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Name : vk.kaushik

Batch : jan23pd
What is placement ?
Placement is the process of placing standard cell in the design. the tool determines the location
of each standard cell on the die. the tool places these based on the algorithms which it uses
internally. Placement does not just place the standard cells available in the synthesized netlist. it
also optimizes the design.

● Technology file (.tf)
● Netlist
● Library files (.lib & .lef)
● TLU+ file
● Floorplan & Powerplan DEF file

● Timing, Power, Area optimization
● Minimum congestion
● Minimum cell density, minimum pin density, minimum congestion hotspot

Checks to be done before placement

1. I/O ports should be placed an fixed
2. Macro placement should be fixer
3. Row creation done
4. Adding placement blockages
5. Power routing done
6. No PG violation
7. No overlaps
8. No DRC violations

What are pre-place cells ?

Cells which are added to design before placement of std cells
Ex: Adding endcap cells
Adding tap cells
Adding I/O buffers
Spare cells
Strategies to follow while implementing placement
● Timing driven
When design is timing critical , we cant optimiz for timing critical strategies which reduce
timing effort

● Congestion driven
Tool will reduce congestion, std cells should not be more, spread of cells more.
This is done when design has less area

● Area driven
If we have low area , tool will adjust cells or replace cells based on logical restructuring,
it will recover area.
● Power driven
Tool will avoid leakage cells

Placement stages
1. Global placement/Coars placement/Initial_opt
2. Detail placement
3. Placement legalization
4. Initial place optimization

Global placement
During this placement tool will determine approximate location for each cell according to timing ,
congestion , connectivity and netlist.
It is in the for of overlapped
Detail placement / Legalization
Here in this stage tool will move std to near by rows to a legal location by avoiding overlapping
between cells.
Based on timing and congestion tool will place cells

For initial stage we use place_opt command but after placement if we want to add cell we
cannot restart place_opt as it consume time to compile . instead we use legalize_placement
command to legalize specific cell

Stages in Place_opt
● Initial_place
> No legalization
> Buffer aware timing driven placement
> Tool will move cells to approximate location based on connectivity

● Initial_drc
> it does high fanout net synthesis
> remove buffer trees for HNS
> Logical drc fixing

● Initial_opto
Quick timing optimization
Netlist change observed and updated
Initialize cell map
Grid cell creation from here to end of stage
Reduce TNS WNS

● Final_place
Incremental timing driven (iteravtive process)
Global route congestion place
Move std cells to nearest cell row to improve congestion
Scan opt done

● Final_opt
Fix left over timing violation and legalize it
Does multiple iteration

Placement bounds
It is a constraint that controls the placement of groups of leaf cells and hierarchical cells. It
you to group cells to minimize wire length and place the cells at most appropriate locations.
our timing is critical during placement then we create bounds in that area where two
communicating cells are sitting far from another. It is a fixed region in which we placed a set of

Types of bounds:

1. Soft move bound

2. Hard move bound
3. Exclusive move bound

● Soft move bound:

In this tool tries to place the cells in the move bound within a specified region, however, there is
no guarantee that the cells are placed inside the bounds.


Create bound –name b_1 –type soft –boundary {1 1 20 20} instance_1

● Hard move bound:

In this tool must place the cells in the move bound within a specified region.
Create bound –name b_2 –type hard –boundary {10 0 40 20} instance_2
● Exclusive move bound:

In this tool tries to place the cells in the group bound within a floating region, however, there is

no guarantee that the cells are placed inside the bounds

Create bound –name b_3 –type exclusive –boundary {10 10 20 20} instance_1

Cell density
While timing optimization tool will keep cells as close as it can to meet timing requirement , thus
it leads to high density of cell in particular area which leads to congestion.

if congestion is found to be a problem after placement and optimization. It can
improve incrementally with the refine_opt command.

1. Initial path optimization: it incrementally moves registers along timing paths to improve
2. Incremental placement: to reduce congestion and improve routability.
3. Incremental optimization: perform incremental timing, area, congestion and leakage
power optimization.
4. Final placement: final phase of path optimization to improve timing
5. Legalization: tool legalize the placement.

Magnet placement:
To improve congestion for a complex floorplan or to improve timing for the design we can use
magnet placement to specify fixed object as a magnet and have the tool place all the standard
cells connected to the magnet object close to it.
We can fix macrocells, pins of fixed macro or IOports as the magnet object.
For best results perform magnet placement before standard cell placement.
Command: magnet_placement
Tie Cell insertion
Sometimes in the netlist some unused inputs are tied to VDD/VSS (logic1/logic0). It is not
recommended to connect a gate directly to the power network, so we use TIE_HIGH or
TIE_LOW cells if available in the library. These are single pin cells that effectively ties the pin it
connects high or

What are the reasons for congestion?

● High standard cell density in a small area
● Placement of standard cells near the macros
● High pin density at the edges of macros due to high fan in cells like AOI, OAI
● Bad floorplan (no proper blockages, halos are present)
● Macros/standard cell might have used all the metal layers inside and routing resources
will be less
● Placing macros at the center instead of the boundary.
● During IO optimization tool does buffering so lot of cells placed in the core area

Optimization techniques:
● Netlist constructing only changes existing gates, does not change functionality.
● Cloning
● Duplicates gates
● Gate sizing
● Swapping of pins that can change the final delay
● Fan-out splitting

Checks after placement:

1. Check legalization
2. Check PG connections for all the cells.
3. Check congestion, density screens & pin density maps all these should be under control
4. Timing QOR, there should not be any high WNS violations.
5. Minimum max Tran and max cap violations.
6. Check whether all don’t touch cells & nets are preserved.
7. Check the total utilization of design after placement.
● Congestion report
● Timing report
● Logs
● Placement DEF
● Easy routable
● Def file of placement

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