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Full Stack Web Development - (IT3501)

Understanding the Basic Web Development Framework - User - Browser
-Webserver --Backend
Services - MVC Architecture - UnderStanding the diferent stacks -The role of
-Node -Mongo DB -React. (Chapter - 1) Express Angular
Basics of Node JS - Installation - Working with Node packages - Using Node package
Creating asimple Node js application - Using Events -Listeners - Timers - Callbacks -
Data I/0 - Implementing HTTP services in Node.js. (Chapter - 2) Handling

Understanding NoSQL and MongoDB -Building MongoDB Environment -User accounts -

Access control - Administering databases - Managing collections - Connecting to MongoDB from
Node js -simple applications. (Chapter -3)
Implementíng Express in Node.js -Configuring routes -Using Request and Response objects -
Angular - Typescript - Angular Components - Expressions - Data bindíng - Built-in directives.
(Chapter -4)
MERN STACK - Basic React applícations - React Components - React State - Express REST
APls - Modularizztion and Webpack - Routing with React Router - Server-side rendering
(Chapter -5)
Chapter-1 Basics of Full Stack (1 - 1) to (1 - 14)
11 Understanding the Basic Web Developrment Framework. 1-2

1.2 User 1-3

1.3 Browser 1-3

1.4 Web Server. . 1-5

14.1 Apache.. .1 -5
1.4.2 IIS. .. 1 -6

1.5 Backend Services 1-6

1.6 MVC Architecture. 1-7

1.6.1 MVC in Practical .1-8
1.7 Understanding the Different Stacks. 1-8
1.7.1 Express. .....1-9
1.7.2 Angular. ..1-9
1.7.3 Node. .1-10
1.7.4 MongoDB ...1-10
1.7.5 React 1-11
1.8 Two Marks Questions with Answers .......1- 12

Chapter - 2 NODE JS (2- 1) to (2 - 48)

2.1 Basics of Node JS.. 2-2
2.2 Installation. .2 -2
2.3 Working with Node Packages. ...2-5
2.4 Using Node Package Manager. 2-5
2.4.1 Installing Node Packages Modules. .2-7
2.4.2 Using package json(Useof npm init). ..2 - 8

2.4.3 Node./s Built in Modules.
Node.js Application. .2-9
2.5 Creating a Simple
2.6 Using Events . . 2-11
2.6.1 Concept of Event Loop.. ..2. 2-1-163

2.8 Timers. . ...22-18-21

2.9 Callbacks.
.. 2-24
2.10 Handling Data l/0.
..2 -25
2.10.1 Buffers.
2.10.2 Streams
2.10.3 File System
2.11 Implementing HTTP Services in Node.js.
2.11.1 URL Object....
....2 -34
2.11.2 Query String and Form Parameters
2.11.3 Request, Response and Server Object
.2-36 The http.ClientRequest Objec.
..2-37 The ServerResponse Object
.2-39 The incomingMessage Object.. ..2- 43 The http.Server Object.. .2- 45
2.12 Two Marks Questions with Answers ..2 - 45

Chapter-3 MONGO DB (3 - 1) to (3- 52)

3.1 Understanding NoSQL and MongoDB. 3-2
3.1.1 NoSQL. .3-2
3.1.2 MongoDB .3-2
3.2 Building MongoDB Environment. 3-4
3.3 User Accounts. .... 3-13
3.3.1 Listing Users .3-13
3.3.2 Create User Accounts. ...3 - 14
3.3.3 Remove Users ....3-17

3.4 Access Control 3-17

3.4.1 Creating a User Administrator Account .3-17

3.4.2 Creating Database Administrator Account .3-19
3.5 Data Types in MongoDB 3- 19

3.6 Administering Databases.. 3-20

3.7 Managing Collections. 3-22

3.8 Connecting to MongoDB from Node.js.
3.9 Understanding the Objects Used in MongoDB Node.js Driver 3-30

3.10 Simple Applications. 3-31

3.11 Advanced MongoDB. 3- 41

3.11.1 lndexing. . .3 - 41
..... 3 - 44
3.11.2 Aggregation.
3.11.3 Map Reduce ....
... 3 - 48
3.12 Two Marks Questions with Answers

