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Level 2 – Ex 1

1. Write the following numbers in words: 26 510


2. 58 316 = 50 000 + _______________ + 300 + 10 + 6

3. 28 hundreds + 36 thousands = ___________________ + 1500

4. 5500 more than 17 600 is _________________________.

5. 38 hundreds and 19 tens is ________________ more than 3270.

6. Form the largest 5-digit even number using 7, 0, 2, 3, 8.


7. In 97 562, the digit 6 stands for ___________________

8. Arrange the following numbers in increasing order.

12 007 11 897 12 767 12 987 12 677


9. Complete the number pattern below.

12, 20, 36, 68, ______________, 260

1 P4
10. I am a 4-digit whole number. The greatest digit is in the ones place. My
thousands digit is 4 times the hundreds digit. My hundreds digit is twice the
tens digit. What number am I?


11. In 60 598, the digit 0 is in the ________________ place.

12. 4123 + 928 + ______________ = 72 007.

13. The sum of all the factors of 27 is _________________.

14. The greatest 4-digit odd number between 5000 and 9000 that can be formed
with the digits 5, 6, 0 and 9 is ________________.


15. The smallest possible number which will give 4900 when rounded off to the
nearest ten is ______________________.


2 P4

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