrum’s Virtue and can’t act
sunlight too bright to look upon out to a radius of in a manner consistent with a higher rating. The
10 miles. The light defines the space it fills as Cre- Charm can’t suppress the primary Virtues of Exalted,
ation, temporarily calcifying the Wyld around him though other Fulcrums work normally. On each
to conform to the laws of the world. Other realms tick of contact, fallen Fulcrums burn those who
of existence are not affected, save for the devasta- dare touch them as a reflexive attack with the same
tion his light brings to the Underworld. His glow traits as the Godspear of All-Searing Noon. When
obviates all stealth attempts and makes all his social the Unconquered Sun throws his shield upon a
attacks unblockable unnatural mental influence, as city, civilization crumbles in an orgy of excess and
well as imposing a -10 internal penalty to all non- dereliction of duty. When he throws his spear, a
reflexive actions by other beings. Characters with city’s defenders become utterly craven and scatter
Essence 10 and those who close their eyes or who like vermin before the weakest besiegers. When he
are blind are unaffected by this radiance, but must throws all four, the Maidens weep.
contend with the usual drawbacks of blindness. He Join Battle: 18
may reflexively commit 30 motes to exempt non- Attacks:
creatures of darkness from the penalty imposed by Strike: Speed 5, Accuracy 25, Damage 20B/L, Parry
his presence. The Unconquered Sun has not been DV 13, Rate 4, Tags N,P
known to unveil his true glory upon the world or Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 24, Damage 20B/L, Parry
assume a non-human appearance since the dawn DV —, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P
of the First Age, though what he does in the pri- Godspear of All-Searing Noon (Melee): Speed 3,
vacy of the Jade Pleasure Dome while among the Accuracy 40, Damage 40B/L, Parry DV 20, Rate 4,
exclusive company of the Incarnae is not for lesser Tags P
beings to know. Godspear of All-Searing Noon (Thrown): Speed 3,
Sun Turns His Face: The Unconquered Sun is Accuracy 35, Damage 40L, Range 1 mile, Rate 4,
a god of Virtue, but he was forged by a wickedness Tags P
he can never fully escape. This Charm functions Soak: 30B/30L/15A (Hardness 30B/30L/15A;
differently from all the Unconquered Sun’s other immune to negative environmental effects; car-
unique powers. As he reflexively casts one of his ried shield applies -5 cover penalty to expected
Fulcrums from the sky to the earth like a blazing enemy attacks)
meteor and commits (50m, 1wp), he suppresses that Health Levels: -0/-1x16/-2x16/-4/Incap
Fulcrum’s Virtue until he recalls it to himself and Dodge DV: 13 Willpower: 10 (20 points)
ends the Charm. Unless the god has materialized, Essence: 10 Essence Pool: 250
this fall goes unseen and unheard save by spirits, all Other Notes: All of the Unconquered Sun’s attacks
of whom hear the deafening crash within five miles inflict aggravated damage on creatures of darkness.
of the impact. This sound acts as a mandate of divine The Unconquered Sun’s strike attack models any
subordination command to all gods and elementals unarmed strike the Unconquered Sun makes and
present and who would dare intrude later, forcing uses the traits of a punch, even if kicking while ap-
them to depart the area by the quickest means pearing human or making a claw swipe as a Dragon
possible and not return until the Most High recalls King. In more savage appearances, his clinch can
his artifact. Even gods tear from their homes in an also model a rending bite in which he locks his
exodus of lamentation. Besides depriving the area jaw on a foe and tears, in which case he chooses to
of divine patronage and protection, the curse afflicts apply lethal damage. The god almost never dodges;


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
he considers it crass. Should another character For information on other well-known deities
somehow end up endowed with the destiny and associated with the Unconquered Sun, see Five
panoply of the Unconquered Sun following the Days Darkness (The Compass of Terrestrial Direc-
unthinkable cataclysm of that god’s death, the tions, Vol. I—The Scavenger Lands, p. 150), the
character retains her Motivation, Intimacies, At- Golden Lord (The Compass of Terrestrial Direc-
tributes and Abilities, but otherwise replaces and tions, Vol. IV—The South, p. 130) and Shining
adds on the traits of the Highest of Holies and Flower (The Compass of Terrestrial Directions,
recalculates derived traits as normal. She may then Vol. III—The East, p. 119).
raise Attributes and Abilities at Solar experience
costs to a maximum of the original sun’s traits or NYSELA,
10, whichever is higher. CHARIOTEER OF THE DAYSTAR
Nysela forged a close working relationship
ENTOURAGE with the Unconquered Sun while he was still the
As the Lord of Heaven, the Unconquered Sun Guarding Star. During that time, the Most High
has innumerable gods who show him allegiance and spent much of his time managing the upkeep of the
serve the course of his vision for Yu-Shan as well Dirigible Engine Daystar, the mechanism that flies
as Creation. Chief among them are Luna and the the sun across Creation’s skies. Nysela, Charioteer
Maidens, who act as wives, sisters, mothers and best of the Daystar, was its chief navigator. Together
friends to the Unconquered Sun. The Unconquered they led a crew of divinities in piloting the Daystar
Sun has also drawn association with a number of through Creation’s hazardous, shifting skies, and
other spirits who govern subsidiary aspects of his protecting its flight against saboteurs from without.
purviews. A few are detailed here. She was one of the first beings ever to hear the


The Unconquered Sun is clearly the mightiest god ever to exist. It is why he is the ruler of
the Celestial Bureaucracy and the acknowledged Highest of Holies, after all. But how mighty is
mighty? The default assumption is that the god’s most potent Charms depend upon him uphold-
ing his Virtues. By suppressing these traits in the name of free will, he weakens himself from
“unbeatable force of nature” to “total powerhouse.”
Storytellers looking to make the god a bit less daunting (such as for games featuring the death
or overthrow of the Unconquered Sun) can simply do away with the Virtue-based epic exten-
sions of his Charms and keep the base effects. Such a weakening might have always been so, in
which case his legend is simply that. Alternatively, he was once greater, but his long addiction
to the Games of Divinity and willing rejection of his duties has profoundly lessened him. Likely,
the truth of the matter is known to only the Maidens and the Most High himself.
On the other end of the spectrum, Storytellers might wish to represent the Unconquered
Sun as a deity of such absolute perfection that the thought of him losing is laughable. For this
model, simply assume that his epic Charms function at full power regardless of whether he sup-
presses his Virtues. The problem with this approach is that it can be severely damaging to the
centrality of protagonists. If the Unconquered Sun involves himself, none may gainsay him. This
hardly suits the themes of Exalted, so Storytellers should tread very carefully with a “plot-device”
level Incarna, almost certainly keeping him tied down with irresistible addiction to the Games
of Divinity so he doesn’t upstage the players’ characters at every turn.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Unconquered Sun express insurrectionist senti- i-
ments in regard to his makers, and she believes es
that her wholehearted agreement helped convincee
him of the rightness of his own desire to be freee
of the Primordial yoke. When the war was over, r,
Nysela was elevated from her station as navigator or
of the Daystar to Goddess of Righteous Ideals and d
Heavenly Duty.
As a result, her first and longest engagement at
the end of the War involved the Solar Exalted, and d
her attempts to guide and shape them in a coursee
that matched closest to the Unconquered Sun’ss
own values. Early into their reign, the Solars valuedd
Nysela’s objective, unequivocal assessments of the
Unconquered Sun’s values and the ease at which
she would rise to criticize or correct any Solar who o
strayed too far from the vision of the Most High. h.
But when the Solars began to raise themselves up p
as God-Kings, often ignoring that there were anyy
other gods altogether, Nysela’s hands were tied.
At first, she harshly—physically—corrected a
few straying Solars, but their mad courses were
not averted, and she began to realize that there
was little she could do. Creation was theirs to rule
and shape in their own vision according to thee
Creation-Ruling Mandate issued by the Uncon- n-
quered Sun. The Solars’ own visions for Creation n
were, by definition, Righteous Ideals, conceded to o
them by the Most High himself. Nysela could onlyy
look on regretfully as the gulf between the Solars rs
and the Unconquered Sun widened.
On top of her constant surveillance of thee
Solars and the gods, Nysela was also still a primaryy
operator of the Dirigible Engine Daystar, and thus us
constantly busy taking shifts flying it across thee
sky. She bore these shifts with little complaint, t,
for the Unconquered Sun occasionally found thee
time to take the wheel, guiding the Daystar on its ts
repeating course, and she relished the opportunityy
to sit in his presence. But they were not the onlyy
gods who worked the bellows and the pumps of
the Dirigible Engine, and relief was available when n
she needed it.
Times changed. The Unconquered Sun turned d
his back on Creation. The Solars fell. The Celestialal
Bureaucracies have fallen into corruption, and most st


