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Scaling Community Attitudes Toward the Mentally Ill

Article in Schizophrenia Bulletin · February 1981

DOI: 10.1093/schbul/7.2.225 · Source: PubMed


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VOL 7, NO. 2, 1981
Scaling Community Attitudes
Toward the Mentally III

by S. Martin Taylor Abstract the siting of a mental health facil-

and Michael J. Dear ity, and thereby upset the pattern
The measurement of public at- of client accessibility to a decen-
titudes toward the mentally ill has tralized service system; and sec-
taken on new significance since ondly, because proximity to mental
the introduction of community- health centers apparently inten-

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based mental health care. Previous sifies opposition, leading to spatial
attitude scales have been con- variation in community cognition
structed and applied primarily in and perception of facilities.
a professional context. This article The purpose of this article is to
discusses the development and provide an instrument for the sys-
application of a new set of four tematic description of community
scales explicitly designed to attitudes toward the mentally ill.
measure community attitudes to- Previous research has suggested
ward the mentally ill. The scales that the social reintegration of ex-
represent dimensions included in psychiatric patients depends cru-
previous instruments, specif- cially upon their acceptance (or
ically, authoritarianism, benevo- rejection) by the host community.
lence, social restrictiveness, and Accordingly, we wish to develop
community mental health ideol- scales to measure Community At-
ogy, but are expressed in terms of titudes Toward the Mentally 111,
an almost completely new set of which will aid in the assessment
items that emphasize community and prediction of the host commu-
contact with the mentally ill and nity's reactions. In order to achieve
mental health facilities. Data from its purpose, the article first re-
a study of community attitudes views existing approaches to the
about neighborhood mental health study of attitudes toward the men-
facilities in Toronto are used to tally ill. Secondly, the sample
test the internal and external val- frame and data base for this study
idity of the scales. Results of the are briefly outlined. Thirdly, the
analysis provide strong support development of the scales is de-
for the validity of the scales and scribed, and their validity and
demonstrate their usefulness as utility in predicting community
explanatory and predictive vari- reaction are demonstrated. Finally,
ables for studying community re- some comments on the future ap-
sponse to mental health facilities. plications of the scales are offered.

Existing Studies of Attitudes

In both America and Canada, the Toward the Mentally III
move toward community-based
mental health care has caused ex- Geographical interest in mental
tensive neighborhood opposition. health care delivery has expanded
The media often seem to delight in rapidly during the past decade. Al-
reporting the negative aspects of though Smith (1977) has outlined
community care, such as erratic the broad areas of concern in this
client behavior or residents' fear of
property value decline. Geo- • Reprint requests should be sent to
graphical interest in this topic Dr. S.M. Taylor, Dept. of Geography,
stems from two sources: first, be- McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.,
cause citizen opposition can block Canada L8S 4K1.

field, research efforts are only now creasing volume of research since velop our Community Attitudes
becoming more coordinated and 1945 on community attitudes, and Toward the Mentally III (CAMI)
purposeful. Five themes seem to has recently warned that the scales.
be gaining prominence in the geo- steady improvement in community The OMI scales were originally
graphic literature: attitudes may have reached a developed in a study of the at-
"plateau," and that current trends titudes of hospital personnel to-

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• Descriptions of the geograph- in deinstitutionalization may ward mental illness (Cohen and
ical incidence of mental illness, threaten a decline in acceptance Struenin'g 1962). The OMI com-
and its ecological correlates (e.g., (Rabkin 1980). Closely related to prises five Likert scales that were
Giggs 1973 and Miller 1974). this work is the research of Segal empirically derived from factor
• Studies in the utilization and and his associates into the dimen- analysis of a pool of 100 opinion
accessibility of mental health serv- sions of accepting and rejecting statements. The statement pool
ices (Dear 1977a; Holton, Krame, host communities. In an extensive was compiled primarily to reflect a
and New 1973; Smith 1976; Joseph series of reports, Segal has range of sentiments about mental
1979). suggested that the reintegration of illness and the mentally ill, but it
• Followup studies of the after- the mentally ill is closely linked to also drew upon existing scales
care problems of patients dis- the characteristics of the host such as the Custodial Mental Ill-
charged from psychiatric hospitals community, of the facility itself, ness Ideology Scale (Gilbert and
(Smith 1975; Wolpert and Wolpert and of its residents (Segal and Av- Levinson 1956), the California F
1976; Dear 1977b). iram 1978). Facilities with the scale (Adorno et al. 1950), and
• Analyses of neighborhood op- highest level of integration tend to Nunnally's (1961) multiple item
position to the location of commu- be in neighborhoods with low so- scale. The five OMI scales were
nity mental health facilities (Wol- cial cohesion (e.g., downtown labeled as follows: authoritarianism,
pert, Dear, and Crawford 1975; areas, with a highly transient reflecting a view of the mentally ill
Boeckh, Dear, and Taylor 1980). population). On the other hand, as an inferior class requiring coer-
• Structural analyses of the social integration tends to be lower cive handling; benevolence, a
community support system for the in highly cohesive neighborhoods paternalistic, sympathetic view of
mentally disabled and other (e.g., suburban single-family sub- patients based on humanistic and
service-dependent populations divisions), which tend to close religious principles; mental hygiene
(Gonen 1977; White 1979; Wolpert ranks against the incursion of the ideology, a medical model view of
1978; Wolch 1979). mentally ill (Trute and Segal 1976). mental illness as an illness like any
other; social restrictiveness, viewing
The approach taken in this arti- Against this background of ac- the mentally ill as a threat to soci-
cle derives from the fourth of these ceptance or rejection and integra- ety; and interpersonal etiology, re-
themes, but also integrates two tion or exclusion, we searched a flecting a belief that mental illness
other research themes from the second literature in order to de- arises from stresses in interper-
psychiatric literature. The first is velop a scaling instrument for sonal experience.
the substantive documentation of community attitudes. While there
attitudes toward the mentally ill; existed several different scaling in- Baker and Schulberg (1967) de-
and the second is the methodolog- struments for measuring profes- veloped a multiple item scale de-
ical literature on attitude meas- sional attitudes toward the men- signed specifically to measure an
urement. Because both these fields tally ill, very little effort appears to individual's commitment to a
have been extensively reviewed have been made to develop such community mental health ideol-
elsewhere, our purpose here is instruments for assessing commu- ogy. The Community Mental
merely to indicate the major an- nity attitudes. Accordingly, we Health Ideology (CMHI) scale
tecedents of our approach. used the two most comprehensive comprises 38 opinion statements
In the first instance, our work is and best-validated of existing expressing three different aspects
indebted to the major synthesis on scales, the Opinions about Mental of the basic ideology. The concep-
attitudinal research provided by Illness (OMI) and Community tual categories focus on charac-
Rabkin (see, for example, Rabkin Mental Health Ideology (CMHI) teristics of the total population,
1974). She has recorded the in- scales, and adapted them to de- rather than merely those seeking
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 227

