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The COVID-19 pandemic has a big effect on us.

Every one of
us has been affected by this pandemic. My father is a frontline
volunteer. Every time that he will go out to help and volunteer,
we always have this worriedness and heavy heart every time that
he will leave. Because we are scared and afraid of what might
happen to him, there are many "what ifs" running through our
heads. But at the end of the day, my father came home safe and
sound without COVID 19. It became our routine over the past
year. But, time came, and my father got diagnosed with COVID
19. It was so hard for us. We know that my father is not a
healthy man. That’s why it was very heavy on our hearts to
learn about his condition. My father was sent to the quarantine
facility. Since then, our house has become more empty than
before. Our house feels so eerie to live in. But we don't have a
choice because we also need to be quarantined for safety
protocols. So the plan that I was about to travel to Nueva Ecija
to study was postponed. In those days when we were
quarantined, we felt lonely and horrible. But thanks be to God.
My father survived and has now recovered from COVID-19.
What we experienced was very challenging and heavy in our
hearts. But it made us seek comfort and love from our loved
ones, which has made us have a deeper connection to each
other. We learned from our experience that if we choose to fight
our challenges together, it will make the challenges easier than
they are. If we choose to think positively, we can conquer all the
problems that we have. We can't control what will happen, but
sometimes it's only a battle of the mind.

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