Chapter - 4 Express and Angular (4- 1) to (4 -66)

4.1 Implementing Express in Node.js.
4.1.1 Installing Express..... . .4 - 2
4.2 Configuring Routes
Using Request and Response Objects 4 -6
4 -9
4.4 Introduction to TypeScript
4.4.1 Installation.
4.4.2 How to Write TypeScript Program ? .4 - 13
4.5 Type Annotations
4.6 Variables and Constants..
Understanding Interfaces.. 4- 18
4.8 Implementing Classes.
4.9 Implementing Modules
4.10 Understanding Functions
4- 29
4.11 Basics of Angular
4.12 Angular CLI...
4.13 Creating First Application in
4.13.1 Angular Lifecycle . .4-31
4.13.2 Understanding and Using
. .4-33
4.14 Angular Architecture ....44-35-34
4.15 Angular Components..
4.16 Expressions....
.... 4-37
.4 -42
4.16.1 Pipes.
....4 -43
4.17 Data Binding
4.18 Built-in Directives...
.4- 44
4.18.1 Structural Directives. ,4-52 nglf Directive ... . .4-52
...4-52 ngfor Directive ngSwitch Directive
4.18.2 Attribute Directives. .4 -58
4.19 Two Marks Questions with Answers .... 4-62

Chapter -5 React (5 - 1) to (5 - 40)

5.1 MERN Stack .5-2
5.2 Basic React Applications. .5-3
5.3 React Components .5-6
5.4 Inter Components Communication. .5-10
5.5 The props... 5-12
5.6 React State. 5-12
5.7 Express REST APIs .. 5 - 15
5.8 Modularization and Webpack. 5-26
5.9 Routing with React Router 5-32

5.10 Server-side Rendering .5-36

5.11 Two Marks Questions with Answers... .5-38

Solved Model Question Paper (M-1) to (M -2)


1 Basics of Full Stack

Understanding the Basic Web Development Framework - User - Browser - Webserver - Backend
Services - MVC Architecture - Understanding the diferent stacks - The role of Express - Angular -
Node - Mongo DB - React

1.1 Understanding the Basic Web Development Framework
1.2 User

1.3 Browser

1.4 Web Server

1.5 Backend Services

1.6 MVC Architecture
1.7 Understanding the Different Stacks
1.8 Two Marks Questions with Answers

Web Development
Basics of Full Stack
Full Stack

Web Development Framework

1.1 Understanding the Basic
Framework ?a platform for
What isFramework is developing applications which provides a foundation
applications can be built. The front
end frameworks are the
which software
packages that provide -
The reusable code modules,
technologies and
o Standardized front end
blocks for making the front end development
o Ready made interface faster and
Basic concept : A web development framework is a collection of tools, libraries and
technologies that are used to create web applications and websites. It provides a basic structure and
quickly and efficiently.
set of conventions for developers to build web applications
use web frameworke
Following are some important reason which indicate why do we
framework is that it saves time and
1. Saves time : The most striking feature of web
in developing any app because the developer doesn't need to worry about session energy
handling, eror handling and authentication logic. These functions are taken care of by
web frameworks.
2. Well organized app : The web framework itself takes care of managing directories and
files. This makes the complete application wellorganized.
3. Flexibility and customizable : Add-ons, themes, plugins, widgets enable rapid
customization on the web application. This brings out a lot of flexibility in code
4. Code reusability: Framework also promotes the reuse of code.
5. Security : Framework makes developers sure that the application uses good security
measurements because the framework itself takes care of it.