psychiatric help; primary preven- community mental health facilities. and demographic data were also
tion, including efforts via environ- The total sample was 1,090 house- collected for each respondent.
mental intervention; and total holds, 706 from areas without a It is important to point out that
community involvement in working facility and 384 from areas having a highly specific labels were devised
with a variety of community re- facility. Three types of facility were for use in the survey. Community
sources to assist patients. The scale included in the with-facility sam- mental health facilities were defined

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has been shown to discriminate ef- ple: outpatient units, group for the respondent as including
fectively between groups known to homes, and social-therapeutic
be highly oriented toward this (drop-in) centers. Outpatient clinics, drop-in cen-
ters, and group homes which are
ideology and random samples of The questionnaire was intro- situated in residential neighbor-
mental health professionals. duced as a survey of attitudes to- hoods and serve the local com-
The OMI and CMHI scales were ward community services; mental munity. Mental health facilities
which are part of a major hospi-
the basis for measuring attitudes health facilities were not men- tal are NOT included.
toward the mentally ill in the pres- tioned at the outset, and the first
ent study. They were substantially three questions asked for general A similar precision was introduced
revised with the dual objectives of opinions. Subsequent questions in the definition of the mentally ill,
(1) emphasizing community rather elicited information on awareness who were characterized as
than professional attitudes toward of neighborhood mental health People needing treatment for
the mentally ill, and (2) reducing facilities; attitudes toward the mental disorders but who are
the total number of items. Before mentally ill (using the CAMI capable of independent living
proceeding with the development scales); various perceptual, at- outside a hospital.
of the CAMI scales, we will outline titudinal, and behavioral reactions This definition was used to em-
the empirical framework of our to facilities; and personal charac- phasize our focus on the nonhos-
study. teristics. Three parts of this ques- pitalized patient and to reflect the
tionnaire are relevant here. First, general competence level of users
all 1,090 respondents completed of community mental health
A Survey of Community
the CAMI scaling instrument. Sec- facilities in the Toronto area.
Attitudes in Metropolitan
ondly, they were asked to indicate
the desirability of having a poten-
The major purpose of our study tial facility within three different Development of the CAMI
was to analyze the basis for com- distance zones from their resi- Scales
dence: within 1 block; 2-6 blocks;
munity opposition to community
and 6-12 blocks. Respondent rat-
mental health facilities, with the Scale Selection. Two related objec-
ings were measured on a 9-point
twin goals of determining the tives directed the development of
labeled scale ranging from "ex-
characteristics of "acceptor" and scales to measure community at-
tremely desirable" (1) to "ex-
"rejector" neighborhoods and of titudes toward the mentally ill.
tremely undesirable" (9), with the
developing planning guidelines for The first was to construct an in-
midpoint (5) as "neutral." The be-
locating those facilities (Dear and strument able to discriminate be-
havioral response of respondents
Taylor 1979). Data on attitudes and tween those individuals who ac-
to the introduction of a facility into
other resident characteristics were cept and those who reject the men-
their neighborhood was also de-
obtained in 1978 by a questionnaire tally ill in their community. The
termined. Finally, all those re-
survey of residents in Metropolitan second was to develop scales to
spondents who were aware of any
Toronto. A random sample was predict and explain community
facility in their neighborhood (n =
selected from the total population . reactions to local facilities serving
132, even though 384 respondents
stratified by three levels of socio- the needs of the mentally ill. Pre-
were selected because they lived
economic status (high, medium, vious research, as already dis-
within one-quarter of a mile of a
and low) and two levels of resi- cussed, shows that attitudes to-
facility) were asked if they were in
dential location (city and suburb). ward mental illness are mul-
favor of, opposed to, or indifferent
Separate samples were drawn from tidimensional. Given our objec-
toward it. Standard socioeconomic
areas with and without existing tives, it did not seem necessary to

construct scales to measure all ments do not alter significantly the titudes (e.g., The mentally ill have
possible dimensions but rather to content domains of the scales as for too long been the subject of
focus on those dimensions that are originally conceived by Cohen and ridicule); willingness to become
the most strongly evaluative and Struening (1962). Their effect is to personally involved (e.g., It is best
hence best discriminate between emphasize those facets of the con- to avoid anyone who has mental
those positively and negatively tent domains which impinge most problems); and anticustodial feel-

