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Cybersecurity Basics:

1.1. What is cybersecurity, and why is it important?

1.2. Explain the CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) and its
significance in cybersecurity.

1.3. What are the main types of cyber threats, and can you provide examples of

1.4. Describe the difference between a virus, worm, and Trojan horse.

2. Information Security Principles:

2.1. Define risk assessment and risk management in the context of cybersecurity.

2.2. Explain the principle of least privilege and why it's essential.

2.3. What is data encryption, and how does it contribute to data security?

2.4. Describe the concept of access control and its role in information security.

3. Network Security:

3.1. What is a firewall, and how does it protect a network?

3.2. Define VPN (Virtual Private Network) and its uses in securing network

3.3. Explain the purpose of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion
prevention systems (IPS).

3.4. What is a DDoS attack, and how can it be mitigated?

4. Cybersecurity Technologies:

4.1. What is antivirus software, and how does it work?

4.2. Describe the role of encryption in securing data at rest and in transit.

4.3. What are the advantages of multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

4.4. Explain the concept of a honeypot in cybersecurity.

5. Vulnerabilities and Exploits:

5.1. What is a vulnerability assessment, and how is it different from a penetration

5.2. Define social engineering and provide examples of social engineering attacks.

5.3. Explain the term "zero-day vulnerability" and its significance.

7. Incident Response:

7.1. What is an incident response plan, and why is it essential for organizations?

7.2. Describe the steps you would take to respond to a data breach.

7.3. How do you preserve digital evidence during a cybersecurity incident


7.4. What is the role of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)?

8. Security Best Practices:

8.1. How can users create strong, secure passwords?

8.2. Explain the importance of keeping software and systems updated.

8.3. What is the principle of "defense in depth," and why is it crucial for

8.4. Describe the concept of security awareness training for employees.

9. Authentication and Authorization:

9.1. Explain the difference between authentication and authorization.

9.2. What is a password policy, and what elements should it include?

9.3. Describe the use of biometric authentication in cybersecurity.

9.4. How does role-based access control (RBAC) work, and why is it important?

10. Cryptography:

10.1. What are encryption keys, and how are they used in cryptography?

10.2. Explain the differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

10.3. Describe a use case for digital signatures.

10.4. How does a certificate authority (CA) contribute to secure communication?

18.1. Define social engineering and provide examples of common social engineering
18.2. How can individuals and organizations protect themselves against social
engineering attacks?

18.3. Explain the concept of pretexting in social engineering.

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