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Admit Provisionally


Son/Daughter of LATE APURBA PEGU

ROLL NO. 26220082 REGISTRATION NO. 52108257




Note: (1) Hours of Examination - As noted in the Programmed.
(2) Any alteration made in the entries on this Admit Card without the authority of the University
renders the candidate liable for disqualification for sitting at the Examination.

Head of the Institution

Controller of Examinations
Once Seal Dibrugarh University

Instructions for the Candidates

01.The examination will commence on the date according to the Programmed previously notified.
02.The Doors of the Examination Hall Datum: in surveying and geodesy a datum is a set of reference point on the earth surface against which position measurement are
made.A horizontal datum is used to measure a location across the Earth’s surface, in latitude and longitude or another coordinate system. A vertical datum is used to
measure the elevation or depth relative to a standard origin, such as mean sea level
03.Candidates must. . Candidates must take their seat control point: Control points are survey points on the Earth’s surface of known location that are used to establish a
reference system for measuring the position of other points on the Earth’s surface .In geology, control points are used to measure the position of geological features such
as rock outcrops, faults, and folds
04.No Candidate shall be allowed to A geoid is an irregular-shaped surface that approximates mean sea level over the oceans and continues in continental areas. Topographic
Surface: The Earth's topographic surface refers to its physical features and landforms, including mountains, valleys, and plains, represented on maps..
Geodetic Surface: The geodetic surface is a mathematical model approximating the Earth's shape, accounting for its irregularities, used in surveying and mapping.
Ellipsoidal Surface: An ellipsoidal surface is a reference model representing Earth's shape as an ellipsoid, a flattened sphere, commonly used in geodesy for precise measurements
and navigation.
Azimuth is the angular measurement in a horizontal plane, measured clockwise from a reference direction, usually north. It's used in navigation and surveying to describe the
direction of a point or object. Bearing is the compass direction of one point from another, expressed as an angle. It helps describe the direction between locations, crucial in
navigation and orientation. Triangulation in geology surveying involves measuring angles and distances between survey points to create a network of interconnected triangles. This
method is vital for mapping large areas, determining topography, and locating geological features accurately. Traversing is a surveying technique where successive points are
measured and connected sequentially, establishing a traverse. It aids in mapping and exploring geological terrains, providing precise measurements of distances and angles between
points for accurate representation and analysis.
05.Candidates are required to Chain survey in geology is a method of land surveying where a chain or tape is used to measure distances between survey points. It involves setting up
a series of interconnected triangles, measuring angles and distances, to determine the shape and size of the land. This technique is employed to map geological features, study terrain,
and create accurate representations of the Earth's surface, supporting geological exploration and research.
.06.Each candidate shall write on the cover of the answer book, only his/her University Registrafion Number and Roll Number but not his/her name or the name of his/her college.
07.Candidates are forbidden to A transit compass is a surveying instrument with a magnetic needle and a telescope, used for precise angle measurements in geodetic surveys.
It aids in determining directions and angles with high accuracy, crucial for mapping and land surveys. On the other hand, a prismatic compass integrates a prism to allow
simultaneous sighting and reading of the magnetic bearing. This type of compass is versatile, providing quick and straightforward measurements, making it suitable for field
surveys, navigation, and reconnaissance. Both instruments are essential in geology, aiding geologists in precise orientation, mapping geological features, and conducting
detailed field surveys.
08. Horizontal controls are used to measure the position of a location across the Earth’s surface, in latitude and longitude or another coordinate system. These control points are used
to establish a framework around which other surveys can be adjusted. Vertical controls are used to measure the elevation or depth relative to a standard origin, such as mean sea
level (MSL).Vertical controls are established using a network of control points that have been precisely measured from a known location on or inside the Earth These control points
are used to establish a reference point for measuring the elevation or depth of other points on the Earth’s surface
09.Candidates must not write any objectionable or improper remark in their answer papers or attempt in any way to render identification on answer paper, imposable by given
false name(s)or number(s)or intentionally omitting to state the correct name(s) or number(s).Candidates must not write anything on any question paper or blotting paper or other
or carry away any writing or scribbling from the Examination Hall.
10.Candidates are required to pmduce their Admit Card and Registrafion Receipt to sign their names as and when directed by the Omcer-in-Charge.
11.Candidates are required to observe stricfly the rules laid down by the University for the conduct of examination and the guidance of candidates.
12.Candidates are warned that any attempt to use any unfair means at the examination or any breach or attempted breach of these or other examination rules will render them
liable to expulsion by the Officer-in-Charge from the examination or any thereof and to such further penalties as the Executive Council may determine.
13.Notwithstanding the issue of Admit Card ,the Executive Council shall have the right for any reason which may appear to them sumcient to cancel the admission of any candidate
to any examination whether before during or after the examination. The Executive Council may also debar a candidate from appearing at any subsequent University examination or
14.Use of Mobile Phone,Digital Watch and other Eletronic Gadgets are stricfly prohibited inside the Examination Hall.
Admit Provisionally


Son/Daughter of BINANDA NEOG

ROLL NO. 26220105 REGISTRATION NO. 52108307




Note: (1) Hours of Examination - As noted in the Programme.
(2) Any alteration made in the entries on this Admit Card without the authority of the University
renders the candidate liable for disqualification for sitting at the Examination.