The components of web development framework are -

1. User 2. Browser 3. Webserver 4. Backend services

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Eull Stack Web Development 1-3 Basics of Full Stack

The components of web development framework are as shown

below -
Backend services

Browser Webserver

Server-side MySQL
Interacts Javascript) (XML) scripts Oracle


Fig. 1.1.1 Components of web development framework

Let us discuss them one by one -

1.2 User
" User is an important part of web development framework.
" Users expectations from a website define the requirements for developing a good

Normally an efficient and easy to use website is preferred by the user. They also expect
that the same website must behave closer to the applications installed on their
computers and mobile devices.
" User interacts with the browser by using input devices such as mouse, keyboard on
PC or swipes and taps on mobile devices. The web framework processes the user input
and provides the required visual output.

1.3 Browser
Browser is an application for accessing websites. User interacts with the browser in the
web development framework.
" The browser plays three roles in web framework -
1. It provides communication to and from the web server.
2. It interprets the data from the server and displays the visual output.
3. The browser handles user interaction through the keyboard, mouse, touchscreen or
other input device and takes the appropriate action.

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Full Stack Web Development
communication :
Basics of Full Statl
" Browser to web server
webserver, the browser makes use
o For communicating with the of
HTTPS protocols. HTTP and
o HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. This protocol
communication between browser and web server. It is a used for
HTTP also defines what type of requests that can be made by the request/response
user. protoco
HTTP protocoldefines the format of those requests and responses.
o HTTPS protocol is similar to HTTP protocol but it adds an
Similarly the
layer so that the user can decide whether to accept the connection additional
There are three types of requests to the server -
Or not. Security
i) GET:The GET request is typically used to retrieve data from the
can be in the .html files or images. server. This,data
ii) POST: The POST request is used for sending the data to the seserver,
Credit card details while performing online shopping. For example -
ii) AJAX: AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and
Language. In AJAX, the GET or POST request is done Extensible Markup
running in the browser. directly by JavaScript
" Difference between GET and POST requests : When
a user submits his
the GET method then the URL string displays the request using
request submitted by the user. But if
the POST method is used then URL string does not show
the submitted contents.
" The common browsers are Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari.
Rendering the bowser view :
o The browser reads data from initial
URL and then renders the HTML document to
build the Document Object Model (DOM).
o The DOM is a tree structured object. The
browser interprets each DOM element
and renders it to user's screen to build a
webpage view.
o Browsers get different types of data from
multiple web server requests to build the
o Following are various types of files that are displayed by the
browser -
HTML files : The HTML files represent the static
CSS files : These files define how the
elements on the page are lo
styled using fonts, colors, borders and so on.
" Client side script : Normally these
scripts are in JavaScript files. Thes
scripts provide additional functionalities to the .webpage,
facilitate ne
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Full Stack Web Development 1-5 Basics of Full Stack

interactivity of user with the web page and provide any necessary logie
required to display the page and provide the functionality.
Media files : These are the files that contain images, videos and audio.
These files can be rendered as webpages.
Data : Any data such as XML, JSON or raw text can be provided to the
web server as a response to an AJAX request.
. HTTP headers : The HTTP headers define the type of data in the request
as well as the type of data expected to be returned back to the browser.
" User interaction : User interacts with the browser with the help of input devices such as
mouse clicks, keyboards, touchscreens. The browser has an event system that captures
the user events and then takes appropriate action. This action can be loading the web
page obtained from the server as aresponse or displaying the pop-up menu.
1.4 Web Server
Web server is a special type of server to which the web browser submits the request of a web
page which
is desired by the client. There are some popularly used web servers such as Apache and
IS from Microsoft.
Functions of web server
Various functions of web server are -

1. The web servers accept the requests from the web browserS.
2. The user request is processed by the web server.
3 The web servers respond to the users by providing the services which they demand for
over the web browsers.
4. The web servers serve the web based applications.
5. The DNS translates the domain names into the IP addresses.
6. The servers verify given address exists, find necessary files, run appropriate scripts,
exchange cookies if necessary and return back to the browser.
7. Some servers actively participate in session handling techniques.

