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Kids play in the hot burning sun,

They are carefree and have no responsibilities

From which they want to run,
Adulthood is like standing in front of a gun,
The gun of expectations has taken away all of life's fun.

As kids we used to play various games,

But today we have to play the Game of Life,
We run behind a few materials,
As by achieving them,
We achieve success and only by achieving success can we Thrive.

Kids have no fear of anything,

They don't have the fear of punishments,
As adults we have to be careful,
As whatever we do or say,
Everything has its consequence.

We used to dirty our clothes

And thought that the stains are easy to wash,
Little did we know that there are dirtier stains
that cannot be removed or replaced,
the toll of which is a lot.

We had vacations in which all we wanted to do is to play,

Soon, things changed quickly,
When we get a chance, at home, we want to stay.

Before we knew it,

Our childhood flew away,
The reality has hit us hard,
We are no longer loose and carefree,
"Will I miss a chance to revisit it?
No way!!!"

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