Head of the Instltutlon

Controller of Examinations
Omce Seal Dibrugarh University

Instructions for the Candidates

01.The examination will commence on the date according to the Programmed previously notified.
02.The Doors of the Examination Hall Datum: in surveying and geodesy a datum is a set of reference point on the earth surface against which position measurement are
made.A horizontal datum is used to measure a location across the Earth’s surface, in latitude and longitude or another coordinate system. A vertical datum is used to
measure the elevation or depth relative to a standard origin, such as mean sea level
03.Candidates must. . Candidates must take their seat control point: Control points are survey points on the Earth’s surface of known location that are used to establish a
reference system for measuring the position of other points on the Earth’s surface .In geology, control points are used to measure the position of geological features such
as rock outcrops, faults, and folds
04.No Candidate shall be allowed to A geoid is an irregular-shaped surface that approximates mean sea level over the oceans and continues in continental areas. Topographic
Surface: The Earth's topographic surface refers to its physical features and landforms, including mountains, valleys, and plains, represented on maps..
Geodetic Surface: The geodetic surface is a mathematical model approximating the Earth's shape, accounting for its irregularities, used in surveying and mapping.
Ellipsoidal Surface: An ellipsoidal surface is a reference model representing Earth's shape as an ellipsoid, a flattened sphere, commonly used in geodesy for precise measurements
and navigation.
Azimuth is the angular measurement in a horizontal plane, measured clockwise from a reference direction, usually north. It's used in navigation and surveying to describe the
direction of a point or object. Bearing is the compass direction of one point from another, expressed as an angle. It helps describe the direction between locations, crucial in
navigation and orientation. Triangulation in geology surveying involves measuring angles and distances between survey points to create a network of interconnected triangles. This
method is vital for mapping large areas, determining topography, and locating geological features accurately. Traversing is a surveying technique where successive points are
measured and connected sequentially, establishing a traverse. It aids in mapping and exploring geological terrains, providing precise measurements of distances and angles between
points for accurate representation and analysis.
05.Candidates are required to Chain survey in geology is a method of land surveying where a chain or tape is used to measure distances between survey points. It involves setting up
a series of interconnected triangles, measuring angles and distances, to determine the shape and size of the land. This technique is employed to map geological features, study terrain,
and create accurate representations of the Earth's surface, supporting geological exploration and research.
.06.Each candidate shall write on the cover of the answer book, only his/her University Registrafion Number and Roll Number but not his/her name or the name of his/her college.
07.Candidates are forbidden to A transit compass is a surveying instrument with a magnetic needle and a telescope, used for precise angle measurements in geodetic surveys.
It aids in determining directions and angles with high accuracy, crucial for mapping and land surveys. On the other hand, a prismatic compass integrates a prism to allow
simultaneous sighting and reading of the magnetic bearing. This type of compass is versatile, providing quick and straightforward measurements, making it suitable for field
surveys, navigation, and reconnaissance. Both instruments are essential in geology, aiding geologists in precise orientation, mapping geological features, and conducting
detailed field surveys.
08. Horizontal controls are used to measure the position of a location across the Earth’s surface, in latitude and longitude or another coordinate system. These control points are used
to establish a framework around which other surveys can be adjusted. Vertical controls are used to measure the elevation or depth relative to a standard origin, such as mean sea
level (MSL).Vertical controls are established using a network of control points that have been precisely measured from a known location on or inside the Earth These control points
are used to establish a reference point for measuring the elevation or depth of other points on the Earth’s surface
09.Candidates must not write any objectionable or improper remark in their answer papers or attempt in any way to render identification on answer paper, imposable by given
false name(s)or number(s)or intentionally omitting to state the correct name(s) or number(s).Candidates must not write anything on any question paper or blotting paper or other
or carry away any writing or scribbling from the Examination Hall.
10.Candidates are required to pmduce their Admit Card and Registrafion Receipt to sign their names as and when directed by the Omcer-in-Charge.
11.Candidates are required to observe stricfly the rules laid down by the University for the conduct of examination and the guidance of candidates.
12.Candidates are warned that any attempt to use any unfair means at the examination or any breach or attempted breach of these or other examination rules will render them
liable to expulsion by the Officer-in-Charge from the examination or any thereof and to such further penalties as the Executive Council may determine.
13.Notwithstanding the issue of Admit Card ,the Executive Council shall have the right for any reason which may appear to them sumcient to cancel the admission of any candidate
to any examination whether before during or after the examination. The Executive Council may also debar a candidate from appearing at any subsequent University examination or
14.Use of Mobile Phone,Digital Watch and other Eletronic Gadgets are stricfly prohibited inside the Examination Hall.

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