1.4.1 Apache
" It is an excellent server because of its two important features: Reliability and
Secondly it is more popular because it is an open source software. That means it is
freely available to anybody. Apache web server is best suitable for UNIX Systems but it

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Full Stack Web Development

The apache web

server can
Basics of Full Stan,
can also be used
on Windows box.
httpd.conf. This file is present in configured as per he
requirements using the file
Apache software
1.4.2 |IS
information server is a kind of
services or internet
The internet information
Windows platform
popular on the web server
provided by Microsoft. This server is most
Apache and IIS servers
Following are some differences between
Apache web server IISweb server
Sr. No.
IIS web server is used on
Apache web server is useful on both unix windows
based systems and on windows platform. platform.
It is a vendor
2 It is an open source product. specific productand can he
used on windows products only.
3 The Apache web server can be controlled For the IIS server, the behaviour is
byediting theconfiguration file htpd.conf controlled by modifying the window:
based management programs called IIS
snap in. We can access IIS snap-in
through the Control-Panel
>Administrative Tools.

1.5 Backend Services

Backend services are the services that run behind the web server. These services provide the
data to the web server which is requested by the web browser.
The most commonly used backend service is a database that stores the information.
When a browser requests some data to the web server, the web server connects to the database
(backend service) or some other backend service retrieves the information, formats it and then
sends it back to the browser.

Similarly, when the data comes browser to the web server in the form of request, then the web
server connects to the database and updates the data.

Review Question

1. Explain web development framework with suitable block diagram. Also

components of it.
explain lhe

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Gull Stack Web Development 1-7 Basics of Full Stack
1.6 MVC Architecture
The MVC stands for Model, View and Controller. It is a
pattern for the architectural

It consists of three parts -

1.Model : This part of the architecture is responsible for managing the application data.
This module responds to the request made from view. The model gives instructions to the
controller to update when the response is made.
2. View: This part takes care of the presentation of data. The data is presented in desired
format with the help of view. This is a script based system using JSP, ASP, PHP and so

3. Controller: The controller receives input, validates it and then performs business
operations that modify the state of the data model. The controller basically responds to
user requests and performs interaction with the model. Refer Fig. 1.6.1.

alerts Controller
about event model

User interacts Notifies change

View Model
takes model data
(V and updates view

Fig. 1.6.1 MVC architecture

Model represents the data.
" View is the user Interface.
Controller is the request handler.
Features of MVC framework
1. Separation of logic : There is a separation of application tasks such as input logic,
business logic and UI logic. This makes testing and debugging easy. Modification in one
component does not affect the other.
2. Ability to provide multiple views : In MVC model, we can create multiple views.
3. Faster development process : MVC supports rapid and parallel development. If an
MVC model is used to develop any particular web application then it is possible that one
programmer can work on the view while the other can work on the controller to create
the business logic of the web application.

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1-8 DasicS of
Web Development Full
formatting : MVC
pattern returns data without Stack
4. Returns
data without
formatting. Hence, the
same components can be used
called for ap lyinwigth aannyy

5. interface.
Customization : It is an extensible and pluggable framework. MVC framewoTk are
can be casily replaced or customized
designed so that the components

1.6.1 MVC in Practical example

understand the analogy of MVC letus take a real life
In order to
Let's take the example of a
waiter presents you with a menu. You view the menu
When you visit a restaurant, the and
the waiter your order. The waiter notes down the order and passes it to thee chef, in the k th¹n
The chef uses the raw materials from the
refrigerator and cooks the dish. The waiter
thhen takikestchen.
dish from the kitchen and then presents it to you, after which you can enjoy your
Here the menuand the food come under the view component.
The waiter acts as a controller.
The chef and the refrigerator can be thought of as the model.

