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1. What does tertiary sector produce?

produces intangible goods

- , Which of these jobs belong to the tertiary sector?

- Teacher
- Doctor
- Plumber
- Shop assistant
- Actress
- Soldier
- Nurse
- Football player
- Butcher
- JournalistPolitician
- Policewoman
- Musician
- Lawyer
- Architect
- Judge
- Waiter
- Firefighter
2. According to the variety of activities that tertiary sector involves, we can use tertiary or
quaternary . Can you explain the difference between both terms?

tertiary sector Its great heterogeneity, that is, it

is a sector that encompasses very different
activities both by their nature and by who they
are destined for
Quaternary sector se encarga de aquellas
actividades terciarias que sí requieren una
especialización profesional técnica, con alto nivel
de estudios y puestos de trabajo de
3. Read hese definitions and try to find a suitable term for them in text you have read

- It is the value of goods and services produced by a country in one year.

- It refers to a type of state in which the national government plays a key role in the
protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. The
State collect taxes to be used to provide public services for citizens.
- You have to create a list of services you use regularly and classify them into public,
mixed or private.

- PUBLIC-recaudar impuestos
- MIXED-protección y promoción del
bienestar económico
- PRIVATE -y social de sus ciudadanos

- Conclusions: advantages or disadvantages of public or

private services like Healthcare or Education.
PUBLICS-favor society -is a advantage

2.- Transport

This is one of the tertiary activities. It refers to the movement of people and goods from one
point to another using a mode of transport and a transport network.

* According to the traveling routes, there are different transports:

- land ( roads and railway)

- water ( seas and oceans, canals and rivers)
- air

* Transport services are very important for the development of a country's economy because
their influence over the trade by connecting territories.
1. Read the following statements and match them with a type of transport (air, water or
- Large and heavy goods on long -distance trip WATER
- People and goods over short and intermediate distances AIR
- People and valuable goods as well as lightweight goods over long distances

* Transports create new landscapes so transport is said to have an impact over territory.
Transport network has an impact over the landscapes too because of the creation of
infrastructure like tunnels, roads, railway, large airports or important bridges. Sometimes these
kind of infrastructures are huge and join high distances or far places with difficult accesibility.
Some of the most important transport infrastructure are (match them with the photos )

- Panama Canal, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

- The Tran-Siberian railway, which is the longest in the world, connects west Russia to
Mongolia and China.
- Eurotunnel, that joins the U.K. and the European continent under the sea through the
English Channel. It is about 50 km.
- Oresund bridge, that joins Denmark and Sweden above the Baltic Sea for 8km.
- In Spain we can go from Madrid to Segovia through the Guadarrama mountains thanks to
28km of rail tunnel.
- In South America we can see the famous "tren de las nubes" which crosses the high
mountain range of Los Andes connecting Chile to Argentina.
- And the longest road in the world is called the Pan-American road that starts in Alaska
and reaches Buenos Aires.
Finally, try to make a short speech about these topics:

- These
What kind of environmental problems can these type of structures cause?

structures, from towering skyscrapers to

extensive transportation networks, can cause
significant environmental problems. Their
construction often involves the alteration of
natural landscapes, causing deforestation,
habitat loss and increased pollution.
Furthermore, transport infrastructure can
fragment ecosystems, affecting biodiversity
and unbalancing wildlife patterns, generating
considerable environmental impacts.
- How do transport services influence the development of a country’s
economy?Let's now talk about the essential role
that transportation services play in a country's
economy. Efficient transportation systems are
drivers of economic development. They facilitate
trade, connect markets and stimulate growth by
enabling the efficient flow of goods and
services. In short, a well-developed
transportation infrastructure fuels productivity,
creates jobs and boosts a nation's economic
However, beyond their economic impact,
transportation services shape our quality of life
significantly. Accessibility and efficiency in
transportation are key to improving daily life. A good
public transportation system, well-maintained roads
and diversified mobility options improve mobility,
provide access to education, employment, healthcare
and social activities. They reduce travel times, relieve
congestion and contribute to more sustainable urban
environments, thus raising the quality of life of

- How do transport services influence the quality of life of individuals?

As we admire the structural wonders around us,

we must approach these challenges with a
balanced perspective. It is essential to develop
infrastructure that meets our social needs
without compromising the environment.
Investing in sustainable practices and innovative
solutions in construction and transportation
allows us to aspire to a future where
development coexists harmoniously with nature,
guaranteeing prosperity and well-being for all.


● Tourism refers to the movement of people away from regular home or place
residence to another area for leisure and for a short period of time.
● Tourism is a social, cultural and economic activity. There various types of tourism
including cultural, rural, nature, sun and beach, theme park tourism and cruises.
● Tourism also creates a large number of jobs and increases activity in other sectors of
economy or provides business for a wide range of intermediate services provider


What kind of tourism can you identify in the following pictures?

Picture B

Picture A

Picture D

Picture C

Picture E Picture F
Picture H
Picture G
Picture L

Picture I

Picture K

In your opinion, which one do you think is the most expensive kind of tourism?


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