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disposed toward the mentally ill directly on community contact ings (e.g., Our mental hospitals
and mental health facilities. To this with the mentally ill. For the seem more like prisons than like
end, we identified three of the CMHI scale, the revisions are more places where the mentally ill can
OMI scales (authoritarianism, be- fundamental because the original be cared for).
nevolence, and social restrictiveness) statements were clearly intended The social restrictiveness state-
and the CMHI as the most useful for application in a professional ments tapped the following
existing scales for our purposes. context, and hence a completely themes: the dangerousness of the
These four scales in their origi- new set of statements was required mentally ill (e.g., The mentally ill
nal form were not appropriate for for community-based research. are a danger to themselves and
our Toronto research for two rea- These new statements shift the those around them); maintaining
sons. First, the scales were de- focus of the scale from the profes- social distance (e.g., A woman
veloped with professionals in mind sional's adherence to the general would be foolish to marry a man
as the potential respondents. It principle of community mental who has suffered from mental ill-
was therefore necessary to modify health, as emphasized in the Baker ness, even though he seems fully
them for use in a general popula- and Schulberg scale, to the accept- recovered); lack of responsibility
tion survey. Second, for some of ance by the general population of (e.g., The mentally ill are very un-
the scales, the number of items mental health services and clients predictable and should not be
was excessive for use in a commu- in the community. The themes ex- given any responsibility); and the
nity survey—particularly when, as pressed in the new scales are normality of the mentally ill (e.g.,
in our case, many questions be- summarized in the following de- Many people who have never had
sides attitudes toward mental ill- scriptions. psychiatric treatment have more
ness were to be included in the Sentiments embedded in the serious mental problems than
questionnaire. Scale construction authoritarianism statements were: many mental patients). For the
for the Toronto study therefore es- the need to hospitalize the men- CMHI scale, statements expressed
sentially involved developing short- tally ill (i.e., As soon as a person these sentiments: the therapeutic
ened and revised versions of the shows signs of mental disturbance, value of the community (e.g., The
original scales to emphasize com- he should be hospitalized); the dif- best therapy for many mental pa-
munity rather than professional at- ference between the mentally ill tients is to be part of a normal
titudes toward the mentally ill. and normal people (e.g., There is community); the impact of mental
something about the mentally ill health facilities on residential
Item Pool. The item pool for pre- that makes it easy to tell them from neighborhoods (e.g., Locating
test purposes comprised 40 state- normal people); the importance of mental health facilities in a resi-
ments, 10 for each of the 4 scales. custodial care (e.g., Mental pa- dential area downgrades the
Only 7 of the 40 came from the tients need the same kind of con- neighborhood); the danger to local
original OMI and CMHI scales: trol and discipline as an untrained residents posed by the mentally ill
three for authoritarianism, two for child); and the cause of mental ill- (e.g., It is frightening to think of
benevolence and social restrictiveness,ness (e.g., The mentally ill are not people with mental problems liv-
and none for community mental to blame for their problems). For ing in residential neighborhoods);
health ideology. Four additional benevolence, the sentiments were: and acceptance of the principle of
authoritarianism items came from the responsibility of society for the deinstitutionalized care (e.g., Men-
the Custodial Mental Illness Ideol- mentally ill (e.g., More tax money tal hospitals have a very limited
ogy Scale (CMI) developed by Gil- should be spent on the care and role to play in a civilized society).
bert and Levinson (1956). For the treatment of the mentally ill); the Five of the 10 statements on each
three OMI scales, the new state- need for sympathetic, kindly at- scale expressed a positive senti-
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 229

ment with reference to the under- both sets of data, item-total corre- Statement and Scale Reliability
lying concept, and the other five lations and alpha coefficients were and Validity for Final Data. The
were negatively worded. For calculated as measures of state- same statistics were calculated to
example for the authoritarianism ment and scale reliability (Nun- test the reliability and validity of
scale, five statements expressed a nally 1967). the revised scales using the full
pro-authoritarian sentiment, and When the results from both pre- Toronto data set (n = 1,090). The

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five were anti-authoritarian. The test samples (table 1) are consid- alpha coefficients (table 1) are in all
response format for each statement ered, the alpha coefficients for all cases but one higher than the pre-
was the standard Likert 5-point four scales are above .50, which test values, the one exception
labeled scale: strongly agree/ can be regarded as a satisfactory being on the benevolence scale
agree/neutral/disagree/strongly (though modest) level of reliability where the coefficient for the final
disagree. The statements were se- in the early stages of scale con- scale is marginally lower than for
quenced in 10 sets of 4, and within struction. The coefficients are no- the McMaster pretest. Three of the
each set, the statements were or- tably higher for the McMaster stu- four scales have high reliability:
dered by scale—authoritarianism, dent group for three of the scales CMHI (a = .88), social restrictive-
benevolence, social restrictiveness, (except authoritarianism), which ness (a = .80) and benevolence (a =
and community mental health have relatively strong alphas .76). The coefficient for authori-
ideology. The aim of this se- above .70. tarianism (a = .68), though lower,
quencing was to minimize pos- is still satisfactory. These increases
Although the scales are in gen-
sibilities of response set bias. in the alpha values reflect the gen-
eral satisfactory, inspection of the
eral strengthening of the item-total
statement-scale correlations shows
Pretest Results. Two separate pre- correlation for statements retained
a number of statements that make
tests were conducted to assess the from the pretest, and the im-
very little contribution to their
provement due to the replacement
reliability and validity of the parent scale. These statements
of the statements shown to be
statements and scales. The first were replaced by statements ex- weak in the pretest results.
was based on a group of first year pressing similar sentiments to
undergraduate students in urban those contained in statements The construct validity of the
geography (n = 321) at McMaster more strongly correlated with total final scales was assessed by testing
University and the second on the scale scores. In addition, two their empirical reproducibility
respondents (n = 54) in a field pre- statements on the social restrictive- using factor analysis. A four-factor
test conducted by the York Univer- ness scale were replaced to elimi- orthogonal solution accounting for
sity Survey Research Centre. For nate unnecessary repetition. 42 percent of the variance was ob-