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
of the spirits that flew the Daystar have abandoned and over the surface of the Daystar to survey it, as
ship, including the Once-Guarding Star himself. well as act as an auxiliary means of pulling the sun
Nysela, if anything, works harder than ever. Deter- across the sky should its own means of propulsion
mined not to fail, she holds on to her first and most ever be disabled.
basic duty—flying the sun from the Elemental Pole Sanctum: Nysela dwells within the Most Upright
of Wood to the Elemental Pole of Water. Pagoda, a towering structure of delicate walls, firm
Nysela is at once one of the most forceful angles and clear sight lines that looks out over a
spirits ever to set foot in Yu-Shan, and also one previously well-heeled but steadily declining district
of the most hated. Two-faced gods show her the of Yu-Shan.
utmost respect when she is present and mock her Motivation: To uphold the Unconquered Sun’s
when she is gone, for her majesty is all but wasted vision of righteousness.
on the futility of her job, and her unrequited love Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6;
for the Unconquered Sun is one of the oldest tales Charisma 7, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4; Per-
of Heaven. They also know most of her time and ception 6, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
waning focus is devoted to working the bellows Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temper-
and pumps of the Daystar like mad, or monitoring ance 3, Valor 4
the sleep of the greater elemental dragon Gardullis Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Bureaucracy 4,
who dreams at the heart of the sun. Only at night Dodge 3, Integrity 7 (Maintaining Heavenly Law +3),
can she pursue derelict gods and answer threats and Investigation 4 (Rooting Out Corruption +3),
challenges openly in Yu-Shan. Linguistics 1 (Native: Old Realm; High Holy
Madly in love with the Unconquered Sun, her Speech), Lore 4 (Heavenly Law +3), Martial Arts 5,
loyalty to him is perhaps the only part of her con- Melee 6 (Dire Lance +3), Occult 3 (Celestial Phe-
victions that has not seen defeat. Nysela is worried nomena +3), Performance 3, Presence 6, Resistance 3
about the return of the Solar Exalted, because she (Long Shifts +3), Sail 7 (Daystar +3),Socialize 3,
has promised to punish any who betray him again. War 2
As such, she has taken to employing shows of force Backgrounds: Backing (Celestial Bureaucracy) 3,
to drive the values of the Unconquered Sun into Contacts (Divine Informers) 3, Celestial Manse 2,
Solars who catch her attention, employing little Salary 3
tact or diplomacy. Her heart has hardened to them Charms:
greatly. They will either emulate the Unconquered Divine Prerogative—Focuses on the Unconquered
Sun or kiss the ground. Most know better than to Sun.
conflate the dereliction of Ignis Divine with the Essence Bite
waywardness of Solars in her presence. Furthermore, Essence Plethora (x3)
Nysela is jealous of Luna’s place as his second in Hurry Home—Takes Nysela either to her manse
command, but she has been beaten both times she in Yu-Shan or to the navigation deck of the
has attempted to take her place at his side. When Daystar.
she is not piloting the Daystar or battered by exhaus- Intrusion-Sensing Method—Nysela uses this Charm
tion, she endlessly fights a hopeless battle to make to sense individuals or objects approaching the
the gods of Yu-Shan do their jobs properly. Daystar’s path while she guides it across the sky.
Nysela takes the form of a beautiful orichalcum- Loom Stride
skinned woman with full hair, flame red in the dark Materialize—Costs 85 motes.
and violet in the day, wearing an armored dress and Measure the Wind—Nysela uses this Charm to de-
kimono. She carries a tower shield of bronze and termine her relative authority over other gods.
a massive white jade dire lance as her most com- Meat of Broken Flesh—This Charm functions only
mon array. Around her neck are the keys to the against individuals Nysela believes have violated
Chirmirajen, the monorail which travels within Celestial law or the Mandate of Heaven.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Ox-Body Technique (x5) Eschewing his floating estate in Heaven, the
Principle of Motion—Nysela typically keeps 10 ac- alleged son of the Most High spends most of his
tions stored. time in Creation, where he fights to restore order
Reserve of Will (x3) to the malfeasant spirit courts. In doing so, one of
Shapechange—Nysela sometimes disguises herself his main goals appears to be assisting the return of
as a mortal or minor god to determine how truly the Solar Exalted. Little Beam explains to those he
upright and just other divinities or Exalts are. meets that in order to uphold the Creation-Ruling
Sheathing the Material Form Mandate, he acts as a divine liaison between the
Stoke the Flame—This Charm is used to exhort Unconquered Sun and his Chosen.
targets to behave according to Nysela’s vision of This responsibility is almost certainly self-
righteousness. appointed. Regardless, the young god’s aid has
Second (Ability) Excellency—Awareness, Integrity, already helped set several Solars on the path to
Martial Arts, Melee, Presence, Sail power over Creation. The Gold Faction actively
Third (Ability) Excellency—Sail courts his assistance with their training camps,
Infinite (Ability) Mastery—Melee while the Bronze Faction is running a careful but
Divine (Ability) Subordination—Integrity, Melee thorough investigation into the rogue divinity, at-
(Conviction Flaw), Sail tempting to discern his true parentage. Little Beam
Join Battle: 10 has many enemies in both Heaven and Creation
Attacks: who are unconcerned with his origins, criminals
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 6B, Parry with a vested interest in avoiding a return to the
DV 7, Rate 3, Tags N days of the Creation-Ruling Mandate’s proper
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage 9B, Parry DV 5, enforcement. They fear that Little Beam is a precur-
Rate 2, Tags N sor to the active return of the Unconquered Sun
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 12, Damage 6B, Parry or uncontrolled ascent of the Solar Exalted. The
DV —, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P assassins are gathering.
Dire Lance (Piercing Eye of Justice): Speed 5, Ac- Little Beam appears as a bronze-skinned young
curacy 18, Damage 14L/18L, Parry DV 9, Rate 2, man with the sculpted iron thews of a gladiator.
Tags 2,L,R He dresses like a monk, usually with a bell-collared
Soak: 21L/24B (Armored kimono, 18L/18B) red coat that spreads open from his chest, and airy
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/ martial slacks of a matching color. He carries the red
-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap bamboo serpent-sting staff Fire Dragon’s Whisker.
Dodge DV: 9 Willpower: 10 His head appears to have been recently tonsured,
Essence: 7 Essence Pool: 150 with the vestiges of bright red hair just beginning
to grow back. His visage is normally serene, but
LITTLE BEAM his blank white eyes are often unsettling. When
The upstart known as Little Beam appeared angered, sunlight blazes from his mouth, nose,
only recently, claiming to be the direct offspring of and eyes. While the questions of his origin remain
the Unconquered Sun. Most of Yu-Shan’s residents unsettled, none who have seen the Unconquered
assume Little Beam is a liar and charlatan out of Sun’s face can deny that Little Beam bears a strik-
hand, but they are unsettled by the gumption of ing resemblance to the Most High.
one who would make such a dangerous claim under Sanctum: Little Beam resides in the Golden Cloud
the eyes of Heaven, especially with regard to Ignis Palace, a moderately splendid manse floating
Divine. More ominous than that, the Maiden of serenely above the cloud layer of Yu-Shan. He is
Secrets has sealed all records of Little Beam’s origin rarely found in residence these days, spending most
and purview personally. of his time in Creation.


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Motivation: Bring the Unconquered Sun and his Principle of Motion—Little Beam commonly stores
Chosen back to their rightful station. six actions.
Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 7, Stamina 7; Regalia of Authority
Charisma 7, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3; Per- Sheathing the Material Form
ception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 Stir of Echoes—By touching a Solar’s caste mark
Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temper- and spending 15 motes, Little Beam allows a
ance 3, Valor 4 (Wits + Essence) roll for the Solar to remember
Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 3, a fact from one of his Exaltation’s past incarna-
Dodge 5, Integrity 4, Linguistics 4 (Native: Old tions, at a difficulty determined by the Storyteller.
Realm; High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Remembering a general fact about the First Age,
Flametongue), Lore 3, Martial Arts 6, Occult 4, such as a common law, might be difficulty 1, while
Performance 4, Presence 6, Resistance 5, Social- remembering an epic poem that acts as a command
ize 4 code for a specific thousand-forged dragon might
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Artifact 2, Contacts (Gold be difficulty 5.
Faction) 3, Cult 2, Manse 2, Salary 3 Sun Dragon’s Embrace—Doubles the final damage
Charms: inflicted by Solar-aspected Holy attacks on creatures
Amethyst Awareness—Usable only during the of darkness. Compels the benefactor of this Charm
day. to attack such creatures on sight.
Bane Weapon—Little Beam may deal aggravated First (Ability) Excellency—Athletics, Martial Arts,
damage to creatures of darkness. Dodge, Presence, Resistance
Destiny Sponsorship—Little Beam may never work Third (Ability) Excellency—Athletics, Integrity,
to delay any ending Saturn has proclaimed to be Performance
timely. Infinite (Ability) Mastery—Martial Arts, Presence
Emergency Prayer Relocation Divine (Ability) Subordination—Presence
Endowment—Little Beam is among the rare handful Martial Arts:
of spirits capable of endowing dots of Essence. These Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style—All Charms
dots are Solar-aspected, and are not compatible Solar Hero Style—All Charms
with Essence-users who already have a strongly Join Battle: 7
aspected Essence type other than Solar. If a mortal Attacks:
is endowed, he essentially becomes a Golden Child Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 14, Damage 7B, Parry
by brevet (see Scroll of Heroes, pp. 123–124). DV 8, Rate 3, Tags N
Essence Plethora (x5) Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 10B, Parry
Harrow the Mind—This Charm is used to convince DV 6, Rate 2, Tags N
gods and mortals to support the Unconquered Sun Clinch: Speed 6 Accuracy 13, Damage 7B, Parry
and his Chosen. DV —, Rate 1, Tags C,N,P
Hurry Home—Little Beam may return to his Golden Serpent-Sting Staff (Fire Dragon’s Whisker): Speed 5,
Cloud Palace or to the steps of the Jade Pleasure Accuracy 13, Damage 17B, Parry DV 9, Rate 3,
Dome. Tags M,P
Materialize—Costs 65 motes Soak: 24L/27B (Coat of the Sun’s Blessing,
Measure the Wind 20L/20B)
Natural Prognostication—Little Beam can sense Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/
those marked out by destiny to bring about great -2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap
renewals in the world, as well as those affected by Dodge DV: 9 Willpower: 7
Sidereal astrology from the Colleges of the Violet Essence: 6 Essence Pool: 145
Bier of Sorrows. Other Notes: None
Ox-Body Technique (x5)

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
OBSERVANCES blessings come with a hard touch of disaster that
leaves his subjects amidst the curse and ruin of his
In ages past, the Unconquered Sun was wor-
apocalyptic miracles. Because of this, prayers to
shiped far and wide as the greatest of the gods. Of
the Most High often come in the form of thanks
the Celestial Incarnae he was the Most High, and
for rented light and another day’s lease on life—
none could look up at the sky without knowing
for any day when the Unconquered Sun didn’t act
that Creation had light in its future if only by his
directly on their behalf is another day where his
grace. Twice he was the subject of the greatest
wrath was stayed.
religions in the world. First, he was venerated by
Creation’s misconceptions of the Unconquered
the Dragon Kings, who offered up living hearts in
Sun have their roots in the Celestial Bureaucracy.
sacrifice to him. Later, it was the Solar Exalted who
While the Unconquered Sun’s worship is no more
spread the glory of the Unconquered Sun to the far
than a quarter of what it once was, he still gets a
corners of Creation. During this time, prayers to
spectacular amount of prayer. As a result, there is
the Unconquered Sun were often fielded into the
a Heaven-based office that was set up to field all
hands of the Zenith Caste, who went among the
requests and entreaties to the Unconquered Sun.
people working miracles, and from them moved to
The office fields so many requests around-the-clock
the Eclipse Caste, who delegated to the Terrestrial
that it employs dozens of gods, collectively known
gods the unquestionable will of Ignis Divine.
as the Gold Star Signatories of the Sun’s Favor.
In the present era, all that has changed. While
Approved by Ignis Divine but rarely appointed by
the Unconquered Sun is known across Creation
him, these gods may apply the Unconquered Sun’s
as the sun god and the most powerful Celestial
signet, ordering prayers to be answered however
Incarna, that knowledge has taken on a sort of
they see fit, their whims carrying the authority of
distance in the hearts of the people. In truth, while
the Unconquered Sun himself.
Creation knows him to be the King of the Gods,
The Signatories receive hundreds of missives
his role in world religion has become marginal-
daily. Of these, only the most dire and important of
ized, with the sun god remembered more out of
prayers are fielded directly to the Unconquered Sun.
tradition than true veneration. In places where
The rest are left to the overworked, underpaid gods
he is worshiped, the Unconquered Sun is seen
of the office. This system is the largest contributor
as an apathetic, dispassionate god of incredible
to Creation’s idea that the Most High is apathetic
power, so far beyond Creation and the plight of
and wrathful. Less important prayers have a way
humanity that he cannot be bothered to relate to
of going ignored entirely, while more important
his mortal subjects. The general consensus on the
prayers require a complicated response that certain
god is that he gives humanity light to live by and
disgruntled gods, under all the pressure of Heaven
to grow strong by and expects this gift to be more
to keep their boss’s inbox empty, are unable to give.
than enough to survive on. To ask more of him is
In general, missives delivered to the office have a
to risk insult, for the Unconquered Sun not only
way of getting handled in whatever fashion best
makes life possible, but he provides all the example
suits the disposition of the god currently helming
one needs in order to be virtuous, strong and self-
the station, who may or may not be competent or
sufficient. To ask for more is to deny that he has
capable of handling the requests constantly hitting
already given enough.
his desk. Sometimes these prayers are met with the
When so impugned, the Unconquered Sun’s
attendant’s scorn in order to dissuade any further
wrath is inevitable, and so his followers appeal to
entreaties. Worse yet, they might deliberately
him for divine intervention under only the most
mishandle the response or attempt to subvert the
extreme duress. In fact, worshipers of the Uncon-
prayers to their own ends.
quered Sun prefer not to get their deity’s attention
Furthermore, because these gods all share the
at all, for it is said that the Unconquered Sun’s
task of handling the Unconquered Sun’s response,