Review Questions

1. Explain MVC architecture with a suitable diagram.

2. Enlist the features of MVCframework.
1.7 Understanding the Different Stacks
The stack development refers to the end to end application software development. The Node is
to angular stack consists of - MongoDB, express, angular, Node,js.
The basic block diagram of how the Node.js to angular fits into the web framework model is as
shown below -

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Web Development 1-9 Basics of Full Stack
Backend services

Browser Webserver

Angular Node.js
(JSON Request Express MongoDB
Interacts (Javascript) XML webserver
HTML SS Server-side)
User Files


Fig. 1.7.1 Full stack web development framework

1.7.1 Express
Express is used for server side development in full stack. As it is running in Node.js, it is easy
to configure, implement and control the web application.
Following are the reasons why express is a great framework to start from -
1) Routing : Express JS provides a routing mechanism so that it is possible to reach to
different web pages using the URLs.
2) Error handling : Express provides built-in error handling for documents.
3) Easy integration : Express server can easily be implemented behind an existing reverse
proxy system. This allows it to be easily integrated into your existing secured system.
4) Cookies : Express provides easy cookie management.
5) Session and cache management: Express has session management and cache
management facility.

1.7.2 Angular
Angular is aclient side framework developed by Google. It is written in TypeSeript. angular
provides all the functionalities needed to handle user input in the browser, manipulate data on the
client side. It also controls how elements are di_played in the browser window.

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Full Stack Web Development
1- 10

framework to start from

Basics of Full
- Sta,
why angular is a great
Following arethe reasons
developercan develop clean and logical code.
1) Clean: Using angular the
The angular allows to extend almost every aspect of the
2) Extensibility :
provide the custom
Using angular the reusable code can be
3) Reusable Code:
Data binding : Using angular the data can be bound to elements using the
mechanism. scope
is developed by Google, there exists a
5) Support :As the angular framework great support
for developing the web applications.
Compatibility : Angular is based on TypeScript. Hence it easy to
into the working environment.
integrate angular
1.7.3 Node
The Node,js is a development framework that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine. The
meaning of V8 JavaScript engine is that it parses and executes the JavaScript code. The Node.js
code is written in JavaScript and then compiled.
Following are the reasons why Node.js is a great framework to start from -
1) Easy to use : Node.js is very much easy to set up. Developing the web applications usinr
Node.js is also very easy.
2) Extensibility :New modules that are required to extend the Node.js functionality can he
developed at any time.
3) Event driven scalability : In Nodejs, the web requests are processed on the same thread
using a basic event model. Node.js uses a single thread model with event looping.
Similarly the non blocking response of Node,js makes it highly scalable to serve large
number of requests.
4) Efficient : The Node.js is built on V8 JavaScript engine and it is very fast in code
5) Use of JavaScript, end-to-end : The one of the important reasons of using Node.js 15
that it allows to write both server and client side scripts in JavaScript. This makes easier
to work for client side developers as well as for server side
1.7.4 MongoDB
MongoDB is apart of backend services. Itis basically ascalable NoSQL database. The data is
stored in the form of a JSON object.

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Eull Stack Web 1-11 Basics of Full Stack

Eollowing are the reasons why MongoDB is a great framework to start from -
1) Document orientation : The data is stored in the document form in the MongoDB.
) High performance : It is the highest
performing database.
3) High scalability : The MongoDB allows horizontal scalability by
sharing data across
multiple servers.
4) High availability : MongoDB provides high availability and redundancy with the help of
replication. That means it creates multiple copies of the data and sends these copies to a
different server so that if one server fails, then the data is retrieved from another server.