Table 1. Statement and scale reliabilities

Average Range of Alpha

item-scale r item-scale r s coefficient
Scale McMaster1 York 2 Final3 McMaster York Final McMaster York Final

Authoritarianism .27 .29 .34 .15-.44 .03-.59 .15-.45 .58 .62 .68
Benevolence .46 .27 .44 .31-.59 .10-.35 .22-.53 .79 .58 .76
restrictiveness .38 .40 .47 .15-.57 .23-.57 .34-.63 .70 .59 .80
Community mental
health ideology .45 .25 .61 .06-.70 .06-.64 .41-.76 .77 .53 .88

'n = 321.
'n = 54.
»n = 1,090.

tained (table 2). Factor scores were the highest is -.77 between social als who were respondents in the
calculated and correlated with the restrictiveness and CMH1. These earlier studies. More importantly,
raw scores on the four a priori coefficients can in part be com- the difference may also reflect the
scales. The matrix of correlations pared with those reported in pre- revisions made to the scales for
among the a priori and factor scales vious studies using the OMI (Frac- this study.
(table 3) is revealing in two re- chi'a et al. 1972). In general, the The correlation matrix (table 3)

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spects. First, it shows a high de- correlations in this case are higher, shows secondly a reasonable de-
gree of intercorrelation among the possibly reflecting the fact that the gree of correspondence between
a priori scales. The lowest correla- distinctions between the scales are the a priori and factor scales—the
tion is -.63 between authoritar- not so clear to the general popula- desired result from a constant
ianism and benevolence, and tion as they are to the profession- validity standpoint. The CMHI

Table 2. Factor structure for the final Community Attitudes

Toward Mentally III (CAMI) scales

Statement Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4


One of the main causes of mental illness is a lack of self-discipline and .5V -.02 -.24 .00
will power
The best way to handle the mentally ill is to keep them behind locked .48 -.18 -.26 .09
There is something about the mentally ill that makes it easy to tell them .52 -.07 -.09 .12
from normal people
As soon as a person shows signs of mental disturbance, he should be 55 -.06 .05 .24
Mental patients need the same kind of control and discipline as a young 51 -.13 -.05 .16
Mental illness is an illness like any other .08 -.10 -.22 .18
The mentally ill should not be treated as outcasts of society .21 -.25 -.34 .22
Less emphasis should be placed on protecting the public from the men- .12 -.19 -.12 .34
tally ill
Mental hospitals are an outdated means of treating the mentally ill .03 -.05 -.01 .47
Virtually anyone can become mentally ill .19 -.11 -.33 .25

The mentally ill have for too long been the subject of ridicule .18 .12 .39 -.35
More tax money should be spent on the care and treatment of the men- .00 .21 .54 -.08
tally ill
We need to adopt a far more tolerant attitude toward the mentally ill in .13 .21 .51 -.30
our society
Our mental hospitals seem more like prisons than like places where the 08 .06 .10 -.43
mentally ill can be cared for
We have a responsibility to provide the best possible care for the men- 07 .12 .60 -.20
tally ill
The mentally ill don't deserve our sympathy 25 .08 .41 .02
The mentally ill are a burden on society 41 .21 .25 .02
Increased spending on mental health services is a waste of tax dollars 28 .22 .57 .04
There are sufficient existing services for the mentally ill 32 .19 .34 -.13
It is best to avoid anyone who has mental problems 57 .21 .34 -.04
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 231

Statement Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4

Social restrictiveness
The mentally ill should not be given any responsibility 57 -.14 -.23 .16
The mentally ill should be isolated from the rest of the community 55 -.32 -.10 .21

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A woman would be foolish to marry a man who has suffered from mental 52 -.24 -.11 .06
illness, even though he seems fully recovered
I would not want to live next door to someone who has been mentally ill 54 -.46 -.16 .15
Anyone with a history of mental problems should be excluded from tak- 48 -.20 -.12 .17
ing public office
The mentally ill should not be denied their individual rights 23 -.15 -.22 .26
Mental patients should be encouraged to assume the responsibilities of 12 -.13 -.34 .30
normal life
No one has the right to exclude the mentally ill from their neighborhood 15 -.39 -.23 .20
The mentally ill are far less of a danger than most people suppose 26 -.22 -.14 .44
Most women who were once patients in a mental hospital can be trusted 34 -.20 -.04 .28
as babysitters
Community mental health ideology
Residents should accept the location of mental health facilities in their -.09 .65 .29 -.16
neighborhood to serve the needs of the local community
The best therapy for many mental patients is to be part of a normal -.21 .37 .23 -.30
As far as possible, mental health services should be provided through -.06 .33 .20 -.35
community based facilities
Locating mental health services in residential neighborhoods does not -.21 .58 .16 -.29
endanger local residents
Residents have nothing to fear from people coming into their neighbor- -.20 .55 .17 -.23
hood to obtain mental health services
Mental health facilities should be kept out of residential neighborhoods -.38 .67 .22 -.10
Local residents have good reason to resist the location of mental health -.39 .59 .21 -.14
services in their neighborhood
Having mental patients living within residential neighborhoods might be -.52 .45 .12 -.15
good therapy but the risks to residents are too great
It is frightening to think of people with mental problems living in resi- -.56 .44 .15 -.12
dential neighborhoods
Locating mental health facilities in a residential area downgrades the -.37 .56 .22 -.06
Percentage of variance accounted for by each factor 28.1 5.5 4.2 3.9