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Creation has gotten a very schizophrenic picture but stranger than that was what was waiting for
of the Unconquered Sun. One month a sacrifice them at the east gate of town—a gigantic egg,
of a prize bull will result in favorable weather for large as a full grown yeddim, nose pointed into
the faithful and a pox of sunstroke on the heads of the dawn. Recognizing one of the Most High’s
their enemies, as an anonymous god impersonat- strange miracles, the priests were at once afraid.
ing the Unconquered Sun responds favorably to Not knowing whether to eat the egg or to hatch
the offering. The next month, ignition of the altar it, they ordered it moved into their temple, where
results in an inexplicable detonation that floors it still sits, a silent and troublesome boon from the
the supplicants and launches the blazing bull into office of the Once-Guarding Star.
a neighboring camp, demolishing several houses
and marking the start of a bitter feud. GIFTS TO THE CHOSEN
One god might simply field responses without The Charms of the Solar Exalted partake of,
even reading them, stamping an order of drought expand on, and ultimately surpass their patron’s
on everything to come across his desk, result- perfection and glory. While they lack the elegant
ing in some of Creation’s most bizarre weather, simplicity of the Most High’s miracles, Solar Charms
especially in the frozen North and the hurricane- benefit from the infinite inventiveness of the hu-
prone islands of the West. Meanwhile another man race. The innovations of his Chosen proved
god, who works on the side for Burning Feather, a constant delight (and source of worry) for the
Lady of Intoxicants, gets his papers for the two Unconquered Sun throughout the First Age, and
offices mixed up, causing marijuana to overtake their reappearance in the Time of Tumult only
the fields of a tribe of eastern sun worshipers. The heralds more desperate innovations from returning
sun worshipers then make the holy plant centric Lawgivers… as well as the potential rediscovery of
to all of their observances thereafter. Yet another some of the darkest experiments of the final days
god, attempting to increase the Unconquered of the Old Realm.
Sun’s worldly glory, orders the mice of the sun to
chew the sun’s sigil in the field of a failing farmer.
This miracle draws pilgrims from far and wide to ARMOR-SHATTERING STRIKE
witness the abundance of a harvest unseen in Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
generations, and prayers to the office of the Un- Type: Supplemental
conquered Sun’s purview suddenly rise to dam the Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
already bottlenecked bureau and force umpteen Duration: Instant
hours of overtime on the besieged gods, until one Prerequisite Charms: Solar Hero Form
of them finally orders the field to spontaneously
combust and burn the farmer’s house down, ter-
rifying itinerants and scaring the worshipers back
into silence. KEYWORD: MIRROR
Then there are the many prayers that are The Abyssal Exalted are dark reflec-
answered in an utterly bizarre fashion. In the tions of their Solar counterparts, and at
famine-touched lands of the Southeast, a tribe times are able to employ similar magics.
of sun worshipers prayed to the Unconquered Such instances of symmetry are denoted by
Sun for mercy from the blazing heat. They sac- this keyword, and a brief description of the
rificed the last of their food stores so that their Charm’s Abyssal equivalent. All Abyssal
next harvest of crops would not be incinerated, prerequisite Charms listed below may be
believing that the depth of their sacrifice and the found in Chapter Five of The Manual of
strength of their faith would not go unrewarded. Exalted Power—The Abyssals.
The next day, indeed, the heat began to dwindle,

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Exalted on the field of battle cannot be
concerned with such trivia as leather and
plate. If an attack supplemented by this Charm
successfully strikes a target, any nonmagical
armor the target is wearing is immediately
destroyed. Heavy armor explodes off the
victim’s body in a spray of rivets and plates,
while lighter protection produces an eruption
of torn leather and flying chain links.
Should the attack also actually inflict
damage, the Solar may pay an extra mote to
immediately cancel all Charms, spells and
astrological powers with a duration greater
than Instant but less than Permanent which
provide the target with increased soak or
Hardness as a Shaping effect.
A second purchase of this Charm, at
Essence 5+, upgrades its Shaping effect
to also force instant loss of attunement to
magical armor.
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6;
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror
(Ultimate Inevitability of the Grave)
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Dragon Coil
Once a Lawgiver has laid his hand upon
an enemy, his wrath becomes inescapable.
Even the Primordials learned this, to their
sorrow. This Charm may be used to enhance a
roll to maintain or gain control of an ongoing
grapple, giving it an automatic threshold of
one success more than the Solar’s opponent. If
another effect contests this one, add (Essence)
in extra dice to the resulting roll.
A second purchase of this Charm at
Martial Arts 9+, Essence 9+, allows it to be
invoked as an inherent ability, which does
not count as a Charm activation.
New Abyssal Charm: Ultimate Inevita-
bility of the Grave (Prerequisite: Inescapable
Iron Grip). The Abyssal version of Iron Talon
Technique has different prerequisites but is
otherwise identical.


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
MELEE forced to channel such power is destroyed when
the Charm ends.
FLASHING EDGE OF DAWN At Essence 5+, dice purchased with this Charm
Cost: —; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; no longer counts toward the maximum number
Type: Permanent of dice that may be purchased with a subsequent
Keywords: None normal activation of Fire and Stones Strike.
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: One Weapon, Two Blows RISING SUN SLASH
Given time and practice, superhuman prowess Cost: 4m or 6m; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 4;
comes naturally to the Solar Exalted. The benefits Type: Supplemental
of One Weapon, Two Blows are automatically Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Holy, Mirror
applied to all Melee attacks the Solar makes. If (Life-Severing Blade)
invoked normally, that Charm’s effects stack with Duration: Instant
this upgrade. Prerequisite Charms: Fire and Stones Strike
Crackling with golden lightning, the Solar’s
SHINING RAZOR WIND blade becomes impossible to turn from its course.
Cost: 3m per die, 1wp; Mins: Melee 5, Essence 3; For four motes, an attack enhanced with this
Type: Reflexive Charm becomes
Keywords: unblockable. If
Combo-basic, activated for a
Obvious cost of six motes,
Duration: One the attack also
scene gains the Holy
Prerequisite keyword and
Charms: Fire and becomes un-
Stones Strike dodgeable by
A brilliant creatures of
red-gold corona darkness in ad-
erupts around dition to its
the Lawgiver’s basic effect.
weapon, em- New Abys-
powering him to sal Charm:
strike down his Life-Severing
enemies. This Blade (Prereq-
Charm allows uisite: Artful
the character to Maiming On-
enchant a weap- slaught). The
on with Fire and Abyssal Mirror
Stones Strike for to Rising Sun
the duration of a Slash has no
scene rather than Holy keyword.
a single attack, at Instead, its six-mote option makes attacks undodge-
a cost of three motes per die added, following the able by mortals, ghosts and the Fair Folk.
same rules for maximum dice. This also counts
toward the maximum number of dice that may be WORLD-SCARRING SOLAR GLORY
purchased with a subsequent normal activation of Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Melee 6, Essence 6;
Fire and Stones Strike. Any nonmagical weapon Type: Supplemental

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Mirror counting as a Charm use. At Essence 9+, the Solar
(Creation-Slaying Holocaust Blade) may store up to (Essence/2) activations simultane-
Duration: Instant ously, though each must have Essence committed
Prerequisite Charms: Rising Sun Slash to it separately.
The Solar’s weapon surges with the limitless New Abyssal Charm: Creation-Slaying Holo-
power of the wrathful sun god. An attack supple- caust Blade (Prerequisites: Life-Severing Blade). The
mented by this Charm adds (Essence) dice of raw Abyssal Mirror to World-Scarring Solar Glory has
damage in Step Seven. Should the dice of damage different prerequisites but is otherwise identical.
to be rolled after soak in Step Eight exceed the IMMORTAL BLADE TRIUMPHANT
target’s maximum total health levels, the Solar may Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Melee 7, Essence 7;
instead inflict as many or as few automatic levels Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV -4)
of damage as desired. Keywords: Obvious, Mirror (Charnel Emperor
At Essence 7+, this Charm may be used to inflict Stance)
whatever level of damage the Lawgiver desires to Duration: One scene
nonmagical objects and structures up to the size of Prerequisite Charms: Heavenly Guardian
a palace. Cutting passes through hills or smashing Defense
down stout fortress gates are trivial exercises for The Lawgiver’s anima fractures into a thousand
such mighty heroes. At Melee 9+ the character reflections of his weapon as he raises it in a silent
may pay a five-mote surcharge upon activation to salute. Afterwards, he moves with grace beyond
inflict as many or as few automatic levels of dam- words and skill beyond awareness to brush aside the
age as desired to targets regardless of his total dice clumsy attacks of any who should be so impudent
in Step Eight. as to strike at him.
A second purchase, at Melee 8+, Essence 8+, While this Charm is active, the character may
allows the Solar to activate this Charm as a mis- invoke Heavenly Guardian Defense at its normal
cellaneous action (Speed 5, DV –1), and commit cost as an innate ability rather than a Charm acti-
Essence to it to “store” it in advance. When the vation. When used this way, the Charm’s duration
commitment is reflexively dropped (this must be is always instant regardless of other modifiers. This
done in Step One), the Charm activates without benefit may not be be employed until the character’s

The following upgrades to existing Charms are available:
Solars who know the Charm Heavenly Guardian Defense may pay two experience points
to permanently upgrade its capabilities so that it and Dipping Swallow Defense are considered
to be the same Charm for the purpose of Charm activations and Combos. The same upgrade is
available for the Abyssal mirrors of these Charms.
Example: Dace pays two motes to reflexively invoke Dipping Swallow Defense to fend off the paltry
attack of a zombie. During the same action, an Abyssal suddenly arrives on the battlefield and launches
a powerful Combo at him. He then pays four motes to reflexively invoke Heavenly Guardian Defense
without needing a Combo.
The same upgrade is available for the same price for Seven Shadow Evasion (linking it to
Shadow Over Water) and their Abyssal mirrors, Adamant Skin Technique (linking it to Iron
Skin Concentration), and, for the Lunar Exalted, Flowing Body Evasion (linking it to Golden
Tiger Stance).


