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1. The dog is barking.

2. He is reading a book.
3. Sophie is drinking coke.
4. They are playing soccer.
5. You are studying for maths.


1. I am not driving at home.

2. Everyone isn't playing In The Park.
3. The children aren't asking for T.V.
4. I'm not watching TV.
5. We aren't hoping for tomorrow.

1.- Do you used to drink on weekend?

 Respuesta: No, I don't used to drink on weekend.

2.- Does she use to go to the beach on Summer?

 Respuesta: No, she doesn't. She uses to camp on summer.

3.- Does he use to study math?

 Respuesta: Yes, he uses to study math.

4.- What do you use to do on weekend?

1. Respuesta: I use to do my homework, watch tv and hang out with my


5.- Where do they use to go on winter?

 Respuesta: They use to go to Colombia on winter.

Joe Practices Every Day.
Joe And Diane Have Busy Schedules.
Ashley Is Really Shy.
Paula Is Very Smart.
Luis Is Lazy.
We Have The Same Teacher.
She Plays Footbol.
I Have A Sister.
She Doesn't Play Guitar.
You Don't Have A Dog.
He Doesn't Practice On Weekends.
They Don't Have Much Free Time.
She Doesn't Even Go Here.
We Don't Have A Dog.
When Does Joe Practice?
When Do Joe And Diane Practice?
What Do You Want?
Where Does He live?
Where Does Your Brother Work?
What Time Do You Go To Bed?

What Does Your Aunt Love?
Who Does He Homework?
Oficialmente denominada como «República del Ecuador», se
define como un Estado constitucional de derechos y justicia,
social, democrático, soberano, independiente, unitario,
intercultural, plurinacional y laico. Su forma de gobierno
corresponde al de república presidencialista y se administra de
manera descentralizada.

La democracia es considerada como una forma de gobierno

justa y conveniente para vivir en armonía. En una democracia
ideal la participación de la ciudadanía es el factor que
materializa los cambios, por lo que es necesario que entre
gobernantes y ciudadanos establezcan un diálogo para alcanzar
objetivos comunes.
La democracia en la escuela implica una consideración de la
infancia como competente y capaz, concretada en el presente
(en su presente), en posibilitar el desarrollo de sus derechos y
en crear espacios de vida (en nuestro caso la escuela) en los
que pueda participar.

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