'Factor loadings > ± 40 are italicized.

scale is strongly identified with the some evidence that these two forces independence between the
second factor (r = .86), and the be- scales perhaps represent a single factors within an orthogonal solu-
nevolence scale is almost as strongly dimension. They are treated sepa- tion.
identified with the third factor (r = rately, however, in the subsequent
.81). Authoritarianism and social re- analyses. The remaining coeffi- Correlates of Attitudes
strictiveness are approximately cients in the lower right of the Toward the Mentally III
equally correlated with the first matrix show the low correlation
factor and, to a lesser extent, with among the factor scales. This is an The theoretical framework for the
the fourth factor. This provides artifact of the algorithm, which Toronto study (Dear and Taylor

Table 3. Scale validities1


Authoritarianism -.63 .72 -.64 .73 -.25 -.34 .51

Benevolence — -.65 .65 -.45 .33 .81 -.31

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restrictiveness — -.77 .72 -.49 -.32 .46
Community mental health
ideology — -.49 .86 .33 -.34
Factor 1 — -.13 -.07 .06
Factor 2 — .10 -.11
Factor 3 — -.12
Factor 4 —

Pearson correlation coefficients
(n = 1,090).

1979, chapter 2) is that attitudes measured by four variables: sex, relate attitudes to population
toward the mentally ill are a func- age, marital status, and number of characteristics with nominal prop-
tion of a combination of personal children in three age groups erties are based on a difference of
characteristics including (under 6, 6 to 18, and over 18). means test (t test) where the
socioeconomic status, life cycle Socioeconomic status was meas- characteristic has two categories
state, and personal beliefs and ured in conventional terms by (e.g., sex), and a one-way analysis
values. Existing research on at- educational level, occupational of variance (F test) where there are
titudes toward the mentally ill status (both respondent and head more than two categories (e.g.,
provides some support for the im- of household) and household in- marital status). Relationships be-
portance of these factors (see Rab- come, and in addition, by tenure tween population characteristics
kin 1974). The same theoretical status. Personal beliefs and values measured on an ordinal scale (e.g.,
framework shows that attitudes were not measured directly. A household income) and attitudes
toward the mentally ill are the proxy measure is included in terms toward the mentally ill are tested
major influence on reactions to of church attendance and denomi- i by nonparametric correlation
mental health facilities. The con- national affiliation. Also included (Kendall's tau). Finally, relation-
struct and predictive validity of the as a factor affecting beliefs and at- ships involving characteristics with
attitude scales within this theoreti- titudes toward the mentally ill is a interval properties (e.g., age) are
cal framework can therefore be measure of familiarity with mental tested by parametric correlation
examined by analyzing their re- illness based on whether the re- (Pearson's r).
lationship with, on the one hand, spondent or his/her friends or rela-
Five of the six demographic vari-
various personal characteristics tives had ever used mental health
ables examined show relatively
and, on the other, measures of re- services of any kind.
strong relationships with the four
sponse to mental health facilities. attitude scales, the exception being
The variables used in the analy-
sis represent different levels of number of children over 18 (table
Personal Characteristics and At- measurement—nominal, ordinal, 4). Consistent with previous
titudes Toward the Mentally 111. and interval/ratio. The specific studies, older residents report less
Three subsets of personal charac- measurement properties of the sympathetic attitudes toward the
teristics were distinguished for this paired combination of variables de- mentally ill. This pattern occurs for
analysis: demographic, socio- termine the statistical test used. all four scales. Older respondents
economic, and belief variables. The CAMI scales are assumed to in the Toronto sample are in gen-
Demographic characteristics were have interval properties. Tests that eral more authoritarian, less be-
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 233

Table 4. Demographic variables and attitudes toward the mentally ill

Attitude scales

Demographic Social

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variables Authoritarianism Benevolence restrictiveness CMHI

Age' .20** -.18*** .32*** -.21***

# Children < 6 1 .08** -.09* .07** - . 1 1 * **
# Children 6-181 .08** -.09* .10" -.13* **
# Children > 181 .06* -.03 NS) .03 (NS) -.04 (NS)
Sex2 2.65* -4.56* 1.82 (NS) -3.02* *
["F = 36.2~| ("F = 21.2"| f F = 37.1~| I" F = 23.0~|
IM = 35.4J IM = 22.5J IM = 36.4 J \_M = 24.2 J
Marital 10.87* _ 6.12* _ 16.42*** _ _ 12.13*
status3 Married = 35.3 Married == 22.3~f Married = 36.0 Married = 24.5
Single = 37.1 Single == 20.8 Single = 38.6 Single = 21.7
Widowed = 33.7 Widowed == 22.2 Widowed = 34.3 Widowed = 24.3
Divorced = 37.2 Divorced == 20.6 Divorced = 38.3 Divorced = 21.9
Separated = 36.3 Separated == 20.5 Separated = 37.1 Separated = 21.9

Group means are shown in brackets. ""Significant at .001 level.