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
DV has refreshed once, and may be used a number of their tombs when their curse is laid bare before
times equal to (Essence x 2); upon making the last the world thus.
permitted invocation, Immortal Blade Triumphant This Charm’s effect upon observers cannot be
automatically deactivates itself. This Charm may resisted, as it is not a form of mental influence. It
not be reactivated to re-stock its supply of defenses is simply the truth.
while it is already active. RISING SUN SOUL
New Abyssal Charm: Charnel Emperor Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 4;
Stance (Prerequisites: Death-Deflecting Tech- Type: Permanent
nique). This Charm functions identically to its Keywords: Holy, Mirror (Sun-Devouring Void
Solar Mirror, save that it permits invocations of Prophet)
Death-Deflecting Technique rather than Heavenly Duration:
Guardian Defense. The Deathlords are currently Prerequisite Charms: None
Charnel Emperor Stance’s only users, and it is Internalizing her dedication to the principles
worth noting that, like all sets of Mirror Charms, of her own legend, the Lawgiver shines with the
they are only capable of wielding the Abyssal ver- very radiance of her patron, bringing the light of
sion of this Charm. For all their unholy might or the sun to Creation in fact as well as metaphor.
long centuries of practice, the Deathlords have The Solar’s anima banner counts as real, natural
never devised a more efficient or effective form of sunlight for all purposes. This light shines brightly
perfect defense. enough to affect beings out to a radius of (Essence)
INTEGRITY yards at the eight- to 10-mote level of display, and
out to a radius of 30 yards at the (11+)-mote level
Cost: 5m; Mins: Integrity 3, Essence 2; New Abyssal Charm: Sun-Devouring Void
Type: Reflexive Prophet (Prerequisites: None). This Charm
Keywords: None renders the Abyssal’s anima into a comforting
Duration: One scene shroud of necrotic energy. While shining at the
Prerequisite Charms: Integrity-Protecting Prana eight-mote level of display, the Abyssal is not
The virtue of the Lawgivers is like the sun at subject to any penalties due to being rejected by
noon. Clouds might obscure it, but its light can Creation (see The Manual of Exalted Power—
never truly be banished or denied. This Charm The Abyssals, p. 95). Nothing within the radius
may be subconsciously activated whenever the of the anima (identical to that of the Solar ver-
character suffers under a source of unnatural sion) is affected by the light of the sun unless that
mental influence that alters his behavior, even light is produced by a magical source carrying the
if another effect would otherwise bar the Solar Holy keyword.
from invoking it. The effects of the unnatural
mental influence become Obvious to all observers, GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH
making it clear that the Solar labors under some Cost: 0m; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 5;
manner of curse or trickery rather than his own Type: Reflexive
desires. Immaculate doctrine already accounts Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (World-Ending
for this with tales of Anathema as wicked spirits Void Apostle), Obvious
possessing the unlucky. Duration: One day
The Charm also makes it Obvious that the Solar Prerequisite Charms: Phoenix Renewal Tactic
is not himself (though it does not make the source Although the power of even the youngest of
of his odd behavior Obvious) when in Limit Break, Lawgivers is sufficient to rock the pillars of Heaven
but only to those who harbor a positive Intimacy and slay the makers of the world, some Chosen
toward the character. The Neverborn tremble in find themselves unsatisfied with any limitations

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
upon their power. Reaching beyond, they grasp Enslavement). This Charm duplicates the benefit
for greater might at any cost. of its Solar counterpart, but the Abyssal does not
As a permanent upgrade to his competence, the roll to accumulate Limit. Instead, the Charm has
Solar gains the ability to spend experience normally a duration of only one scene, and an activation
to buy his Essence rating up to a dot higher than his cost of (2ahl, 1wp).
age would otherwise allow (see Exalted, p. 275). This FINAL RAY OF LIGHT
is treated as his real, natural rating for the purpose Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 6, Essence 6;
of buying Attribute and Ability dots, Charms and Type: Permanent
other such traits. Yet, he may enjoy the benefits Keywords: Obvious
of this higher Essence rating only while Glory to Duration: Permanent
the Most High is active. When the Charm is not Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Maintaining
active, he is treated as though his Essence rating is Maneuver
whatever it would be if he did not possess Glory to When a Lawgiver’s vast strength at last reaches
the Most High, and as though he did not possess its limit and he falls in defense of Creation, the
any Charms or dots that this lower Essence rating world itself may cry out for its savior to rise up
would not permit him to obtain. and fight on.
The Solar’s anima immediately flares to its full This Charm automatically takes effect when
iconic splendor when Glory to the Most High is the character’s Incapacitated health box is marked
activated, and off with lethal
recedes at its or aggravated
normal rate. The damage, provid-
character also ed the Solar fell
gains 10 motes while attempt-
of Essence (three ing to defend
in the Personal or champion
Essence pool, those weaker
seven in the Pe- than himself,
ripheral Essence at the Storytell-
pool) filling out er’s discretion.
the sudden dif- (As a general
ference in his guideline, any
Essence pool’s situation where
capacity. the Solar could
When this reasonably have
Charm ends, the channeled his
character must Compassion
roll the higher of likely qualifies.)
(Essence) or his Subtle ribbons
primary Virtue, of golden Es-
and add a num- sence wind
ber of points of across the bat-
Limit equal to his successes. This Charm may never tlefield, trailing back to the masses on whose behalf
be learned or used by non-Solar Exalted under any the Lawgiver fought. If they believe in him, then
circumstances. he hears their prayers as his life bleeds away; if they
New Abyssal Charm: World-Ending Void spurn him despite his efforts, their deep need for a
Apostle (Prerequisite: Immortal Malevolence


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
savior calls out to him regardless. One long tick after be activated only under
becoming Incapacitated, the Solar rises from the the open sky,, during the
ground in a flare of sizzling Essence, iconic anima day. The clouds
ouds above
burning around him. Half of his health levels im- shuffle themselves
elves into
mediately restore themselves, along with half his the precise likeness
total Essence and Willpower (assuming he fell with of the Lawgiver,
those pools reduced below the halfway point). At lit by the sunun so
the end of the scene, his permanent Essence rating that they gloww from
falls by one dot. This Charm may not be triggered within. The Solar’s
more than once per season. Non-Solar Exalted may words boom out over
never learn this Charm. the countryside,
PERFORMANCE For the dura-
Cost: 6m; Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3; any Performance-based
Type: Reflexive social attacks (or simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion informative declara-
Duration: One scene tions) made by the
Prerequisite Charms: Husband-Seducing Demon Solar are transmit-
Dance ted to everyone
yone within
A favorite of many hedonistic (or simply preda- (Essence x 20) miles
tory) Solars in the First Age, this Charm figures in every direction.
ction. Be-
prominently in Immaculate legends of the Anath- cause the Solar
lar cannot
ema. While the Charm is in effect, all characters see or hear through
hrough his
who possess any sort of romantic Intimacy toward heavenly manifestation,
the Solar (love or lust, it makes no difference) have social counterattacks
their MDVs set to 0 against seduction attempts by that require the
he target to
her. Shaking off this unnatural mental influence in actually be present may
order to assert MDV normally costs one Willpower not be invoked in response
per action. to this Charm.
The embedded Intimacy of a Solar’s Lunar A second purchase of this Charm at Per-
mate always qualifies for this Charm, even if the formance 7+, Essence 7+ expands its range to
Lunar chooses to articulate the bond as platonic (Essence x 50) miles. A third and final purchase
friendship. at Performance 9+, Essence 9+ expands the range
HORIZON-TO-HORIZON to (Essence x 100) miles.
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Performance 6, Essence 6;
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 1m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2;
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Social
Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Duration: One action
Keywords: Obvious, Emotion, Touch
Prerequisite Charms: Phantom-Conjuring
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
By the authority of the Unconquered Sun,
This Charm is the result of Solar paranoia in
his Chosen may command the very heavens to
the High First Age. When alone with one another,
become a vessel for their glory. This Charm may

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
certain Solars referred to it by an alternate title, Prerequisite Charms: Underling Promoting
“Lunar-Taming Leash.” Touch
With a touch, the Lawgiver infuses his Essence This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequi-
into the link constructed into his Lunar mate’s Ex- site. The Solar no longer needs to commit Essence to
altation, vastly strengthening it. The Lunar gains sustain Underling Promoting Touch when applying
the benefits (and drawbacks) of a five-dot rating in it to un-Exalted humans or to Dragon Kings.
the Solar Bond Background. This unnatural mental At Essence 6+ the Solar may enjoy this benefit
influence remains in effect until five Willpower is when applying Underling Promoting Touch to
spent at one time to remove it. other Exalted, but doing so automatically creates
In the event that a Solar’s Lunar mate is not an Intimacy of loyalty in the recipient. Exalted
available, he may touch himself and activate the targets may reject the benefits of the Charm and
Charm instead. Doing so grants the Solar an infal- the Intimacy at no cost, if desired.
lible sense of the direction in which his mate can TERRIBLE SUN KING CONDEMNATION
be found, even if he has never met the Lunar in Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4;
question before. If the Lunar is in another realm Type: Supplemental
of existence, the Charm leads the Lawgiver to the Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Holy, Social,
nearest point of entry to that realm. Shaping
Cost: —; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 5; Prerequisite Charms: Enemy-Castigating Solar
Type: Permanent Judgment
Keywords: Obvious As the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, the So-
Duration: Permanent lar Exalted are empowered on behalf of their patron
Prerequisite Charms: Sun and Moon Method to determine Creation’s true enemies, even if they
The authority of a Lawgiver with this Charm is walk in the guise of the righteous. This Charm may
inescapable. The Solar is capable of making social enhance a Presence-based social attack to condemn,
attacks against her Lunar mate while he is under castigate or otherwise revile a subject as an enemy
the effects of this Charm’s prerequisite, enhanced of Creation, making that social attack undodgeable.
by any desired Presence or Performance Charms, The target may not ignore the Solar’s righteous
regardless of the distance separating them. This tirade, but only attempt to counter-argue his own
communication is one-way. The Solar cannot sense case against the Lawgiver’s judgment. If the attack
her mate’s state of mind or read his thoughts. Though succeeds, the target has a one-time opportunity to
the Solar’s player always dictates use of this Charm, spend two Willpower to resist (or one Willpower
characters sometimes use Soul-Spanning Bridge if the target is Exalted). Failure to do so bestows
Method unconsciously, imposing their idle thoughts upon the target the creature of darkness mutation.
and desires on their mate unintentionally. The day dims slightly as he is permanently marked
Despite numerous attempts throughout the as an enemy of Creation.
First Age, no Lunar has ever been able to design
Charms permitting him to exercise power over his RESISTANCE
Solar mate through their spiritual bond. ARMORED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS STANCE
SERVANT-UPLIFTING AFFIRMATION Cost: — (+1m); Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3;
Cost: —; Mins: Presence 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Type: Permanent Keywords: Mirror (Flesh as Marble Stance)
Keywords: None Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Iron Kettle Body


