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The Friendly Dog

Samantha was walking home from school when she saw a dog on the street. The
dog looked lost and scared. Samantha slowly approached the dog, and the dog
started wagging its tail.

Samantha realized that the dog was very friendly and needed help. She looked for a
collar or a tag with the dog’s owner’s information but couldn’t find anything.

She decided to take the dog home and give it some food and water. Then, she called
the local animal shelter to report the lost dog. The shelter was able to find the dog’s
owner, and they were very grateful to Samantha for taking care of their beloved pet.

From then on, Samantha became a friend to the dog and its owner, who lived
nearby. She would often stop by and play with the dog, who was always happy to
see her.

The Broken Vase

Lena was playing soccer inside the house, which was not a good idea. She kicked
the ball too hard, and it hit her mother’s favourite vase. The vase fell and broke into
many pieces.

Lena was scared to tell her mother. She knew her mother would be upset. But she
also knew that honesty was the best policy.

She went to her mother and told her what happened. Her mother was upset at first,
but then she saw how brave Lena was for telling the truth.

Her mother didn’t get mad, but instead, they worked together to clean up the broken
vase. Lena learned an important lesson that day: it’s better to tell the truth and face
the consequences than to lie and make things worse.

The Magic Garden

Alex loved to play in his backyard. One day, he found a secret garden hidden behind
a wall of bushes. He was so excited to explore it.

As he walked through the garden, he saw flowers that glowed and trees that
sparkled. He heard laughter and realized that he was not alone.
He saw a group of fairies and elves dancing and playing. They invited Alex to join in,
and he had the time of his life.

When it was time to go home, the fairies and elves thanked Alex for playing with
them. They gave him a special flower that would always remind him of the magic

Alex couldn’t believe what had just happened. He realized that magic could be found
in unexpected places, and he would never forget the amazing adventure he had in
the secret garden.

The Brave Turtle

Timmy loved to go to the beach. One day, he saw a turtle struggling in the waves.
The turtle was caught in a fishing net and couldn’t free itself.

Timmy knew he had to help the turtle. He carefully untangled the net and gently
released the turtle back into the water.

The turtle swam away, and Timmy felt proud of himself for being a hero. He realized
that even small acts of kindness could make a big difference in the world.

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