1.7.5 React
ReactJS is an open source, component-based front end JavaScript library maintained by
facebook. This library is responsible only for the view layer of the application. That means this
JavaScript is for building user interfaces.
e Following are the reasons why MongoDB is a great framework tostart from -
) Virtual DOM : DOM stands for Document Object Model. It also provides a way to
update the content, structure and style of the document. Virtual DOM is a representation
of the original DOM. When a user updates something on the web application, DOM gets
updated. Updating the DOM is very slow, most of the JavaScript frameworks update the
whole DOM which makes it slower. But actually there is no need to update the whole
DOM, instead, these frameworks should update only the part of DOM that is required to
update. This is what the virtual DOM does. This is why ReactJS's DOM manipulation is
much faster than other frameworks. Due to this property, whenever any change is made
in the web application, then those changes are reflected on the web page within no time.
2) Comnponents : This feature allows the web developer to create custom elements which
can be reused in HTML.
3) JSX: JSX is an extension of JavaScript syntax. JSX can be seen as a
combination of
javascript and XML. The syntax of JSX is very simple that makes writing components
very easy.
4) One way data binding : The ReactJS is designed in such a
way that it follows,
unidirectional one way data binding. That means, data is allowed to flow in one
direction at a time. This helps in achieving greater control over the
application. This
makes helps in increasing the efficiency of an application.

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Full Stack Web

Review Questions
ofNodejs infull
1. Eyplaintheuse MongoDB.
note on - frameworks ?
2. Writeshort useful in web
Ghe the reasons - Whyis expressframework.
3. ofreact in web
4. Eyplain the role
Questions with Answers
1.8 Two Marks
development framework ?
Q.1 What is web

" A web development framework is a collection of tools, libraries and technologies that are
Ans. :

applications and websites.

used to ereate web
and set of conventions for developers to build web
" It provides a basic structure
quickly and efficiently.
framework ? Give any two reasons.
Q.2 Why do we use web
Ans. :
1. Saves time : The most striking feature of web framework is that it saves time and energy in
developing any app because the developer doesn't need to worry about session handling.
error handling and authentication logic. These functions are taken care of
2. Flexibility and customizable : Add-ons, themes, plugins, widgets enable ranid
customization on the web application. This brings out a lot of flexibility in oda
Q.3 What are the components of web development framework ?
Ans.: The components of web development framework are
(1) User (2) Browser (3) Web Server (4) Backend services
Q.4 Give the importance of browser
Ans.: The browser plays three roles in web framework -
1. It provides communication to and from the web server.
2. It interprets the data from the server and displays the visual output.

3. The browser handles user interaction through the keyboard, mouse, touchscreen or other
input device and takes the appropriate action.

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Ell Stack Web Development
1- 13
Basics of Full Stack
Q.5 What is GET and POST request ?
Ans. :

) GET: The GET request is

typically used to retrieve data from the server. This data can be in
the html files or images.
i) POST :The POST request is used for
sending the data to the server. For example - Credit
carddetails while performing online shopping.
o.6 What is web server ?
Ans. : Web server is a special type of server to which the web browser
submits the request of a
web page which is desired by the client.
0.7 Enlist the functions of web server
Ans.: Various functions of web server are -
1. The web servers accept the requests from the web
2. The user request is processed by the web server.
3. The web servers respond to the users by providing the services which they demand for over
the web browsers.
4. The web servers serve the web based applications.
O.8 What do you mean by backend services
Ans. :

1) Backend services are the services that run behind the web server. These services
provide the
data to the web server which is requested by the web browser.
2) The most comnmonly used backend service is a database that stores the information.
Q.9 What is MVC?
Ans. :

1. Model : This part of the architecture is responsible for managing the application data. This
module responds to the request made from view. The model gives instructions to the
controller to update when the response is made.
2. View: This part takes care of the presentation of data. The data is
presented in desired
format with the help of view. This is a script based system using JSP, ASP, PHP and so on.
3. Controller : The controller receives input, validates it and then
performs business operations
that modify the state of the data model. The controller basically responds to
user requests
and performs interaction with the model.

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Full Stack Web Development Basics of Full Star,
Q.10 What is full stack ?

stack development is development of both front end and back end

Ans. : Full of
any web
2. Express 3. AngularJS 4. Node.js
The full stack consists of - 1. MongoDB 5.

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