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, adding Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit now renders
(Essence) to the amount of soak provided. For an the Solar immune to all environmental damage,
additional activation cost of one extra mote, Iron regardless of its origin.
Kettle Body becomes compatible with armor as New Abyssal Charm: Surviving the Sunlit
well. As a point of clarification, Iron Kettle Body’s Lands (Prerequisite: Maelstrom-Weathering Indif-
Keywords are Combo-OK and Obvious. ference). This Charm grants the same benefits as
New Abyssal Charm: Flesh as Marble Stance Steadfast Elemental Emperor Stance in the lands
(Prerequisites: Resilient Corpse Body). This Charm of the dead, while fully extending the benefits of
functions identically to its Solar Mirror. Resilient Element-Resisting Prana to Creation.
Corpse Body has as its prerequisites Injury-Absorb-
ing Discipline and Spirit-Hardened Frame, and is CRAFT
identical to Iron Kettle Body. PEERLESS PARAGON OF (CRAFT)
ENDURING MOUNTAIN METHOD Cost: —; Mins: Craft 4, Essence 2;
Cost: — (+2m); Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Type: Permanent Keywords: None
Keywords: Obvious Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Any Craft Excellency
Prerequisite Charms: Unbreakable Warrior’s A Lawgiver who has focused his expertise upon
Mastery a certain expression of craftsmanship soon finds
This Charm upgrades Unbreakable Warrior’s that his least effort matches and exceeds the most
Mastery. By paying a two-mote surcharge, it may desperate labors of mortal artisans. This Charm
be invoked as an inherent ability that does not may be purchased multiple times, once for each
count as a Charm use. basic Craft Ability the Solar possesses at a rating
of 4 or higher. Purchasing this Charm adds (Es-
sence/2) automatic successes to all rolls made with
ADAMANT SKIN TECHNIQUE the Ability in question. An Essence 5 Solar with
As a point of clarification, this Charm Peerless Paragon of Fire would add three successes
(and its Abyssal mirror) reduces the raw to all Craft (Fire) rolls at no cost.
and final damage of an incoming attack or Exotic Crafts such as Craft (Fate) or Craft
similar phenomenon to zero after all other (Glamour) require Essence 3+, while First Age Craft
modifiers and effects. Damage added to an skills such as Craft (Genesis) and Craft (Magitech)
attack after soak is applied, such as by Fire require Essence 4+.
and Stones Strike, cannot harm a character INVESTIGATION
who activates Adamant Skin Technique.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Investigation 4, Essence 2;
Type: Reflexive
SURVIVAL Keywords: Combo-OK
Cost: —; Mins: Survival 5, Essence 3; Prerequisite Charms: Courtier’s Eye Technique,
Type: Permanent Judge’s Ear Technique
Keywords: Mirror (Surviving the Sunlit Lands) Righteous Lawgivers easily separate out friends
Duration: Permanent and enemies. If the Solar personally perceives any
Prerequisite Charms: Element-Resisting Prana character who is a creature of darkness while this
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, removing Charm is active, that fact becomes Obvious to
the clause for other characters’ deliberate actions. him. The creature of darkness must be physically

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
present. Portraits, hologlyphic reproductions, magi- Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping,
cal projections and remote scrying will not trigger Touch
Unblinking Sentinel Gaze. Duration: Instant
At Essence 5+ this Charm’s cost drops to Prerequisite Charms: Anointment of Miraculous
one mote and its duration may be extended to Health, Wholeness-Restoring Meditation
Indefinite. This legendary Charm was employed only rarely
in the First Age, as a reward for the most loyal of
LORE a Solar’s mortal retinue, or to preserve a favorite
GOLDEN SAVANT’S LARGESS servant or lover. It involves a complex, delicate
Cost: —; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 4; 12-hour medical procedure that resets the Essence
Type: Permanent flows of the target’s body and mends instabilities
Keywords: None of the flesh. At the end of the process, the target
Duration: Permanent is physically returned to the flower of youth—18
Prerequisite Charms: Power-Awarding Prana years of age for humans, or the proportional equiva-
This Charm permanently enhances Power- lent for animals. The target retains all memories
Awarding Prana in the following ways: While the and skills. This procedure is efficacious only when
Charm’s invocation cost remains unchanged, only used on behalf of mortals or animals, and it wears
five motes must now be committed to maintain its off after a year and a day, returning the target to
effect. Additionally, it may be applied to any un- his previous age unless the Solar chooses to renew
Exalted human (although they are still rest restricted the Charm’s application with another 12-hour
to learning procedure. Alternatively, the Lawgiver’s player may
Charms with choose to spend one experience point in addition
an Essence
Essenc min- to the standard cost of the Charm, removing the
imum no h higher need for upkeep. The target will then begin to age
than 2). Those
T normally from the point of his “reset” youth.
who already pos- At Medicine 10, Essence 10, the experience
sess an Essence rating point cost for enduring youth disappears. The Solar
o 2 and/or an Es Essence is still capable, though, of performing the Charm so
pool of 15 motes or momore do that the target requires yearly maintenance.
not receive
receiv any
additiona up- OCCULT
g ades to those
t aits
tr t. Cost: —; Mins: Occult 5, Essence 4;
Type: Permanent
DICIN Keywords: Avatar (1), Mirror (Unconquered
YOUTH- Hero’s Faith)
STORING Duration: Permanent
NISON Prerequisite Charms: Labyrinth Circle Necro-
Cost: 20m,
20m m , 3wp; M
00m Mins: mancy or Occult Essence Flow
Medicinenee 77,, Essen
Essence 7; This grim Charm was originally developed
Type: Simple
Simpl (One dra-
plle (On by ambitious Solars in the final years of the First
matic action) Age. Frustrated by dead-ending in their study of
necromancy at the Labyrinth Circle, they recklessly
attempted to forge onward. Those researchers never
did break through to the Void Circle. Instead, they
found… something else.


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Th hisi CCharm
harm permits
e mits a So Solar to learn and use
Abyssas l ChCharms
C arms as th though
hough h shshe
h were an Eclipse
C stte. A
Ca Additionally,
dditioonaally, y shehe may accept a point of
Limit to t aactivate
ctivatee th tthe Abyssal
hee Ab byssa Mirror of a Solar
Chharmm shes e knows,
sh k ow
kn o s,s with the t e same limitations as
U conqquered He
Un Hero’s
H ro’s FFaith
a th
ai (see The Manual of
h (s
Exalted PowePower—The
er—Th The
Thh AbysAbyssals, pp. 140-141).
As a final side effect, sh she
he is gguaranteed to linger
ass a gho
h st after
st aft death,
f eerr dea ath rather than passing on
h, rath
t Lethe.
Lete he.
The ChCharm’s Avatar Avvata keyword indicates
t at the
th he character
haraacterr m must
ustt ppossess the Whispers
Back kgrouo nd att a rating of at least one dot
to llearn
n this Char Charm.
m Bla Black Mirror Revela-
tion m may learned
a be lear
ay o ly through meditation
a ned only
with hin thee depths
th depths of the Labyrinth. In the
F rst Age, its only ac
Fi acceptable
cceptp a prerequisite was
Laby b rinth Circle
by Ciirccle N Necromancy.
ecroom In the Second
Age, perhaps due to o the actualization of the
Abyssal Ex Exalted,
E alted, Solars
d Sol find it easier to let the
o ars fi
whispers of th the
he Ne Neverborn
N verbo guide them to a
coree of dark power nestled within themselves,
annd may
m y alsoo use
ma Occult
s Occul u t Essence Flow as an
alternatee prereq
This Charm may nev never be learned by non-
S lar Exaltedd unde
So under er any circumstances. As
a po
point clarification,
oint of clarificati t on, its Abyssal Mirror,
Unconq n uered Hero’s FFaith, may never be
a ned or used by any character who pos-
sessess Immorta
Immortal Malevolence
t l Male
ta l vo o Enslavement.
F rtherm
Fu more, e DDeathlords
e th
ea hlo
l are incapable of
learning U Unconquered
ncono quere Hero’s Faith or any
h r Charm based upon fundamental
ele ents of Ab
em Abyssal
y sal Exaltation.
Co —; Mins: O
Cost: Occult 6, Essence 6;
Ty pe: P
e ma
er m nen
Keywy ords: NoNone
Duratition: Pe
ti Permanent
r erequisit Charms: Solar
Ciircle S
C Sorcery
Thhi bizarre Charm was
nno in the High
F Age by the
Solar Queen K’tula.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
After warping her body into a cephalopod horror Duration: Permanent
through sorcerous manipulation, she found that Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Speed
she could not innovate new Solar Charms that This Charm upgrades its prerequisite, grant-
acknowledged the terrible, inhuman capabilities ing it the Stackable keyword. Each additional use
of her new form. Pressing at the outer boundaries of Lightning Speed adds (Athletics) again to the
of sorcerous understanding, however, she was able Solar’s Move and Dash distances, though stacking
to discern a set of cosmological principles more more than one activation makes the Charm Obvi-
amenable to the thing she had become: the acrid ous. The Solar may stack as many activations of
Essence-flows of Kimbery. Lightning Speed as her Essence pool permits.
Upon learning this Charm, the character names
a single Yozi. She can henceforth learn and use AWARENESS
that Yozi’s Charms as though she were a member INESCAPABLE EYE OF THE SUN
of the Eclipse Caste, save that she needs no tutor. Cost: 3m; Mins: Awareness 3, Essence 2;
Primordial Principle Emulation may be purchased Type: Reflexive
a total number of times equal to (Essence – 5), Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
with each purchase covering a different Yozi. The Duration: Indefinite
character gains a point of Limit the first time she P r e r e q u i s i t e C h a r m s : Any Awareness
invokes any Yozi Charm within the scope of a Excellency
scene. The Yozis are aware of this Charm, hav- The vigilance of the Lawgivers is as inescapable
ing used certain of its principles to help guide as day and night. By touching a solid obstruction
the formation of their Green Sun Princes. It has such as a door or wall no more than (Essence) yards
historically pleased them to dispatch their Solar thick, the Solar is able to perceive any events oc-
akuma to suppress knowledge of the Charm. The curring on the other side as though he were present.
Ebon Dragon especially enjoys the bitter regret of Breaking contact with the surface through which
his gilded slaves when they realize they bartered one is spying ends the Charm.
away their souls needlessly.
Thanks to the taint of the Great Curse upon DODGE
their Exaltation, Solars may use this Charm only COBRA AND MONGOOSE METHOD
to unlock the secrets of the mutilated lords of Mal- Cost: — (+2m); Mins: Dodge 5, Essence 4;
feas. It is possible that a Solar who was somehow Type: Permanent
cleansed of the Great Curse could also unlock the Keywords: Obvious
principles of non-Yozi Primordials. Thankfully, the Duration: Permanent
Abyssal Exalted and their Deathlord masters have Prerequisite Charms: Seven Shadow Evasion,
never discovered a Charm building off Void Circle Flow Like Blood
Necromancy to gain access to the magics of the The Lawgiver matches his motions to that
slumbering Neverborn. The most well-informed of an opponent’s weapon, making sure that the
gods of the Division of Secrets hope such a thing targeted blade can strike him no more than it
proves impossible. can cut its own shadow. This Charm acts as a
This Charm may never be learned by non-Solar permanent enhancement to Seven Shadow Eva-
Exalted under any circumstances. sion, allowing it to be invoked with a two-mote
surcharge. This extends its duration to “One ac-
ATHLETICS tion,” but allows it only to be applied to a single
RACING THE SUN weapon carried by a single opponent (natural
Cost: —; Mins: Athletics 4, Essence 3; weapons such as a Lunar Exalt’s claws or a martial
Type: Permanent artist’s kicks are valid targets for this purpose).
Keywords: Obvious The Charm may not be re-invoked with this