' Pearson's r. "Significant at .01 level.
f statistic. 'Significant at .05 level.
F statistic. NS—Not significant at .05 level.

nevolent, more socially restrictive, ferences in part reflect the age graphic characteristics on attitudes
and less community mental health variation already observed and the toward the mentally ill are both
oriented in their views. effects of number and ages of chil- statistically significant and consist-
Stronger effects for sex are dren. ent in their direction. The variables
found for these data than for re- The number of children under 6 included here, excepting sex, rep-
sults reported in previous studies. years and the number between 5 resent in combination a measure of
The direction of the effect shows and 18 years show very similar ef- life-cycle status. The conclusion is
more sympathetic attitudes among fects, the latter being marginally therefore that attitudes toward the
female respondents. This emerges stronger. In both cases, re- mentally ill vary significantly by
on three of the four scales. No sig- spondents with children in these life-cycle stage.
nificant difference occurs for social age groups are generally more au- Four of the five socioeconomic
restrictiveness. thoritarian and socially restrictive measures show strong and consist-
Highly significant differences are and correspondingly less benevo- ent relationships with the attitude
found among marital status groups lent and community mental health scales, the exception being house-
on all four scales. Examination of oriented. The lack of significant ef- hold income (table 5). The ob-
the group mean on each scale re- fects for number of children over served direction of the relation-
veals the pattern of the effect. A 18 supports the expectation that ships confirms previous findings:
basic distinction emerges between parents with older families will more sympathetic attitudes are
the married and widowed groups have fewer concerns about the characteristic of higher status resi-
and those single, separated, or mentally ill and their children's dents. This conclusion applies
divorced—the former expressing possible contact with them. when status is measured in either
the less sympathetic attitudes on Taken together, these results in- educational or occupational terms,
each of the four scales. These dif- dicate that the effects of demo- though the relationships are

Table 5. Effects of socioeconomic variables on attitudes toward the mentally ill

Attitudei scales
variables Authoritarianism Benevolence Restrictiveness CMHI

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Education1 -.27*** .17*** -.22*** .16***
(respondent)1 -.21*** .09*** -.12*** .08***
(head)1 -.19*** .08*** -.10*** .08***
income1 -.11*** .03 (NS) -.06** .01 (NS)
Tenure2 -3.64*** 4.60*** -5.25*** 7.35***
["Owners = 35.3~| ["Owners = 22.3~| [Owners = 36.0~l ("Owners = 24.7"l
[.Renters = 36.5j [.Renters = 20.9j [.Renters = 37.8J [Renters = 21.9.J

Group means are shown in brackets. "'Significant at .001 level. 'Significant at .05 level.
Kendall's tau "Significant at .01 level. NS—Not significant at .05 level.
t statistic

somewhat stronger for the educa- for church attendance is that reg- themselves had used mental health
tion variable. Relationships with ular attenders are, on average, less services or whose friends or rela-
income, the third conventional sympathetic in their views, tend- tives had used them expressed
measure of socioeconomic status, ing to be more authoritarian and more sympathetic attitudes on all
are weaker and for two scales, be- socially restrictive and less be- four scales. Personal experience of
nevolence and CMHI, are not sig- nevolent and community mental mental health care, whether direct
nificant. This finding indicates that health oriented. As could be ex- or indirect, therefore has a signifi-
household income varies some- pected, regular attenders in gen- cant effect on subsequent attitudes
what differently within the popu- eral hold more conservative views. toward the mentally ill and the
lation than does education or occu- Among attenders, however, there provision of mental health serv-
pation and that income is the least are significant denominational dif- ices.
effective as a discriminator of at- ferences for two of the scales. Of
titudes toward the mentally ill. the 13 major denominational Considered overall, the pattern
The significant effect of tenure groups distinguished in the sur- of these relationships provides fur-
status confirms the expectation vey, the Pentecostal and Greek Or- ther support for the construct val-
that owners generally hold less thodox groups emerge as the most idity of the attitude scales. The re-
sympathetic attitudes than renters, authoritarian in contrast to the lationships are consistent with the
possibly reflecting their greater Baptists and Salvation Army, who hypotheses derived from the un-
vested interest in protecting their expressed the least authoritarian derlying theoretical framework
daily life environment. views. Correspondingly, the Bap- and are also similar to those re-
Within the subset of belief vari- tist, together with United Church, ported in previous studies in
ables, church attendance and adherents held the most benevo- which the personal correlates of at-
familiarity with mental health care lent attitudes, again in contrast to titudes toward the mentally ill
show significant relationships with the least benevolent views of the have been examined. These re-
all four attitude scales (table 6). Pentecostal and Greek Orthodox sults, however, go beyond those
Religious denomination has a sig- members. previously reported in that a
nificant effect on only the au- broader range of personal charac-
thoritarianism and benevolence In terms of familiarity with men- teristics was included in the
scales. The direction of the effect tal health care, respondents who analysis.
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 235

Table 6. Effects of belief variables on attitudes toward the mentally' ill

Attitude scales
variables Authoritarianism Benevolence Restrictiveness CMHI

Downloaded from by guest on June 6, 2013

Church attendance1 6.07*** -3.02** 5.53*** -4.27**
I" No =36.5] [ N o = 21.41 [ No = 37.5] [ N o = 22.9]
|_Yes = 34.7J [Yes = 22.3J [Yes = 35.6J [Yes = 24.6j
denomination2 3.97*** _ 2.28** 1.49 (NS) 1.07 (NS)
Anglican = 36.2 Anglican = 21.7
Baptist = 36.9 Baptist = 20.1
Greek Orthodox = 30.5 Greek Orthodox = 26.2
Jewish = 35.6 Jewish = 21.1
Lutheran = 33.5 Lutheran = 22.4
Mennonite = 37.0 Mennonite = 23.0
Pentecostal = 27.3 Pentecostal = 21.3
Presbyterian = 35.5 Presbyterian = 21.6
Roman Catholic = 34.1 Roman Catholic = 22.9
Salvation Army = 37.0 Salvation Army = 21.7
Ukrainian Catholic = 34.9 Ukrainian Catholic = 21.9
United = 36.8 United = 20.8
Other = 32.8 Other = 23.6
with mental
health care1 -9.23*** 8.25*** -10.09*** 8.72***
[ No = 34.6] [ No = 22.8] [ No = 35.4] [No = 24.9]
LYes = 37.6J [Yes = 20.4J LYes = 38.7J LYes = 21.6j
Group means are shown in brackets. '"Significant at .001 level. * Significant at .05 level.
U statistic. "Significant at .01 level. NS—Not significant at .05 level.
F statistic.

