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Self Development, Self development is an activity where we improve ourselves by; Learning,

Reading, Exercise, Getting used to something, and other positive things that can help us in Self-

So, what is Self-development to you? For me it is Reading a Book, trying to kind to everyone,
Positive Thinking, Be active in doing something... And so much other things you can do to
improve yourself!

According to Abraham Maslow,

“Self-development is an individual effor on fulfill its need. Self-actualization needs are the
highest or highest needs among human needs.”

*Many people are struggling desperately to make their dreams come true and they keep
practicing to doing a self-development*

But...Sometimes, it's sad to see plenty of Teenagers nowadays doesn't have any motivation to
succeed or doing a self-development. It just like, they know they don't have any clear future, but
they Still waste their times for something that unnecessary

even though self development is very influential to improve self quality

because great individuals are based on self-quality

So, on this occasion, I would like to invite and emphasize all of you to take advantage that exist
within us and do things that make self-development, read more, study, exercise and do other
positive things because quality individuals are based on on self development

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