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
enhanced benefit to change targets to a different New Abyssal Charm: Oblivion-Consigned
weapon before its duration elapses, nor may the Essence (Prerequisites: None). This Charm func-
duration be canceled early by releasing Essence tions identically to its Solar Mirror.
commitment. Seven Shadow Evasion may still STEPPING BETWEEN HEARTBEATS
simultaneously be invoked at its normal cost to Cost: —; Mins: Stealth 5, Essence 4;
deal with other attacks. Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
CONVICTION FLAW REVISITED Prerequisite Charms: Invisible Statue Spirit
All Solar perfect defenses suffer from This Charm permanently upgrades its prereq-
one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability. uisite. While the character is still rendered visible
Storytellers may find that the Conviction by moving or participating in combat, these ac-
Flaw interacts poorly with certain broad tions no longer deactivate Invisible Statue Spirit.
Motivations, rendering it almost impossible The Lawgiver becomes invisible once more as
to exploit without essentially railroading soon as he remains stationary outside of combat
characters into moments of vulnerability. for one tick.
Since the Conviction Flaw is certainly not
intended to serve as “no Flaw,” the following BUREAUCRACY
optional rule is suggested: HEAVENLY MANDATE MARKING
Conviction Flaw: Charms carrying this Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Bureaucracy 4, Essence 3;
Flaw do not function when the character Type: Simple
has taken some action during the scene that Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping,
is contrary to her Motivation. If she has Touch
acted against an Intimacy or a Virtue she Duration: Instant
has rated at 3+ during the scene, then such Prerequisite Charms: Any Bureaucracy
Charms add a three-mote surcharge to their Excellency
activation cost. The world knows those whom the Lawgivers
claim as their own. The Solar touches a character
who has just expressed a pledge of loyalty to him.
STEALTH In a flash of light, a golden brand depicting the
SWALLOWING THE SUN Solar’s anima icon painlessly appears at the point of
Cost: 2wp, 1hl; Mins: Stealth 4, Essence 3; contact and then disappears. Most First Age Solars
Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -2) chose to mark their underlings’ brows.
Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Oblivion- This mark is permanent, reappearing whenever
Consigned Essence), Obvious the target performs an action at the direct behest
Duration: Instant of his Solar lord and declares that his labors are
Prerequisite Charms: None performed on behalf of a Prince of Creation. The
Uniting her mind and Essence in a supreme act Solar may withdraw the brand as a miscellaneous
of will, the Lawgiver snuffs out her own radiance action at any time, inflicting one automatic level
by drawing her anima banner into her body and of lethal damage.
extinguishing it. Further expenditures flare the A second purchase of this Charm, at Bureau-
banner from the beginning, as though the Solar cracy 5+, Essence 4+, allows the Solar to activate
had not previously spent any Peripheral Essence this Charm to cause a servant’s brand to flare to
in the scene. visibility if the servant is within the same realm
of existence as the Lawgiver. As long as the Solar

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
takes no oth- ture may still
er action, he be destroyed,
may observe though mere-
and hear what ly damaging
transpires it will not
around his reduce the
servant, with words’ leg-
the brand as ibility. The
his fixed point enchanted
of perspec- words shine
tive. A third through any-
purchase, at thing placed
Essence 5+, over them as
permits the though they
Solar to use were a Solar
any of his caste mark
Bureaucra- shining at the
cy Charms four- to sev-
through or en-mote level
on behalf of of display, and
a remotely are faintly
observed ser- luminous in
vant. These the dark.
Charms base their effects and limitations on the
Lawgiver’s traits rather than the servant’s. RIDE
LINGUISTICS Cost: —; Mins: Ride 5, Essence 3;
Cost: 3m; Mins: Linguistics 5, Essence 3; Keywords: None
Type: Reflexive Duration: Permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch P r e r e q u i s i t e C h a r m s : Worthy Mount
Duration: Indefinite Technique
Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Brush Discipline While mere animals suffice to carry the youngest
With a touch of his hand, the Solar’s Essence of Lawgivers into battle, more experienced heroes
renders a message imperishable. This Charm may bend lesser legends to their service. This Charm
enchant anything from a wall of graffiti to an permanently enhances all of a Solar’s Ride Charms,
entire book, as long as that surface bears a message allowing them to be invoked to enhance a sentient,
the character wishes to preserve. While Essence consenting mount.
remains committed to the Charm, the letters
cannot be erased or defaced. If the enchanted SOCIALIZE
words are contained in a medium designed to SHINING IN EVERY EYE ATTITUDE
hold writing (such as a book or scroll), that object Cost: 12m, 1wp; Mins: Socialize 4, Essence 3;
becomes indestructible for the Charm’s dura- Type: Reflexive
tion. Messages scrawled onto surfaces intended Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Social
for some other purpose are only impossible to Duration: One scene
remove or deface. The underlying object or struc- Prerequisite Charms: Mastery of Small Manners


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Regardless of the prejudices or expectations of The martial artist makes it certain that she will
his audience, the Solar matches viewers’ expecta- endure to strike back at an opponent, as surely as
tions of heroism. All individuals with a Dodge MDV day follows the tribulations of the night. Invoked
lower than half the Solar’s (Charisma + Socialize in response to an attack that successfully strikes the
+ Essence) who behold the character and have no character, this Charm does nothing to immediately
reason to regard him with hostility are inclined protect her from the blow, but it does present a
to respect him, gaining an automatic Intimacy of formidable defense that keeps further attacks from
admiration toward the Lawgiver. This unnatural having any chance of harming her. Invoking this
mental influence costs one Willpower to resist. Charm against an attacker renders it impossible
for that attacker to direct any subsequent attacks
ARMS OF THE UNCONQUERED at the martial artist until his (the attacker’s) DV
SUN STYLE refreshes. This is treated as a counterattack, even
The odd Arms of the Unconquered Sun style though the defense is not inherently hostile.
dates back to the High First Age. Originally in- SPIRIT OVER CLOUDS APPROACH
tended as a meditative exercise as much as a fighting Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;
art, it was often taught to newly reborn Solars to Type: Supplemental
hasten their mastery of complex Essence workings. Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Those who sought initiation into Sidereal martial Duration: Instant
arts considered it a useful bridge toward mastery Prerequisite Charms: Day and Night Kata
of those allegorical fighting styles, while the pi- The key to victory resides in the intent to
ous enjoyed practicing the forms of the style for win. Completely focusing his Essence into an all-
devotional purposes. or-nothing attack, the martial artist renders an
This Celestial martial art is little known in attack unblockable. Yet, he also reduces his DVs
the Age of Sorrows. Its scrolls were purged from to 0 during the tick on which he attacks as a result
Creation along with their authors, systematically of this focus.
sought out and destroyed during the Shogunate.
Some ancient Lunars remember the style, but few
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2;
practice it. The only known remaining manuals that
Type: Simple (Speed 5)
fully describe the style are held among the libraries
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
of the Sidereal Exalted, who feared to insult the
Duration: One scene
Unconquered Sun by letting the style fade from
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds
existence altogether. And yet, the style might be
witnessing a resurgence at last, as new students
The martial artist leans forward, becoming a
practice the Forms of the Sun in the training camps
compact engine of violence. He adds his Martial
of the Cult of the Illuminated.
Arts score to his Move, Dash and Jump distances,
Weapons and Armor: Arms of the Uncon-
his unarmed attacks gain a +1 bonus to Accuracy,
quered Sun is an unarmed style only, although it
Damage and Defense, and he may parry ranged
does permit practitioners to wear up to medium
and lethal attacks without a stunt. He is immune
to Crippling effects.
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2;
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2;
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One action
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: None

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds The martial artist sinks into a low, rigid crouch,
Approach presenting the knife-edges of his hands to his foes.
The martial artist draws himself up straight, His strikes crush windpipes and rend soft tissue,
palms out, unmovable by will or muscle. He adds inflicting lethal damage. Minute adjustments in
his Martial Arts to all grapple rolls, and his mighty defensive posture render him immune to coordi-
open-handed punch attacks inflict piercing dam- nated attack penalties. He adds his Essence to his
age. He is immune to knockback, knockdown and DVs, and becomes immune to Poison effects.
FADING SUN FORM Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2;
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Extra Action
Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-OK
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious Duration: Instant
Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: Rising Sun Form
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds The spear carried by the Unconquered Sun is
Approach a simple weapon, serving only one purpose. But
The martial artist settles into a flexible, rhyth- it is also nimble, able to strike down foes from a
mless motion, fingertips bunched to attack nerve multitude of angles. In its simplicity, it is a thing
clusters and of awe and fear.
pressure points. Drawing from
He adds his this example,
Martial Arts to the martial art-
his natural bash- ist unleashes a
ing soak and flurry of strikes
lethal soak. The along many dif-
severity of all ferent vectors
onslaught pen- at a single op-
alties he inflicts ponent, each
increases by ultimately con-
one, and he be- necting in the
comes immune same place.
to onslaught The character
penalties him- makes an un-
self. He is also armed Martial
immune to un- Arts attack at
wanted Shaping his full dice
effects. pool. Should it
SLEEPING SUN inflict damage,
he immediately
follows it up
Cost: 6m; Mins:
with another attack, and should that also inflict
Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
damage, he repeats this sequence until he has
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
either failed to harm his opponent or (Martial
Duration: One scene
Arts + Essence) total attacks have been deliv-
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Over Clouds
ered. Each attack ignores one cumulative point
of the target’s soak. All attacks are delivered at