Attitudes Toward the Mentally 111 of the Toronto respondents spondents aware of an existing
and Reactions to Mental Health (n = 1,090) rated the desirability of facility in their neighborhood were
Facilities. The relationship be- having a hypothetical facility lo- asked whether they were in favor
tween attitudes toward the men- cated within three different dis- of, opposed to, or indifferent to-
tally ill and reactions to mental tances of their home: within 1 ward it. If opposed, they were
health facilities can be dealt with block, 2 to 6 blocks, and 7 to 12 asked, using the same list, what
more briefly because we have dis- blocks. Ratings were on a 9-point actions they had taken. It is re-
cussed them in detail elsewhere labeled scale ranging from "ex- vealing that only 132 respondents
(Taylor et al. 1979). The purpose tremely desirable" to "extremely were aware of a facility in their
of examining these relationships in undesirable." For each facility- neighborhood, even through 384
the context of this article is to es- distance combination rated to any were selected on the basis of living
tablish the predictive validity of degree undesirable, respondents within a quarter mile of one.
the four scales. were asked what, if any, action The general hypothesis that
For this analysis, reactions to they would most likely take in op- reactions to facilities are related to
facilities were measured in both at- position. They were shown a list of attitudes toward the mentally ill
titudinal and behavioral terms. All nine possible actions (table 7). Re- was tested first by correlating

Table 7. Behavioral intentions scale Considered by distance zone,

the correlations again show a con-
Nothing 1. Oppose and do nothing sistent pattern. For each scale, the
2. Oppose and write to newspaper coefficients increase with decreas-
Individual ing distance. This suggests that the
action 3. Oppose and contact politician
variation in desirability ratings be-

Downloaded from by guest on June 6, 2013

4. Oppose and contact other government official
5. Oppose and sign petition
comes increasingly systematic as
the distance between facility and
6. Oppose and attend meeting
Group action residence decreases. As a result,
7. Oppose and join protest group
attitudes toward the mentally ill
8. Oppose and form protest group
best predict the judged desirability
Move 9. Oppose and consider moving of facility locations within a block
of home.
For the analysis of relationships
scores on the four scales with the sirability ratings is social restrictive- between attitudes toward the men-
facility desirability ratings for the ness. This scale expresses the view tally ill and intended opposition to
three distance zones. The correla- that the mentally ill pose a threat facilities, the nine possible actions
tions (table 8) show highly signifi- to society and that their activities were reduced to four categories: no
cant relationships between all four should therefore be closely con- action, individual action, group ac-
scales and the three separate de- trolled and supervised. Those tion, and consider moving (table
sirability ratings. Considered by holding a pro-social restrictiveness 8). The pattern of the relationships
attitude scale, the highest coeffi- view would be predicted as judg- from the analyses of variance
cient occurs for CMHI—the scale ing neighborhood mental health (table 9) is similar to that just de-
most directly concerned with facilities as undesirable, and this is scribed for the desirability ratings.
community mental health. The confirmed by the negative signs of The relationships are strongest for
positive sign of the coefficients for the coefficients. The coefficients CMHI and for the nearest distance
CMHI is consistent with the for authoritarianism and benevolence zone. None of the four scales are
hypothesis that facility locations are slightly lower, but their signs significantly related to intended
will be judged more desirable by confirm the working hypotheses. actions for the 7-12 block zone.
those expressing pro- CMHI senti- Pro-authoritarian views are as- For the other two zones, benevo-
ments. sociated with less favorable ratings lence is the only scale that is not
of facilities, and pro-benevolent significantly related.
After CMHI, the scale most sentiments coincide with more Examining the mean scale scores
strongly correlated with the de- favorable ratings. for the four categories of intended
action reveals the pattern of the
significant relationships. For
1 example, in the case of the re-
Table 8. Relationships between attitudes and judged lationship with CMHI for the
desirability of potential facility nearest distance zone, those in-
tending no action are on average
Distance zone the most pro-CMH7, followed in
order of describing community
Scale 7-12 blocks 2-6 blocks <1 block mental health orientation by those
intending a group action, those in-
Authoritarianism -.28 -.36 -.40 tending an individual action, and
Benevolence .33 .36 .40 those who would consider moving.
Social restrictiveness -.34 -.44 -.48 The fact that the most community
Community mental health ideology .45 .57 .61 mental health oriented would do
nothing, and the least so would
Pearson correlation coefficients. All coefficients are significant beyond .001 level. consider moving, provides further
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 237

Table 9. Relationships 1 between attitudes and behavioral intentions

Distance zones
7-12 blocks 2-6 blocks < 1 block
Scale (n =128) (n = 255) (n = 404)

Downloaded from by guest on June 6, 2013

Authoritarianism .74 (NS) 4.09** 9.86***
Nothing = 34.3 Nothing =34.1
Individual action = 32.2 Individual action = 33.9
Group action = 32.9 Group action = 34.6
Move = 30.9 Move = 31.4
Benevolence .56 (NS) 1.12 (NS) 2.03 (NS)
Social restrictiveness .91 (NS) 2.63* 12.24***
Nothing = 34.4 Nothing = 35.o"
Individual action = 32.4 Individual action = 34.7
Group action = 32.7 Group action = 34.8
Move = 31.1 Move = 31.0
Community mental health ideology 1.87 (NS) 7.23*** ~_ • 14.51*** Z
Nothing = 27.0 Nothing = 26.0
Individual action = 29.7 Individual action = 27.6
Group action = 30.6 Group action = 27.6
Move = 31.9 Move = 31.3

Group means are shown in brackets. "F probability < .05.