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
full dice pool. The flurry ignores Rate and has a MEDITATION UPON THE LAUREL
total Speed and DV penalty equal to the highest Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
of any individual attack. Type: Simple
MEDITATION UPON THE HORN Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive (Step 9) Prerequisite Charms: Sleeping Sun Form
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack, The fourth arm of the Unconquered Sun
Emotion clutches a laurel branch, symbolizing peace and
Duration: Instant prosperity. It is the prize for which the other arms
Prerequisite Charms: Shining Sun Form of the Unconquered Sun strive. Mindful of this
When the Unconquered Sun winds his horn, lesson, the martial artist imposes peace through
the unrighteous tremble, feeling their feeble any means necessary. Concentrating for a moment
pretensions of strength drain away. This Charm and then launching a precise, forceful strike to his
may be invoked in response to an attack, whether opponent’s solar plexus, the character disrupts Es-
it actually strikes the martial artist or not. Step- sence flow through that key meridian. He launches
ping forward, he unleashes a powerful and fearful a Martial Arts attack at his full dice pool. Should
kiai that disrupts his opponent’s Essence. The it inflict any damage, the target suffers a Crippling
martial artist’s player rolls (Charisma + Martial effect that forces him to add a surcharge equal to
Arts) with a number of bonus successes equal his own current wound penalty to the cost of any
to his Essence and compares it to his attacker’s Essence expenditures he makes for the remainder
Dodge MDV. Should the total successes exceed of the scene.
that MDV, the target is filled with soul-deep ter- HEAVEN-AND-EARTH STAIRWAY
ror. This unnatural mental influence costs three Cost: — (1m); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
Willpower to resist. If not resisted, the target’s Type: Permanent
DV does not replenish itself upon his next ac- Keywords: Obvious
tion (though other effects dependent upon his Duration: Permanent
DV refreshing, such as being able to use a new Prerequisite Charms: Meditation upon the Spear,
Charm selection, still occur). Meditation upon the Horn, Meditation upon the
MEDITATION UPON THE SHIELD Shield, Meditation upon the Laurel
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; As the Unconquered Sun moves naturally from
Type: Reflexive (Step 9) station to station and shifts effortlessly between the
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack faces he shows the world, so too does the martial
Duration: Instant artist. Utilizing a brief transitional kata called the
Prerequisite Charms: Fading Sun Form Steps of Unity, he may reflexively shift between
The shield of the Unconquered Sun is used any of the known Form-type Charms of the Arms
both to catch blows and to batter his enemies. It of the Unconquered Sun Style for one mote.
teaches martial artists to be active even in their This benefit may be used only once per action,
passive defenses. A character uses this Charm and only if the character already has one of the
when he has been subjected to an attack, whether style’s Form-type Charms active. The character
it strikes or not. He steps into the blow, reaching continues committing the motes for whichever
out to remove his foe’s ability to fight. The char- Form-type Charm he had originally invoked and
acter is given the choice of countering either by does not have to add to this cost, even if the new
launching a disarm attempt with his Martial Arts Form-type Charm is more expensive. Dropping
added in bonus dice, or initiating a clinch with his this commitment will drop whatever Form-type
Essence added in bonus dice. Charm he has active.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
CROWNED SUN FORM their universal excellence, rather than its defining
Cost: 7m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; feature. As such, they have developed a host of
Type: Simple diverse wonders over the Ages, all of which remain
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious uniquely Solar in character.
Prerequisite Charms: Heaven-and-Earth Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 4;
Stairway Type: Permanent
The martial artist relaxes into an easy stance, Keywords: Mirror (Void King Ascension)
his attitude leonine in both its regality and vigi- Duration: Permanent
lance, ready for anything. He reduces all multiple Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Lion Defense
action penalties by one, adds (Essence) to the raw Embracing the judgment of the Unconquered
damage of his attacks, and is immune to unnatural Sun and searing that wisdom into her heart, the
mental influence within standard or mass combat Solar becomes an avatar of her caste. The effects
time. (This last benefit does not apply to long-tick of this Charm vary depending on the character’s
social or mass social combat.) caste. This Charm cannot be learned by non-Solar
More remarkably, the character’s watchful Exalted under any circumstances.
attitude and quick adaptation permit him to use • Dawn: When employing her anima power,
the Sun Burning upon the Mirror technique. After the Exalt gains +2 to her DV against all opponents,
observing an opponent taking at least three actions regardless of Valor. Even automatons and the walk-
under the effects of a Form-type Charm, the char- ing dead find the blazing radiance of the Lawgiver
acter may reflexively commit one mote to emulate impossible to behold directly. Additionally, the
all benefits of that Charm, including the ability to awful gravity of the Unconquered Sun’s wrath
use in-style weapons with the Martial Arts Ability lends surety and power to the character’s blows,
(though they do not become compatible with other raising the Accuracy of all weapons (including
Arms of the Unconquered Sun Charms). The char- natural weapons) the Solar wields by one and their
acter may emulate only one Form-type Charm at Damage by two.
a time, and he loses the basic benefits of Crowned • Zenith: When employing her anima power,
Sun Form while doing so. All emulated benefits the Exalt doubles the normal soak benefit against
cease to apply should he change to another in-style creatures of darkness and may reflexively burn every
Form-type Charm by way of the Heaven-and-Earth inanimate corpse within 30 yards for a single mote.
Stairway, though they will resume should he return While her anima flares at the (11+)-mote level, she
to Crowned Sun Form later in the scene. Characters may also burn corpses for a cost of 0m with a touch,
cannot emulate Form-type Charms from styles at and the minimum damage of attacks directed at
stations of the Perfected Lotus into which they are creatures of darkness is raised by one die.
unable to be initiated. (For example, a Lunar Exalt • Twilight: When her anima flares at the (11+)-
or Green Sun Prince could not emulate Charcoal mote level, the Exalt reduces the cost of all sorcery
March of Spiders Form.) by half, to a minimum of one mote. This reduction
does not apply to necromancy.
SECRETS OF THE • Night: The cost of the stealth field aspect of
UNCONQUERED SUN the Exalt’s anima power is reduced from 10 motes
to five motes, and the difficulty of rolls to track or
Unlike their Exalted counterparts, the Solar
Exalted do not express the might of their Exaltation notice the character rises by (Essence) rather than
in a single narrow channel such as shapeshifting (Essence/2).
or astrology. Even their command of the most • Eclipse: The Exalt takes the laws of Heaven
powerful circle of sorcery is merely a symptom of into her own hands. Whenever someone breaks


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
an oath she has sanctified, the Eclipse is im- immediately inflict a Dark Fate manifestation on
mediately aware of both the transgression and the oathbreaker constructed with a number of suc-
transgressor. Indeed, if she so desires, the Solar cesses equal to the number of botches that would
may even specify the circumstances in which have been otherwise inflicted.
the oath-breaker’s botches will manifest (though
subject to Storyteller approval). The Exalt may
not actually forgive the oath-breaker of any pun- TWILIGHT REVISITED
ishment, and Heaven will vent its wrath in the While the anima powers of most of the
usual manner if the Storyteller judges that the Chosen are static enhancements to their
specified circumstances are implausible enough mystic prowess, the Twilight anima shield
that the transgressor is unlikely to ever actually directly scales in strength as a character rises
suffer punishment. As a final, as-yet-unrealized in Essence. For Storytellers running higher-
benefit, the Eclipse anima power as enhanced by Essence games who find that this power
this Charm may find purchase upon the very Yozis produces undesired balance disparities, the
themselves. When deferred with the Fiend anima following optional rule is suggested: When
power, the Ebon Dragon suffers punishment in the anima banner of a Twilight Caste (or
the oathbreaker’s stead thanks to an obscure and Daybreak, or Defiler) is flaring at the (11+)-
overlooked clause in his surrender oath. mote level of display, she automatically
New Abyssal Charm: Void King Ascension subtracts only a single health level of dam-
(Prerequisites: Eternal Enmity Approach). Embrac- age. Five motes may still be spent to enjoy
ing the doom the Neverborn have crafted them to the anima power’s full benefit, if desired.
inflict on the world, Abyssals gain the following
• Dusk: Like Dawns, the malicious shadows PRAYER PIECE (ARTIFACT •••)
of the Dusk anima deepen until Valor becomes ir- These marvels of First Age craftsmanship
relevant, with the same benefits. Additionally, to resemble the humble flame piece in outline, but
facilitate the slaying of multitudes, weapons wielded could never be mistaken under closer examination
by the Abyssal (including natural weapons) add one for a mortal weapon. Rather than a trigger, prayer
to their Defense and two to their Rate. pieces have an Essence-sensitive chit carved from
• Midnight: Zombies raised with the anima pure red jade, leading up into a jade-and-orichalcum
power no longer automatically decay. barrel. The interior of the gun’s barrel is carved
• Daybreak: As the Twilight benefit, but ap- with a series of hair-thin rifled grooves, and into
plicable only to necromancy, not sorcery. the interior of these grooves are etched even more
• Day: The Abyssal crawls with concealing incredibly delicate, painstakingly detailed shrines
shadows, making her difficult to target. When at and prayers to the Unconquered Sun. Microscopic
the (11+)-mote level of display, all attacks against least gods slumber within these shrines, their only
the Abyssal suffer a -1 external penalty. purpose to convey martial veneration to the High-
• Moonshadow: As the Eclipse benefit, save est of Holies.
that rather than specifying the circumstances of Each prayer piece can chamber five rounds
botches, the Moonshadow may instead choose to of ammunition at once. Unlike their distant rela-

Speed Accuracy Damage Rate Range Ammo Attune

5 +2 10L* 2 50 5 6
*10A against creatures of darkness

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
tive, the alchemical flame weapon, prayer piece Passage. Essence erupts around him, then collapses
ammunition requires no expensive thaumaturgy into a pair of burning wings extending from his back.
to produce. Only a great investment of skill and Each Exalt’s wings differ slightly in appearance,
time is required. Prayer pieces are designed to fire though they are all formed of holy fire, preventing
slugs made of any relatively soft metal, although this spell from being cast by creatures of darkness.
First Age Solars considered gold to be the only sub- For the rest of the scene, the sorcerer may freely fly
stance worthy of the honor. Each round to be fired at a base speed of 30 yards per tick, and is able to
by a prayer piece must be completely covered in a apply his Parry DV to attacks directed at his back.
specific, detailed prayer to the Unconquered Sun, These are incidental advantages, however. The
its hair-thin characters completing the matching spell’s true purpose is to provide transportation
verses carved within the weapon’s barrel. Producing between realms of existence.
such a round requires five hours of work, knowledge By flying straight up into the open sky for
of Old Realm and a (Dexterity + Craft [Air]) roll twenty-five hours, maintaining a strictly vertical
at difficulty 3. course, the sorcerer may pass from Creation to
In order to fire a prayer piece, the user must Yu-Shan. He emerges from the thick of one of the
feed it a single mote of Essence. Doing so catalyzes many clouds that float in Heaven’s sky, directly
the prayers inscribed on the slug, awakens the least above the plaza containing the ring of heavenly
gods within the weapon and fuses hope, devotion gateways leading to the Blessed Isle.
and will into a singular moment of focused martial Alternatively, the sorcerer may fly west, follow-
intent. The slug erupts from the weapon with a roar ing the track of the falling sun. If he maintains his
and a gout of smoke, which carries the completed bearing through the night, keeping ever on toward
prayer to Heaven. the point where the sun passed beyond the rim of
Because their attacks are Holy in nature, prayer the world, then the rising of the sun will reveal the
pieces fail to function when wielded by creatures ashen landscape of the Underworld stretching out
of darkness. around him at a point analogous to his previous
Cost: 40m By ascending above a solid cloudbank and set-
Target: Self ting a course for a certain star in the constellation
Raising an arm to the heavens, the sorcerer’s of the Mask, the sorcerer may fly for five days and
fingers flicker through the Mudra of Unimpeded five nights without rest. Gradually, without his


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
notice, the clouds below will shift from white mist it utters the Verse of Essence Restored. An area may
to silver sands, the sky will turn a bilious green, and safely be constrained only for up to one month. It
the borders of Malfeas will loom before him. begins to stagnate after that point, lowering the
Most curiously, if the Seal of Eight Divinities rating of any manses or demesnes within its bound-
has been breached, a sorcerer may even fly into the aries at a rate of one dot per month, and lowering
empty, starless space between the constellations of the number of motes respired per hour by one per
the Sorcerer and the Treasure Trove. Within twelve month until Essence respiration is impossible.
hours, the cold darkness of the empty sky will be Causality errors of increasing severity eventually
replaced by the cold darkness of the Far Reaches begin to plague the region, and the formation of
of Autochthonia. shadowlands or introduction of Wyld taint becomes
If not used for cross-realm transportation, the much easier. Once the spell is broken, damage to
wings fade at the end of the scene. the area’s Essence and geomancy is reversed at a
INFINITE CATALEPSIS MACRAMÉ rate of one mote/dot per year.
Cost: 50m
The rituals by which the Unconquered Sun
Target: Area with (Essence x 50) yard radius allows his power to be called on by the mortals of
Casting a vast matrix of static Essence over Creation were carefully negotiated over the course
the region around him, the sorcerer recites the of the High First Age. At first the Solar Exalted
Verse of Essence Constrained. There is a brief reverentially asked their maker for his blessings to
flash, and all surfaces within the affected region aid their pacification of a war-torn world. As time
develop a hard sheen when light shines on them, went on, they became more paranoid and haughty,
as though varnished. Within the range of the seeking to preserve their authority under the
spell’s effect, all Shaping magic ceases to function Creation-Ruling Mandate. They began to fear that
with the exception of Lunar shapeshifting. Spells, the small miracles the Unconquered Sun bestowed
attacks, defenses, personal enchantments, Sidereal to the common people were a ploy to undermine
astrology—none of these effects may be invoked the hegemony of the Solar Deliberative, so they
within the range of the spell, and any standing instituted licenses and restrictions on practice of the
Shaping effects brought into the zone of its influ- sacred rites of the Highest of Holies. Some became
ence immediately terminate. the exclusive province of the Solar Exalted, while
The Primordials used this magic to bring areas others were banned outright.
of Creation “offline” for direct maintenance, while Many of the Unconquered Sun’s rites have
First Age Solars used it to safely perform large scale spread and flourished since the fall of the Old
Essence-reactive experiments without fear of pro- Realm, while others have fallen into disuse, mostly
voking cascade failure of reality. In the Second Age, according to their reliability and utility.
Infinite Catalepsis Macramé is mostly notable for
its potential military applications, which include THE ART OF HUSBANDRY
one particular function that was heavily censored Greeting the Sun (0, Charisma, 1, Five minutes):
and little-known even in the First Age—its zone First Age Solars mandated a schedule of worship
of influence is immune to the Sword of Creation. wherein all mortals made five daily prayers to the
This fact was deliberately left out of most First Age Unconquered Sun: once at sunrise, then at noon,
sorcerous manuals, and so the ones most likely to midafternoon, sunset and midnight. These prayers
recall it in the current Age are Green Sun Princes were not simply shows of respect to the Most High,
with direct memories of the spell. they enabled the sun’s righteous blessing upon the
This spell’s effects linger until either banished people. A successfully completed daily prayer to
by countermagic or until the sorcerer who invoked the Unconquered Sun obviates one botch between

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
the time of the prayer’s performance and the next slowly and carefully, fearful that it might be used to
scheduled prayer in the cycle, making it a normal lay traps by the enemies of the Lawgivers.
failure instead. (A prayer at sunrise would alleviate Aureate Dowsing (3, Perception, 5, One hour):
the first botch that occurred between dawn and This ritual requires the use of a forked branch cut
noon.) By the end of the First Age, the Solars had from a tree growing on the upper slopes of the
allowed most mortals to grow lax in their devotions, Imperial Mountain, wrapped in a thin wire of pure
and the majority of individuals did not awaken orichalcum. Held firmly throughout the length of
to make a midnight prayer. As a result, the small the ritual, the stick will forcibly dip toward any
hours of the morning became widely associated source of unworked gold within 500 yards should
with misfortune and disaster, an association that the thaumaturge wander close to such a deposit. A
has persisted into the current day. Only a very few similar procedure exists for locating silver capable
communities still greet the sun according to the old of being worked into moonsilver.
methods, though the Cult of the Illuminated has THE ART OF SPIRIT BECKONING
recently revived the practice among its training Humble Servant of the Unconquered Sun (3,
camps. This procedure uses Performance in place Charisma, 10, One hour): This fearful thaumaturgic
of Occult. rite takes the form of a desperate prayer to the Most
A Canticle for Hope (2, Charisma, 3, Five hours): High for his direct aid with some problem—such
Sinking to her knees, the thaumaturge recites a series as failing crops, an unstoppable army camping
of ritual prayers to the Unconquered Sun, asking him over the next hill or an upcoming duel with an
to send her a champion. If the petitioner’s desire for invincible swordsman.
assistance is sincere, then upon successful comple- Should the prayer make its way to the Uncon-
tion of the ritual, all Solars within one hundred quered Sun’s ears, he instantly evaluates the life of
miles gain the distinct impression that someone the petitioner. All of the thaumaturge’s deeds are
needs their help, and knowledge of what general voluntarily made Obvious to the Most High as a
direction to head in should they feel inclined to part of the procedure. At the Storyteller’s discretion,
investigate or respond. This carries no compulsion, the Unconquered Sun may judge the petitioner to
and is not a form of mental influence. be a mostly righteous individual according to his
This procedure was created during the height of embodiment of the four Virtues (that is, mostly
the Old Realm, and largely banned for use by anyone temperate, valorous, compassionate and firm in his
other than high-ranking Deliberative officials by convictions) and the Unconquered Sun’s personal
its end, as the Solars became annoyed by frequent reckoning of righteousness. If the god judges the
calls for assistance. The Cult of the Illuminated petitioner worthy and the problem the petitioner is
has revived the ritual, but disseminates it only very facing seems insurmountable given his capabilities


Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8
and resources, the Unconquered Sun will dispatch of his household. Even among the Exalted, only
the least of his servants—the mice of the sun—to the most desperate dare beg the direct aid of the
intervene. These creatures help the petitioner in Unconquered Sun.
the manner determined best by the Storyteller. THE ART OF WARDING AND EXORCISM
If the Unconquered Sun finds the problem Impeding the Nemesis (2, Intelligence, 4, One
to be within the capabilities of the thaumaturge hour): Ritual preparations using prayer, salt and
to solve without divine intervention, or that crushed pyrite render an area 100 yards in diameter
the petitioner is insufficiently righteous, he will inhospitable to creatures of darkness until the sun
still dispatch the mice of the sun. In this case, next sets. All actions by creatures of darkness of
however, the mice spread a pestilence upon the Essence 2 or less while within the boundary of the
thaumaturge, his closest companions and those wards suffer from a -2 internal penalty.


The mice of the sun are small, pure-white white field mice bearing a golden sunburst pat-
tern upon their fur. They have the traits of normal field mice, save that they have Intelligence 4.
When sent out by the Unconquered Sun to assist the righteous, the mice have chewed through
the bonds of the imprisoned, eaten the bowstrings of encroaching armies, ruined the beautiful
possessions of the wealthy and wicked. They have even spread the Plague of the Sun in the direst
of circumstances.
When directed against one who has angered the sun with an unworthy petition, they simply
communicate the Plague of the Sun as a Shaping and Sickness effect.
The Plague of the Sun uses the traits of the plague found on page 353 of Exalted, with the
following exceptions. It is not communicable, it affects Exalted and other supernatural beings as
though they were mortal, and victims automatically re-infected
atically become re infected at
the next sunrise if they are cured of the affliction
on as a Shaping and
Sickness effect. A successful prayer asking for thee forgiveness
of the Unconquered Sun sets the disease in abeyance
for one week. (This prayer may be either made ade
by the one afflicted or issued by a priest of the
Unconquered Sun on that one’s behalf.) Only
issuing a face-to-face personal apology to the
Most High is sufficient to remove his wrath
permanently. The Unconquered Sun’s epic
Compassion ensures that he always accepts
such apologies, assuming the afflicted doess
nothing more during the meeting to provokee his
wrath. The Carnival of Meeting usually represents nts the best
opportunity for the afflicted to gain access to the Most High.

Michiel Schillhorn van Veen (order #1637205) 8

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