Figures shown are F statistics. "F probability < .01.
NS— F probability > .05. "'F probability < .001.

support for the predictive validity were classified into three groups: evidence for the predictive validity
of the CMHI scale. The ordering of in favor of (n = 95); indifferent of all four scales. For each of the
the category means is equally con- toward (n = 19); and opposed to response variables, the strongest
sistent for the other two scales ( n =18). Mean scores on each of validation occurs for the CMHI
having significant relationships the attitude scales were signifi- scale—a finding that is to be ex-
with intended action. For example, cantly different for the three pected, and indeed hoped for,
the category means on social re- groups (table 10). Relationships are given the explicit community em-
strictiveness, again for the nearest again strongest for CMHI followed phasis of this dimension of at-
distance zone, show those who by social restrictiveness, benevolence, titudes toward the mentally ill.
would consider moving as holding and authoritarianism. For CMHI Similarly, the repeated emergence
the most socially restrictive at- and benevolence, the highest mean of social restrictiveness as the sec-
titudes, followed by those intend- scores are for the "in favor" group, ond most powerful predictor is
ing individual action, group ac- and the lowest means are for the consistent with the content domain
tion, and no action—the exact re- "opposed" group. The reverse for that scale, which emphasizes
verse of the ordering observed for holds for the authoritarianism and the potential dangerousness of the
the CMHI scale. social restrictiveness scales. mentally ill and the importance of
A final analysis of variance was The strength, direction, and maintaining social distance from
performed to test the relationships consistency of the relationships be- them. The weaker predictive
between the four attitude scales tween the attitude scales and the power for the benevolence scale,
and attitudes toward existing different measures of response to most apparent for the relationships
facilities. The respondents who hypothetical and existing mental with intended opposition to
were aware of a facility (n = 132) health facilities provide strong facilities, suggests a transcendent

sympathetic attitude toward the Table 10. Relationships1 between attitudes and reactions to
mentally ill, which conceals impor- existing facility2
tant attitudinal variations exposed
by the other scales. Taken to- Scale Reaction to facility
gether, these results are very en-

Downloaded from by guest on June 6, 2013

couraging not only in terms of Authoritarianism 8.58***
scale validation but also in terms of Favor =
their potential usefulness in future Oppose =
studies of community attitudes Indifferent =
toward the mentally ill and mental Benevolence 9.81***
health facilities. f Favor = ;
Oppose = :
Conclusions [indifferent = ;
Social restrictiveness 12.94***
In the Toronto study, the de- Favor =
velopment of scales to measure Oppose =:
community attitudes toward the Indifferent = :
mentally ill originated in the geo- Community mental health ideology 21.94***
graphic problem of explaining spa- I" Favor = ;
tial variations in public response to Oppose = ;
mental health facilities. Four [indifferent = ;
existing scales were the basis for
constructing a new set of scales Group means are shown in brackets.
representing the following four 'Figures are F statistics.
dimensions of community at- 2
Analysis based on respondents aware of a facility in their neighborhood (n = 132).
titudes: authoritarianism, benevo- '"F probability < .001.
lence, social restrictiveness, and
community mental health ideology. ined in two ways within the (Dear and Taylor 1979). It remains
These scales differ from the origi- theoretical framework for the To- for future studies to establish the
nals in two main respects: first, by ronto study. Construct validity applicability of the CAMI scales
their emphasis on those facets of was assessed by analyzing re- beyond the Toronto situation, al-
the content domain of each scale lationships between the attitude though there is no a priori basis for
that relate most directly to com- scales and a range of personal questioning their generalizability.
munity contact with the mentally characteristics. Predictive validity The Toronto study is cross-
ill; and second, by the statements' was tested by analyzing relation- sectional and provides no basis for
being worded with a general pub- ships between the scales and vari- establishing how sensitive the
lic rather than professional sample ous measures of response to men- scales might be as indices of at-
in mind. tal health facilities. In both cases, titude change. It is planned to use
The internal and external valid- the strength, direction, and consis- the same scales in a study of com-
ity of the CAMI scales was exten- tency of the relationships provided munity attitudes before and after
sively analyzed using both the pre- strong support for the external the opening of a neighborhood
test and final data sets for the To- validity of the CAMI scales. mental health facility. This will in-
ronto study. Weak items identified The theoretical and practical sig- troduce a longitudinal dimension
in the pretest were replaced before nificance of the CAMI scales is well whereby changes in attitude can be
the major data collection phase. demonstrated in the Toronto study monitored and the usefulness of
High levels of internal validity where these measures of attitudes the scales for monitoring changes
were shown for the final scales toward the mentally ill are basic to can be established.
based on item-scale correlations, the explanation and prediction of The Toronto data provide only a
alpha coefficients, and factor anal- individual and community re- limited basis for analyzing
ysis. External validity was exam- sponses to mental health facilities attitude-behavior relationships. As
VOL. 7, NO. 2, 1981 239

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